fix: 🐛 Fix missing sub in ClaimSourceProduceContext
bug caused some claims to not generate correctly (i.e. GA4GH passports could not call the remote APIs due to missing user identifier extracted from "sub" claim)pull/1580/head
@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ public abstract class Ga4ghPassportAndVisaClaimSource extends ClaimSource {
ArrayNode passport,
Set<String> linkedIdentities)
log.debug("GA4GH: {}", uriVariables);
JsonNode response = callHttpJsonAPI(repo, uriVariables);
if (response != null) {
JsonNode visas = response.path(GA4GH_CLAIM);
@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ public class PerunUserInfoCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<UserInfoCacheKey, User
long perunUserId = key.getUserId();
Set<String> attributes = constructAttributes(key.getScopes());
Map<String, PerunAttributeValue> userAttributeValues = fetchUserAttributes(perunUserId, attributes);
String sub = extractSub(userAttributeValues, perunUserId, false);
ClaimSourceProduceContext.ClaimSourceProduceContextBuilder builder = ClaimSourceProduceContext.builder()
@ -97,11 +98,9 @@ public class PerunUserInfoCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<UserInfoCacheKey, User
private Set<String> constructAttributes(Set<String> requestedScopes) {
Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<>();
// always try to fetch sub, as it might be needed in further claims i.e. GA4GH processing
Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<>(openidMappings.getAttrNames());
if (requestedScopes != null && !requestedScopes.isEmpty()) {
if (requestedScopes.contains(OPENID)) {
if (requestedScopes.contains(PROFILE)) {
@ -182,17 +181,31 @@ public class PerunUserInfoCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<UserInfoCacheKey, User
private void processOpenid(Map<String, PerunAttributeValue> userAttributeValues, long perunUserId,
PerunUserInfo ui) {
ui.setSub(extractSub(userAttributeValues, perunUserId, true));
private String extractSub(Map<String, PerunAttributeValue> userAttributeValues, long perunUserId, boolean failOnNoSub) {
JsonNode subJson = extractJsonValue(openidMappings.getSub(), userAttributeValues);
if (subJson != null && !subJson.isNull() && StringUtils.hasText(subJson.asText())) {
String sub = subJson.asText();
if (subModifiers != null) {
subJson = modifyClaims(subModifiers, subJson);
if (subJson.asText() == null || !StringUtils.hasText(subJson.asText())) {
if (failOnNoSub && (subJson.asText() == null || !StringUtils.hasText(subJson.asText()))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Sub has no value after modification for username " + perunUserId);
} else {
sub = subJson.asText();
if (sub != null && StringUtils.hasText(sub)) {
return sub;
if (failOnNoSub) {
throw new RuntimeException("Sub has no value for username " + perunUserId);
} else {
return null;
private void processProfile(Map<String, PerunAttributeValue> userAttributeValues, PerunUserInfo ui) {
Reference in New Issue