
360 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

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$L= array(
"config" => array(
"type" => "zh_CN",
"name" => "简体中文",
"authoer" => "warlee"
"login" => "登陆",
"guest_login" => "游客登录",
"username" => "用户名",
"password" => "密码",
"login_code" => "验证码",
"login_rember_password" => "记住密码",
"us" => "千帆网络工作室",
"login_not_null" => "用户名密码不能为空!",
"code_error" => "验证码错误",
"user_not_exists" => "用户名不存在!",
"password_error" => "密码错误!",
"password_not_null" => "密码不能为空!",
"old_password_error" => "原密码错误!",
"permission" => "权限!",
"no_permission" => "没有权限!",
"no_permission_ext" => "该类型文件没有权限",
"dialog_min" => "最小化",
"dialog_min_all" => "最小化所有",
"dialog_display_all" => "显示所有窗口",
"dialog_close_all" => "关闭所有窗口",
"title" => "KODExplorer-芒果云•资源管理器",
"title_name" => "芒果云•资源管理器",
"open" => "打开",
"others" => "其他",
"open_with" => "打开方式",
"close" => "关闭",
"close_all" => "关闭全部",
"close_right" => "关闭右侧标签",
"close_others" => "关闭其他",
"loading" => "操作中...",
"warning" => "警告",
"getting" => "获取中...",
"sending" => "数据发送中...",
"data_error" => "数据出错!",
"get_success" => "获取成功!",
"save_success" => "保存成功!",
"success" => "操作成功",
"error" => "操作失败",
"error_repeat" => "'操作失败,请注意名称不能重复!'",
"system_error" => "系统错误",
"name" => "名称",
"type" => "类型",
"contain" => "包含",
"address" => "位置",
"size" => "大小",
"byte" => "字节",
"path" => "路径",
"action" => "操作",
"create_time" => "创建时间",
"modify_time" => "修改时间",
"last_time" => "最后访问",
"sort_type" => "排序方式",
"time_type" => "Y/m/d H:i",
"time_type_info" => "Y年m月d日 H:i:s",
"public_path" => "公共目录",
"file" => "文件",
"folder" => "文件夹",
"copy" => "复制",
"past" => "粘贴",
"clone" => "创建副本",
"cute" => "剪切",
"remove" => "删除",
"info" => "属性",
"list_type" => "查看",
"list_icon" => "图标排列",
"list_list" => "列表排列",
"sort_up" => "递增",
"sort_down" => "递减",
"order_type" => "排序方式",
"order_desc" => "降序",
"order_asc" => "升序",
"rename" => "重命名",
"add_to_fav" => "添加到收藏夹",
"search_in_path" => "文件夹中搜索",
"add_to_play" => "添加到播放列表",
"manage_fav" => "管理收藏夹",
"refresh_tree" => "刷新树目录",
"manage_folder" => "管理目录",
"close_menu" => "关闭菜单",
"zip" => "zip压缩",
"unzip" => "zip解压到当前",
"clipboard" => "查看剪贴板",
"full_screen" => "全屏/退出全屏",
"tips" => "提示",
"ziping" => "正在压缩...",
"unziping" => "正在解压...",
"moving" => "移动操作中...",
"remove_title" => "删除确认",
"remove_not" => "系统文件夹,不能删除",
"remove_info" => "确认将选中内容移至回收站吗?",
"name_isexists" => "出错了,该名称已存在!",
"install" => '安装',
"width" => '宽',
"height" => '高',
"app" => '应用',
"app_store" => '应用商店',
"app_create" => '创建应用',
"app_edit" => '修改应用',
"app_group_all" => '全部',
"app_group_game" => '游戏',
"app_group_tools" => '工具',
"app_group_reader" => '阅读',
"app_group_movie" => '影视',
"app_group_music" => '音乐',
"app_group_life" => '生活',
"app_group_others" => '其他',
"app_desc" => '描述',
"app_icon" => '应用图标',
"app_icon_show" => 'url地址或该目录',
"app_group" => '应用分组',
"app_type" => '类型',
"app_type_url" => '链接',
"app_type_code" => 'js扩展',
"app_display" => '外观',
"app_display_border" => '无边框(选中即无边框)',
"app_display_size" => '调整大小(选中即可调整)',
"app_size" => '尺寸',
"app_url" => '链接地址',
"app_code" => 'js 代码',
"edit" => "编辑",
"edit_can_not" => "不是文本文件",
"edit_too_big" => "文件太大,不能大于20M",
"open_default" => "默认方式打开",
"open_ie" => "浏览器打开",
"refresh" => "刷新",
"refresh_all" => "强制刷新",
"newfile" => "新建文件",
"newfolder" => "新建文件夹",
"newothers" => "新建其他",
"path_loading" => "载入中...",
"go" => "走着!",
"go_up" => "上层",
"history_next" => "前进",
"history_back" => "后退",
"address_in_edit" => "点击进入编辑状态",
"double_click_rename" => "双击名称重命名",
"double_click_open" => "双击打开",
"path_null" => "该文件夹为空,可以拖拽文件到该窗口上传。",
"upload" => "上传",
"upload_ready" => "等待上传...",
"uploading" => "上传中...",
"upload_success" => "上传成功",
"upload_path_current" => "切换到当前目录",
"upload_select" => "选择文件",
"upload_max_size" => "最大允许",
"upload_size_info" => "如果想配置更大请修改php.ini中允许上传的最大值。选择文件时,大于该配置的将自动过滤掉。",
"upload_error" => "上传失败",
"upload_muti" => "多文件上传",
"upload_drag" => "拖拽上传",
"upload_drag_tips" => "松开即可上传!",
"path_not_allow" => "文件名不允许出现",
"download" => "下载",
"download_address" => "下载地址",
"download_ready" => "即将开始下载",
"download_success" => "下载成功!",
"download_error_create" => "下载失败!新建文件或写入出错。",
"download_error_exists" => "下载失败!远程文件不存 或打开失败。",
"upload_error_null" => "没有文件!",
"upload_error_big" => "文件大小超过服务器限制",
"upload_error_move" => "移动文件失败!",
"upload_error_exists" => "该文件已存在",
"upload_local" => "本地上传",
"download_from_server" => "远程下载",
"save_path" => "保存路径",
"upload_select_muti" => "可选择多个文件上传",
"search" => "搜索",
"searching" => "搜索中...",
"search_null" => "没有搜索结果!",
"search_uplow" => "区分大小写",
"search_content" => "搜索文件内容",
"search_info" => "请输入搜索词和路径进行搜索!",
"search_ext_tips" => "用|隔开;例如 php|js|css<br/>不填则搜索默认文本文件",
"file_type" => "文件类型",
"goto" => "跳转到",
"contain" => "包含",
"server_dwonload_desc" => "个任务加入到下载列表",
"parent_permission" => "父目录权限",
"root_path" => "我的文件",
"lib" => "",
"fav" => "收藏夹",
"desktop" => "桌面",
"browser" => "浏览器",
"my_cumputer" => "我的电脑",
"recycle" => "回收站",
"my_document" => "我的文档",
"my_picture" => "我的照片",
"my_music" => "我的音乐",
"my_movie" => "我的视频",
"my_download" => "我的下载",
"ui_desktop" => "桌面",
"ui_filemanage" => "文件管理",
"ui_editor" => "编辑器",
"adminer" => "adminer",
"ui_project_home" => "项目主页",
"ui_login" => "登陆",
"ui_logout" => "退出",
"setting" => "系统设置",
"setting_title" => "选项",
"setting_user" => "个人中心",
"setting_password" => "修改密码",
"setting_password_old" => "原密码",
"setting_password_new" => "修改为",
"setting_language" => "语言设置",
"setting_member" => "用户管理",
"setting_group" => "用户组管理",
"setting_group_add" => "添加用户组",
"setting_group_edit" => "编辑用户组",
"setting_theme" => "主题切换",
"setting_wall" => "更换壁纸",
"setting_wall_diy" => "自定义壁纸:",
"setting_wall_info" => "图片url地址本地图片可以右键图片浏览器打开即可得到",
"setting_fav" => "收藏夹管理",
"setting_player" => "播放器",
"setting_player_music" => "音乐播放器设置",
"setting_player_movie" => "视频播放器设置",
"setting_help" => "使用帮助",
"setting_about" => "关于作品",
"setting_success" => "修改已生效!",
"can_not_repeat" => "不允许重复",
"absolute_path" => "绝对地址",
// setting page
"group" => "用户组",
"data_not_full" => "数据提交不完整!",
"default_user_can_not_do" => "默认用户不能操作",
"default_group_can_not_do" => "默认用户组不能操作",
"username_can_not_null" => "用户名不能为空!",
"groupname_can_not_null" => "用户组名不能为空!",
"groupdesc_can_not_null" => "用户组描述不能为空!",
"group_move_user_error" => "所属用户组用户移动失败",
"group_already_remove" => "该用户组已被删除",
"group_not_exists" => "该用户组不存在",
"member_add" => "添加用户",
"password_null_not_update" => "密码不填表示不更改",
"if_save_file" => "文件尚未保存,是否保存?",
"if_remove" => "确认删除",
"member_remove_tips" => "删除后该用户目录会被清空",
"group_remove_tips" => "删除后该用户组用户无法登陆<br/>(需要重新设置用户组)",
"group_name" => "用户组名",
"group_name_tips" => "建议英文名,不能重复",
"group_desc" => "展示名称",
"group_desc_tips" => "组名描述",
"group_role_ext" => "扩展名限制",
"group_role_ext_tips" => "多个用|分隔开",
"group_role_file" => "文件管理",
"group_role_upload" => "上传下载",
"group_role_user" => "用户数据",
"group_role_group" => "用户组管理",
"group_role_member" => "用户管理",
"group_role_mkfile" => "新建文件",
"group_role_mkdir" => "新建文件夹",
"group_role_pathrname" => "重命名",
"group_role_pathdelete" => "文件(夹)删除",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "文件(夹)属性",
"group_role_pathmove" => "移动(复制/剪切/粘贴/拖拽操作)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip压缩",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip解压",
"group_role_search" => "搜索",
"group_role_filesave" => "编辑保存文件",
"group_role_can_upload" => "上传下载",
"group_role_upload" => "允许上传",
"group_role_download" => "远程下载",
"group_role_passowrd" => "修改密码",
"group_role_config" => "用户数据",
"group_role_fav" => "收藏夹操作(添加/编辑/删除)",
"group_role_list" => "列表查看",
"group_role_member_add" => "添加用户",
"group_role_member_edit" => "编辑用户",
"group_role_member_del" => "删除用户",
"group_role_group_add" => "添加用户组",
"group_role_group_edit" => "编辑用户组",
"group_role_group_del" => "删除用户组",
"group_role_ext_warning" => "不允许此类文件的上传,<br/>重命名(重命名为指定扩展名),<br/>编辑保存,远程下载,解压",
"not_null" => "必填项不能为空!",
"picture_can_not_null" => "图片地址不能为空!",
"rname_success" => "重命名成功!",
"please_inpute_search_words" => "请输入要搜索的字符串",
"remove_success" => "删除成功!",
"remove_fali" => "删除失败!",
"clipboard_null" => "剪贴板为空!",
"create_success" => "新建成功!",
"create_error" => "新建失败,请检查目录权限!",
"copy_success" => "【复制】—— 覆盖剪贴板成功!",
"cute_success" => "【剪切】—— 覆盖剪贴板成功!",
"clipboard_state" => "剪切板状态:",
"no_permission_write" => "不能写入,检查路径或权限",
"copy_not_exists" => "来源不存在",
"current_has_parent" => "目标文件夹是源文件夹的子文件夹!",
"past_success" => "<b>粘贴操作完成</b>",
"cute_past_success" => "<b>剪切操作完成</b>(源文件被删除,剪贴板清空)",
"zip_success" => "压缩完成",
"not_zip" => "不是压缩文件",
"zip_null" => "没有选择的文件或目录",
"unzip_success" => "解压完成",
"gotoline" => "跳转到行",
"path_is_current" => "所打开路径和当前路径一样!",
"path_exists" => "该名称已存在!",
"undo" => "撤销",
"redo" => "反撤销",
"preview" => "预览",
"wordwrap" => "自动换行(不自动换行)",
"char_all_display" => "显示不可见字符(隐藏)",
"auto_complete" => "自动提示(取消)",
"code_theme" => "代码风格",
"font_size" => "字体",
"button_ok" => "确定",
"button_submit" => "提交",
"button_set" => "设置",
"button_cancle" => "取消",
"button_edit" => "编辑",
"button_save" => "保存",
"button_save_all" => "保存全部",
"button_not_save" => "不保存",
"button_add" => "添加",
"button_back_add" => "返回添加",
"button_del" => "删除",
"button_save_edit" => "保存修改",
"button_save_submit" => "保存提交",
"button_select_all" => "全选/反选"