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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This deploy hook is tested on OpenMediaVault 5.x. It supports both local and remote deployment.
# The way it works is that if a cert with the matching domain name is not found, it will firstly create a dummy cert to get its uuid, and then replace it with your cert.
# DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN - This is OMV web gui admin account. Default value is admin. It's required as the user parameter (-u) for the omv-rpc command.
# DEPLOY_OMV_HOST and DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER are optional. They are used for remote deployment through ssh (support public key authentication only). Per design, OMV web gui admin doesn't have ssh permission, so another account is needed for ssh.
# returns 0 means success, otherwise error.
######## Public functions #####################
#domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain
openmediavault_deploy() {
_debug _cdomain "$_cdomain"
_debug _ckey "$_ckey"
_debug _ccert "$_ccert"
_debug _cca "$_cca"
_debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain"
if [ -z "$DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN" ]; then
_getdeployconf DEPLOY_OMV_HOST
_getdeployconf DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER
if [ -n "$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" ] && [ -n "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER" ]; then
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Deploy certificate remotely through ssh."
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Deploy certificate locally."
if [ -n "$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" ] && [ -n "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER" ]; then
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'CertificateMgmt' 'getList' '{\"start\": 0, \"limit\": -1}' | jq -r '.data[] | select(.name==\"/CN='$_cdomain'\") | .uuid'"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
_uuid=$(ssh "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER@$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
if [ -z "$_uuid" ]; then
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Domain $_cdomain has no certificate in openmediavault, creating it!"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'CertificateMgmt' 'create' '{\"cn\": \"\", \"size\": 4096, \"days\": 3650, \"c\": \"\", \"st\": \"\", \"l\": \"\", \"o\": \"\", \"ou\": \"\", \"email\": \"\"}' | jq -r '.uuid'"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
_uuid=$(ssh "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER@$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
if [ -z "$_uuid" ]; then
_err "[OMV deploy-hook] An error occured while creating the certificate"
return 1
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Domain $_cdomain has uuid: $_uuid"
_fullchain=$(jq <"$_cfullchain" -aRs .)
_key=$(jq <"$_ckey" -aRs .)
_debug _fullchain "$_fullchain"
_debug _key "$_key"
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Updating key and certificate in openmediavault"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'CertificateMgmt' 'set' '{\"uuid\":\"$_uuid\", \"certificate\":$_fullchain, \"privatekey\":$_key, \"comment\":\" deployed $(date)\"}'"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
_result=$(ssh "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER@$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'WebGui' 'setSettings' \$(omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'WebGui' 'getSettings' | jq -c '.sslcertificateref=\"$_uuid\"')"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
_result=$(ssh "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER@$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Asking openmediavault to apply changes... (this could take some time, hang in there)"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'Config' 'applyChanges' '{\"modules\":[], \"force\": false}'"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
_result=$(ssh "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER@$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Asking nginx to reload"
_command="nginx -s reload"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
_result=$(ssh "$DEPLOY_OMV_SSH_USER@$DEPLOY_OMV_HOST" "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
_uuid=$(omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'CertificateMgmt' 'getList' '{"start": 0, "limit": -1}' | jq -r '.data[] | select(.name=="/CN='$_cdomain'") | .uuid')
if [ -z "$_uuid" ]; then
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Domain $_cdomain has no certificate in openmediavault, creating it!"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
_uuid=$(omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'CertificateMgmt' 'create' '{"cn": "", "size": 4096, "days": 3650, "c": "", "st": "", "l": "", "o": "", "ou": "", "email": ""}' | jq -r '.uuid')
if [ -z "$_uuid" ]; then
_err "[OMB deploy-hook] An error occured while creating the certificate"
return 1
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Domain $_cdomain has uuid: $_uuid"
_fullchain=$(jq <"$_cfullchain" -aRs .)
_key=$(jq <"$_ckey" -aRs .)
_debug _fullchain "$_fullchain"
_debug _key "$_key"
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Updating key and certificate in openmediavault"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'CertificateMgmt' 'set' '{\"uuid\":\"$_uuid\", \"certificate\":$_fullchain, \"privatekey\":$_key, \"comment\":\" deployed $(date)\"}'"
_result=$(eval "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'WebGui' 'setSettings' \$(omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'WebGui' 'getSettings' | jq -c '.sslcertificateref=\"$_uuid\"')"
_result=$(eval "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Asking openmediavault to apply changes... (this could take some time, hang in there)"
_command="omv-rpc -u $DEPLOY_OMV_WEBUI_ADMIN 'Config' 'applyChanges' '{\"modules\":[], \"force\": false}'"
_result=$(eval "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
_info "[OMV deploy-hook] Asking nginx to reload"
_command="nginx -s reload"
_result=$(eval "$_command")
_debug _command "$_command"
_debug _result "$_result"
return 0