From bcf63b5d270a4535347e64e7f25f24970e474e6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Arndt <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2022 14:17:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add DNS API plugin

 dnsapi/ | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 176 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dnsapi/

diff --git a/dnsapi/ b/dnsapi/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c857060a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnsapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# 3rd party DNS API plugin for
+# Author:   Martin Arndt,
+# Released: 2022-02-27
+# Issues:
+# Usage:
+# 1. export AF_API_Username="api12345678"
+# 2. export AF_API_Password="apiPassword"
+# 3. --issue -d --dns dns_artfiles
+########## API configuration ###################################################
+########## Public functions ####################################################
+# Adds a new TXT record for given ACME challenge value & domain.
+# Usage: dns_artfiles_add "ACME challenge value"
+dns_artfiles_add() {
+  domain="$1"
+  txtValue="$2"
+  _info 'Using DNS addition API'
+  _debug 'Domain' "$domain"
+  _debug 'txtValue' "$txtValue"
+  AF_API_USERNAME="${AF_API_USERNAME:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable AF_API_USERNAME)}"
+  AF_API_PASSWORD="${AF_API_PASSWORD:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable AF_API_PASSWORD)}"
+  if [ -z "$AF_API_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$AF_API_PASSWORD" ]; then
+    _err 'Missing username and/or password.'
+    _err 'Please ensure both are set via export command & try again.'
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _saveaccountconf_mutable 'AF_API_USERNAME' "$AF_API_USERNAME"
+  _saveaccountconf_mutable 'AF_API_PASSWORD' "$AF_API_PASSWORD"
+  _set_headers
+  _get_zone "$domain"
+  _dns 'GET'
+  if ! _contains "$response" 'TXT'; then
+    _err 'Retrieving TXT records failed.'
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _clean_records
+  _dns 'SET' "$(printf -- '%s\n_acme-challenge "%s"' "$response" "$txtValue")"
+  if ! _contains "$response" "$AF_API_SUCCESS"; then
+    _err 'Adding ACME challenge value failed.'
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Removes the existing TXT record for given ACME challenge value & domain.
+# Usage: dns_artfiles_rm "ACME challenge value"
+dns_artfiles_rm() {
+  domain="$1"
+  txtValue="$2"
+  _info 'Using DNS removal API'
+  _debug 'Domain' "$domain"
+  _debug 'txtValue' "$txtValue"
+  _set_headers
+  _get_zone "$domain"
+  if ! _dns 'GET'; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if ! _contains "$response" "$txtValue"; then
+    _err 'Retrieved TXT records are missing given ACME challenge value.'
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _clean_records
+  response="$(printf -- '%s' "$response" | sed '$d')"
+  _dns 'SET' "$response"
+  if ! _contains "$response" "$AF_API_SUCCESS"; then
+    _err 'Removing ACME challenge value failed.'
+    return 1
+  fi
+########## Private functions ###################################################
+# Cleans awful TXT records response of ArtFiles's API & pretty prints it.
+# Usage: _clean_records
+  # Extract TXT part, strip trailing quote sign ( API guidelines forbid
+  # usage of SED's GNU extensions, hence couldn't omit it via regex), strip '\'
+  # from '\"' & turn '\n' into real LF characters.
+  # Yup, awful API to use - but that's all we got to get this working, so... ;)
+  _debug2 'Raw  ' "$response"
+  response="$(printf -- '%s' "$response"
+    \ | sed 's/^\(.*TXT":"\)\([^,}]*\)\(.*\)$/\2/;s/.$//;s/\\"/"/g;s/\\n/\n/g')"
+  _debug2 'Clean' "$response"
+# Executes an HTTP GET or POST request for getting or setting DNS records,
+# containing given payload upon POST.
+# Usage: _dns [GET | SET] [payload]
+  action="$1"
+  payload="$(printf -- '%s' "$2" | _url_encode)"
+  url="$(printf -- '%s%s' "$AF_URL_DNS" "$domain"
+    \ | sed 's/{\*}/'"$(printf -- '%s' "$action" | _lower_case)"'/')"
+  if [ "$action" = 'SET' ]; then
+    _debug2 'Payload' "$payload"
+    response="$(_post '' "$url&TXT=$payload" '' 'POST' 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')"
+  else
+    response="$(_get "$url" '' 10)"
+  fi
+  if ! _contains "$response" "$AF_API_SUCCESS"; then
+    _err "DNS API error: $response"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _debug 'Response' "$response"
+  return 0
+# Gets the root domain zone for given domain.
+# Usage: _get_zone
+  _info 'Getting domain zone...'
+  _debug2 'Initial FQDN' "$1"
+  fqdn="$1"
+  fqdn="${fqdn#*.}" # Strip "_acme-challenge" right away
+  _debug2 'Reduced FQDN' "$fqdn"
+  domains="$(_get "$AF_URL_DOMAINS" '' 10)"
+  while true; do
+    if _contains "$domains" "$fqdn"; then
+      domain="$fqdn"
+      _info "Found root domain zone: $domain"
+      break
+    else
+      fqdn="${fqdn#*.}"
+      _debug2 'FQDN' "$fqdn"
+    fi
+  done
+  if [ "$domain" = "$fqdn" ]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  _err "Couldn't find root domain zone."
+  return 1
+# Adds the HTTP Authorization & Content-Type headers to a follow-up request.
+# Usage: _set_headers
+  encoded="$(printf -- '%s:%s' "$AF_API_USERNAME" "$AF_API_PASSWORD" | _base64)"
+  export _H1="Authorization: Basic $encoded"
+  export _H2='Content-Type: application/json'