# OpenID Connect Client # ## Overview ## You are reading the documentation for the OIDC Client implemented as a Spring Security AuthenticationFilter. The client facilitates a user's authentication into the secured application to an OpenID Connect Java Spring Server following the [OpenID Connect Standard] described protocol. ## Configuring ## Configure the client by adding the following XML to your application context security making changes where necessary for your specific deployment. Open and define an HTTP security configuration with a reference to a bean defined custom ***AuthenticationEntryPoint***: Specify the access attributes and/or filter list for a particular set of URLs needing protection: Indicate that ***OpenIdConnectAuthenticationFilter*** authentication filter should be incorporated into the security filter chain: Set up remember-me authentication referencing the yet to be defined ***UserDetailsService***: Define a custom ***AuthenticationEntryPoint*** via a bean declaration: NOTE: The ***loginFormUrl*** value is post-pended to the URI of the application being secured to define the ***redirect_uri***, the value passed to the OIDC Server and, if the ***OIDCAuthenticationUsingChooserFilter*** is configured, also the Account Chooser Application. Define an ***AuthenticationManager*** with a reference to a custom authentication provider, ***OpenIDConnectAuthenticationProvider***: Define the custom authentication provider referencing the your yet to be defined implementation of a ***UserDetailsService***: