const HOST = "YOUR_HOST"; const TOKEN = "YOUR_TOKEN"; const corsHeaders = { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS", "Access-Control-Max-Age": "86400", }; !function(a){"use strict";function b(a,b){var c=(65535&a)+(65535&b),d=(a>>16)+(b>>16)+(c>>16);return d<<16|65535&c}function c(a,b){return a<>>32-b}function d(a,d,e,f,g,h){return b(c(b(b(d,a),b(f,h)),g),e)}function e(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b&c|~b&e,a,b,f,g,h)}function f(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b&e|c&~e,a,b,f,g,h)}function g(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b^c^e,a,b,f,g,h)}function h(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(c^(b|~e),a,b,f,g,h)}function i(a,c){a[c>>5]|=128<>>9<<4)+14]=c;var d,i,j,k,l,m=1732584193,n=-271733879,o=-1732584194,p=271733878;for(d=0;d>5]>>>b%32&255);return c}function k(a){var b,c=[];for(c[(a.length>>2)-1]=void 0,b=0;b>5]|=(255&a.charCodeAt(b/8))<16&&(e=i(e,8*a.length)),c=0;16>c;c+=1)f[c]=909522486^e[c],g[c]=1549556828^e[c];return d=i(f.concat(k(b)),512+8*b.length),j(i(g.concat(d),640))}function n(a){var b,c,d="0123456789abcdef",e="";for(c=0;c>>4&15)+d.charAt(15&b);return e}function o(a){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))}function p(a){return l(o(a))}function q(a){return n(p(a))}function r(a,b){return m(o(a),o(b))}function s(a,b){return n(r(a,b))}function t(a,b,c){return b?c?r(b,a):s(b,a):c?p(a):q(a)}"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return t}):a.md5=t}(this); async function handleRequest(request) { const origin = request.headers.get("origin"); const url = new URL(request.url); const path = url.pathname; const sign = url.searchParams.get("sign"); const name = path.split("/").pop(); const right = md5(`alist-${TOKEN}-${name}`).slice(8, 24); if (sign !== right){ const resp = new Response( JSON.stringify({ code: 401, message: `sign mismatch`, }), { headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", }, } ); resp.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin); return resp; } let resp = await fetch(`${HOST}/api/admin/link`, { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", Authorization: TOKEN, }, body: JSON.stringify({ path: decodeURI(path), }), }); let res = await resp.json(); if (res.code !== 200) { return new Response(JSON.stringify(res)); } request = new Request(, request); if ( { for(const header of{ request.headers.set(, header.value); } } let response = await fetch(request); // Recreate the response so we can modify the headers response = new Response(response.body, response); // Set CORS headers response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin); // Append to/Add Vary header so browser will cache response correctly response.headers.append("Vary", "Origin"); return response; } function handleOptions(request) { // Make sure the necessary headers are present // for this to be a valid pre-flight request let headers = request.headers; if ( headers.get("Origin") !== null && headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Method") !== null // && headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Headers") !== null ) { // Handle CORS pre-flight request. // If you want to check or reject the requested method + headers // you can do that here. let respHeaders = { ...corsHeaders, // Allow all future content Request headers to go back to browser // such as Authorization (Bearer) or X-Client-Name-Version "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": request.headers.get( "Access-Control-Request-Headers" ), }; return new Response(null, { headers: respHeaders, }); } else { // Handle standard OPTIONS request. // If you want to allow other HTTP Methods, you can do that here. return new Response(null, { headers: { Allow: "GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS", }, }); } } addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { const request = event.request; // const url = new URL(request.url) if (request.method === "OPTIONS") { // Handle CORS preflight requests event.respondWith(handleOptions(request)); } else if ( request.method === "GET" || request.method === "HEAD" || request.method === "POST" ) { // Handle requests to the API server event.respondWith(handleRequest(request)); } else { event.respondWith( new Response(null, { status: 405, statusText: "Method Not Allowed", }) ); } });