Get rid of shell arrays.

Ondrej Simek 2017-07-27 18:04:53 +02:00
parent 1546b7e5a9
commit aefed1d1b9
1 changed files with 45 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -121,16 +121,19 @@ _find_zone() {
## _all_zones is an array that looks like this:
## ( zone1:id zone2:id ... )
# TODO arrays aren't supported in POSIX sh
_all_zones=($(_post "$body" "" \
| _egrep_o "delete_dom.*name=\"[^\"]+\" value=\"[0-9]+" \
| cut -d '"' -f 3,5 --output-delimiter=":"
_matches=$(_post "$body" "" \
| _egrep_o "delete_dom.*name=\"[^\"]+\" value=\"[0-9]+"
# Zone names and zone IDs are in same order
_zone_ids=$(echo "$_matches" | cut -d '"' -f 5 --output-delimiter=":")
_zone_names=$(echo "$_matches" | cut -d '"' -f 3 --output-delimiter=":")
_debug2 "These are the zones on this HE account:"
_debug2 "$_zone_names"
_debug2 "And these are their respective IDs:"
_debug2 "$_zone_ids"
# Walk through all possible zone names
while true; do
_attempted_zone=$(echo "$_domain" | cut -d . -f ${_strip_counter}-)
@ -138,28 +141,46 @@ _find_zone() {
# All possible zone names have been tried
if [ -z "$_attempted_zone" ]; then
_err "No zone for domain \"$_domain\" found."
return 1
# Walk through all zones on the account
#echo "$_all_zones" | while IFS=' ' read _zone_name _zone_id
for i in ${_all_zones[@]}; do
_zone_name=$(echo "$i" | cut -d ':' -f 1)
_zone_id=$(echo "$i" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
if [ "$_zone_name" = "$_attempted_zone" ]; then
# Zone found - we got $_zone_name and $_zone_id, let's get out...
_debug "Found relevant zone \"$_zone_name\" with id" \
_debug "Looking for zone \"${_attempted_zone}\""
_line_num=$(echo "$_zone_names" | _find_linenum "$_attempted_zone")
if [ -n "$_line_num" ]; then
_zone_id=$(echo "$_zone_ids" | sed "${_line_num}q;d")
_debug "Found relevant zone \"$_attempted_zone\" with id" \
"\"$_zone_id\" - will be used for domain \"$_domain\"."
return 0
_debug "Zone \"$_attempted_zone\" doesn't exist, let's try another \
_debug "Zone \"$_attempted_zone\" doesn't exist, let's try a less" \
"specific zone."
_strip_counter=$(_math $_strip_counter + 1)
# No zone found.
#-- _find_linenum()-----------------------------------------------------
# Returns line number of line (supplied as an argument) in STDIN.
# Example:
# printf "a\nb\nc" | _find_linenum "b"
# This will:
# - print out 2 because that's the line number of "b"
# - return code 0 because it was found
_find_linenum() {
while read line; do
_current_line_num=$(expr "$_current_line_num" + 1)
if [ "$line" = "$1" ]; then
# Found! Let's echo the line number and quit
echo $_current_line_num
return 0
# Not found
return 1