package base

import (
	log ""

type DriverConfig struct {
	Name          string
	OnlyProxy     bool // 必须使用代理(本机或者其他机器)
	OnlyLocal     bool // 必须本机返回的
	ApiProxy      bool // 使用API中转的
	NoNeedSetLink bool // 不需要设置链接的
	NoCors        bool // 不可以跨域
	LocalSort     bool // 本地排序

type Args struct {
	Path string
	IP   string

type Driver interface {
	// Config 配置
	Config() DriverConfig
	// Items 账号所需参数
	Items() []Item
	// Save 保存时处理
	Save(account *model.Account, old *model.Account) error
	// File 取文件
	File(path string, account *model.Account) (*model.File, error)
	// Files 取文件夹
	Files(path string, account *model.Account) ([]model.File, error)
	// Link 取链接
	Link(args Args, account *model.Account) (*Link, error)
	// Path 取路径(文件或文件夹)
	Path(path string, account *model.Account) (*model.File, []model.File, error)
	// Deprecated Proxy 代理处理
	//Proxy(r *http.Request, account *model.Account)
	// Preview 预览
	Preview(path string, account *model.Account) (interface{}, error)
	// MakeDir 创建文件夹
	MakeDir(path string, account *model.Account) error
	// Move 移动/改名
	Move(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error
	// Rename 改名
	Rename(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error
	// Copy 拷贝
	Copy(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error
	// Delete 删除
	Delete(path string, account *model.Account) error
	// Upload 上传
	Upload(file *model.FileStream, account *model.Account) error
	// TODO
	//Search(path string, keyword string, account *model.Account) ([]*model.File, error)

type Item struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Label       string `json:"label"`
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	Default     string `json:"default"`
	Values      string `json:"values"`
	Required    bool   `json:"required"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

var driversMap = map[string]Driver{}

func RegisterDriver(driver Driver) {
	log.Infof("register driver: [%s]", driver.Config().Name)
	driversMap[driver.Config().Name] = driver

func GetDriver(name string) (driver Driver, ok bool) {
	driver, ok = driversMap[name]

func GetDriversMap() map[string]Driver {
	return driversMap

func GetDrivers() map[string][]Item {
	res := make(map[string][]Item)
	for k, v := range driversMap {
		if v.Config().OnlyProxy {
			res[k] = v.Items()
		} else {
			res[k] = append([]Item{
				//	Name:        "allow_proxy",
				//	Label:       "allow_proxy",
				//	Type:        TypeBool,
				//	Required:    true,
				//	Description: "allow proxy",
					Name:        "proxy",
					Label:       "proxy",
					Type:        TypeBool,
					Required:    true,
					Description: "web proxy",
					Name:        "webdav_proxy",
					Label:       "webdav proxy",
					Type:        TypeBool,
					Required:    true,
					Description: "Transfer the WebDAV of this account through the server",
					Name:        "webdav_direct",
					Label:       "webdav direct",
					Type:        TypeBool,
					Required:    true,
					Description: "Transfer the WebDAV of this account through the native",
			}, v.Items()...)
		res[k] = append([]Item{
				Name:  "down_proxy_url",
				Label: "down_proxy_url",
				Type:  TypeString,
				Name:   "extract_folder",
				Label:  "extract_folder",
				Values: "front,back",
				Type:   TypeSelect,
		}, res[k]...)
		if v.Config().ApiProxy {
			res[k] = append([]Item{
					Name:  "api_proxy_url",
					Label: "api_proxy_url",
					Type:  TypeString,
			}, res[k]...)
		if v.Config().LocalSort {
			res[k] = append(res[k], []Item{
					Name:     "order_by",
					Label:    "order_by",
					Type:     TypeSelect,
					Values:   "name,size,updated_at",
					Required: false,
					Name:     "order_direction",
					Label:    "order_direction",
					Type:     TypeSelect,
					Values:   "ASC,DESC",
					Required: false,
	return res

var NoRedirectClient *resty.Client
var RestyClient = resty.New()
var HttpClient = &http.Client{}
var UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36"
var DefaultTimeout = time.Second * 20

func init() {
	NoRedirectClient = resty.New().SetRedirectPolicy(
		resty.RedirectPolicyFunc(func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
			return http.ErrUseLastResponse
	NoRedirectClient.SetHeader("user-agent", UserAgent)
	RestyClient.SetHeader("user-agent", UserAgent)