#!/usr/bin/env sh ############################################################################### # Infomaniak API integration # # To use this API you need visit the API dashboard of your account # once logged into https://manager.infomaniak.com add /api/dashboard to the URL # # Please report bugs to # https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/3188 # # Note: the URL looks like this: # https://manager.infomaniak.com/v3/<account_id>/api/dashboard # Then generate a token with the scope Domain # this is given as an environment variable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN ############################################################################### # base variables DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_API_URL="https://api.infomaniak.com" DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_TTL=300 ######## Public functions ##################### #Usage: dns_infomaniak_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" dns_infomaniak_add() { INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN="${INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN)}" INFOMANIAK_API_URL="${INFOMANIAK_API_URL:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_URL)}" INFOMANIAK_TTL="${INFOMANIAK_TTL:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_TTL)}" if [ -z "$INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" ]; then INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN="" _err "Please provide a valid Infomaniak API token in variable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" return 1 fi if [ -z "$INFOMANIAK_API_URL" ]; then INFOMANIAK_API_URL="$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_API_URL" fi if [ -z "$INFOMANIAK_TTL" ]; then INFOMANIAK_TTL="$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_TTL" fi #save the token to the account conf file. _saveaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN "$INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" if [ "$INFOMANIAK_API_URL" != "$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_API_URL" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_URL "$INFOMANIAK_API_URL" fi if [ "$INFOMANIAK_TTL" != "$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_TTL" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_TTL "$INFOMANIAK_TTL" fi export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" fulldomain="$1" txtvalue="$2" _info "Infomaniak DNS API" _debug fulldomain "$fulldomain" _debug txtvalue "$txtvalue" fqdn=${fulldomain#_acme-challenge.} # guess which base domain to add record to zone_and_id=$(_find_zone "$fqdn") if [ -z "$zone_and_id" ]; then _err "cannot find zone to modify" return 1 fi zone=${zone_and_id% *} domain_id=${zone_and_id#* } # extract first part of domain key=${fulldomain%."$zone"} _debug "zone:$zone id:$domain_id key:$key" # payload data="{\"type\": \"TXT\", \"source\": \"$key\", \"target\": \"$txtvalue\", \"ttl\": $INFOMANIAK_TTL}" # API call response=$(_post "$data" "${INFOMANIAK_API_URL}/1/domain/$domain_id/dns/record") if [ -n "$response" ] && echo "$response" | _contains '"result":"success"'; then _info "Record added" _debug "Response: $response" return 0 fi _err "could not create record" _debug "Response: $response" return 1 } #Usage: fulldomain txtvalue #Remove the txt record after validation. dns_infomaniak_rm() { INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN="${INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN)}" INFOMANIAK_API_URL="${INFOMANIAK_API_URL:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_URL)}" INFOMANIAK_TTL="${INFOMANIAK_TTL:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_TTL)}" if [ -z "$INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" ]; then INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN="" _err "Please provide a valid Infomaniak API token in variable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" return 1 fi if [ -z "$INFOMANIAK_API_URL" ]; then INFOMANIAK_API_URL="$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_API_URL" fi if [ -z "$INFOMANIAK_TTL" ]; then INFOMANIAK_TTL="$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_TTL" fi #save the token to the account conf file. _saveaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN "$INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" if [ "$INFOMANIAK_API_URL" != "$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_API_URL" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_API_URL "$INFOMANIAK_API_URL" fi if [ "$INFOMANIAK_TTL" != "$DEFAULT_INFOMANIAK_TTL" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable INFOMANIAK_TTL "$INFOMANIAK_TTL" fi export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $INFOMANIAK_API_TOKEN" export _H2="ContentType: application/json" fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _info "Infomaniak DNS API" _debug fulldomain "$fulldomain" _debug txtvalue "$txtvalue" fqdn=${fulldomain#_acme-challenge.} # guess which base domain to add record to zone_and_id=$(_find_zone "$fqdn") if [ -z "$zone_and_id" ]; then _err "cannot find zone to modify" return 1 fi zone=${zone_and_id% *} domain_id=${zone_and_id#* } # extract first part of domain key=${fulldomain%."$zone"} _debug "zone:$zone id:$domain_id key:$key" # find previous record # shellcheck disable=SC1004 record_id=$(_get "${INFOMANIAK_API_URL}/1/domain/$domain_id/dns/record" | sed 's/.*"data":\[\(.*\)\]}/\1/; s/},{/}\ {/g' | sed -n 's/.*"id":"*\([0-9]*\)"*.*"source_idn":"'"$fulldomain"'".*"target_idn":"'"$txtvalue"'".*/\1/p') if [ -z "$record_id" ]; then _err "could not find record to delete" return 1 fi _debug "record_id: $record_id" # API call response=$(_post "" "${INFOMANIAK_API_URL}/1/domain/$domain_id/dns/record/$record_id" "" DELETE) if [ -n "$response" ] && echo "$response" | _contains '"result":"success"'; then _info "Record deleted" return 0 fi _err "could not delete record" return 1 } #################### Private functions below ################################## _get_domain_id() { domain="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC1004 _get "${INFOMANIAK_API_URL}/1/product?service_name=domain&customer_name=$domain" | sed 's/.*"data":\[{\(.*\)}\]}/\1/; s/,/\ /g' | sed -n 's/^"id":\(.*\)/\1/p' } _find_zone() { zone="$1" # find domain in list, removing . parts sequentialy while _contains "$zone" '\.'; do _debug "testing $zone" id=$(_get_domain_id "$zone") if [ -n "$id" ]; then echo "$zone $id" return fi zone=${zone#*.} done }