@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ root@xvm:~# le
Usage: issue|renew|renewAll|createAccountKey|createDomainKey|createCSR|install|uninstall
root@xvm:~# le issue
Usage: le issue webroot|no|apache a.com [www.a.com,b.com,c.com]|no [key-length]|no [cert-file-path]|no [key-file-path]|no [ca-cert-file-path]|no [reloadCmd]|no
Usage: le issue webroot|no|apache|dns a.com [www.a.com,b.com,c.com]|no [key-length]|no [cert-file-path]|no [key-file-path]|no [ca-cert-file-path]|no [reloadCmd]|no
@ -101,6 +101,38 @@ le issue apache aa.com www.aa.com
All the other arguments are the same with previous.
# Use DNS mode:
Support the latest dns-01 challenge.
le issue dns aa.com www.aa.com
Use domain api to automatically add dns record is not finished yet.
So, you must manually add the txt record to finish verify.
You will got the output like bellow:
Add the following txt record:
Txt value:9ihDbjYfTExAYeDs4DBUeuTo18KBzwvTEjUnSwd32-c
Add the following txt record:
Txt value:9ihDbjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please add those txt records to the domains. Waiting for the dns to take effect.
Then just retry with 'renew' command
le renew aa.com
Ok, it's finished.
#Under the Hood