@ -192,12 +192,15 @@ func (h *requestHandler) ServeHTTP(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Req
// in earlier versions, this initial body data was used to immediately
// start a 200 OK on all CDN. but xray client since 1.8.16 does not
// actually require an immediate 200 OK, but now requires these
// additional bytes "ok". xray client 1.8.24+ doesn't require "ok"
// anymore, and so this line should be removed in later versions.
if _, ok := request.URL.Query()["x_padding"]; !ok {
// in earlier versions, this initial body data was used to immediately
// start a 200 OK on all CDN. but xray client since 1.8.16 does not
// actually require an immediate 200 OK, but now requires these
// additional bytes "ok". xray client 1.8.24+ doesn't require "ok"
// anymore, and so this line should be removed in later versions.
downloadDone := done.New()