mirror of https://github.com/Xhofe/alist
154 lines
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154 lines
4.0 KiB
package baidu_share
import (
type BaiduShare struct {
config map[string]string
dlinkCache cache.ICache[string]
func (d *BaiduShare) Config() driver.Config {
return config
func (d *BaiduShare) GetAddition() driver.Additional {
return &d.Addition
func (d *BaiduShare) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
// TODO login / refresh token
d.config = map[string]string{}
d.dlinkCache = cache.NewMemCache(cache.WithClearInterval[string](time.Duration(d.CacheExpiration) * time.Minute))
return nil
func (d *BaiduShare) Drop(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (d *BaiduShare) List(ctx context.Context, dir model.Obj, args model.ListArgs) ([]model.Obj, error) {
// TODO return the files list
body := url.Values{
"shorturl": {d.Surl},
"dir": {dir.GetPath()},
"root": {"0"},
"pwd": {d.Pwd},
"num": {"1000"},
"order": {"time"},
if body.Get("dir") == "" || body.Get("dir") == d.config["root"] {
body.Set("root", "1")
res := []model.Obj{}
var err error
var page int64 = 1
more := true
for more {
body.Set("page", strconv.FormatInt(page, 10))
req := base.RestyClient.R().
SetCookies([]*http.Cookie{{Name: "BDUSS", Value: d.BDUSS}}).
resp, e := req.Post("https://pan.baidu.com/share/wxlist?channel=weixin&version=2.2.2&clienttype=25&web=1")
err = e
jsonresp := jsonResp{}
if err == nil {
err = base.RestyClient.JSONUnmarshal(resp.Body(), &jsonresp)
if err == nil && jsonresp.Errno == 0 {
more = jsonresp.Data.More
page += 1
for _, v := range jsonresp.Data.List {
size, _ := v.Size.Int64()
mtime, _ := v.Time.Int64()
res = append(res, &model.Object{
ID: v.ID.String(),
Path: v.Path,
Name: v.Name,
Size: size,
Modified: time.Unix(mtime, 0),
IsFolder: v.Dir.String() == "1",
d.dlinkCache.Set(v.Path, v.Dlink, cache.WithEx[string](time.Duration(d.CacheExpiration/2)*time.Minute))
if len(res) > 0 && body.Get("root") == "1" {
d.config["root"] = path.Dir(res[0].GetPath())
} else {
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("errno:%d", jsonresp.Errno)
return res, err
func (d *BaiduShare) Link(ctx context.Context, file model.Obj, args model.LinkArgs) (*model.Link, error) {
// TODO return link of file
var err error
req := base.RestyClient.R().SetCookies([]*http.Cookie{{Name: "BDUSS", Value: d.BDUSS}})
url, found := d.dlinkCache.Get(file.GetPath())
if !found {
_, err = d.List(ctx, &model.Object{Path: path.Dir(file.GetPath())}, model.ListArgs{})
url, found = d.dlinkCache.Get(file.GetPath())
if err == nil && !found {
err = errs.NotSupport
return &model.Link{URL: url, Header: req.Header}, err
func (d *BaiduShare) MakeDir(ctx context.Context, parentDir model.Obj, dirName string) error {
// TODO create folder
return errs.NotSupport
func (d *BaiduShare) Move(ctx context.Context, srcObj, dstDir model.Obj) error {
// TODO move obj
return errs.NotSupport
func (d *BaiduShare) Rename(ctx context.Context, srcObj model.Obj, newName string) error {
// TODO rename obj
return errs.NotSupport
func (d *BaiduShare) Copy(ctx context.Context, srcObj, dstDir model.Obj) error {
// TODO copy obj
return errs.NotSupport
func (d *BaiduShare) Remove(ctx context.Context, obj model.Obj) error {
// TODO remove obj
return errs.NotSupport
func (d *BaiduShare) Put(ctx context.Context, dstDir model.Obj, stream model.FileStreamer, up driver.UpdateProgress) error {
// TODO upload file
return errs.NotSupport
//func (d *Template) Other(ctx context.Context, args model.OtherArgs) (interface{}, error) {
// return nil, errs.NotSupport
var _ driver.Driver = (*BaiduShare)(nil)