
718 lines
21 KiB
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* @link http://www.kalcaddle.com/
* @author warlee | e-mail:kalcaddle@qq.com
* @copyright warlee 2014.(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
* @license http://kalcaddle.com/tools/licenses/license.txt
* 系统函数: filesize(),file_exists(),pathinfo(),rname(),unlink(),filemtime(),is_readable(),is_wrieteable();
* 获取文件详细信息 file_info($file_name)
* 获取文件夹详细信息 path_info($dir)
* 递归获取文件夹信息 path_info_more($dir,&$file_num=0,&$path_num=0,&$size=0)
* 获取文件夹下文件列表 path_list($dir)
* 路径当前文件[夹]名 get_path_this($path)
* 获取路径父目录 get_path_father($path)
* 删除文件 del_file($file)
* 递归删除文件夹 del_dir($dir)
* 递归复制文件夹 copy_dir($source, $dest)
* 创建目录 mk_dir($dir, $mode = 0777)
* 文件大小格式化 size_format($bytes, $precision = 2)
* 判断是否绝对路径 path_is_absolute( $path )
* 扩展名的文件类型 ext_type($ext)
* 文件下载 file_download($file)
* 文件下载到服务器 file_download_this($from, $file_name)
* 获取文件(夹)权限 get_mode($file) //rwx_rwx_rwx [文件名需要系统编码]
* 上传文件(单个,多个) upload($fileInput, $path = './');//
* 获取配置文件项 get_config($file, $ini, $type="string")
* 修改配置文件项 update_config($file, $ini, $value,$type="string")
* 写日志到LOG_PATH下 write_log('dd','default|.自建目录.','log|error|warning|debug|info|db')
// 传入参数为程序编码时,有传出,则用程序编码,
// 传入参数没有和输出无关时,则传入时处理成系统编码。
function iconv_app($str){
global $config;
return iconv($config['system_charset'], $config['app_charset'], $str);
function iconv_system($str){
global $config;
return iconv($config['app_charset'], $config['system_charset'], $str);
* 获取文件详细信息
* 文件名从程序编码转换成系统编码,传入utf8系统函数需要为gbk
function file_info($path,$date_formate=false){
if (!$date_formate) $date_formate = $GLOBALS['L']['time_type'];
$name = get_path_this($path);
$size = abs(filesize($path));
$info = array(
'name' => iconv_app($name),
'path' => iconv_app(get_path_father($path)),
'ext' => get_path_ext($path),
'type' => 'file',
'mode' => get_mode($path),
'atime' => date($date_formate, fileatime($path)), //访问时间
'ctime' => date($date_formate, filectime($path)), //创建时间
'mtime' => date($date_formate, filemtime($path)), //最后修改时间
'is_readable' => intval(is_readable($path)),
'is_writeable' => intval(is_writeable($path)),
'size' => $size,
'size_friendly' => size_format($size, 2)
return $info;
* 获取文件夹细信息
function folder_info($path,$date_formate=false){
if (!$date_formate) $date_formate = $GLOBALS['L']['time_type'];
$info = array(
'name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($path)),
'path' => iconv_app(get_path_father($path)),
'type' => 'folder',
'mode' => get_mode($path),
'atime' => date($date_formate, fileatime($path)), //访问时间
'ctime' => date($date_formate, filectime($path)), //创建时间
'mtime' => date($date_formate, filemtime($path)), //最后修改时间
'is_readable' => intval(is_readable($path)),
'is_writeable' => intval(is_writeable($path))
return $info;
* 获取一个路径(文件夹&文件) 当前文件[夹]名
* test/11/ ==>11 test/1.c ==>1.c
function get_path_this($path){
$path = str_replace('\\','/', rtrim(trim($path),'/'));
return substr($path,strrpos($path,'/')+1);
* 获取一个路径(文件夹&文件) 父目录
* /test/11/==>/test/ /test/1.c ==>/www/test/
function get_path_father($path){
$path = str_replace('\\','/', rtrim(trim($path),'/'));
return substr($path, 0, strrpos($path,'/')+1);
* 获取扩展名
function get_path_ext($path){
$name = get_path_this($path);
$ext = substr($name,strrpos($name,'.')+1);
return strtolower($ext);
return '';
function get_filename_auto($path){
$father = get_path_father($path);
$name = get_path_this($path);
$ext = get_path_ext($name);
if (strlen($ext)>0) {
$name = substr($name,0,strlen($name)-strlen($ext));
$path = $father.$name.'('.$i.')'.$ext;
return $path;
* 判断文件夹是否可写
function path_writable($path) {
$file = $path.'/test'.time().'.txt';
$dir = $path.'/test'.time();
if(@is_writable($path) && @touch($file) && @unlink($file)) return true;
if(@mkdir($dir,0777) && @rmdir($dir)) return true;
return false;
* 获取文件夹详细信息,文件夹属性时调用,包含子文件夹数量,文件数量,总大小
function path_info($path){
//if (!is_dir($path)) return false;
$pathinfo = _path_info_more($path);//子目录文件大小统计信息
$folderinfo = folder_info($path);
return array_merge($pathinfo,$folderinfo);
* 检查名称是否合法
function path_check($path){
$check = array('/','\\',':','*','?','"','<','>','|');
$path = rtrim($path,'/');
$path = get_path_this($path);
foreach ($check as $v) {
if (strstr($path,$v)) {
return false;
return true;
* 递归获取文件夹信息: 子文件夹数量,文件数量,总大小
function _path_info_more($dir, &$file_num = 0, &$path_num = 0, &$size = 0){
if (!$dh = opendir($dir)) return false;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fullpath = $dir . "/" . $file;
if (!is_dir($fullpath)) {
$file_num ++;
$size += filesize($fullpath);
} else {
_path_info_more($fullpath, $file_num, $path_num, $size);
$path_num ++;
$pathinfo['file_num'] = $file_num;
$pathinfo['folder_num'] = $path_num;
$pathinfo['size'] = $size;
$pathinfo['size_friendly'] = size_format($size);
return $pathinfo;
* 获取多选文件信息,包含子文件夹数量,文件数量,总大小,父目录权限
function path_info_muti($list,$time_type){
if (count($list) == 1) {
if ($list[0]['type']=="folder"){
return path_info($list[0]['path'],$time_type);
return file_info($list[0]['path'],$time_type);
$pathinfo = array(
'file_num' => 0,
'folder_num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'size_friendly' => '',
'father_name' => '',
'mod' => ''
foreach ($list as $val){
if ($val['type'] == 'folder') {
$pathinfo['folder_num'] ++;
$temp = path_info($val['path']);
$pathinfo['folder_num'] += $temp['folder_num'];
$pathinfo['file_num'] += $temp['file_num'];
$pathinfo['size'] += $temp['size'];
$pathinfo['size'] += filesize($val['path']);
$pathinfo['size_friendly'] = size_format($pathinfo['size']);
$pathinfo['father_name'] = get_path_father($list[0]['path']);
$pathinfo['mode'] = get_mode($pathinfo['father_name']);
return $pathinfo;
* 获取文件夹下列表信息
* dir 包含结尾/ d:/wwwroot/test/
* 传入需要读取的文件夹路径,为程序编码
function path_list($dir,$list_file=true,$check_children=false){
$dir = rtrim($dir,'/').'/';
if (!is_dir($dir) || !($dh = opendir($dir))){
return array('folderlist'=>array(),'filelist'=>array());
$folderlist = array();$filelist = array();//文件夹与文件
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn" ) {
$fullpath = $dir . $file;
if (is_dir($fullpath)) {
$info = folder_info($fullpath);
$info['isParent'] = path_haschildren($fullpath,$list_file);
$folderlist[] = $info;
} else if($list_file) {//是否列出文件
$info = file_info($fullpath);
if($check_children) $info['isParent'] = false;
$filelist[] = $info;
return array('folderlist' => $folderlist,'filelist' => $filelist);
// 判断文件夹是否含有子内容【区分为文件或者只筛选文件夹才算】
function path_haschildren($dir,$check_file=false){
$dir = rtrim($dir,'/').'/';
if (!$dh = @opendir($dir)) return false;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fullpath = $dir.$file;
if ($check_file) {//有子目录或者文件都说明有子内容
if(is_dir($fullpath.'/') || is_file($fullpath)) return true;
if(is_dir($fullpath.'/')) return true;
return false;
* 删除文件 传入参数编码为操作系统编码. win--gbk
function del_file($fullpath){
if (!@unlink($fullpath)) { // 删除不了,尝试修改文件权限
@chmod($fullpath, 0777);
if (!@unlink($fullpath)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* 删除文件夹 传入参数编码为操作系统编码. win--gbk
function del_dir($dir){
if (!$dh = opendir($dir)) return false;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fullpath = $dir . '/' . $file;
if (!is_dir($fullpath)) {
if (!unlink($fullpath)) { // 删除不了,尝试修改文件权限
chmod($fullpath, 0777);
if (!unlink($fullpath)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!del_dir($fullpath)) {
chmod($fullpath, 0777);
if (!del_dir($fullpath)) return false;
if (rmdir($dir)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* 复制文件夹
* eg:将D:/wwwroot/下面wordpress复制到
* D:/wwwroot/www/explorer/0000/del/1/
* 末尾都不需要加斜杠,复制到地址如果不加源文件夹名,
* 就会将wordpress下面文件复制到D:/wwwroot/www/explorer/0000/del/1/下面
* $from = 'D:/wwwroot/wordpress';
* $to = 'D:/wwwroot/www/explorer/0000/del/1/wordpress';
function copy_dir($source, $dest){
if (!$dest) return false;
if ($source == substr($dest,0,strlen($source))) return;//防止无限递归
$result = false;
if (is_file($source)) {
if ($dest[strlen($dest)-1] == '/') {
$__dest = $dest . "/" . basename($source);
} else {
$__dest = $dest;
$result = copy($source, $__dest);
chmod($__dest, 0777);
}elseif (is_dir($source)) {
if ($dest[strlen($dest)-1] == '/') {
$dest = $dest . basename($source);
mkdir($dest, 0777);
} else {
mkdir($dest, 0777);
if (!$dh = opendir($source)) return false;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if (!is_dir($source . "/" . $file)) {
$__dest = $dest . "/" . $file;
} else {
$__dest = $dest . "/" . $file;
$result = copy_dir($source . "/" . $file, $__dest);
return $result;
* 创建目录
* @param string $dir
* @param int $mode
* @return bool
function mk_dir($dir, $mode = 0777){
if (is_dir($dir) || mkdir($dir, $mode))
return true;
if (!mk_dir(dirname($dir), $mode))
return false;
return mkdir($dir, $mode);
* 获取文件&文件夹列表(支持文件夹层级)
* path : 文件夹 $dir ——返回的文件夹array files ——返回的文件array
* $deepest 是否完整递归;$deep 递归层级
function recursion_dir($path,&$dir,&$file,$deepest=-1,$deep=0){
$path = rtrim($path,'/').'/';
if (!is_array($file)) $file=array();
if (!is_array($dir)) $dir=array();
if (!$dh = opendir($path)) return false;
while(($val=readdir($dh)) !== false){
if ($val=='.' || $val=='..') continue;
$value = strval($path.$val);
if (is_file($value)){
$file[] = $value;
}else if(is_dir($value)){
if ($deepest==-1 || $deep<$deepest){
return true;
* $search 为包含的字符串
* is_content 表示是否搜索文件内容;默认不搜索
* is_case 表示区分大小写,默认不区分
function path_search($path,$search,$is_content=false,$file_ext='',$is_case=false){
$strpos = 'stripos';//是否区分大小写
if ($is_case) $strpos = 'strpos';
$filelist = array();
$folderlist = array();
foreach($files as $f){
$ext = get_path_ext($f);
$path_this = get_path_this($f);
if ($file_ext !='' && !in_array($ext,$ext_arr)) continue;//文件类型不在用户限定内
if ($strpos($path_this,$search) !== false){//搜索文件名;搜到就返回;搜不到继续
$filelist[] = file_info($f);
if ($is_content && is_file($f)){
$fp = fopen($f, "r");
$content = @fread($fp,filesize($f));
if ($strpos($content,$search) !== false){
$filelist[] = file_info($f);
if ($file_ext == '') {//没限定扩展名则才搜索文件夹
foreach($dirs as $f){
$path_this = get_path_this($f);
if ($strpos($path_this,$search) !== false){
$folderlist[]= array(
'name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($f)),
'path' => iconv_app(get_path_father($f))
return array('folderlist' => $folderlist,'filelist' => $filelist);
* 修改文件、文件夹权限
* @param $path 文件(夹)目录
* @return :string
function chmod_path($path,$mod){
//$mod = 0777;//
if (!isset($mod)) $mod = 0777;
if (!is_dir($path)) return chmod($path,$mod);
if (!$dh = opendir($path)) return false;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fullpath = $path . '/' . $file;
return chmod_path($fullpath,$mod);
return chmod($path,$mod);
* 文件大小格式化
* @param $ :$bytes, int 文件大小
* @param $ :$precision int 保留小数点
* @return :string
function size_format($bytes, $precision = 2){
if ($bytes == 0) return "0 B";
$unit = array('TB' => 1099511627776, // pow( 1024, 4)
'GB' => 1073741824, // pow( 1024, 3)
'MB' => 1048576, // pow( 1024, 2)
'kB' => 1024, // pow( 1024, 1)
'B ' => 1, // pow( 1024, 0)
foreach ($unit as $un => $mag) {
if (doubleval($bytes) >= $mag)
return round($bytes / $mag, $precision).' '.$un;
* 判断路径是不是绝对路径
* 返回true('/foo/bar','c:\windows').
* @return 返回true则为绝对路径否则为相对路径
function path_is_absolute($path){
if (realpath($path) == $path)// *nux 的绝对路径 /home/my
return true;
if (strlen($path) == 0 || $path[0] == '.')
return false;
if (preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]:\\\\#', $path))// windows 的绝对路径 c:\aaa\
return true;
return (bool)preg_match('#^[/\\\\]#', $path); //绝对路径 运行 / 和 \绝对路径,其他的则为相对路径
* 获取扩展名的文件类型
* @param $ :$ext string 扩展名
* @return :string;
function ext_type($ext){
$ext2type = array(
'text' => array('txt','ini','log','asc','csv','tsv','vbs','bat','cmd','inc','conf','inf'),
'code' => array('css','htm','html','php','js','c','cpp','h','java','cs','sql','xml'),
'picture' => array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif','ico','bmp','tif','tiff','dib','rle'),
'audio' => array('mp3','ogg','oga','mid','midi','ram','wav','wma','aac','ac3','aif','aiff','m3a','m4a','m4b','mka','mp1','mx3','mp2'),
'flash' => array('swf'),
'video' => array('rm','rmvb','flv','mkv','wmv','asf','avi','aiff','mp4','divx','dv','m4v','mov','mpeg','vob','mpg','mpv','ogm','ogv','qt'),
'document' => array('doc','docx','docm','dotm','odt','pages','pdf','rtf','xls','xlsx','xlsb','xlsm','ppt','pptx','pptm','odp'),
'rar_achieve' => array('rar','arj','tar','ace','gz','lzh','uue','bz2'),
'zip_achieve' => array('zip','gzip','cab','tbz','tbz2'),
'other_achieve' => array('dmg','sea','sit','sqx')
foreach ($ext2type as $type => $exts) {
if (in_array($ext, $exts)) {
return $type;
* 文件下载
function file_download($file){
if (!file_exists($file)) show_json('file not exists');
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] != "") &&
preg_match("/^bytes=([0-9]+)-$/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $match) && ($match[1] < $fsize)) {
$start = $match[1];
$start = 0;
$size = filesize($file);
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
$filename = get_path_this($file);//解决在IE中下载时中文乱码问题
$filename = str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($filename));
header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=".get_path_this($file));
if ($start > 0) {
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
header("Content-Length: " . ($size - $start));
header("Content-Ranges: bytes".$start ."-".($size - 1)."/" .$size);
header("Content-Length: $size");
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
$fp = fopen($file, "rb");
fseek($fp, $start);
while (!feof($fp)) {
print (fread($fp, 1024 * 8)); //输出文件
* 文件代理输出
function file_proxy_out($file){
if (!file_exists($file)) show_json('file not exists',false);
$mime = get_file_mime(get_path_ext($file));
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file)); //输出总长
$fp = fopen($file, "rb");
while (!feof($fp)) {
print (fread($fp, 1024 * 8)); //输出文件
* 文件下载到服务器
function file_download_this($from, $file_name){
$fp = @fopen ($from, "rb");
if ($fp){
$new_fp = @fopen ($file_name, "wb");
fwrite($new_fp, fread($fp, 1024 * 8 ), 1024 * 8);
return true;
return false;
* 获取文件(夹)权限 rwx_rwx_rwx
function get_mode($file){
$Mode = fileperms($file);
$Owner = array();$Group=array();$World=array();
if ($Mode &0x1000) $Type = 'p'; // FIFO pipe
elseif ($Mode &0x2000) $Type = 'c'; // Character special
elseif ($Mode &0x4000) $Type = 'd'; // Directory
elseif ($Mode &0x6000) $Type = 'b'; // Block special
elseif ($Mode &0x8000) $Type = '-'; // Regular
elseif ($Mode &0xA000) $Type = 'l'; // Symbolic Link
elseif ($Mode &0xC000) $Type = 's'; // Socket
else $Type = 'u'; // UNKNOWN
// Determine les permissions par Groupe
$Owner['r'] = ($Mode &00400) ? 'r' : '-';
$Owner['w'] = ($Mode &00200) ? 'w' : '-';
$Owner['x'] = ($Mode &00100) ? 'x' : '-';
$Group['r'] = ($Mode &00040) ? 'r' : '-';
$Group['w'] = ($Mode &00020) ? 'w' : '-';
$Group['e'] = ($Mode &00010) ? 'x' : '-';
$World['r'] = ($Mode &00004) ? 'r' : '-';
$World['w'] = ($Mode &00002) ? 'w' : '-';
$World['e'] = ($Mode &00001) ? 'x' : '-';
// Adjuste pour SUID, SGID et sticky bit
if ($Mode &0x800) $Owner['e'] = ($Owner['e'] == 'x') ? 's' : 'S';
if ($Mode &0x400) $Group['e'] = ($Group['e'] == 'x') ? 's' : 'S';
if ($Mode &0x200) $World['e'] = ($World['e'] == 'x') ? 't' : 'T';
$Mode = $Type.$Owner['r'].$Owner['w'].$Owner['x'].' '.
$Group['r'].$Group['w'].$Group['e'].' '.
return $Mode;
* 获取可以上传的最大值
* return * byte
function get_post_max(){
$upload = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
$upload = $upload==''?ini_get('upload_max_size'):$upload;
$post = ini_get('post_max_size');
$upload = intval($upload)*1024*1024;
$post = intval($post)*1024*1024;
return $upload<$post?$upload:$post;
* 文件上传处理。单个文件上传,多个分多次请求
* 调用demo
* upload('file','D:/www/');
function upload($fileInput, $path = './'){
global $config,$L;
$file = $_FILES[$fileInput];
if (!isset($file)) show_json($L['upload_error_null'],false);
$file_name = iconv_system($file['name']);
$info = _upload($file['tmp_name'],$file['size'],$path.$file_name);
function _upload($tmp_name,$size,$save_path){
global $L;
$save_path = get_filename_auto($save_path);
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>$L['upload_success'],'path'=>$save_path);
}else {
return array('code'=>fasle,'data'=>$L['move_error']);
* 写日志
* @param string $log 日志信息
* @param string $type 日志类型 [system|app|...]
* @param string $level 日志级别
* @return boolean
function write_log($log, $type = 'default', $level = 'log'){
$now_time = date('[y-m-d H:i:s]');
$now_day = date('Y_m_d');
// 根据类型设置日志目标位置
$target = LOG_PATH . strtolower($type) . '/';
mk_dir($target, 0777);
if (! is_writable($target)) exit('path can not write!');
switch($level){// 分级写日志
case 'error': $target .= 'Error_' . $now_day . '.log';break;
case 'warning': $target .= 'Warning_' . $now_day . '.log';break;
case 'debug': $target .= 'Debug_' . $now_day . '.log';break;
case 'info': $target .= 'Info_' . $now_day . '.log';break;
case 'db': $target .= 'Db_' . $now_day . '.log';break;
default: $target .= 'Log_' . $now_day . '.log';break;
//检测日志文件大小, 超过配置大小则重命名
if (file_exists($target) && filesize($target) <= 100000) {
$file_name = substr(basename($target),0,strrpos(basename($target),'.log')).'.log';
rename($target, dirname($target) .'/'. $file_name);
return error_log("$now_time $log\n", 3, $target);