#!/usr/bin/env sh # Script to create certificate to Alibaba Cloud CDN # # Docs: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/deployhooks#33-deploy-your-certificate-to-alibaba-cloud-cdn-aliyun # # This deployment required following variables # export Ali_Key="ALIACCESSKEY" # export Ali_Secret="ALISECRETKEY" # The credentials are shared with all the Alibaba Cloud deploy hooks and dnsapi # # To specify the CDN domain that is different from the certificate CN, usually used for multi-domain or wildcard certificates # export DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN="cdn.example.com" # If you have multiple CDN domains using the same certificate, just # export DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN="cdn1.example.com cdn2.example.com" # Load dnsapi/dns_ali.sh to reduce the duplicated codes # https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/pull/5205#issuecomment-2357867276 dnsapi_ali="$(_findHook "" "$_SUB_FOLDER_DNSAPI" dns_ali)" # shellcheck source=/dev/null if ! . "$dnsapi_ali"; then _err "Error loading file $dnsapi_ali. Please check your API file and try again." return 1 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2034 Ali_API="https://cdn.aliyuncs.com/" ali_cdn_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" _prepare_ali_credentials _getdeployconf DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN if [ "$DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN" ]; then _savedeployconf DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN "$DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN" else DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN="$_cdomain" fi # read cert and key files and urlencode both _cert=$(_url_encode upper-hex <"$_cfullchain") _key=$(_url_encode upper-hex <"$_ckey") _debug2 _cert "$_cert" _debug2 _key "$_key" ## update domain ssl config for domain in $DEPLOY_ALI_CDN_DOMAIN; do _set_cdn_domain_ssl_certificate_query "$domain" "$_cert" "$_key" if _ali_rest "Set CDN domain SSL certificate for $domain" "" POST; then _info "Domain $domain certificate has been deployed successfully" fi done return 0 } # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # domain pub pri _set_cdn_domain_ssl_certificate_query() { query='' query=$query'AccessKeyId='$Ali_Key query=$query'&Action=SetCdnDomainSSLCertificate' query=$query'&CertType=upload' query=$query'&DomainName='$1 query=$query'&Format=json' query=$query'&SSLPri='$3 query=$query'&SSLProtocol=on' query=$query'&SSLPub='$2 query=$query'&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1' query=$query"&SignatureNonce=$(_ali_nonce)" query=$query'&SignatureVersion=1.0' query=$query'&Timestamp='$(_timestamp) query=$query'&Version=2018-05-10' }