160 lines
5.2 KiB
160 lines
5.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Here is a script to deploy cert to routeros router.
# Deploy the cert to remote routeros
# ```sh
# acme.sh --deploy -d ftp.example.com --deploy-hook routeros
# ```
# Before you can deploy the certificate to router os, you need
# to add the id_rsa.pub key to the routeros and assign a user
# to that key.
# The user need to have access to ssh, ftp, read and write.
# There are no need to enable ftp service for the script to work,
# as they are transmitted over SCP, however ftp is needed to store
# the files on the router.
# Then you need to set the environment variables for the
# deploy script to work.
# ```sh
# export ROUTER_OS_USERNAME=certuser
# export ROUTER_OS_HOST=router.example.com
# export ROUTER_OS_PORT=22
# acme.sh --deploy -d ftp.example.com --deploy-hook routeros
# ```
# The deploy script will remove previously deployed certificates,
# and it does this with an assumption on how RouterOS names imported
# certificates, adding a "cer_0" suffix at the end. This is true for
# versions 6.32 -> 6.41.3, but it is not guaranteed that it will be
# true for future versions when upgrading.
# If the router have other certificates with the same name as the one
# beeing deployed, then this script will remove those certificates.
# At the end of the script, the services that use those certificates
# could be updated. Currently only the www-ssl service is beeing
# updated, but more services could be added.
# For instance:
# ```sh
# export ROUTER_OS_ADDITIONAL_SERVICES="/ip service set api-ssl certificate=$_cdomain.cer_0"
# ```
# One optional thing to do as well is to create a script that updates
# all the required services and run that script in a single command.
# To adopt parameters to `scp` and/or `ssh` set the optional
# `ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD` and `ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD` variables accordingly,
# see ssh(1) and scp(1) for parameters to those commands.
# Example:
# ```ssh
# export ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD="ssh -i /acme.sh/.ssh/router.example.com -o UserKnownHostsFile=/acme.sh/.ssh/known_hosts"
# export ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD="scp -i /acme.sh/.ssh/router.example.com -o UserKnownHostsFile=/acme.sh/.ssh/known_hosts"
# ````
# returns 0 means success, otherwise error.
######## Public functions #####################
#domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain
routeros_deploy() {
_debug _cdomain "$_cdomain"
_debug _ckey "$_ckey"
_debug _ccert "$_ccert"
_debug _cca "$_cca"
_debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain"
_getdeployconf ROUTER_OS_HOST
if [ -z "$ROUTER_OS_HOST" ]; then
_debug "Using _cdomain as ROUTER_OS_HOST, please set if not correct."
_getdeployconf ROUTER_OS_USERNAME
if [ -z "$ROUTER_OS_USERNAME" ]; then
_err "Need to set the env variable ROUTER_OS_USERNAME"
return 1
_getdeployconf ROUTER_OS_PORT
if [ -z "$ROUTER_OS_PORT" ]; then
_debug "Using default port 22 as ROUTER_OS_PORT, please set if not correct."
_getdeployconf ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD
if [ -z "$ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD" ]; then
_debug "Use default ssh setup."
_getdeployconf ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD
if [ -z "$ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD" ]; then
_debug "USe default scp setup."
_debug "Not enabling additional services"
_savedeployconf ROUTER_OS_HOST "$ROUTER_OS_HOST"
_savedeployconf ROUTER_OS_PORT "$ROUTER_OS_PORT"
_info "Trying to push key '$_ckey' to router"
_info "Trying to push cert '$_cfullchain' to router"
$ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD "$_cfullchain" "$ROUTER_OS_USERNAME@$ROUTER_OS_HOST:$_cdomain.cer"
DEPLOY_SCRIPT_CMD="/system script add name=\"LE Cert Deploy - $_cdomain\" owner=$ROUTER_OS_USERNAME \
comment=\"generated by routeros deploy script in acme.sh\" \
source=\"/certificate remove [ find name=$_cdomain.cer_0 ];\
\n/certificate remove [ find name=$_cdomain.cer_1 ];\
\n/certificate remove [ find name=$_cdomain.cer_2 ];\
\ndelay 1;\
\n/certificate import file-name=$_cdomain.cer passphrase=\\\"\\\";\
\n/certificate import file-name=$_cdomain.key passphrase=\\\"\\\";\
\ndelay 1;\
\n/file remove $_cdomain.cer;\
\n/file remove $_cdomain.key;\
\ndelay 2;\
\n/ip service set www-ssl certificate=$_cdomain.cer_0;\
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
$ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD "$ROUTER_OS_USERNAME@$ROUTER_OS_HOST" "/system script run \"LE Cert Deploy - $_cdomain\""
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
$ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD "$ROUTER_OS_USERNAME@$ROUTER_OS_HOST" "/system script remove \"LE Cert Deploy - $_cdomain\""
return 0