-`"AsIs"`: Freedom resolves the domain name using the system DNS server and connects to it.
-`"UseIP"`, `"UseIPv4"`, and `"UseIPv6"`: Xray resolves the domain name using the built-in [DNS server](../dns.md) and connects to it. The default value is `"AsIs"`.
When using the `"UseIP"` mode and the `sendThrough` field is specified in the [outbound connection configuration](../outbound.md#outboundobject), Freedom will automatically determine the required IP type, IPv4 or IPv6, based on the value of `sendThrough`.
When using the `"UseIPv4"` or `"UseIPv6"` mode, Freedom will only use the corresponding IPv4 or IPv6 address. If `sendThrough` specifies a mismatched local address, the connection will fail.
When the address is not specified, such as `":443"`, Freedom will not modify the original destination address. When the port is `0`, such as `"xray.com:0"`, Freedom will not modify the original port.
`"packets"`:support two different methods. "1-3" is for segmentation at TCP layer, applying to the beginning 1 to 3 data writes by the client. "tlshello" is for TLS client hello packet fragmentation.