code snippet automatically implemented property.
Multiple Style: Choose your favorite programming style
Custom Fonts: For using under a variety of scenarios
Multi-cursor editor, block editing online programming experience comparable to sublime
Code folding & unfolding;line wrap.
Support for multi-label;Drag to adjust the order.
Edit multiple documents simultaneously, find & replace;Anti maintain History.
Word completion such as [],{},(),"",''
Preview the result of programming online,make you like coding online!
Support Zen coding; Higher coding efficiency!
More features, waiting for your discovery…
Web Side:html,JavaScript,css,less,sass,scss
Web developing:php,perl,python,ruby,elang,go...
Traditional language:java,c,c++,c#,actionScript,VBScript...
Common Shortcuts: ctrl+s Save ctrl+c Copy ctrl+v Paste ctrl+z Undo ctrl+y Redo ctrl+x Cut ctrl+a Select All ctrl+f Find ctrl+f+f Replace alt+0 Code folding All alt+shift+0 Code unfolding All esc [exit searching, cancel auto-prompts...]
Select: Mouse select——drag shift+home/end/up/left/down/right shift+PageUp/PageDown Page UP & Down ctrl+shift+ home/end Move the cursor to the beginning/end of line alt+mouse Block selection
Cursor: home/end/up/left/down/right ctrl+p Jump to matching tag PageUp/PageDown Page UP & Down ctrl+home/end Move the cursor to the beginning/end of line alt+left/right Move the cursor to the beginning of line shift+left/right Move the cursor to the beginning/end of line ctrl+l Jump to the specified line ctrl+alt+up/down Up(Down)adding cursor
Editing: ctrl+/ Mask & Unmask ctrl+alt+a Justified table tab Alignment shift+table Overall forward a table delete delete ctrl+d delete a line ctrl+delete Delete the word to the right of the line ctrl/shift+backspace Delete the word on the left alt+shift+up/down copy the line & paste up/down of the line alt+delete Delete the contents of the cursor to the right alt+up/down The current line and the up/down line switching ctrl+shift+d And add the following line to copy ctrl+delete Delete the word to the right ctrl+shift+u Converted to lowercase ctrl+u Select the contents to uppercase