625 lines
40 KiB
Executable File
625 lines
40 KiB
Executable File
return array(
"path_api_select_file" => "Please select file ...",
"path_api_select_folder" => "Please select a folder ...",
"path_api_select_image" => "Please select an image ...",
"share_can_upload" => "Can Upload",
"move_error" => "Move Error",
"setting_basic" => "Basic Setting",
"setting_user_sound_open" => "Turn on the sound",
"setting_user_animate_open" => "Open the animation",
"recycle_open_if" => "Open The Recycle",
"recycle_open" => "Open",
"qrcode" => "URL QR code",
"theme_mac" => "Mac white",
"theme_win7" => "Windows 7",
"theme_win10" => "Windows 10",
"theme_metro" => "Metro",
"theme_metro_green" => "Metro green",
"theme_metro_purple" => "Metro purple",
"theme_metro_pink" => "Metro pink",
"theme_metro_orange" => "Metro orange",
"theme_alpha_image" => "Colorful - flying",
"theme_alpha_image_sun" => "Colorful - sunset",
"theme_alpha_image_sky" => "Colorful - blue sky",
"theme_diy" => "<b>Customize </b>",
"theme_diy_title" => "Custom theme settings",
"theme_diy_background" => "Background",
"theme_diy_image" => "Image",
"theme_diy_color_blur" => "Gradient color",
"theme_diy_image_blur" => "Image blurring",
"theme_diy_image_url" => "Image Address",
"theme_diy_color_start" => "Start color",
"theme_diy_color_end" => "End color",
"theme_diy_color_radius" => "Gradient angle",
"system_role_admin_set" => "The system administrator has all permissions without setting!",
"login_error_user_not_use" => "User has been disabled! Please contact administrator",
"login_error_kod_version" => "Program version conflict",
"login_error_role" => "Your group does not exist,please contact administrator",
"no_permission_group" => "You are not in this group!",
"no_permission_write" => "Path can not write,check the permission",
"user" => "User",
"save_as" => "Save as",
"check_update" => "Update",
"keyboard_type" => "Keyboard",
"font_family" => "Font",
"code_mode" => "Syntax highlighter",
"path_can_not_action" => "Only support sharing your own documents!",
"wap_page_pc" => "PC",
"wap_page_phone" => "Phone",
"image_size" => "Image size",
"no_permission_action" => "You do not have this permission, please contact the administrator!",
"path_is_root_tips" => "I have been the root of it!",
"kod_group" => "All Group",
"my_kod_group" => "My Group",
"space_tips_default" => "(GB) 0 Unlimited",
"space_tips_full" => "No limit",
"space_size" => "Space Size",
"space_size_use" => "Space Use",
"space_is_full" => "Space is full, please contact the administrator!",
"system_open_true_path" => "Successfully opened in the file manager!",
"group_role_error" => "Permission roles error (no permission settings)",
"group_role_error_admin" => "Insufficient permissions",
"markdown_content" => "Content",
"system_group" => "Groups",
"system_group_edit" => "Group",
"system_group_role" => "Role",
"system_group_create" => "Create grouping",
"system_group_name" => "Name",
"system_group_father" => "Top group",
"system_group_add" => "Adding sub-packet",
"system_group_remove" => "Delete user group",
"system_group_remove_tips" => "Confirm Delete User Group? <br/> Deleted after a user belonging to the group will be removed, move to the root directory of the subgroup",
"system_group_select" => "Choose department",
"system_group_select_result" => "Members will belong to",
"system_member_action" => "User",
"system_member_add" => "Add User",
"system_member_role" => "Roles",
"system_member_role_select" => "Select",
"system_member_password_tips" => "Empty is not modified",
"system_set_home_path" => "Customize the directory",
"system_set_home_path_tips" => "The empty directory then uses the default directory",
"system_member_group" => "Group",
"system_member_group_edit" => "Edit Group",
"system_member_remove" => "Remove User",
"system_member_remove_tips" => "Confirm deleting users? After <br/> deletion the user’s directory will be completely removed",
"system_member_set_role" => "Confirm the selected user group permissions?",
"system_member_remove_group" => "OK to remove the selected user from this group?",
"system_member_import" => "Batch add",
"system_member_import_desc" => "A user of each line,<br/>those were already existed will be automatically ignored",
"system_member_use" => "Enable",
"system_member_unuse" => "Disable",
"system_member_group_config" => "Set groups",
"system_member_group_remove" => "Remove from the group",
"system_member_group_insert" => "Add to the group",
"system_member_group_reset" => "Reset Group",
"system_member_group_error" => "Group error",
"system_group_action" => "Group",
"system_role_add" => "Add role identity",
"system_role_read" => "Only Read",
"system_role_write" => "Read Write",
"system_setting_root_path" => "Root directory access",
"system_setting_root_path_desc" => "Only the system administrator can access all directories, and other rights groups can only see their own user directories. <br/>If you want to enable or disable administrator access to other directories, you can modify the php open_basedir anti-cross-site parameters, <a href=\"https://www.google.com.hk/search?&q=php+open_basedir\" target=\"_blank\">how to set </a>",
"system_group_role_title" => "Group permissions role management",
"system_group_role_remove" => "OK to delete group roles",
"system_group_role_style" => "style",
"system_group_role_display" => "Displayed",
"system_group_role_display_desc" => "Whether to display when group user permissions are set",
"role_type_name_read" => "Read",
"role_type_name_read:list" => "File List",
"role_type_name_read:info" => "File (folder) property view, folder search",
"role_type_name_read:copy" => "File copy",
"role_type_name_read:preview" => "File preview (picture, document, audio and video, etc.)",
"role_type_name_read:download" => "File (folder) download",
"role_type_name_write" => "Write",
"role_type_name_write:add" => "Create a file (folder), compress the extracted file",
"role_type_name_write:edit" => "Edit the save file",
"role_type_name_write:change" => "Rename, adjust the directory structure",
"role_type_name_write:upload" => "File (folder) upload, remote download",
"role_type_name_write:remove" => "File (folder) delete, cut",
"group_guest" => "Visitors",
"group_guest_desc" => "You are not a member of this group, <br/>Only access the contents of the [group share directory], read-only permissions.",
"group_role_lebel_desc" => "You are a member of this group, <br/>All documents within the group All rights reserved Jun by admin",
"button_save_and_add" => "Save and continue",
"path_cannot_search" => "The directory does not support searching!",
"not_support" => "not supported!",
"group_not_exist" => "Group does not exist!",
"upload_clear_all" => "Clear all",
"upload_clear" => "Clear completed",
"upload_setting" => "Setting",
"upload_tips" => "Use piecewise upload, no longer limited to php.ini;",
"upload_exist" => "Duplicate files",
"upload_exist_rename" => "Rename",
"upload_exist_replace" => "Replace",
"upload_exist_skip" => "Skip",
"upload_add_more" => "Add more",
"more" => "More",
"system_setting" => "System",
"openProject" => "Open with Project",
"url_download" => "Download url",
"url_link" => "URL",
"app_type_link" => "Shortcut",
"createLink" => "Create Shortcut",
"createLinkHome" => "Send to desktop shortcuts",
"createProject" => "Add to project",
"only_read" => "Read Only",
"only_read_desc" => "No permission to write<br/>",
"not_read" => "Not Read",
"explorerNew" => "Kod link",
"zip_download_ready" => "Compression will automatically download, please wait...",
"set_background" => "As your desktop wallpaper",
"share" => "Share",
"my_share" => "My share",
"group_share" => "Group Public",
"share_edit" => "Edit share",
"share_remove" => "Cancel share",
"share_remove_tips" => "Determine the cancel share? The Share link will fail.",
"share_path" => "Share path",
"share_title" => "Resource sharing",
"share_name" => "Share title",
"share_time" => "Expiration",
"share_time_desc" => "Empty is no expiration",
"share_password" => "Password",
"share_password_desc" => "Empty not password",
"share_cancle" => "Cancel share",
"share_create" => "Create Share",
"share_url" => "Share Link",
"share_not_download" => "Can't Download",
"share_not_download_tips" => "Prohibit the download share! ",
"share_code_read" => "Code",
"share_save" => "Save Configuration",
"share_error_param" => "Parameter error!",
"share_error_user" => "User information error!",
"share_error_sid" => "Share does not exist!",
"share_error_time" => "You come late, this share has expired!",
"share_error_path" => "The file does not exist, is deleted or moved away!",
"share_error_password" => "Password error!",
"share_error_show_tips" => "This file type does not support preview!",
"share_view_num" => "View:",
"share_download_num" => "Download:",
"share_open_page" => "Open sharing page",
"open_the_path" => "Goto the directory",
"recycle_clear" => "Clear trash",
"recycle_clear_success" => "Clear trash success.",
"recycle_clear_info" => "Are you sure clear recycle bin?",
"fav_remove" => "Cancel fav",
"remove_item" => "Item",
"uploading" => "Uploading ",
"upload_tips_more" => "Too much files, it is recommended to upload compressed, and then extract the line!",
"show_file" => "New page preview",
"unknow_file_title" => "File open tip!",
"unknow_file_tips" => "Not to support the open",
"unknow_file_download" => "Download",
"unknow_file_office" => "Office preview,kodexplorer needs to be deployed in the network<br/><br/><a href=\"http://kalcaddle.com/office.html\" target=\"_blank\">more></a>",
"config_save_error_auth" => "Error,no permission!",
"config_save_error_file" => "Error, the file does not write permission!",
"beautify_code" => "Code formatting",
"shortcut" => "Shortcuts",
"use_free" => "Continue to use the free version",
"learn_more" => "Learn more",
"replace" => "Replace",
"selectAll" => "Select All",
"reload" => "Reload",
"about" => "About",
"complete_current" => "Autocompletion",
"view" => "View",
"tools" => "Tools",
"help" => "Help",
"not_exists" => "Not Exists",
"group_role_fileDownload" => "Download",
"group_role_share" => "Share",
"system_setting_menu" => "Menu management",
"system_name" => "Program name",
"system_name_desc" => "Logo program",
"system_desc" => "Program description",
"path_hidden" => "Directory exclusions",
"version_not_support" => "Your version does not support this operation, please go to the official website to buy advanced version!",
"version_not_support_number" => "As the number of restrictions do not support this operation, please go to the official website to buy advanced version!",
"path_hidden_desc" => "Exclude directories,split with ",
"new_user_folder" => "Default directory",
"new_user_folder_desc" => "Split with ",
"new_user_app" => "Default app",
"new_user_app_desc" => "Add user;default app",
"auto_login" => "Guest auto login",
"auto_login_desc" => "The default login user is <code>guest/guest</code>; after opening, ensure that the user exists",
"first_in" => "Login goto action",
"version_vip_free" => "Free",
"version_vip_1" => "VIP 1",
"version_vip_2" => "VIP 2",
"version_vip_3" => "VIP 3",
"path_can_not_write_data" => "Directory is not writable, please set the directory and all subdirectories to read and write and try again!",
"menu_name" => "Menu name",
"menu_hidden" => "Hide",
"menu_show" => "Show",
"menu_move_down" => "Down",
"menu_move_up" => "Up",
"menu_move_del" => "Remove",
"menu_open_window" => "New window",
"url_path" => "Url link",
"url_path_desc" => "Url or javascript",
"no_permission_read" => "Does not have read permissions",
"no_permission_download" => "Does not have download permissions",
"php_env_check" => "Environment check:",
"php_env_error" => "Environment error:",
"php_env_error_ignore" => "Ignore and enter",
"php_env_error_version" => "PHP version must be greater than 5.0",
"php_env_error_iconv" => "iconv is not enabled",
"php_env_error_mb_string" => "mb_string is not enable",
"php_env_error_file" => "file_get_contents is not enabled",
"php_env_error_path" => "Can not write",
"php_env_error_list_dir" => "Your web server has a directory directory feature turned on, please disable this feature for security reasons! <a href=\"https://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=web+server+turn+off+directory+listing\" target=\"blank\">how? </a>",
"php_env_error_gd" => "php GD is not enabled",
"install_login" => "Use the following account to log in",
"install_enter" => "Enter",
"install_user_default" => "Administrator: {0} / (below set a password) <br/> Average user: {1} <br/> Guest users: {2}",
"login_root_password" => "Set the administrator password",
"login_root_password_repeat" => "Confirm the password again",
"login_root_password_equal" => "Two passwords are inconsistent!",
"login_root_password_tips" => "Please set admin's password!",
"forget_password" => "Forget Password",
"forget_password_tips" => "Forgot Administrator Password: <br/> Please log into the server and delete <b>./data/system/install.lock</b> reset; <br/><br/> Non-administrator Forgot Password: <br/> Please contact the administrator to reset!",
"copyright_desc" => "Kodexplorer is a highly acclaimed web document management system that you can use for internal document management or sharing. It can also be used to manage web sites on the server, replace Ftp, and even be developed directly as web IDE. At the same time you can also secondary development of this program integrated into your existing system.",
"copyright_contact" => "Authorize or customized, please contact QQ: <a href=\"http://wpa.qq.com/msgrd?v=3&uin=3232048103&site=qq&menu=yes\" target=\"_blank\">3232048103</a> <a href=\"javascript:core.openWindow('http://kalcaddle.com/qa.html');\">problem Feedback</a>",
"copyright_info" => "Copyright © <a href=\"http://kalcaddle.com/\" target=\"_blank\">kalcaddle.com</a> All rights reserved.",
"copyright_pre" => "Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_name_desc" => "Kod online explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Kod online explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Login",
"guest_login" => "Guest",
"username" => "Name",
"password" => "Password",
"login_code" => "Verification",
"need_check_code" => "Need Verification",
"login_rember_password" => "Remember me",
"setting_show_root_group" => "List all groups",
"setting_show_root_group_desc" => "Does the tree directory root group list all groups",
"setting_show_share_user" => "List all users",
"setting_show_share_user_desc" => "Tree directory root group is listed for all user shares",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Clear all user recycle",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Clear cache",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright or record number",
"setting_global_css" => "Customize global css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "All pages will be inserted in custom css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistical code",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "All pages will be inserted into this html code, you can place third-party statistics",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "User name and password cannot be empty!",
"code_error" => "Verification code error",
"password_error" => "Username or password error!",
"password_not_null" => "Password cannot be empty!",
"old_password_error" => "Old password error!",
"permission" => "Permission",
"permission_edit" => "Permission Edit",
"no_permission" => "User without permission!",
"no_permission_ext" => "This type of file without permission",
"dialog_max" => "Maximize",
"dialog_min" => "Minimize",
"dialog_min_all" => "Hide all",
"dialog_display_all" => "Display all",
"dialog_close_all" => "Close all",
"open" => "Open",
"others" => "Others",
"open_with" => "Open with",
"close" => "Close",
"close_all" => "Close all",
"close_left" => "Close the label on the left",
"close_right" => "Close the label on the right",
"close_others" => "Close others",
"loading" => "Loading...",
"warning" => "Warning",
"getting" => "Retrieving data...",
"sending" => "Sending...",
"data_error" => "Data error! ",
"get_success" => "Success!",
"save_success" => "Saved successfully!",
"success" => "Successful operation",
"error" => "Operation failed",
"error_repeat" => "Operation failed, the name already exists!",
"system_error" => "System error",
"name" => "Name",
"type" => "Type",
"contain" => "Contains",
"address" => "Position",
"size" => "Size",
"byte" => "Byte",
"path" => "Path",
"action" => "Operation",
"create_time" => "Create time",
"modify_time" => "Modified",
"last_time" => "Last visited",
"sort_type" => "Sort of way",
"time_type" => "Y/m/d H:i:s",
"time_type_info" => "Y/m/d H:i:s",
"public_path" => "Public path",
"system_path_not_change" => "System path,Can't edit",
"file" => "File",
"folder" => "Folder",
"copy" => "Copy",
"past" => "Paste",
"clone" => "Duplicate",
"cute" => "Cut",
"cute_to" => "move to...",
"copy_to" => "copy to...",
"remove" => "Delete",
"remove_force" => "Remove completely",
"info" => "Get info",
"list_type" => "View",
"list_icon" => "Icons",
"list_list" => "List",
"list_list_split" => "Columns",
"sort_up" => "Asc",
"sort_down" => "Desc",
"order_type" => "Sort by",
"order_desc" => "Desc",
"order_asc" => "Asc",
"rename" => "Rename",
"add_to_fav" => "Add to bookmark",
"search_in_path" => "Folder",
"add_to_play" => "Add to playlist",
"manage_fav" => "Manage bookmarks",
"refresh_tree" => "Reload tree",
"manage_folder" => "Show in Finder",
"close_menu" => "Close menu",
"zip" => "Create archive ...",
"unzip" => "Extract to ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Folder",
"unzip_this" => "Here",
"unzip_to" => "Unzip to ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "The file is too large, please extract and then preview!",
"clipboard" => "View clipboard",
"full_screen" => "Full screen",
"folder_info_item" => " items",
"folder_info_item_select" => " selected",
"file_load_all" => "[Double click and load all ...]",
"tips" => "Tips",
"ziping" => "Archive loading...",
"unziping" => "Unzip loading...",
"moving" => "Move file",
"remove_title" => "Delete confirmation",
"remove_info" => "Confirmation remove the selected?",
"remove_title_force" => "delete permanently",
"remove_info_force" => "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this document?",
"name_isexists" => "Error,the name already exists! ",
"install" => "Install",
"width" => "Width",
"height" => "Height",
"app" => "App",
"app_store" => "App store",
"app_create" => "Create app",
"app_edit" => "Edit app",
"app_group_all" => "All",
"app_group_game" => "Game",
"app_group_tools" => "Tools",
"app_group_reader" => "Read",
"app_group_movie" => "Movie",
"app_group_music" => "Music",
"app_group_life" => "Life",
"app_group_others" => "Others",
"app_desc" => "Description",
"app_icon" => "Logo",
"app_icon_show" => "Image url or such:",
"app_group" => "Group",
"app_type" => "Type",
"app_type_url" => "Link frame",
"app_type_code" => "Widget",
"app_display" => "Display",
"app_display_border" => "No border(if selected)",
"app_display_size" => "Can resize(if selected)",
"app_size" => "Size",
"app_url" => "Url address",
"app_code" => "Js code",
"edit" => "Edit",
"edit_can_not" => "Is not a text file",
"edit_too_big" => "Cannot be greater than 40M",
"open_default" => "Default mode",
"open_ie" => "Open in browser",
"refresh" => "Reload",
"refresh_all" => "Reload forced",
"newfile" => "New file",
"newfile_save_as" => "Save as ...",
"newfolder" => "New folder",
"newothers" => "New other",
"path_loading" => "Loading...",
"go" => "Go!",
"go_up" => "Go to parent directory",
"history_next" => "Forward",
"history_back" => "Back",
"address_in_edit" => "Click to enter the edit",
"double_click_rename" => "Double click the title rename",
"double_click_open" => "Double click to open",
"path_null" => "Folder is empty, you can drag and drop files to the window to upload.",
"file_size_title" => "File icon size",
"file_size_small_super" => "Super small",
"file_size_small" => "Small",
"file_size_default" => "Default",
"file_size_big" => "Big",
"file_size_big_super" => "Super Big",
"upload" => "Upload",
"upload_ready" => "Loading ",
"upload_success" => "Uploaded successfully",
"upload_path_current" => "Current",
"upload_select" => "Select",
"upload_max_size" => "Upload max size",
"upload_size_info" => "Please amend the maximum value allowed upload in php.ini. Greater than the configuration will be automatically filtered.",
"upload_error" => "Upload failed",
"upload_error_http" => "Network or firewall error",
"upload_muti" => "Multiple file upload",
"upload_drag" => "Drag and drop upload",
"upload_drag_tips" => "Release can be uploaded!",
"path_not_allow" => "File name not allowed",
"download" => "Download",
"download_address" => "download link",
"download_ready" => "Download start",
"download_success" => "Download success! ",
"download_error" => "Download_error.",
"download_error_create" => "Create file error.",
"download_error_exists" => "Link to file failed!",
"upload_error_null" => "No files!",
"upload_error_big" => "File size too big",
"upload_error_move" => "Move file failed! ",
"upload_error_exists" => "File already exists",
"upload_local" => "Local upload",
"download_from_server" => "Remote download",
"save_path" => "Save path",
"upload_select_muti" => "Select multiple files upload",
"search" => "Search",
"searching" => "Searching...",
"search_result" => "Search Results",
"seach_result_too_more" => "Search results are too many, it is recommended to change a directory or word",
"search_null" => "No search results!",
"search_uplow" => "Ignore case",
"search_content" => "File contents ",
"search_info" => "Please enter a search term and path search! ",
"search_ext_tips" => "Separated by |;such as php|js|css<br/>if null search in default text file",
"file_type" => "File type",
"goto" => "Jump to",
"server_dwonload_desc" => "Task is added to the download list",
"parent_permission" => "Parent permission",
"root_path" => "Home",
"lib" => "Library",
"fav" => "Bookmark",
"desktop" => "Desktop",
"browser" => "Browser",
"my_computer" => "My computer",
"recycle" => "Recycle",
"my_document" => "My documents",
"my_picture" => "My photos",
"my_music" => "My music",
"my_movie" => "My video",
"my_download" => "My download",
"ui_desktop" => "Desktop",
"ui_explorer" => "Explorer",
"ui_editor" => "Editor",
"adminer" => "Adminer",
"ui_project_home" => "Project home",
"ui_login" => "Login",
"ui_logout" => "Logout",
"setting" => "Setting",
"setting_title" => "Option",
"setting_user" => "Basic",
"setting_password" => "Change password",
"setting_password_old" => "Old password",
"setting_password_new" => "New password",
"setting_language" => "Language",
"setting_member" => "Member",
"setting_group" => "Group",
"setting_group_add" => "Add user group",
"setting_group_edit" => "Edit user group",
"setting_theme" => "Theme",
"setting_wall" => "Wallpaper",
"setting_wall_diy" => "Custom wallpaper:",
"setting_wall_info" => "Url address,the local images can right picture browser open to get",
"setting_fav" => "Bookmark",
"setting_player" => "Player",
"setting_player_music" => "Music player settings",
"setting_player_movie" => "Video player settings",
"setting_help" => "Help",
"setting_about" => "About",
"setting_success" => "Setting successfully.",
"can_not_repeat" => "Name already exists!",
"absolute_path" => "Absolute path",
"group" => "User group",
"data_not_full" => "Data submission incomplete! ",
"default_user_can_not_do" => "Default user cannot operate",
"default_group_can_not_do" => "Default user groups cannot operate",
"username_can_not_null" => "User name cannot be empty! ",
"groupname_can_not_null" => "Group name cannot be empty! ",
"groupdesc_can_not_null" => "User group description cannot be empty! ",
"group_move_user_error" => "Belong to groups of users move failed",
"group_already_remove" => "The user group is deleted",
"group_not_exists" => "The user group does not exist",
"member_add" => "Add user",
"password_null_not_update" => "Empty representative not to modify the password",
"if_save_file" => "File has not been saved",
"if_remove" => "To confirm the deletion",
"member_remove_tips" => "Delete the user directory will be empty",
"group_remove_tips" => "Delete the user group<br/> (need to set user group)",
"group_name" => "Group name",
"group_name_tips" => "Not allowed to repeat",
"group_desc" => "Group desc",
"group_desc_tips" => "Group display",
"group_role_ext" => "Extension permission",
"group_role_ext_tips" => "Separated by |;such as php|js|css",
"group_role_file" => "File explorer",
"group_role_upload" => "Upload",
"group_role_user" => "User data",
"group_role_group" => "Group",
"group_role_member" => "Member",
"group_role_mkfile" => "Make file",
"group_role_mkdir" => "Make dir",
"group_role_pathrname" => "Path rename",
"group_role_pathdelete" => "File deletion",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "File properties",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move(copy/cute/past/drag to)",
"group_role_zip" => "compression",
"group_role_unzip" => "Decompression",
"group_role_search" => "Search",
"group_role_filesave" => "Edit and save",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Upload",
"group_role_download" => "Server download",
"group_role_passowrd" => "Change password",
"group_role_config" => "User data",
"group_role_fav" => "Favourite(add/edit/delete)",
"action_list" => "List",
"action_add" => "Add",
"action_edit" => "Edit",
"action_del" => "Remove",
"group_role_ext_warning" => "Not allowed to specify the type of file upload,<br/> rename (renamed the specified extension), <br/>edit,save, remote download,unzip",
"group_tips" => "<li> 1. The user group name can not be duplicated, modified the original group name belong to the restructuring of the user are automatically associated </li><li> 2. extension restrictions relations system security, be sure to exercise caution <i>(if new php in the web directory; it means that the user to change the program's access to this non-existent)</i> </li><li> 3. The user management, group management authority; access to view and CRUD permissions are bound; the program will automatically associate </li><li> 4. Set permissions group can add permissions group, subsequent permissions are not inherited <i>(this privilege is equivalent to the highest authority)</i> </li>",
"not_null" => "Required cannot be empty!",
"picture_can_not_null" => "Picture address can not be empty!",
"rname_success" => "Rename success! ",
"please_inpute_search_words" => "Keypress 'Enter' to search",
"remove_success" => "Deleted successfully! ",
"remove_fali" => "Delete failed!",
"clipboard_null" => "Clipboard is empty! ",
"create_success" => "Create successful! ",
"create_error" => "Create failed,please check the directory permissions! ",
"copy_success" => "[copy]covering the clipboard copy success!",
"cute_success" => "[cut]covering the clipboard success!",
"clipboard_state" => "Clipboard state:",
"no_permission_write_all" => "Can not write,check the permission",
"no_permission_write_file" => "File can not write,check the permission",
"no_permission_read_all" => "File can not read,check the permission",
"copy_not_exists" => "Source does not exist",
"current_has_parent" => "The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder!",
"past_success" => "<b>Paste operation completed </b>",
"cute_past_success" => "<b>Cut operation completed </b>(The source file is deleted and the clipboard is empty)",
"zip_success" => "Compressed",
"not_zip" => "Not compressed file",
"zip_null" => "Did not choose the file or directory",
"unzip_success" => "Unzip Success!",
"gotoline" => "Jump to line",
"path_is_current" => "Open path and the path!",
"path_exists" => "Name already exists! ",
"undo" => "Undo",
"redo" => "Redo",
"preview" => "Preview",
"wordwrap" => "Wrapping",
"show_gutter" => "Show Gutter",
"char_all_display" => "Show Invisibles",
"auto_complete" => "Auto complete",
"function_list" => "Function List",
"code_theme" => "Code Theme",
"font_size" => "Font Size",
"button_ok" => "Ok",
"button_submit" => "Submit",
"button_set" => "Set",
"button_cancel" => "Cancel",
"button_edit" => "Edit",
"button_save" => "Save",
"button_save_all" => "Save all",
"button_not_save" => "Don’t save",
"button_add" => "Add",
"button_back_add" => "Add and back",
"button_del" => "Delete",
"button_save_edit" => "Save",
"button_save_submit" => "Save and send",
"button_more" => "More",
"button_select_all" => "Select / unselect all"
); |