201 lines
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201 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# TODO Somehow use _get instead of curl - not sure how to support
# cookies though...
# Hurricane Electric hook script for acme.sh
# Environment variables:
# - $HE_Username (your dns.he.net username)
# - $HE_Password (your dns.he.net password)
# Author: Ondrej Simek <me@ondrejsimek.com>
# Git repo: https://github.com/angel333/acme.sh
#-- dns_he_add() - Add TXT record --------------------------------------
# Usage: dns_he_add _acme-challenge.subdomain.domain.com "XyZ123..."
dns_he_add() {
_info "Using DNS-01 Hurricane Electric hook"
_authenticate || return 1
_saveaccountconf HE_Username "$HE_Username"
_saveaccountconf HE_Password "$HE_Password"
# fills in the $_zone_id
_find_zone $_full_domain || return 1
_debug "Zone id \"$_zone_id\" will be used."
curl -L --silent --show-error --cookie "$_he_cookie" \
--form "account=" \
--form "menu=edit_zone" \
--form "Type=TXT" \
--form "hosted_dns_zoneid=$_zone_id" \
--form "hosted_dns_recordid=" \
--form "hosted_dns_editzone=1" \
--form "Priority=" \
--form "Name=$_full_domain" \
--form "Content=$_txt_value" \
--form "TTL=300" \
--form "hosted_dns_editrecord=Submit" \
"https://dns.he.net/" \
> /dev/null
#-- dns_he_rm() - Remove TXT record ------------------------------------
# Usage: dns_he_rm _acme-challenge.subdomain.domain.com "XyZ123..."
dns_he_rm() {
_info "Cleaning up after DNS-01 Hurricane Electric hook"
_authenticate || return 1
# fills in the $_zone_id
_find_zone $_full_domain || return 1
_debug "Zone id \"$_zone_id\" will be used."
# Find the record id to clean
_record_id=$( \
curl -L --silent --show-error --cookie "$_he_cookie" \
"https://dns.he.net/?hosted_dns_zoneid=$_zone_id&menu=edit_zone&hosted_dns_editzone" \
| grep -A 1 "data=\"\("\)\?${_txt_value}\("\)\?\"" \
| tail -n 1 \
| _egrep_o "'[[:digit:]]+','[^']+','TXT'" \
| cut -b 2- \
| _egrep_o "[[:digit:]]+" \
| head -n1) # ... oh my, what have I done...
# Remove the record
curl -L --silent --show-error --cookie "$_he_cookie" \
--form "menu=edit_zone" \
--form "hosted_dns_zoneid=$_zone_id" \
--form "hosted_dns_recordid=$_record_id" \
--form "hosted_dns_editzone=1" \
--form "hosted_dns_delrecord=1" \
--form "hosted_dns_delconfirm=delete" \
--form "hosted_dns_editzone=1" \
"https://dns.he.net/" \
| grep '<div id="dns_status" onClick="hideThis(this);">Successfully removed record.</div>' \
> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
_info "Record removed successfuly."
_err \
"Could not clean (remove) up the record. Please go to HE" \
"administration interface and clean it by hand."
########################## PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ###########################
#-- _find_zone() -------------------------------------------------------
# Usage: _authenticate
# - needs $HE_Username and $HE_Password
# - sets the $_he_cookie
_authenticate() {
if [ -z "$HE_Username" ] && [ -z "$HE_Password" ]; then
_err \
'No auth details provided. Please set user credentials using the \
\$HE_Username and \$HE_Password envoronment variables.'
return 1
# Just get a session
_he_cookie=$( \
curl -L --silent --show-error -I "https://dns.he.net/" \
| grep '^Set-Cookie:' \
| _egrep_o 'CGISESSID=[a-z0-9]*')
# Attempt login
curl -L --silent --show-error --cookie "$_he_cookie" \
--form "email=${HE_Username}" \
--form "pass=${HE_Password}" \
"https://dns.he.net/" \
> /dev/null
# TODO detect unsuccessful logins
#-- _find_zone() -------------------------------------------------------
# Returns the most specific zone found in administration interface.
# - needs $_he_cookie
# Example:
# _find_zone first.second.third.co.uk
# ... will return the first zone that exists in admin out of these:
# - "first.second.third.co.uk"
# - "second.third.co.uk"
# - "third.co.uk"
# - "co.uk" <-- unlikely
# - "uk" <-'
# (another approach would be something like this:
# https://github.com/hlandau/acme/blob/master/_doc/dns.hook
# - that's better if there are multiple pages. It's so much simpler.
# )
_find_zone() {
## _all_zones is an array that looks like this:
## ( zone1:id zone2:id ... )
_all_zones=( $(curl -L --silent --show-error --cookie "$_he_cookie" \
"https://dns.he.net/" \
| _egrep_o "delete_dom.*name=\"[^\"]+\" value=\"[0-9]+" \
| cut -d '"' -f 3,5 --output-delimiter=":" \
) )
while [ true ]
_attempted_zone=$(echo $_domain | cut -d . -f ${_strip_counter}-)
# All possible zone names have been tried
if [ "$_attempted_zone" == "" ]
_err "No zone for domain \"$_domain\" found."
# Walk through all zones on the account
#echo "$_all_zones" | while IFS=' ' read _zone_name _zone_id
for i in ${_all_zones[@]}
_zone_name=$(echo $i | cut -d ':' -f 1)
_zone_id=$(echo $i | cut -d ':' -f 2)
if [ "$_zone_name" == "$_attempted_zone" ]
# Zone found - we got $_zone_name and $_zone_id, let's get out...
_debug "Found relevant zone \"$_zone_name\" with id" \
"\"$_zone_id\" - will be used for domain \"$_domain\"."
return 0
_debug "Zone \"$_attempted_zone\" doesn't exist, let's try another \
_strip_counter=$(expr $_strip_counter + 1)
# No zone found.
return 1
# vim: et:ts=2:sw=2: