Created _get_root() that tests the requested host is a subdomain to the domains hosted on MailinaBox (MIAB) DNS Server. Created common _miab_rest() used with dns_miab_add(), dns_miab_rm() and _get_root(). Also created barbaric _is_json() to test the response given by the MIAB Custom DNS API at least looks like a JSON file. We should add a hint to use _normalizeJson with JSON responses so _startswith, _endswith won't perplexingly fail.
Ok, should have noticed earlier that the calls to the private function _miab_post() never used the _needbase64_ or the __postContentType parameters. Parameters and code to handle them has been factored out.
Know I'm new to contorting to this project. I i've broke conventions please let me know what I've screwed up and I'll set it right as quickly as possible.
Propose this as a new DNS-01 validation script to dynamically add challenge DNS records to MailinaBox (MIAB) DNS. MIAB uses a custom DNS API to manage external DNS records.
The script was originally written by Darven Dissek and can be found in his repository: This has been forked and some slight cleanup applied and change shebang to UNIx shell. The forked repository can be found here:
Wrote to Darven but received no reply. Support for this script has been submitted to the OPNsense project via this pull request:
* first version
* fixed URLs for ACME calls
* fixed challenge remove
* read & write Token/URL at rm too
* make info messages debug
* typos fixed
* update rrset only if existing challenge is found
* polish error messages and make "detect root zone" scaleable
* fixed formating issues
* code cleanup, remove some unneeded functions
* removed empty lines
* save rcode0 url only if not default
We have a few domains that ends the same. For example :
The problem was in the _get_root functions, when getting the domain_id :
only the first result "" was returned, because ""
is contained in the "" string.
The correction consist of being strict in the regex, adding a slash (/)
so that it will only match on ".*/(*" and not
The --no-run-if-empty option is a GNU extension and the long version isn't supported by *BSD variants.
Instead use the short version (-r) which is present, but ignored as it is the default behavior, in at least FreeBSD: