0 ){ $protocol = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'].'://'; } $url_host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']=='80' ? '' : ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); $host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $url_host; $host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : $host;//proxy return $protocol.$host; } // current request url function this_url(){ $url = get_host().$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; return $url; } function reset_path($str){ return str_replace('\\','/',$str); } function get_webroot($app_path){ $webRoot = str_replace(reset_path($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),'',$app_path.'index.php').'/'; if (substr($webRoot,-10) == 'index.php/') {//解决部分主机不兼容问题 $webRoot = reset_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).'/'; } return $webRoot; } function ua_has($str){ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ return false; } if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$str) ){ return true; } return false; } function is_wap(){ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ return false; } if(preg_match('/(up.browser|up.link|mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|iphone|ipad|ipod|android|xoom)/i', strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))){ return true; } if((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) && (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']),'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml') !== false)){ return true; } return false; } function parse_headers($raw_headers){ $headers = array(); $key = ''; foreach (explode("\n", $raw_headers) as $h) { $h = explode(':', $h, 2); if (isset($h[1])) { if ( ! isset($headers[$h[0]])) { $headers[$h[0]] = trim($h[1]); } elseif (is_array($headers[$h[0]])) { $headers[$h[0]] = array_merge($headers[$h[0]], array(trim($h[1])) ); } else { $headers[$h[0]] = array_merge(array($headers[$h[0]]), array(trim($h[1])) ); } $key = $h[0]; } else { if (substr($h[0], 0, 1) === "\t") { $headers[$key] .= "\r\n\t" . trim($h[0]); } elseif ( ! $key) { $headers[0] = trim($h[0]); } trim($h[0]); } } return $headers; } //多人同时上传同一个文件;或上传到多个服务; $curlCurrentFile = false; function curl_progress_bind($file,$uuid='',$download=false){ if(!$GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile']){ $cacheFile = TEMP_PATH.'/curlProgress/'.md5($file.$uuid).'.log'; mk_dir(get_path_father($cacheFile)); @touch($cacheFile); if(!file_exists($cacheFile)){ return; } $GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile'] = array( 'path' => $file, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'time' => 0, 'setNum' => 0, 'cacheFile' => $cacheFile, 'download' => $download ); } curl_progress_set(false,0,0,0,0); } function curl_progress_set(){ $fileInfo = $GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile']; $file = $fileInfo['path']; $cacheFile = $fileInfo['cacheFile']; if( !is_array($fileInfo) || mtime() - $fileInfo['time'] <= 0.3){//每300ms做一次记录 return; } //进度文件被删除则终止传输; clearstatcache(); if( !file_exists($cacheFile) || !file_exists($file) ){ exit; } $GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile']['time'] = mtime(); $GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile']['setNum'] += 1; $args = func_get_args(); if (is_resource($args[0])) {// php 5.5 array_shift($args); } $downTotal = $args[0]; $downSize = $args[1]; $upTotal = $args[2]; $upSize = $args[3]; //默认上传 $size = @filesize($file); $sizeSuccess = $upSize; if($fileInfo['download']){ $size = $downTotal; $sizeSuccess = $downSize; } $json = array( 'name' => substr(rawurlencode(get_path_this($file)),-10), 'taskUuid' => $fileInfo['uuid'], 'type' => $fileInfo['download']?'fileDownload':'fileUpload', 'timeStart' => time(), 'sizeTotal' => $size, 'sizeSuccess' => $sizeSuccess, 'progress' => 0, 'timeUse' => 0, 'timeNeed' => 0, 'speed' => 0, 'logList' => array() ); //write_log(array($args,$size,$sizeSuccess),'ttt'); if(time() - filemtime($cacheFile) <= 10){//10s内才处理;同一个文件 $data = @json_decode(file_get_contents($cacheFile),true); $json = $data?$data:$json; }else{ del_file($cacheFile); touch($cacheFile); } //更新数据 $logList = &$json['logList']; if(count($logList) >=10 ){ $logList = array_slice($logList,-10); } $current = array('time'=>time(),'sizeSuccess'=>$sizeSuccess); if(count($logList) == 0){ $logList[] = $current; }else{ $last = $logList[count($logList)-1]; if(time() == $last['time']){ $logList[count($logList)-1] = $current; }else{ $logList[] = $current; } } //计算速度 $first = $logList[0]; $last = $logList[count($logList)-1]; $time = $last['time'] - $first['time']; $speed = $time?($last['sizeSuccess'] - $first['sizeSuccess'])/$time : 0; if($speed <0 || $speed>500*1024*1024){ $speed = 0; } $timeNeed = $speed ? ($size - $sizeSuccess)/$speed:0; $progress = 0; if($size != 0 ){ $progress = ($sizeSuccess>=$size)?1:$sizeSuccess/$size; } $json['sizeTotal'] = $size; $json['sizeSuccess'] = $sizeSuccess; $json['progress'] = $progress; $json['timeUse'] = time() - $json['timeStart']; $json['timeNeed'] = intval($timeNeed); $json['speed'] = intval($speed); file_put_contents($cacheFile,json_encode($json)); } function curl_progress_get($file,$uuid=''){ $cacheFile = TEMP_PATH.'/curlProgress/'.md5($file.$uuid).'.log'; if(!file_exists($cacheFile) || $file == ''){ return -1; } $data = @json_decode(file_get_contents($cacheFile),true); if(is_array($data)){ unset($data['logList']); return $data; } return -3; } // https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000000725185 // http://blog.csdn.net/havedream_one/article/details/52585331 // php7.1 curl上传中文路径文件失败问题?【暂时通过重命名方式解决】 function url_request($url,$method='GET',$data=false,$headers=false,$options=false,$json=false,$timeout=3600){ ignore_timeout(); $ch = curl_init(); $upload = false; if(is_array($data)){//上传检测并兼容 foreach($data as $key => &$value){ if(!is_string($value) || substr($value,0,1) !== "@"){ continue; } $upload = true; $path = ltrim($value,'@'); $filename = iconv_app(get_path_this($path)); $mime = get_file_mime(get_path_ext($filename)); if(isset($data['curlUploadName'])){//自定义上传文件名;临时参数 $filename = $data['curlUploadName']; unset($data['curlUploadName']); } if (class_exists('\CURLFile')){ $value = new CURLFile(realpath($path),$mime,$filename); }else{ $value = "@".realpath($path).";type=".$mime.";filename=".$filename; } //有update且method为PUT if($method == 'PUT'){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE,@fopen($path,'r')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE,@filesize($path)); } //上传进度记录并处理 curl_progress_bind($path); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION,'curl_progress_set'); } } if($upload){ if (class_exists('\CURLFile')){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true); } else { if (defined('CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD')) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, false); } } } // post数组或拼接的参数;不同方式服务器兼容性有所差异 // http://blog.csdn.net/havedream_one/article/details/52585331 if ($data && is_array($headers) && $method != 'DOWNLOAD' && in_array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',$headers)) { $data = http_build_query($data); } if($method == 'GET' && $data){ if(strstr($url,'?')){ $url = $url.'&'.$data; }else{ $url = $url.'?'.$data; } } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,$timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER,get_url_link($url)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.94 Safari/537.36'); if($headers){ if(is_string($headers)){ $headers = array($headers); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } switch ($method) { case 'GET': curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPGET,1); break; case 'DOWNLOAD': //远程下载到指定文件;进度条 $downTemp = $data.'.'.rand_string(5); $fp = fopen ($downTemp,'w+'); curl_progress_bind($downTemp,'',true);//下载进度 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION,'curl_progress_set'); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPGET,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,0);//不输出头 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); //CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 必须放在CURLOPT_FILE前面;否则出问题 break; case 'HEAD': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); break; case 'POST': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data); break; case 'OPTIONS': case 'PATCH': case 'DELETE': case 'PUT': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,$method); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data); break; default:break; } if(!empty($options)){ curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); } $response = curl_exec($ch); $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $response_info = curl_getinfo($ch); $http_body = substr($response, $header_size); $http_header = substr($response, 0, $header_size); $http_header = parse_headers($http_header); if(is_array($http_header)){ $http_header['kod_add_request_url'] = $url; } //error if($response_info['http_code'] == 0){ $error_message = curl_error($ch); if (! empty($error_message)) { $error_message = "API call to $url failed;$error_message"; } else { $error_message = "API call to $url failed;maybe network error!"; } return array( 'data' => $error_message, 'code' => 0, 'header' => $response_info, ); } curl_close($ch); if(is_array($GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile'])){ @unlink($GLOBALS['curlCurrentFile']['cacheFile']); } $success = $response_info['http_code'] >= 200 && $response_info['http_code'] <= 299; if( $json && $success){ $data = @json_decode($http_body,true); if (json_last_error() == 0) { // string $http_body = $data; } } if($method == 'DOWNLOAD'){ @fclose($fp); @clearstatcache(); if($success){ move_path($downTemp,$data); } @unlink($downTemp); } $return = array( 'data' => $http_body, 'status' => $success, 'code' => $response_info['http_code'], 'header' => $http_header, ); return $return; } function get_headers_curl($url,$timeout=30,$depth=0,&$headers=array()){ if(!function_exists('curl_init')){ return false; } if ($depth >= 10) return false; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY,true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,$timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER,get_url_link($url)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.94 Safari/537.36'); $res = curl_exec($ch); $res = explode("\r\n", $res); $location = false; foreach ($res as $line) { list($key, $val) = explode(": ", $line, 2); $the_key = trim($key); if($the_key == 'Location' || $the_key == 'location'){ $the_key = 'Location'; $location = trim($val); } if( strlen($the_key) == 0 && strlen(trim($val)) == 0 ){ continue; } if( substr($the_key,0,4) == 'HTTP' && strlen(trim($val)) == 0 ){ $headers[] = $the_key; continue; } if(!isset($headers[$the_key])){ $headers[$the_key] = trim($val); }else{ if(is_string($headers[$the_key])){ $temp = $headers[$the_key]; $headers[$the_key] = array($temp); } $headers[$the_key][] = trim($val); } } if($location !== false){ $depth++; get_headers_curl($location,$timeout,$depth,$headers); } return count($headers)==0?false:$headers; } // url header data function url_header($url){ $name = '';$length=0; $header = get_headers_curl($url);//curl优先 if(is_array($header)){ $header['ACTION_BY'] = 'get_headers_curl'; }else{ $header = @get_headers($url,true); } if (!$header) return false; if(isset($header['Content-Length'])){ if(is_array($header['Content-Length'])){ $length = array_pop($header['Content-Length']); }else{ $length = $header['Content-Length']; } } //301跳转 $fileUrl = $url; $location = 'Location'; if(!isset($header['Location']) && isset($header['location'])){ $location = 'location'; } if(isset($header[$location])){ if(is_string($header[$location])){ $fileUrl = $header[$location]; }else if(is_array($header[$location]) && count($header[$location])>0 ){ $fileUrl = $header[$location][count($header[$location])-1]; } } if(isset($header['Content-Disposition'])){ if(is_array($header['Content-Disposition'])){ $dis = array_pop($header['Content-Disposition']); }else{ $dis = $header['Content-Disposition']; } $i = strpos($dis,"filename="); if($i!== false){ $name = substr($dis,$i+9); $j = strpos($name,"; ");//多个参数, if($j!== false){ $name = substr($name,0,$j); } $name = trim($name,'"'); } } if(isset($header['X-OutFileName'])){ $name = $header['X-OutFileName']; } if(!$name){ $name = get_path_this($fileUrl); if (stripos($name,'?')) $name = substr($name,0,stripos($name,'?')); if (!$name) $name = 'index.html'; $firstName = get_path_this($url); if( get_path_ext($firstName) == get_path_ext($name) ){ $name = $firstName; } } $name = rawurldecode($name); $name = str_replace(array('/','\\'),'-',$name);//safe; $supportRange = isset($header["Accept-Ranges"])?true:false; $result = array( 'url' => $fileUrl, 'length' => $length, 'name' => $name, 'supportRange' =>$supportRange && ($length!=0), 'all' => $header, ); if(!function_exists('curl_init')){ $result['supportRange'] = false; } //debug_out($url,$header,$result); return $result; } // check url if can use function check_url($url){ $array = get_headers($url,true); $error = array('/404/','/403/','/500/'); foreach ($error as $value) { if (preg_match($value, $array[0])) { return false; } } return true; } // refer URL function refer_url(){ return isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : ''; } function select_var($array){ if (!is_array($array)) return -1; ksort($array); $chosen = -1; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (isset($v)) { $chosen = $v; break; } } return $chosen; } /** * 解析url获得url参数 * @param $query * @return array array */ function parse_url_query($url){ $arr = parse_url($url); $queryParts = explode('&',$arr['query']); $params = array(); foreach ($queryParts as $param) { $item = explode('=', $param); $params[$item[0]] = $item[1]; } return $params; } function stripslashes_deep($value){ $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : (isset($value) ? stripslashes($value) : null); return $value; } function parse_url_route(){ $param = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],"",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if($param && substr($param,0,1) == '/'){ $arr = explode('&',$param); $arr[0] = ltrim($arr[0],'/'); foreach ($arr as $cell) { $cell = explode('=',$cell); if(is_array($cell)){ if(!isset($cell[1])){ $cell[1] = ''; } $_GET[$cell[0]] = $cell[1]; $_REQUEST[$cell[0]] = $cell[1]; } } } } /** * GET/POST数据统一入口 * 将GET和POST的数据进行过滤,去掉非法字符以及hacker code,返回一个数组 * 注意如果GET和POST有相同的Key,POST优先 * * @return array $_GET和$_POST数据过滤处理后的值 */ function parse_incoming(){ parse_url_route(); global $_GET, $_POST,$_COOKIE; $_COOKIE = stripslashes_deep($_COOKIE); $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET); $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST); $return = array(); $return = array_merge($_GET,$_POST); $remote = array_get_index($return,0); $remote = explode('/',trim($remote[0],'/')); $return['URLremote'] = $remote; return $return; } function url2absolute($index_url, $preg_url){ if (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]*\:\/\//', $preg_url)) return $preg_url; preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]*\:\/\/.*)\//', $index_url, $match); $index_url_temp = $match[1]; foreach(explode('/', $preg_url) as $key => $var) { if ($key == 0 && $var == '') { preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]*\:\/\/[^\/]*)\//', $index_url, $match); $index_url_temp = $match[1] . $preg_url; break; } if ($var == '..') { preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]*\:\/\/.*)\//', $index_url_temp, $match); $index_url_temp = $match[1]; } elseif ($var != '.') $index_url_temp .= '/' . $var; } return $index_url_temp; } // 输出js function exec_js($js){ echo "\n"; } // 禁止缓存 function no_cache(){ header("Pragma:no-cache\r\n"); header("Cache-Control:no-cache\r\n"); header("Expires:0\r\n"); } // 生成javascript转向 function go_url($url, $msg = ''){ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"); echo "\n"; exit; } function send_http_status($i_status, $s_message = ''){ $a_status = array( // Informational 1xx 100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', // Success 2xx 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', // Redirection 3xx 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', // 1.1 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', // 306 is deprecated but reserved 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', // Client Error 4xx 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', // Server Error 5xx 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded' ); if (array_key_exists($i_status, $a_status)) { header('HTTP/1.1 ' . $i_status . ' ' . $a_status[$i_status]); } if ($s_message) { echo $s_message; exit(); } } //是否是windows function client_is_windows(){ static $is_windows; if(!is_array($is_windows)){ $is_windows = array(0); $os = get_os(); if(strstr($os,'Windows')){ $is_windows = array(1); } } return $is_windows[0]; } // 获取操作系统信息 TODO function get_os (){ $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $preg_find = array( "Windows 95" =>array('win','95'), "Windows ME" =>array('win 9x','4.90'), "Windows 98" =>array('win','98'), "Windows 2000" =>array('win','nt 5.0',), "Windows XP" =>array('win','nt 5.1'), "Windows Vista" =>array('win','nt 6.0'), "Windows 7" =>array('win','nt 6.1'), "Windows 32" =>array('win','32'), "Windows NT" =>array('win','nt'), "Mac OS" =>array('Mac OS'), "Linux" =>array('linux'), "Unix" =>array('unix'), "SunOS" =>array('sun','os'), "IBM OS/2" =>array('ibm','os'), "Macintosh" =>array('Mac','PC'), "PowerPC" =>array('PowerPC'), "AIX" =>array('AIX'), "HPUX" =>array('HPUX'), "NetBSD" =>array('NetBSD'), "BSD" =>array('BSD'), "OSF1" =>array('OSF1'), "IRIX" =>array('IRIX'), "FreeBSD" =>array('FreeBSD'), ); $os=''; foreach ($preg_find as $key => $value) { if(count($value)==1 && stripos($agent,$value[0])){ $os=$key;break; }else if(count($value)==2 && stripos($agent,$value[0]) && stripos($agent,$value[1]) ){ $os=$key;break; } } if ($os=='') {$os = "Unknown"; } return $os; } // 浏览器是否直接打开 function mime_support($mime){ $arr_start = array( "text/", "image/", "audio/", "video/", "message/", ); $arr_mime = array( "application/hta", "application/javascript", "application/json", "application/x-latex", "application/pdf", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "application/x-tex", "application/x-texinfo" ); if(in_array($mime,$arr_mime)){ return true; } foreach ($arr_start as $val) { if(substr($mime,0,strlen($val)) == $val){ return true; } } return false; } //根据扩展名获取mime function get_file_mime($ext){ $mimetypes = array( "323" => "text/h323", "acx" => "application/internet-property-stream", "ai" => "application/postscript", "aif" => "audio/x-aiff", "aifc" => "audio/x-aiff", "aiff" => "audio/x-aiff", "asf" => "video/x-ms-asf", "asr" => "video/x-ms-asf", "asx" => "video/x-ms-asf", "au" => "audio/basic", "avi" => "video/x-msvideo", "axs" => "application/olescript", "bas" => "text/plain", "bcpio" => "application/x-bcpio", "bin" => "application/octet-stream", "bmp" => "image/bmp", "c" => "text/plain", "cat" => "application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat", "cdf" => "application/x-cdf", "cer" => "application/x-x509-ca-cert", "class" => "application/octet-stream", "clp" => "application/x-msclip", "cmx" => "image/x-cmx", "cod" => "image/cis-cod", "cpio" => "application/x-cpio", "crd" => "application/x-mscardfile", "crl" => "application/pkix-crl", "crt" => "application/x-x509-ca-cert", "csh" => "application/x-csh", "css" => "text/css", "dcr" => "application/x-director", "der" => "application/x-x509-ca-cert", "dir" => "application/x-director", "dll" => "application/x-msdownload", "dms" => "application/octet-stream", "doc" => "application/msword", "docx" => "application/msword", "dot" => "application/msword", "dvi" => "application/x-dvi", "dxr" => "application/x-director", "eps" => "application/postscript", "etx" => "text/x-setext", "evy" => "application/envoy", "exe" => "application/octet-stream", "fif" => "application/fractals", "flr" => "x-world/x-vrml", "flv" => "video/x-flv", "f4v" => "application/octet-stream", "gif" => "image/gif", "gtar" => "application/x-gtar", "gz" => "application/x-gzip", "h" => "text/plain", "hdf" => "application/x-hdf", "hlp" => "application/winhlp", "hqx" => "application/mac-binhex40", "hta" => "application/hta", "htc" => "text/x-component", "htm" => "text/html", "html" => "text/html", "htt" => "text/webviewhtml", "ico" => "image/x-icon", "ief" => "image/ief", "iii" => "application/x-iphone", "ins" => "application/x-internet-signup", "isp" => "application/x-internet-signup", "jfif" => "image/pipeg", "jpe" => "image/jpeg", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "js" => "application/javascript", "json" => "application/json", "latex" => "application/x-latex", "lha" => "application/octet-stream", "lsf" => "video/x-la-asf", "lsx" => "video/x-la-asf", "lzh" => "application/octet-stream", "m13" => "application/x-msmediaview", "m14" => "application/x-msmediaview", "m3u" => "audio/x-mpegurl", 'm4a' => "audio/mp4", 'm4v' => "audio/mp4", "man" => "application/x-troff-man", "mdb" => "application/x-msaccess", "me" => "application/x-troff-me", "mht" => "message/rfc822", "mhtml" => "message/rfc822", "mid" => "audio/mid", "mny" => "application/x-msmoney", "mov" => "video/quicktime", "movie" => "video/x-sgi-movie", "mp2" => "video/mpeg", "mp3" => "audio/mpeg", "mp4" => "video/mp4", "mp4v" => "video/mp4", "mpa" => "video/mpeg", "mpe" => "video/mpeg", "mpeg" => "video/mpeg", "mpg" => "video/mpeg", "mpp" => "application/vnd.ms-project", "mpv2" => "video/mpeg", "ms" => "application/x-troff-ms", "mvb" => 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