355 lines
17 KiB
355 lines
17 KiB
$L = array(
"config" => array(
"type" => "en",
"name" => "english",
"authoer" => "warlee"
"login" => "login",
"guest_login" => "Guest",
"username" => "name",
"password" => "password",
"login_code" => "verification",
"login_rember_password" => "remember me",
"us" => "千帆网络工作室",
"login_not_null" => "username and password cant't empty!",
"code_error" => "verification code error",
"user_not_exists" => "user not exists!",
"password_error" => "password error!",
"password_not_null" => "password cant't empty!",
"old_password_error" => "old password error!",
"permission" => "permission",
"no_permission" => "no permission!",
"no_permission_ext" => "This type of file without permission",
"dialog_min" => "hide",
"dialog_min_all" => "hide all",
"dialog_display_all" => "display all",
"dialog_close_all" => "close all",
"title" => "kodexplorer-online explorer",
"title_name" => "kod online explorer",
"open" => "open",
"open_with" => "open with",
"others" => "others",
"close" => "close",
"close_all" => "close all",
"close_right" => "close right item",
"close_others" => "close others",
"loading" => "loading...",
"warning" => "warning",
"getting" => "data getting...",
"sending" => "sending...",
"data_error" => "data error! ",
"get_success" => "success!",
"save_success" => "saved successfully!",
"success" => "successful operation",
"error" => "operation failed",
"error_repeat" => "named already exists!",
"system_error" => "system error",
"name" => "name",
"type" => "type",
"contain" => "contains",
"address" => "position",
"size" => "size",
"byte" => "byte",
"path" => "path",
"action" => "operation",
"create_time" => "create time",
"modify_time" => "modified",
"last_time" => "last visited",
"sort_type" => "sort of way",
"time_type" => "Y/m/d h:i",
"time_type_info" => "F j, Y, g:i a",
"public_path" => "Public path",
"file" => "File",
"folder" => "Folder",
"copy" => "Copy",
"clone" => "Duplicate",
"past" => "Paste",
"cute" => "Cut",
"remove" => "Delete",
"info" => "get info",
"list_type" => "View",
"list_icon" => "icons",
"list_list" => "list",
"sort_up" => "asc",
"sort_down" => "desc",
"order_type" => "sort by",
"order_desc" => "desc",
"order_asc" => "asc",
"rename" => "rename",
"add_to_fav" => "add to bookmark",
"search_in_path" => "folder",
"add_to_play" => "add to playlist",
"manage_fav" => "manage bookmark",
"refresh_tree" => "reload tree",
"manage_folder" => "explorer",
"close_menu" => "close menu",
"zip" => "zip archive",
"unzip" => "unzip the file",
"clipboard" => "view the clipboard",
"full_screen" => "full screen(toggle)",
"tips" => "tips",
"ziping" => "archive loading...",
"unziping" => "unzip loading...",
"moving" => "move file",
"remove_title" => "delete confirmation",
"remove_not" => "system folder,cannot be deleted",
"remove_info" => "confirmation remove the selected?",
"name_isexists" => "wrong,the name already exists! ",
"install" => 'install',
"width" => 'width',
"height" => 'height',
"app" => 'app',
"app_store" => 'app store',
"app_create" => 'create app',
"app_edit" => 'edit app',
"app_group_all" => 'all',
"app_group_game" => 'game',
"app_group_tools" => 'tools',
"app_group_reader" => 'read',
"app_group_movie" => 'movie',
"app_group_music" => 'music',
"app_group_life" => 'life',
"app_group_others" => 'others',
"app_desc" => 'description',
"app_icon" => 'logo',
"app_icon_show" => 'image url or such:',
"app_group" => 'group',
"app_type" => 'type',
"app_type_url" => 'link frame',
"app_type_code" => 'widget',
"app_display" => 'display',
"app_display_border" => 'no border(if selected)',
"app_display_size" => 'can resize(if selected)',
"app_size" => 'size',
"app_url" => 'url address',
"app_code" => 'js code',
//file management
"edit" => "edit",
"edit_can_not" => "is not a text file",
"edit_too_big" => "Cannot be greater than 20M",
"open_default" => "default mode",
"open_ie" => "browser opens",
"refresh" => "reload",
"refresh_all" => "reload forced",
"newfile" => "new file",
"newfolder" => "new folder",
"newothers" => "new other",
"path_loading" => "loading...",
"go" => "go!",
"go_up" => "go to parent directory",
"history_next" => "forward",
"history_back" => "back",
"address_in_edit" => "Click to enter the edit",
"double_click_rename" => "double click the title rename",
"double_click_open" => "double click to open",
"path_null" => "this folder is empty,you can drag and drop files to upload the window. ",
//download / upload
"upload" => "upload",
"upload_ready" => "loading...",
"uploading" => "uploading...",
"upload_success" => "uploaded successfully",
"upload_path_current" => "current",
"upload_select" => "select",
"upload_max_size" => "upload max size",
"upload_size_info" => "Please amend the maximum value allowed upload in php.ini. Greater than the configuration will be automatically filtered.",
"upload_error" => "upload failed",
"upload_muti" => "multiple file upload",
"upload_drag" => "drag and drop upload",
"upload_drag_tips" => "release can be uploaded!",
"path_not_allow" => "file name not allowed",
"download" => "download",
"download_address" => "url ",
"download_ready" => "download start",
"download_success" => "download success! ",
"download_error_create" => "download failed! create a new file or write error. ",
"download_error_exists" => "download failed! remote file does not exist or failed to open.",
"upload_error_null" => "no files!",
"upload_error_big" => "file size too big",
"upload_error_move" => "move file failed! ",
"upload_error_exists" => "file already exists",
"upload_local" => "local upload",
"download_from_server" => "remote download",
"save_path" => "save path",
"upload_select_muti" => "select multiple files upload",
"search" => "search",
"searching" => "searching...",
"search_null" => "no search results!",
"search_uplow" => "ignore case",
"search_content" => "file contents ",
"search_info" => "please enter a search term and path search! ",
"search_ext_tips" => "separated by |;such as php|js|css<br/>if null search in default text file",
"file_type" => "file type",
"goto" => "jump to",
"contain" => "contains",
"server_dwonload_desc" => "task is added to the download list",
"parent_permission" => "parent permission",
"root_path" => "Home",
"lib" => "library",
"fav" => "bookmark",
"desktop" => "desktop",
"browser" => "browser",
"my_cumputer" => "my computer",
"recycle" => "recycle",
"my_document" => "my documents",
"my_picture" => "my photos",
"my_music" => "my music",
"my_movie" => "my video",
"my_download" => "my download",
"ui_desktop" => "desktop",
"ui_filemanage" => "explorer",
"ui_editor" => "editor",
"adminer" => "adminer",
"ui_project_home" => "project home",
"ui_login" => "login",
"ui_logout" => "logout",
//set up
"setting" => "setting",
"setting_title" => "option",
"setting_user" => "basic",
"setting_password" => "change password",
"setting_password_old" => "old password",
"setting_password_new" => "new password",
"setting_language" => "Language",
"setting_member" => "member",
"setting_group" => "group",
"setting_group_add" => "add user group",
"setting_group_edit" => "edit user group",
"setting_theme" => "theme",
"setting_wall" => "wallpaper",
"setting_wall_diy" => "custom wallpaper:",
"setting_wall_info" => "url address,the local images can right picture browser open to get",
"setting_fav" => "bookmark",
"setting_player" => "player",
"setting_player_music" => "music player settings",
"setting_player_movie" => "video player settings",
"setting_help" => "help",
"setting_about" => "about",
"setting_success" => "setting successfully.",
"can_not_repeat" => "name already exists!",
"absolute_path" => "absolute address",
//setting page
"group" => "user group",
"data_not_full" => "data submission incomplete! ",
"default_user_can_not_do" => "default user cannot operate",
"default_group_can_not_do" => "default user groups cannot operate",
"username_can_not_null" => "user name cannot be empty! ",
"groupname_can_not_null" => "group name cannot be empty! ",
"groupdesc_can_not_null" => "user group description cannot be empty! ",
"group_move_user_error" => "belong to groups of users move failed",
"group_already_remove" => "the user group is deleted",
"group_not_exists" => "the user group does not exist",
"member_add" => "add user",
"password_null_not_update" => "empty representative doesn't modify the password",
"if_save_file" => "file has not been saved",
"if_remove" => "to confirm the deletion",
"member_remove_tips" => "delete the user directory will be empty",
"group_remove_tips" => "delete the user group<br/> (need to set user group)",
"group_name" => "group name",
"group_name_tips" => "Not allowed to repeat",
"group_desc" => "group desc",
"group_desc_tips" => "group display",
"group_role_ext" => "extension permission",
"group_role_ext_tips" => "separated by |;such as php|js|css",
"group_role_file" => "file explorer",
"group_role_upload" => "upload&download",
"group_role_user" => "user data",
"group_role_group" => "group",
"group_role_member" => "member",
"group_role_mkfile" => "make file",
"group_role_mkdir" => "make dir",
"group_role_pathrname" => "path rename",
"group_role_pathdelete" => "path remove",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "path get info",
"group_role_pathmove" => "move(copy/cute/past/drag to)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "unzip",
"group_role_search" => "search",
"group_role_filesave" => "edit and save",
"group_role_can_upload" => "upload",
"group_role_upload" => "upload",
"group_role_download" => "server download",
"group_role_passowrd" => "change password",
"group_role_config" => "user data",
"group_role_fav" => "favourite(add/edit/delete)",
"group_role_list" => "list",
"group_role_member_add" => "member add",
"group_role_member_edit" => "member edit",
"group_role_member_del" => "member remove",
"group_role_group_add" => "group add",
"group_role_group_edit" => "group edit",
"group_role_group_del" => "group remove",
"group_role_ext_warning" => "Not allowed to specify the type of file upload,<br/> rename (renamed the specified extension), <br/>edit,save, remote download,unzip",
"group_tips"=>"<li>1.group name can not be repeated, modify group name belongs to the reorganization of the user is automatically associated </li><li>2. extension restriction relation system safety, please be careful operation <i> (fruit in the web directory of new PHP; means reform program permissions for this user name) </i></li><li>3. user management, privilege management; access and to the authority is bound; the program will automatically associated </li><li>4. set permissions can add permissions set, subsequent permission is not inherited <i> (this permission is equivalent to the highest authority) </i></li>",
"not_null" => "required cannot be empty!",
"picture_can_not_null" => "picture address can not be empty!",
"rname_success" => "rename success! ",
"please_inpute_search_words" => "keypress 'enter' to search",
"remove_success" => "deleted successfully! ",
"remove_fali" => "delete failed!",
"clipboard_null" => "clipboard is empty! ",
"create_success" => "create successful! ",
"create_error" => "create failed,please check the directory permissions! ",
"copy_success" => "[copy]covering the clipboard copy success!",
"cute_success" => "[cut]covering the clipboard success!",
"clipboard_state" => "clipboard state:",
"no_permission_write" => "can't write,check the path or permission",
"copy_not_exists" => "source does not exist",
"current_has_parent" => "the destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder!",
"past_success" => "<b> paste operation to complete the </b>",
"cute_past_success" => "<b>cute</b> (cut complete,the clipboard is empty)",
"zip_success" => "compressed",
"not_zip" => "not compressed file",
"zip_null" => "did not choose the file or directory",
"unzip_success" => "unzip",
"gotoline" => "jump to line",
"path_is_current" => "open path and the path!",
"path_exists" => "name already exists! ",
// editor
"undo" => "undo",
"redo" => "redo",
"preview" => "preview",
"wordwrap" => "wrapping",
"char_all_display" => "show & invisible character",
"auto_complete" => "auto complete or not",
"code_theme" => "code theme",
"font_size" => "font",
"button_ok" => "ok",
"button_submit" => "submit",
"button_set" => "set",
"button_cancle" => "cancel",
"button_edit" => "edit",
"button_save" => "save",
"button_save_all" => "save all",
"button_not_save" => "don't save",
"button_add" => "add",
"button_back_add" => "add and back",
"button_del" => "delete",
"button_save_edit" => "save",
"button_save_submit" => "save and send",
"button_select_all" => "Select / unselect all"
); |