2022-09-06 06:39:21 +00:00
package _189
import (
myrand "github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/pkg/utils/random"
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// do others that not defined in Driver interface
func (d *Cloud189) login() error {
url := "https://cloud.189.cn/api/portal/loginUrl.action?redirectURL=https%3A%2F%2Fcloud.189.cn%2Fmain.action"
b := ""
lt := ""
ltText := regexp.MustCompile(`lt = "(.+?)"`)
var res *resty.Response
var err error
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
res, err = d.client.R().Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
// 已经登陆
if res.RawResponse.Request.URL.String() == "https://cloud.189.cn/web/main" {
return nil
b = res.String()
ltTextArr := ltText.FindStringSubmatch(b)
if len(ltTextArr) > 0 {
lt = ltTextArr[1]
} else {
if lt == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("get page: %s \nstatus: %d \nrequest url: %s\nredirect url: %s",
b, res.StatusCode(), res.RawResponse.Request.URL.String(), res.Header().Get("location"))
captchaToken := regexp.MustCompile(`captchaToken' value='(.+?)'`).FindStringSubmatch(b)[1]
returnUrl := regexp.MustCompile(`returnUrl = '(.+?)'`).FindStringSubmatch(b)[1]
paramId := regexp.MustCompile(`paramId = "(.+?)"`).FindStringSubmatch(b)[1]
//reqId := regexp.MustCompile(`reqId = "(.+?)"`).FindStringSubmatch(b)[1]
jRsakey := regexp.MustCompile(`j_rsaKey" value="(\S+)"`).FindStringSubmatch(b)[1]
vCodeID := regexp.MustCompile(`picCaptcha\.do\?token\=([A-Za-z0-9\&\=]+)`).FindStringSubmatch(b)[1]
vCodeRS := ""
if vCodeID != "" {
// need ValidateCode
log.Debugf("try to identify verification codes")
timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6, 10)
u := "https://open.e.189.cn/api/logbox/oauth2/picCaptcha.do?token=" + vCodeID + timeStamp
imgRes, err := d.client.R().SetHeaders(map[string]string{
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0",
"Referer": "https://open.e.189.cn/api/logbox/oauth2/unifyAccountLogin.do",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "image",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "no-cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin",
if err != nil {
return err
// Enter the verification code manually
//err = message.GetMessenger().WaitSend(message.Message{
// Type: "image",
// Content: "data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(imgRes.Body()),
//}, 10)
//if err != nil {
// return err
//vCodeRS, err = message.GetMessenger().WaitReceive(30)
// use ocr api
vRes, err := base.RestyClient.R().SetMultipartField(
"image", "validateCode.png", "image/png", bytes.NewReader(imgRes.Body())).
if err != nil {
return err
if jsoniter.Get(vRes.Body(), "status").ToInt() != 200 {
return errors.New("ocr error:" + jsoniter.Get(vRes.Body(), "msg").ToString())
vCodeRS = jsoniter.Get(vRes.Body(), "result").ToString()
log.Debugln("code: ", vCodeRS)
userRsa := RsaEncode([]byte(d.Username), jRsakey, true)
passwordRsa := RsaEncode([]byte(d.Password), jRsakey, true)
url = "https://open.e.189.cn/api/logbox/oauth2/loginSubmit.do"
var loginResp LoginResp
res, err = d.client.R().
"lt": lt,
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36",
"Referer": "https://open.e.189.cn/",
"accept": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"appKey": "cloud",
"accountType": "01",
"userName": "{RSA}" + userRsa,
"password": "{RSA}" + passwordRsa,
"validateCode": vCodeRS,
"captchaToken": captchaToken,
"returnUrl": returnUrl,
"mailSuffix": "@pan.cn",
"paramId": paramId,
"clientType": "10010",
"dynamicCheck": "FALSE",
"cb_SaveName": "1",
"isOauth2": "false",
if err != nil {
return err
err = utils.Json.Unmarshal(res.Body(), &loginResp)
if err != nil {
return err
if loginResp.Result != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(loginResp.Msg)
_, err = d.client.R().Get(loginResp.ToUrl)
return err
func (d *Cloud189) request(url string, method string, callback base.ReqCallback, resp interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
var e Error
req := d.client.R().SetError(&e).
SetHeader("Accept", "application/json;charset=UTF-8").
"noCache": random(),
if callback != nil {
if resp != nil {
res, err := req.Execute(method, url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if e.ErrorCode != "" {
if e.ErrorCode == "InvalidSessionKey" {
err = d.login()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return d.request(url, method, callback, resp)
if jsoniter.Get(res.Body(), "res_code").ToInt() != 0 {
err = errors.New(jsoniter.Get(res.Body(), "res_message").ToString())
return res.Body(), err
func (d *Cloud189) getFiles(fileId string) ([]model.Obj, error) {
res := make([]model.Obj, 0)
pageNum := 1
for {
var resp Files
_, err := d.request("https://cloud.189.cn/api/open/file/listFiles.action", http.MethodGet, func(req *resty.Request) {
//"noCache": random(),
"pageSize": "60",
"pageNum": strconv.Itoa(pageNum),
"mediaType": "0",
"folderId": fileId,
"iconOption": "5",
"orderBy": "lastOpTime", //account.OrderBy
"descending": "true", //account.OrderDirection
}, &resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.FileListAO.Count == 0 {
for _, folder := range resp.FileListAO.FolderList {
2022-11-07 08:37:47 +00:00
lastOpTime := utils.MustParseCNTime(folder.LastOpTime)
2022-09-06 06:39:21 +00:00
res = append(res, &model.Object{
ID: strconv.FormatInt(folder.Id, 10),
Name: folder.Name,
Modified: lastOpTime,
IsFolder: true,
for _, file := range resp.FileListAO.FileList {
2022-11-07 08:37:47 +00:00
lastOpTime := utils.MustParseCNTime(file.LastOpTime)
2022-09-06 06:39:21 +00:00
res = append(res, &model.ObjThumb{
Object: model.Object{
ID: strconv.FormatInt(file.Id, 10),
Name: file.Name,
Modified: lastOpTime,
2022-09-19 11:35:07 +00:00
Size: file.Size,
2022-09-06 06:39:21 +00:00
Thumbnail: model.Thumbnail{Thumbnail: file.Icon.SmallUrl},
return res, nil
func (d *Cloud189) oldUpload(dstDir model.Obj, file model.FileStreamer) error {
res, err := d.client.R().SetMultipartFormData(map[string]string{
"parentId": dstDir.GetID(),
"sessionKey": "??",
"opertype": "1",
"fname": file.GetName(),
}).SetMultipartField("Filedata", file.GetName(), file.GetMimetype(), file).Post("https://hb02.upload.cloud.189.cn/v1/DCIWebUploadAction")
if err != nil {
return err
if utils.Json.Get(res.Body(), "MD5").ToString() != "" {
return nil
return errors.New(res.String())
func (d *Cloud189) getSessionKey() (string, error) {
resp, err := d.request("https://cloud.189.cn/v2/getUserBriefInfo.action", http.MethodGet, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sessionKey := utils.Json.Get(resp, "sessionKey").ToString()
return sessionKey, nil
func (d *Cloud189) getResKey() (string, string, error) {
now := time.Now().UnixMilli()
if d.rsa.Expire > now {
return d.rsa.PubKey, d.rsa.PkId, nil
resp, err := d.request("https://cloud.189.cn/api/security/generateRsaKey.action", http.MethodGet, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
pubKey, pkId := utils.Json.Get(resp, "pubKey").ToString(), utils.Json.Get(resp, "pkId").ToString()
d.rsa.PubKey, d.rsa.PkId = pubKey, pkId
d.rsa.Expire = utils.Json.Get(resp, "expire").ToInt64()
return pubKey, pkId, nil
func (d *Cloud189) uploadRequest(uri string, form map[string]string, resp interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
c := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixMilli(), 10)
r := Random("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
l := Random("xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
l = l[0 : 16+int(16*myrand.Rand.Float32())]
e := qs(form)
data := AesEncrypt([]byte(e), []byte(l[0:16]))
h := hex.EncodeToString(data)
sessionKey := d.sessionKey
signature := hmacSha1(fmt.Sprintf("SessionKey=%s&Operate=GET&RequestURI=%s&Date=%s¶ms=%s", sessionKey, uri, c, h), l)
pubKey, pkId, err := d.getResKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b := RsaEncode([]byte(l), pubKey, false)
req := d.client.R().SetHeaders(map[string]string{
"accept": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"SessionKey": sessionKey,
"Signature": signature,
"X-Request-Date": c,
"X-Request-ID": r,
"EncryptionText": b,
"PkId": pkId,
if resp != nil {
res, err := req.Get("https://upload.cloud.189.cn" + uri + "?params=" + h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data = res.Body()
if utils.Json.Get(data, "code").ToString() != "SUCCESS" {
return nil, errors.New(uri + "---" + jsoniter.Get(data, "msg").ToString())
return data, nil
func (d *Cloud189) newUpload(dstDir model.Obj, file model.FileStreamer, up driver.UpdateProgress) error {
sessionKey, err := d.getSessionKey()
if err != nil {
return err
d.sessionKey = sessionKey
const DEFAULT int64 = 10485760
var count = int64(math.Ceil(float64(file.GetSize()) / float64(DEFAULT)))
res, err := d.uploadRequest("/person/initMultiUpload", map[string]string{
"parentFolderId": dstDir.GetID(),
"fileName": encode(file.GetName()),
"fileSize": strconv.FormatInt(file.GetSize(), 10),
"sliceSize": strconv.FormatInt(DEFAULT, 10),
"lazyCheck": "1",
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
uploadFileId := jsoniter.Get(res, "data", "uploadFileId").ToString()
//_, err = d.uploadRequest("/person/getUploadedPartsInfo", map[string]string{
// "uploadFileId": uploadFileId,
//}, nil)
var finish int64 = 0
var i int64
var byteSize int64
md5s := make([]string, 0)
md5Sum := md5.New()
for i = 1; i <= count; i++ {
byteSize = file.GetSize() - finish
if DEFAULT < byteSize {
byteSize = DEFAULT
//log.Debugf("%d,%d", byteSize, finish)
byteData := make([]byte, byteSize)
n, err := io.ReadFull(file, byteData)
//log.Debug(err, n)
if err != nil {
return err
finish += int64(n)
md5Bytes := getMd5(byteData)
md5Hex := hex.EncodeToString(md5Bytes)
md5Base64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(md5Bytes)
md5s = append(md5s, strings.ToUpper(md5Hex))
var resp UploadUrlsResp
res, err = d.uploadRequest("/person/getMultiUploadUrls", map[string]string{
"partInfo": fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", strconv.FormatInt(i, 10), md5Base64),
"uploadFileId": uploadFileId,
}, &resp)
if err != nil {
return err
uploadData := resp.UploadUrls["partNumber_"+strconv.FormatInt(i, 10)]
log.Debugf("uploadData: %+v", uploadData)
requestURL := uploadData.RequestURL
uploadHeaders := strings.Split(decodeURIComponent(uploadData.RequestHeader), "&")
req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, requestURL, bytes.NewReader(byteData))
for _, v := range uploadHeaders {
i := strings.Index(v, "=")
req.Header.Set(v[0:i], v[i+1:])
r, err := base.HttpClient.Do(req)
log.Debugf("%+v %+v", r, r.Request.Header)
if err != nil {
return err
up(int(i * 100 / count))
fileMd5 := hex.EncodeToString(md5Sum.Sum(nil))
sliceMd5 := fileMd5
if file.GetSize() > DEFAULT {
sliceMd5 = utils.GetMD5Encode(strings.Join(md5s, "\n"))
res, err = d.uploadRequest("/person/commitMultiUploadFile", map[string]string{
"uploadFileId": uploadFileId,
"fileMd5": fileMd5,
"sliceMd5": sliceMd5,
"lazyCheck": "1",
"opertype": "3",
}, nil)
return err