diff --git a/deploy/haproxy.sh b/deploy/haproxy.sh
index 0a45ee07..c255059d 100644
--- a/deploy/haproxy.sh
+++ b/deploy/haproxy.sh
@@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
-  if [ -f "${DOMAIN_CONF}" ]; then
-    # shellcheck disable=SC1090
-    . "${DOMAIN_CONF}"
-  fi
   _debug _cdomain "${_cdomain}"
   _debug _ckey "${_ckey}"
   _debug _ccert "${_ccert}"
@@ -66,6 +61,8 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
   _debug _cfullchain "${_cfullchain}"
   # PEM_PATH is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_PATH_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_PATH
   if [ -n "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_PATH}" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_haproxy_pem_path "${Le_Deploy_haproxy_pem_path}"
@@ -82,6 +79,8 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
   # PEM_NAME is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_NAME_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_NAME
   if [ -n "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_NAME}" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_haproxy_pem_name "${Le_Deploy_haproxy_pem_name}"
@@ -90,6 +89,8 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
   # BUNDLE is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_BUNDLE_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_HAPROXY_BUNDLE
   if [ -n "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_BUNDLE}" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_haproxy_bundle "${Le_Deploy_haproxy_bundle}"
@@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
   # ISSUER is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_ISSUER_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_HAPROXY_ISSUER
   if [ -n "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_ISSUER}" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_haproxy_issuer "${Le_Deploy_haproxy_issuer}"
@@ -106,6 +109,8 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
   # RELOAD is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_RELOAD_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_HAPROXY_RELOAD
   if [ -n "${DEPLOY_HAPROXY_RELOAD}" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_haproxy_reload "${Le_Deploy_haproxy_reload}"
@@ -190,7 +195,7 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
     _info "Updating OCSP stapling info"
     _debug _ocsp "${_ocsp}"
     _info "Extracting OCSP URL"
-    _ocsp_url=$(openssl x509 -noout -ocsp_uri -in "${_pem}")
+    _ocsp_url=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} x509 -noout -ocsp_uri -in "${_pem}")
     _debug _ocsp_url "${_ocsp_url}"
     # Only process OCSP if URL was present
@@ -203,9 +208,9 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
       # Only process the certificate if we have a .issuer file
       if [ -r "${_issuer}" ]; then
         # Check if issuer cert is also a root CA cert
-        _subjectdn=$(openssl x509 -in "${_issuer}" -subject -noout | cut -d'/' -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
+        _subjectdn=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} x509 -in "${_issuer}" -subject -noout | cut -d'/' -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
         _debug _subjectdn "${_subjectdn}"
-        _issuerdn=$(openssl x509 -in "${_issuer}" -issuer -noout | cut -d'/' -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
+        _issuerdn=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} x509 -in "${_issuer}" -issuer -noout | cut -d'/' -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
         _debug _issuerdn "${_issuerdn}"
         _info "Requesting OCSP response"
         # If the issuer is a CA cert then our command line has "-CAfile" added
@@ -216,7 +221,7 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
         _debug _cafile_argument "${_cafile_argument}"
         # if OpenSSL/LibreSSL is v1.1 or above, the format for the -header option has changed
-        _openssl_version=$(openssl version | cut -d' ' -f2)
+        _openssl_version=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} version | cut -d' ' -f2)
         _debug _openssl_version "${_openssl_version}"
         _openssl_major=$(echo "${_openssl_version}" | cut -d '.' -f1)
         _openssl_minor=$(echo "${_openssl_version}" | cut -d '.' -f2)
@@ -226,7 +231,7 @@ haproxy_deploy() {
           _header_sep=" "
         # Request the OCSP response from the issuer and store it
-        _openssl_ocsp_cmd="openssl ocsp \
+        _openssl_ocsp_cmd="${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} ocsp \
           -issuer \"${_issuer}\" \
           -cert \"${_pem}\" \
           -url \"${_ocsp_url}\" \
diff --git a/deploy/lighttpd.sh b/deploy/lighttpd.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71f64b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/lighttpd.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# Script for acme.sh to deploy certificates to lighttpd
+# The following variables can be exported:
+# export DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_NAME="${domain}.pem"
+# Defines the name of the PEM file.
+# Defaults to "<domain>.pem"
+# export DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_PATH="/etc/lighttpd"
+# Defines location of PEM file for Lighttpd.
+# Defaults to /etc/lighttpd
+# export DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_RELOAD="systemctl reload lighttpd"
+# OPTIONAL: Reload command used post deploy
+# This defaults to be a no-op (ie "true").
+# It is strongly recommended to set this something that makes sense
+# for your distro.
+# OPTIONAL: Places CA file as "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM}.issuer"
+# Note: Required for OCSP stapling to work
+# OPTIONAL: Deploy this certificate as part of a multi-cert bundle
+# This adds a suffix to the certificate based on the certificate type
+# eg RSA certificates will have .rsa as a suffix to the file name
+# Lighttpd will load all certificates and provide one or the other
+# depending on client capabilities
+# Note: This functionality requires Lighttpd was compiled against
+# a version of OpenSSL that supports this.
+########  Public functions #####################
+#domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain
+lighttpd_deploy() {
+  _cdomain="$1"
+  _ckey="$2"
+  _ccert="$3"
+  _cca="$4"
+  _cfullchain="$5"
+  # Some defaults
+  _debug _cdomain "${_cdomain}"
+  _debug _ckey "${_ckey}"
+  _debug _ccert "${_ccert}"
+  _debug _cca "${_cca}"
+  _debug _cfullchain "${_cfullchain}"
+  # PEM_PATH is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_PATH_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_PATH
+  if [ -n "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_PATH}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_PATH}"
+    _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path}"
+  elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_PATH_DEFAULT}"
+  fi
+  # Ensure PEM_PATH exists
+  if [ -d "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path}" ]; then
+    _debug "PEM_PATH ${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path} exists"
+  else
+    _err "PEM_PATH ${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path} does not exist"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # PEM_NAME is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_NAME_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_NAME
+  if [ -n "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_NAME}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_name="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_NAME}"
+    _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_name "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_name}"
+  elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_name}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_name="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_PEM_NAME_DEFAULT}"
+  fi
+  # BUNDLE is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_BUNDLE_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_BUNDLE
+  if [ -n "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_BUNDLE}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_bundle="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_BUNDLE}"
+    _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_lighttpd_bundle "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_bundle}"
+  elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_bundle}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_bundle="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_BUNDLE_DEFAULT}"
+  fi
+  # ISSUER is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_ISSUER_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_ISSUER
+  if [ -n "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_ISSUER}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_issuer="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_ISSUER}"
+    _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_lighttpd_issuer "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_issuer}"
+  elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_issuer}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_issuer="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_ISSUER_DEFAULT}"
+  fi
+  # RELOAD is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_RELOAD_DEFAULT}"
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_RELOAD
+  if [ -n "${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_RELOAD}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_reload="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_RELOAD}"
+    _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_lighttpd_reload "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_reload}"
+  elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_reload}" ]; then
+    Le_Deploy_lighttpd_reload="${DEPLOY_LIGHTTPD_RELOAD_DEFAULT}"
+  fi
+  # Set the suffix depending if we are creating a bundle or not
+  if [ "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_bundle}" = "yes" ]; then
+    _info "Bundle creation requested"
+    # Initialise $Le_Keylength if its not already set
+    if [ -z "${Le_Keylength}" ]; then
+      Le_Keylength=""
+    fi
+    if _isEccKey "${Le_Keylength}"; then
+      _info "ECC key type detected"
+      _suffix=".ecdsa"
+    else
+      _info "RSA key type detected"
+      _suffix=".rsa"
+    fi
+  else
+    _suffix=""
+  fi
+  _debug _suffix "${_suffix}"
+  # Set variables for later
+  _pem="${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_path}/${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_pem_name}${_suffix}"
+  _issuer="${_pem}.issuer"
+  _ocsp="${_pem}.ocsp"
+  _reload="${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_reload}"
+  _info "Deploying PEM file"
+  # Create a temporary PEM file
+  _temppem="$(_mktemp)"
+  _debug _temppem "${_temppem}"
+  cat "${_ckey}" "${_ccert}" "${_cca}" >"${_temppem}"
+  _ret="$?"
+  # Check that we could create the temporary file
+  if [ "${_ret}" != "0" ]; then
+    _err "Error code ${_ret} returned during PEM file creation"
+    [ -f "${_temppem}" ] && rm -f "${_temppem}"
+    return ${_ret}
+  fi
+  # Move PEM file into place
+  _info "Moving new certificate into place"
+  _debug _pem "${_pem}"
+  cat "${_temppem}" >"${_pem}"
+  _ret=$?
+  # Clean up temp file
+  [ -f "${_temppem}" ] && rm -f "${_temppem}"
+  # Deal with any failure of moving PEM file into place
+  if [ "${_ret}" != "0" ]; then
+    _err "Error code ${_ret} returned while moving new certificate into place"
+    return ${_ret}
+  fi
+  # Update .issuer file if requested
+  if [ "${Le_Deploy_lighttpd_issuer}" = "yes" ]; then
+    _info "Updating .issuer file"
+    _debug _issuer "${_issuer}"
+    cat "${_cca}" >"${_issuer}"
+    _ret="$?"
+    if [ "${_ret}" != "0" ]; then
+      _err "Error code ${_ret} returned while copying issuer/CA certificate into place"
+      return ${_ret}
+    fi
+  else
+    [ -f "${_issuer}" ] && _err "Issuer file update not requested but .issuer file exists"
+  fi
+  # Update .ocsp file if certificate was requested with --ocsp/--ocsp-must-staple option
+  if [ -z "${Le_OCSP_Staple}" ]; then
+    Le_OCSP_Staple="0"
+  fi
+  if [ "${Le_OCSP_Staple}" = "1" ]; then
+    _info "Updating OCSP stapling info"
+    _debug _ocsp "${_ocsp}"
+    _info "Extracting OCSP URL"
+    _ocsp_url=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} x509 -noout -ocsp_uri -in "${_pem}")
+    _debug _ocsp_url "${_ocsp_url}"
+    # Only process OCSP if URL was present
+    if [ "${_ocsp_url}" != "" ]; then
+      # Extract the hostname from the OCSP URL
+      _info "Extracting OCSP URL"
+      _ocsp_host=$(echo "${_ocsp_url}" | cut -d/ -f3)
+      _debug _ocsp_host "${_ocsp_host}"
+      # Only process the certificate if we have a .issuer file
+      if [ -r "${_issuer}" ]; then
+        # Check if issuer cert is also a root CA cert
+        _subjectdn=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} x509 -in "${_issuer}" -subject -noout | cut -d'/' -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
+        _debug _subjectdn "${_subjectdn}"
+        _issuerdn=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} x509 -in "${_issuer}" -issuer -noout | cut -d'/' -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
+        _debug _issuerdn "${_issuerdn}"
+        _info "Requesting OCSP response"
+        # If the issuer is a CA cert then our command line has "-CAfile" added
+        if [ "${_subjectdn}" = "${_issuerdn}" ]; then
+          _cafile_argument="-CAfile \"${_issuer}\""
+        else
+          _cafile_argument=""
+        fi
+        _debug _cafile_argument "${_cafile_argument}"
+        # if OpenSSL/LibreSSL is v1.1 or above, the format for the -header option has changed
+        _openssl_version=$(${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} version | cut -d' ' -f2)
+        _debug _openssl_version "${_openssl_version}"
+        _openssl_major=$(echo "${_openssl_version}" | cut -d '.' -f1)
+        _openssl_minor=$(echo "${_openssl_version}" | cut -d '.' -f2)
+        if [ "${_openssl_major}" -eq "1" ] && [ "${_openssl_minor}" -ge "1" ] || [ "${_openssl_major}" -ge "2" ]; then
+          _header_sep="="
+        else
+          _header_sep=" "
+        fi
+        # Request the OCSP response from the issuer and store it
+        _openssl_ocsp_cmd="${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} ocsp \
+          -issuer \"${_issuer}\" \
+          -cert \"${_pem}\" \
+          -url \"${_ocsp_url}\" \
+          -header Host${_header_sep}\"${_ocsp_host}\" \
+          -respout \"${_ocsp}\" \
+          -verify_other \"${_issuer}\" \
+          ${_cafile_argument} \
+          | grep -q \"${_pem}: good\""
+        _debug _openssl_ocsp_cmd "${_openssl_ocsp_cmd}"
+        eval "${_openssl_ocsp_cmd}"
+        _ret=$?
+      else
+        # Non fatal: No issuer file was present so no OCSP stapling file created
+        _err "OCSP stapling in use but no .issuer file was present"
+      fi
+    else
+      # Non fatal: No OCSP url was found int the certificate
+      _err "OCSP update requested but no OCSP URL was found in certificate"
+    fi
+    # Non fatal: Check return code of openssl command
+    if [ "${_ret}" != "0" ]; then
+      _err "Updating OCSP stapling failed with return code ${_ret}"
+    fi
+  else
+    # An OCSP file was already present but certificate did not have OCSP extension
+    if [ -f "${_ocsp}" ]; then
+      _err "OCSP was not requested but .ocsp file exists."
+      # Could remove the file at this step, although Lighttpd just ignores it in this case
+      # rm -f "${_ocsp}" || _err "Problem removing stale .ocsp file"
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Reload Lighttpd
+  _debug _reload "${_reload}"
+  eval "${_reload}"
+  _ret=$?
+  if [ "${_ret}" != "0" ]; then
+    _err "Error code ${_ret} during reload"
+    return ${_ret}
+  else
+    _info "Reload successful"
+  fi
+  return 0
diff --git a/deploy/ssh.sh b/deploy/ssh.sh
index 18de4aa6..89962621 100644
--- a/deploy/ssh.sh
+++ b/deploy/ssh.sh
@@ -35,11 +35,6 @@ ssh_deploy() {
-  if [ -f "$DOMAIN_CONF" ]; then
-    # shellcheck disable=SC1090
-    . "$DOMAIN_CONF"
-  fi
   _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain"
   _debug _ckey "$_ckey"
   _debug _ccert "$_ccert"
@@ -47,6 +42,8 @@ ssh_deploy() {
   _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain"
   # USER is required to login by SSH to remote host.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_USER
   if [ -z "$DEPLOY_SSH_USER" ]; then
     if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_ssh_user" ]; then
       _err "DEPLOY_SSH_USER not defined."
@@ -58,6 +55,8 @@ ssh_deploy() {
   # SERVER is optional. If not provided then use _cdomain
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_SERVER
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_SERVER" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_server "$Le_Deploy_ssh_server"
@@ -66,6 +65,8 @@ ssh_deploy() {
   # CMD is optional. If not provided then use ssh
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_CMD
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_CMD" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_cmd "$Le_Deploy_ssh_cmd"
@@ -74,6 +75,8 @@ ssh_deploy() {
   # BACKUP is optional. If not provided then default to previously saved value or yes.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_BACKUP
   if [ "$DEPLOY_SSH_BACKUP" = "no" ]; then
   elif [ -z "$Le_Deploy_ssh_backup" ] || [ "$DEPLOY_SSH_BACKUP" = "yes" ]; then
@@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ ssh_deploy() {
   _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_backup "$Le_Deploy_ssh_backup"
   # BACKUP_PATH is optional. If not provided then default to previously saved value or .acme_ssh_deploy
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_BACKUP_PATH
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_BACKUP_PATH" ]; then
   elif [ -z "$Le_Deploy_ssh_backup_path" ]; then
@@ -91,6 +96,8 @@ ssh_deploy() {
   # MULTI_CALL is optional. If not provided then default to previously saved
   # value (which may be undefined... equivalent to "no").
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_MULTI_CALL
   if [ "$DEPLOY_SSH_MULTI_CALL" = "yes" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_multi_call "$Le_Deploy_ssh_multi_call"
@@ -141,6 +148,8 @@ then rm -rf \"\$fn\"; echo \"Backup \$fn deleted as older than 180 days\"; fi; d
   # KEYFILE is optional.
   # If provided then private key will be copied to provided filename.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_KEYFILE
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_KEYFILE" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_keyfile "$Le_Deploy_ssh_keyfile"
@@ -163,6 +172,8 @@ then rm -rf \"\$fn\"; echo \"Backup \$fn deleted as older than 180 days\"; fi; d
   # CERTFILE is optional.
   # If provided then certificate will be copied or appended to provided filename.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_CERTFILE
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_CERTFILE" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_certfile "$Le_Deploy_ssh_certfile"
@@ -189,6 +200,8 @@ then rm -rf \"\$fn\"; echo \"Backup \$fn deleted as older than 180 days\"; fi; d
   # CAFILE is optional.
   # If provided then CA intermediate certificate will be copied or appended to provided filename.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_CAFILE
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_CAFILE" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_cafile "$Le_Deploy_ssh_cafile"
@@ -216,6 +229,8 @@ then rm -rf \"\$fn\"; echo \"Backup \$fn deleted as older than 180 days\"; fi; d
   # FULLCHAIN is optional.
   # If provided then fullchain certificate will be copied or appended to provided filename.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_FULLCHAIN
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_FULLCHAIN" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_fullchain "$Le_Deploy_ssh_fullchain"
@@ -244,6 +259,8 @@ then rm -rf \"\$fn\"; echo \"Backup \$fn deleted as older than 180 days\"; fi; d
   # REMOTE_CMD is optional.
   # If provided then this command will be executed on remote host.
+  _getdeployconf DEPLOY_SSH_REMOTE_CMD
   if [ -n "$DEPLOY_SSH_REMOTE_CMD" ]; then
     _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_ssh_remote_cmd "$Le_Deploy_ssh_remote_cmd"