package handles import ( "fmt" stdpath "path" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ListReq struct { common.PageReq Path string `json:"path" form:"path"` Password string `json:"password" form:"password"` Refresh bool `json:"refresh"` } type DirReq struct { Path string `json:"path" form:"path"` Password string `json:"password" form:"password"` } type ObjResp struct { Name string `json:"name"` Size int64 `json:"size"` IsDir bool `json:"is_dir"` Modified time.Time `json:"modified"` Sign string `json:"sign"` Thumb string `json:"thumb"` Type int `json:"type"` } type FsListResp struct { Content []ObjResp `json:"content"` Total int64 `json:"total"` Readme string `json:"readme"` Write bool `json:"write"` } func FsList(c *gin.Context) { var req ListReq if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 400) return } req.Validate() user := c.MustGet("user").(*model.User) req.Path = stdpath.Join(user.BasePath, req.Path) meta, err := db.GetNearestMeta(req.Path) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(errors.Cause(err), errs.MetaNotFound) { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500, true) return } } c.Set("meta", meta) if !canAccess(user, meta, req.Path, req.Password) { common.ErrorStrResp(c, "password is incorrect", 403) return } if !user.CanWrite() && !canWrite(meta, req.Path) && req.Refresh { common.ErrorStrResp(c, "Refresh without permission", 403) return } objs, err := fs.List(c, req.Path, req.Refresh) if err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } total, objs := pagination(objs, &req.PageReq) common.SuccessResp(c, FsListResp{ Content: toObjResp(objs, isEncrypt(meta, req.Path)), Total: int64(total), Readme: getReadme(meta, req.Path), Write: user.CanWrite() || canWrite(meta, req.Path), }) } func FsDirs(c *gin.Context) { var req DirReq if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 400) return } user := c.MustGet("user").(*model.User) req.Path = stdpath.Join(user.BasePath, req.Path) meta, err := db.GetNearestMeta(req.Path) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(errors.Cause(err), errs.MetaNotFound) { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500, true) return } } c.Set("meta", meta) if !canAccess(user, meta, req.Path, req.Password) { common.ErrorStrResp(c, "password is incorrect", 403) return } objs, err := fs.List(c, req.Path) if err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } dirs := filterDirs(objs) common.SuccessResp(c, dirs) } type DirResp struct { Name string `json:"name"` Modified time.Time `json:"modified"` } func filterDirs(objs []model.Obj) []DirResp { var dirs []DirResp for _, obj := range objs { if obj.IsDir() { dirs = append(dirs, DirResp{ Name: obj.GetName(), Modified: obj.ModTime(), }) } } return dirs } func getReadme(meta *model.Meta, path string) string { if meta != nil && (utils.PathEqual(meta.Path, path) || meta.RSub) { return meta.Readme } return "" } func canAccess(user *model.User, meta *model.Meta, path string, password string) bool { // if is not guest, can access if user.CanAccessWithoutPassword() { return true } // if meta is nil or password is empty, can access if meta == nil || meta.Password == "" { return true } // if meta doesn't apply to sub_folder, can access if !utils.PathEqual(meta.Path, path) && !meta.PSub { return true } // validate password return meta.Password == password } func isEncrypt(meta *model.Meta, path string) bool { if meta == nil || meta.Password == "" { return false } if !utils.PathEqual(meta.Path, path) && !meta.PSub { return false } return true } func pagination(objs []model.Obj, req *common.PageReq) (int, []model.Obj) { pageIndex, pageSize := req.Page, req.PerPage total := len(objs) start := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize if start > total { return total, []model.Obj{} } end := start + pageSize if end > total { end = total } return total, objs[start:end] } func toObjResp(objs []model.Obj, encrypt bool) []ObjResp { var resp []ObjResp for _, obj := range objs { thumb := "" if t, ok := obj.(model.Thumb); ok { thumb = t.Thumb() } tp := conf.FOLDER if !obj.IsDir() { tp = utils.GetFileType(obj.GetName()) } resp = append(resp, ObjResp{ Name: obj.GetName(), Size: obj.GetSize(), IsDir: obj.IsDir(), Modified: obj.ModTime(), Sign: common.Sign(obj, encrypt), Thumb: thumb, Type: tp, }) } return resp } type FsGetReq struct { Path string `json:"path" form:"path"` Password string `json:"password" form:"password"` } type FsGetResp struct { ObjResp RawURL string `json:"raw_url"` Readme string `json:"readme"` Provider string `json:"provider"` Related []ObjResp `json:"related"` } func FsGet(c *gin.Context) { var req FsGetReq if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 400) return } user := c.MustGet("user").(*model.User) req.Path = stdpath.Join(user.BasePath, req.Path) meta, err := db.GetNearestMeta(req.Path) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(errors.Cause(err), errs.MetaNotFound) { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } } c.Set("meta", meta) if !canAccess(user, meta, req.Path, req.Password) { common.ErrorStrResp(c, "password is incorrect", 403) return } obj, err := fs.Get(c, req.Path) if err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } var rawURL string storage, err := fs.GetStorage(req.Path) provider := "unknown" if err == nil { provider = storage.Config().Name } // file have raw url if !obj.IsDir() { if u, ok := obj.(model.URL); ok { rawURL = u.URL() } else { if err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } if storage.Config().MustProxy() || storage.GetStorage().WebProxy { if storage.GetStorage().DownProxyUrl != "" { rawURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s?sign=%s", strings.Split(storage.GetStorage().DownProxyUrl, "\n")[0], req.Path, sign.Sign(obj.GetName())) } else { rawURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/p%s?sign=%s", common.GetApiUrl(c.Request), utils.EncodePath(req.Path, true), sign.Sign(obj.GetName())) } } else { // if storage is not proxy, use raw url by fs.Link link, _, err := fs.Link(c, req.Path, model.LinkArgs{IP: c.ClientIP()}) if err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } rawURL = link.URL } } } var related []model.Obj parentPath := stdpath.Dir(req.Path) sameLevelFiles, err := fs.List(c, parentPath) if err == nil { related = filterRelated(sameLevelFiles, obj) } parentMeta, _ := db.GetNearestMeta(parentPath) common.SuccessResp(c, FsGetResp{ ObjResp: ObjResp{ Name: obj.GetName(), Size: obj.GetSize(), IsDir: obj.IsDir(), Modified: obj.ModTime(), Sign: common.Sign(obj, isEncrypt(meta, req.Path)), Type: utils.GetFileType(obj.GetName()), }, RawURL: rawURL, Readme: getReadme(meta, req.Path), Provider: provider, Related: toObjResp(related, isEncrypt(parentMeta, parentPath)), }) } func filterRelated(objs []model.Obj, obj model.Obj) []model.Obj { var related []model.Obj nameWithoutExt := strings.TrimSuffix(obj.GetName(), stdpath.Ext(obj.GetName())) for _, o := range objs { if o.GetName() == obj.GetName() { continue } if strings.HasPrefix(o.GetName(), nameWithoutExt) { related = append(related, o) } } return related } type FsOtherReq struct { model.FsOtherArgs Password string `json:"password" form:"password"` } func FsOther(c *gin.Context) { var req FsOtherReq if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 400) return } user := c.MustGet("user").(*model.User) req.Path = stdpath.Join(user.BasePath, req.Path) meta, err := db.GetNearestMeta(req.Path) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(errors.Cause(err), errs.MetaNotFound) { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } } c.Set("meta", meta) if !canAccess(user, meta, req.Path, req.Password) { common.ErrorStrResp(c, "password is incorrect", 403) return } res, err := fs.Other(c, req.FsOtherArgs) if err != nil { common.ErrorResp(c, err, 500) return } common.SuccessResp(c, res) }