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2022-04-23 14:43:02 +00:00
# GoWebDAV
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A golang WebDAV client library.
## Main features
`gowebdav` library allows to perform following actions on the remote WebDAV server:
* [create path](#create-path-on-a-webdav-server)
* [get files list](#get-files-list)
* [download file](#download-file-to-byte-array)
* [upload file](#upload-file-from-byte-array)
* [get information about specified file/folder](#get-information-about-specified-filefolder)
* [move file to another location](#move-file-to-another-location)
* [copy file to another location](#copy-file-to-another-location)
* [delete file](#delete-file)
## Usage
First of all you should create `Client` instance using `NewClient()` function:
root := ""
user := "user"
password := "password"
c := gowebdav.NewClient(root, user, password)
After you can use this `Client` to perform actions, described below.
**NOTICE:** we will not check errors in examples, to focus you on the `gowebdav` library's code, but you should do it in your code!
### Create path on a WebDAV server
err := c.Mkdir("folder", 0644)
In case you want to create several folders you can use `c.MkdirAll()`:
err := c.MkdirAll("folder/subfolder/subfolder2", 0644)
### Get files list
files, _ := c.ReadDir("folder/subfolder")
for _, file := range files {
//notice that [file] has os.FileInfo type
### Download file to byte array
webdavFilePath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
localFilePath := "/tmp/webdav/file.txt"
bytes, _ := c.Read(webdavFilePath)
ioutil.WriteFile(localFilePath, bytes, 0644)
### Download file via reader
Also you can use `c.ReadStream()` method:
webdavFilePath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
localFilePath := "/tmp/webdav/file.txt"
reader, _ := c.ReadStream(webdavFilePath)
file, _ := os.Create(localFilePath)
defer file.Close()
io.Copy(file, reader)
### Upload file from byte array
webdavFilePath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
localFilePath := "/tmp/webdav/file.txt"
bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(localFilePath)
c.Write(webdavFilePath, bytes, 0644)
### Upload file via writer
webdavFilePath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
localFilePath := "/tmp/webdav/file.txt"
file, _ := os.Open(localFilePath)
defer file.Close()
c.WriteStream(webdavFilePath, file, 0644)
### Get information about specified file/folder
webdavFilePath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
info := c.Stat(webdavFilePath)
//notice that [info] has os.FileInfo type
### Move file to another location
oldPath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
newPath := "folder/subfolder/moved.txt"
isOverwrite := true
c.Rename(oldPath, newPath, isOverwrite)
### Copy file to another location
oldPath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
newPath := "folder/subfolder/file-copy.txt"
isOverwrite := true
c.Copy(oldPath, newPath, isOverwrite)
### Delete file
webdavFilePath := "folder/subfolder/file.txt"
## Links
More details about WebDAV server you can read from following resources:
* [RFC 4918 - HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)](
* [RFC 5689 - Extended MKCOL for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)](
* [RFC 2616 - HTTP/1.1 Status Code Definitions]( "HTTP/1.1 Status Code Definitions")
* [WebDav: Next Generation Collaborative Web Authoring By Lisa Dusseaul]( "WebDav: Next Generation Collaborative Web Authoring By Lisa Dusseault")
**NOTICE**: RFC 2518 is obsoleted by RFC 4918 in June 2007
## Contributing
All contributing are welcome. If you have any suggestions or find some bug - please create an Issue to let us make this project better. We appreciate your help!
## License
This library is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the [LICENSE]( file.
## API
`import ""`
* [Overview](#pkg-overview)
* [Index](#pkg-index)
* [Examples](#pkg-examples)
* [Subdirectories](#pkg-subdirectories)
### <a name="pkg-overview">Overview</a>
Package gowebdav is a WebDAV client library with a command line tool
### <a name="pkg-index">Index</a>
* [func FixSlash(s string) string](#FixSlash)
* [func FixSlashes(s string) string](#FixSlashes)
* [func Join(path0 string, path1 string) string](#Join)
* [func PathEscape(path string) string](#PathEscape)
* [func ReadConfig(uri, netrc string) (string, string)](#ReadConfig)
* [func String(r io.Reader) string](#String)
* [type Authenticator](#Authenticator)
* [type BasicAuth](#BasicAuth)
* [func (b *BasicAuth) Authorize(req *http.Request, method string, path string)](#BasicAuth.Authorize)
* [func (b *BasicAuth) Pass() string](#BasicAuth.Pass)
* [func (b *BasicAuth) Type() string](#BasicAuth.Type)
* [func (b *BasicAuth) User() string](#BasicAuth.User)
* [type Client](#Client)
* [func NewClient(uri, user, pw string) *Client](#NewClient)
* [func (c *Client) Connect() error](#Client.Connect)
* [func (c *Client) Copy(oldpath, newpath string, overwrite bool) error](#Client.Copy)
* [func (c *Client) Mkdir(path string, _ os.FileMode) error](#Client.Mkdir)
* [func (c *Client) MkdirAll(path string, _ os.FileMode) error](#Client.MkdirAll)
* [func (c *Client) Read(path string) ([]byte, error)](#Client.Read)
* [func (c *Client) ReadDir(path string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)](#Client.ReadDir)
* [func (c *Client) ReadStream(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)](#Client.ReadStream)
* [func (c *Client) ReadStreamRange(path string, offset, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error)](#Client.ReadStreamRange)
* [func (c *Client) Remove(path string) error](#Client.Remove)
* [func (c *Client) RemoveAll(path string) error](#Client.RemoveAll)
* [func (c *Client) Rename(oldpath, newpath string, overwrite bool) error](#Client.Rename)
* [func (c *Client) SetHeader(key, value string)](#Client.SetHeader)
* [func (c *Client) SetInterceptor(interceptor func(method string, rq *http.Request))](#Client.SetInterceptor)
* [func (c *Client) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)](#Client.SetTimeout)
* [func (c *Client) SetTransport(transport http.RoundTripper)](#Client.SetTransport)
* [func (c *Client) Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error)](#Client.Stat)
* [func (c *Client) Write(path string, data []byte, _ os.FileMode) error](#Client.Write)
* [func (c *Client) WriteStream(path string, stream io.Reader, _ os.FileMode) error](#Client.WriteStream)
* [type DigestAuth](#DigestAuth)
* [func (d *DigestAuth) Authorize(req *http.Request, method string, path string)](#DigestAuth.Authorize)
* [func (d *DigestAuth) Pass() string](#DigestAuth.Pass)
* [func (d *DigestAuth) Type() string](#DigestAuth.Type)
* [func (d *DigestAuth) User() string](#DigestAuth.User)
* [type File](#File)
* [func (f File) ContentType() string](#File.ContentType)
* [func (f File) ETag() string](#File.ETag)
* [func (f File) IsDir() bool](#File.IsDir)
* [func (f File) ModTime() time.Time](#File.ModTime)
* [func (f File) Mode() os.FileMode](#File.Mode)
* [func (f File) Name() string](#File.Name)
* [func (f File) Path() string](#File.Path)
* [func (f File) Size() int64](#File.Size)
* [func (f File) String() string](#File.String)
* [func (f File) Sys() interface{}](#File.Sys)
* [type NoAuth](#NoAuth)
* [func (n *NoAuth) Authorize(req *http.Request, method string, path string)](#NoAuth.Authorize)
* [func (n *NoAuth) Pass() string](#NoAuth.Pass)
* [func (n *NoAuth) Type() string](#NoAuth.Type)
* [func (n *NoAuth) User() string](#NoAuth.User)
##### <a name="pkg-examples">Examples</a>
* [PathEscape](#example_PathEscape)
##### <a name="pkg-files">Package files</a>
[basicAuth.go]( [client.go]( [digestAuth.go]( [doc.go]( [file.go]( [netrc.go]( [requests.go]( [utils.go](
### <a name="FixSlash">func</a> [FixSlash](
``` go
func FixSlash(s string) string
FixSlash appends a trailing / to our string
### <a name="FixSlashes">func</a> [FixSlashes](
``` go
func FixSlashes(s string) string
FixSlashes appends and prepends a / if they are missing
### <a name="Join">func</a> [Join](
``` go
func Join(path0 string, path1 string) string
Join joins two paths
### <a name="PathEscape">func</a> [PathEscape](
``` go
func PathEscape(path string) string
PathEscape escapes all segments of a given path
### <a name="ReadConfig">func</a> [ReadConfig](
``` go
func ReadConfig(uri, netrc string) (string, string)
ReadConfig reads login and password configuration from ~/.netrc
machine login username password 123456
### <a name="String">func</a> [String](
``` go
func String(r io.Reader) string
String pulls a string out of our io.Reader
### <a name="Authenticator">type</a> [Authenticator](
``` go
type Authenticator interface {
Type() string
User() string
Pass() string
Authorize(*http.Request, string, string)
Authenticator stub
### <a name="BasicAuth">type</a> [BasicAuth](
``` go
type BasicAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BasicAuth structure holds our credentials
#### <a name="BasicAuth.Authorize">func</a> (\*BasicAuth) [Authorize](
``` go
func (b *BasicAuth) Authorize(req *http.Request, method string, path string)
Authorize the current request
#### <a name="BasicAuth.Pass">func</a> (\*BasicAuth) [Pass](
``` go
func (b *BasicAuth) Pass() string
Pass holds the BasicAuth password
#### <a name="BasicAuth.Type">func</a> (\*BasicAuth) [Type](
``` go
func (b *BasicAuth) Type() string
Type identifies the BasicAuthenticator
#### <a name="BasicAuth.User">func</a> (\*BasicAuth) [User](
``` go
func (b *BasicAuth) User() string
User holds the BasicAuth username
### <a name="Client">type</a> [Client](
``` go
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client defines our structure
#### <a name="NewClient">func</a> [NewClient](
``` go
func NewClient(uri, user, pw string) *Client
NewClient creates a new instance of client
#### <a name="Client.Connect">func</a> (\*Client) [Connect](
``` go
func (c *Client) Connect() error
Connect connects to our dav server
#### <a name="Client.Copy">func</a> (\*Client) [Copy](
``` go
func (c *Client) Copy(oldpath, newpath string, overwrite bool) error
Copy copies a file from A to B
#### <a name="Client.Mkdir">func</a> (\*Client) [Mkdir](
``` go
func (c *Client) Mkdir(path string, _ os.FileMode) error
Mkdir makes a directory
#### <a name="Client.MkdirAll">func</a> (\*Client) [MkdirAll](
``` go
func (c *Client) MkdirAll(path string, _ os.FileMode) error
MkdirAll like mkdir -p, but for webdav
#### <a name="Client.Read">func</a> (\*Client) [Read](
``` go
func (c *Client) Read(path string) ([]byte, error)
Read reads the contents of a remote file
#### <a name="Client.ReadDir">func</a> (\*Client) [ReadDir](
``` go
func (c *Client) ReadDir(path string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
ReadDir reads the contents of a remote directory
#### <a name="Client.ReadStream">func</a> (\*Client) [ReadStream](
``` go
func (c *Client) ReadStream(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
ReadStream reads the stream for a given path
#### <a name="Client.ReadStreamRange">func</a> (\*Client) [ReadStreamRange](
``` go
func (c *Client) ReadStreamRange(path string, offset, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error)
ReadStreamRange reads the stream representing a subset of bytes for a given path,
utilizing HTTP Range Requests if the server supports it.
The range is expressed as offset from the start of the file and length, for example
offset=10, length=10 will return bytes 10 through 19.
If the server does not support partial content requests and returns full content instead,
this function will emulate the behavior by skipping `offset` bytes and limiting the result
to `length`.
#### <a name="Client.Remove">func</a> (\*Client) [Remove](
``` go
func (c *Client) Remove(path string) error
Remove removes a remote file
#### <a name="Client.RemoveAll">func</a> (\*Client) [RemoveAll](
``` go
func (c *Client) RemoveAll(path string) error
RemoveAll removes remote files
#### <a name="Client.Rename">func</a> (\*Client) [Rename](
``` go
func (c *Client) Rename(oldpath, newpath string, overwrite bool) error
Rename moves a file from A to B
#### <a name="Client.SetHeader">func</a> (\*Client) [SetHeader](
``` go
func (c *Client) SetHeader(key, value string)
SetHeader lets us set arbitrary headers for a given client
#### <a name="Client.SetInterceptor">func</a> (\*Client) [SetInterceptor](
``` go
func (c *Client) SetInterceptor(interceptor func(method string, rq *http.Request))
SetInterceptor lets us set an arbitrary interceptor for a given client
#### <a name="Client.SetTimeout">func</a> (\*Client) [SetTimeout](
``` go
func (c *Client) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout exposes the ability to set a time limit for requests
#### <a name="Client.SetTransport">func</a> (\*Client) [SetTransport](
``` go
func (c *Client) SetTransport(transport http.RoundTripper)
SetTransport exposes the ability to define custom transports
#### <a name="Client.Stat">func</a> (\*Client) [Stat](
``` go
func (c *Client) Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error)
Stat returns the file stats for a specified path
#### <a name="Client.Write">func</a> (\*Client) [Write](
``` go
func (c *Client) Write(path string, data []byte, _ os.FileMode) error
Write writes data to a given path
#### <a name="Client.WriteStream">func</a> (\*Client) [WriteStream](
``` go
func (c *Client) WriteStream(path string, stream io.Reader, _ os.FileMode) error
WriteStream writes a stream
### <a name="DigestAuth">type</a> [DigestAuth](
``` go
type DigestAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DigestAuth structure holds our credentials
#### <a name="DigestAuth.Authorize">func</a> (\*DigestAuth) [Authorize](
``` go
func (d *DigestAuth) Authorize(req *http.Request, method string, path string)
Authorize the current request
#### <a name="DigestAuth.Pass">func</a> (\*DigestAuth) [Pass](
``` go
func (d *DigestAuth) Pass() string
Pass holds the DigestAuth password
#### <a name="DigestAuth.Type">func</a> (\*DigestAuth) [Type](
``` go
func (d *DigestAuth) Type() string
Type identifies the DigestAuthenticator
#### <a name="DigestAuth.User">func</a> (\*DigestAuth) [User](
``` go
func (d *DigestAuth) User() string
User holds the DigestAuth username
### <a name="File">type</a> [File](
``` go
type File struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
File is our structure for a given file
#### <a name="File.ContentType">func</a> (File) [ContentType](
``` go
func (f File) ContentType() string
ContentType returns the content type of a file
#### <a name="File.ETag">func</a> (File) [ETag](
``` go
func (f File) ETag() string
ETag returns the ETag of a file
#### <a name="File.IsDir">func</a> (File) [IsDir](
``` go
func (f File) IsDir() bool
IsDir let us see if a given file is a directory or not
#### <a name="File.ModTime">func</a> (File) [ModTime](
``` go
func (f File) ModTime() time.Time
ModTime returns the modified time of a file
#### <a name="File.Mode">func</a> (File) [Mode](
``` go
func (f File) Mode() os.FileMode
Mode will return the mode of a given file
#### <a name="File.Name">func</a> (File) [Name](
``` go
func (f File) Name() string
Name returns the name of a file
#### <a name="File.Path">func</a> (File) [Path](
``` go
func (f File) Path() string
Path returns the full path of a file
#### <a name="File.Size">func</a> (File) [Size](
``` go
func (f File) Size() int64
Size returns the size of a file
#### <a name="File.String">func</a> (File) [String](
``` go
func (f File) String() string
String lets us see file information
#### <a name="File.Sys">func</a> (File) [Sys](
``` go
func (f File) Sys() interface{}
Sys ????
### <a name="NoAuth">type</a> [NoAuth](
``` go
type NoAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NoAuth structure holds our credentials
#### <a name="NoAuth.Authorize">func</a> (\*NoAuth) [Authorize](
``` go
func (n *NoAuth) Authorize(req *http.Request, method string, path string)
Authorize the current request
#### <a name="NoAuth.Pass">func</a> (\*NoAuth) [Pass](
``` go
func (n *NoAuth) Pass() string
Pass returns the current password
#### <a name="NoAuth.Type">func</a> (\*NoAuth) [Type](
``` go
func (n *NoAuth) Type() string
Type identifies the authenticator
#### <a name="NoAuth.User">func</a> (\*NoAuth) [User](
``` go
func (n *NoAuth) User() string
User returns the current user
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