@ -1,3 +1,71 @@
### ver3.42 `2017/4/3`
#### update:
- 安全防护;全面防护csrf攻击;安全性提升。
- 设置增加:全局css|全局js[统计代码]; 【清空缓存】;自定义程序logo支持图片
- 高并发下:用户数据文件读写异常处理
- 上传优化: 文件权限设置644->755;大文件分片上传优化;ie浏览器兼容处理;上传失败自动重传机制加入
- 文件编辑:换行切换为\r\n;兼容windows记事本;标签右键菜单图标样式问题
- 工具栏——更多菜单加入:浏览器打开;图标优化;右键菜单二级菜单偶尔失去焦点情况处理
- 远程下载优化: 优化多级301跳转文件下载;下载加入同域名referer; 断点续传优化;下载0Kb优化
- 对话框icon点击菜单,双击icon关闭
- 分配了权限组添加用户权限:但提示没有权限。
- 关闭了下载权限:允许文件预览、pdf、office预览等;屏蔽pdfjs上的下载按钮;
- 快捷键新增:shift+delete 直接删除;alt+enter查看文件属性;alt+left alt+right 历史记录前进后退
- 编辑器隐藏时;打开文件自动显示到最上层
- 文件管理:复制快捷键允许冒泡;允许快捷键复制选中的文字
- 壁纸自动下载文件夹放置在桌面下;桌面支持自定义中文文件夹
- IE浏览器样式兼容性调整。
- 移动端优化:
- 上传窗口大小优化;移动端下载功能处理;iphone拍照上传文件自动重命名
- 下拉菜单:新建文件加入;失去焦点隐藏;
- 分享目录支持上传:手机端功能加入
- 分享文件夹搜索问题解决
- 左侧目录目录列表和pc端一级目录统一
- 分享页面文件打开未知文件,点击下载跳转到登陆页问题
- 在线解压缩全面支持
- 支持压缩为zip,tar,gz,tar.gz格式文件
- 单选,多选右键菜单自动压缩指定内容
- 右键菜单自动关联压缩文件:支持扩展名zip;tar;tar.gz,tgz,rar,7z,apk,ipa
- 压缩乱码解决:压缩包内中文跨系统支持自动识别,解压缩自动重命名为当前系统编码
- 在线预览
- 支持zip,rar,7z,gz,tar,tgz等格式在线预览,在线解压;
- 自动编码识别:[gbk,utf-8];zip,tar,gz,tgz,rar,7z...;windows,linux(centos,debain)
- 文件列表;树目录,列表展开,中文编码自动识别
- 浏览,文档属性查看,预览子文件,下载子文件,解压子文件,解压子文件夹,解压全部
- 文件预览在:自己目录;自己分享;分享页面;别人的分享;群组文档;群组共享
- 图片、媒体文件、pdf、flash、oexe、html
- 大于30m不直接预览,建议解压后预览;zip中含有zip则提示解压
- token安全问题考虑:文本文件、office文件
- 解压
- 解压文件、文件夹到:当前目录,自定义目录;
- 文件管理解压后,刷新并自动选择内容;编辑器打开则刷新父目录
- 场景和权限:当前目录不可写隐藏『解压到当前』;分享页面隐藏解压功能;
- 运行异常检测并提示
- 解压缩出错处理;不支持检测;shell_exec防注入处理
- 函数检测 gzopen,gzinflate;[不支持则不能解压]
- js文件缺失报错提示;
- 文件夹乱码json输出,json_encode优化;允许未知编码文件输出
- 当开启了php cache时更新不生效提示
- 解压错误输出时避免输出真实目录
- 打包编译优化:去除gzinflate调用;空间支持更广。
- 扩展名没有权限的文件解压:不忽略——追加txt扩展名
- 优化部分主机防火墙误判问题;(post 字段名不能含有list) net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
- 检测列目录速度慢问题优化
- 授权版降级到免费版部分数丢失问题解决;本地授权写入到lib/core;
- 目录没有写权限,session不可写判断并做提示
- 剩余空间样式优化:过少则提示
#### fix bug
- 部分服务器下载中文文件,文件名乱码问题:
- cdn静态分离优化:播放器加载html跨站问题
- 授权丢失:强制输入授权码页面 commonjs 加载变为页面问题
- 修复safari音视频播放不了问题;下载断点续传逻辑优化
- 多选右键操作;父子文件夹包含问题误判解决
- 解压文件权限判断错误:压缩文件目录不可写,解压到某个文件夹可写
### ver3.41 `2017/3/5`
#### update:
@ -1,57 +1,173 @@
# KodExplorer
[](http://kalcaddle.com) [](http://kalcaddle.com) [](https://github.com/kalcaddle/KODExplorer/archive/master.zip)
> KodExplorer is a file manager for web. It is also a web IDE / browser based code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.You can run KodExplorer either online or locally,on Linux, Windows or Mac based platforms. The only requirement is to have PHP 5 available.


#### 1.是什么:
- kodExplorer为千帆网络工作室开发的一款服务器文件管理程序。
- 完美取代FTP管理:可用于服务器文件管理,zip解压缩、备份还原
- 支持常见文件的预览:支持图片、音乐、视频预览、office、pdf等格式在线预览。
- 上传:文件分片上传;保证整体的体验与大文件上传的问题。文件夹拖拽上传……。
- 方便的下载:可以文件夹直接下载,框选后直接下载
- 分享:你可以将你的文档或文件夹直接分享出来,供其他人浏览或下载
- 在线编程:支持几乎所有编程语言的在线编辑(高亮,多光标编辑.堪比本地的sublime);自动展示函数列表
- 极佳的操作体验:及其便捷的快捷键支持,让你拥有本地化的体验
- 中文等多语言支持:中文编码全面兼容,文件编辑自动适配。
- 超快的速度:全面采用Ajax+Json进行数据通信,毫秒级的响应速度;
- 全平台兼容性:Win Linux Mac (Apache、Nginx、IIS)
### [Demo](http://demo.kalcaddle.com/) [user: demo/demo]
- [Change log](./ChangeLog.md)
- [English Document](http://kalcaddle.com#lang=en)
- [中文文档](http://kalcaddle.com/#lang=zh_CN)
- [Donate](https://www.paypal.me/kalcaddle)
#### 2.使用场景:
- 取代FTP,服务端、客户端软件等复杂的安装配置。kod可以一键安装随处使用.
- 你可以用它来管理你的服务器(备份,在线解压缩,版本发布....)
- 你可以把他当做管理linux的一个操作系统界面
- 可以用来作为私有云存储系统,存储你的文件...
- 当然你也可以用来分享文件
- Web IDE
- 更多场景等你来挖掘!……
#### 3.使用说明
管理员: admin/admin
[如何使用] 下载程序,解压上传到你的服务器路径下,data目录设置777权限。访问体验超便捷的服务吧!
[关于"系统错误"] 请配置php错误提示级别error_reporting; 配置php.ini或者允许error_reporting函数
[关于兼容性] 建议使用chrome firefox ie9+ 体验更完整。ie8以下基本上不做兼容处理。chrome支持文件夹拖拽上传。
[文件打开] office文件在线预览功能,服务器必须在公网(外部能访问该服务器);
内部或局域网需要使用请参考qq群共享“web office搭建”,然后配置kod程序config/config.php OFFICE_SERVER
[安全提示] 为确保数据安全,请设置http服务器不允许列目录。[详情:http://955.cc/R2vw]
[文件拖拽上传] 除了ie8以下的大部分浏览器支持;建议使用chrome、360、猎豹、uc等
[文件夹拖拽上传] 除了ie10以下、firefox大部分浏览器都支持,建议使用chrome、360、猎豹、uc等

## editor

# Features
- Use experience like operating system, Rich context menu and toolbar, drag and drop, shortcut keys......
- Available in more than 40 languages.
- File Manage
- All operations with files and folders on a remote server(copy,cute,paste,move,remove,upload,create folder/file,rename,etc.)
- Multi-User support,custom role group.
- Flexible configuration of access rights,file types restriction, user - interface and other
- Clipboard: copy, cut, paste, clear
- Selectable files & folders support (mouse click & Ctrl & Shift & words & Keyboard shortcuts)
- Keyboard shortcuts: delete deletion, ctrl+A select, ctrl+C replication, ctrl+X splicing, up/down/left/right/home/end etc.
- Multiple actions support for selected files & folders: move,copy,cute,remove,rename,open,archive,delete,download etc.
- Double or single click setup to open files & folders
- Filetree: allow to open and display multiple subfolders at a time
- Implemented natural sorting on the client-side
- List,Icons and Split view;
- Move/Copy/Clone/Delete files with Drag & Drop
- Share files or folder to others.
- Add folder to your favorites
- Calculate directory sizes
- Thumbnails for image files
- Normalizer:UTF-8 Normalizer of file-name and file-path etc.
- Muti Charset support, in a variety of circumstances garbled solution;Sanitizer of file-name and file-path etc.
- Multiple & chunked uploads support,
- Background file upload with Drag & Drop HTML5 support;Folder upload with Chrome, Firefox and Edge
- Upload form URL (or list)
- Direct extraction to the current working directory (you do not want - to create a folder)
- Search: search by filename & file contents
- File exclusion based on name
- Copy direct file URL
- Archives create/extract/preview (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gzip, tgz)
- Quicklook, preview for common file types; image file,text file,pdf,swf,document file etc.
- Video and audio player relying on web browser capabilities
- Editor
- Syntax highlighting for over 120 languages
- Multiple label, Drag & Drop the label.
- Over 15 themes,Choose your favorite programming style
- Web development: HTML/JS/CSS editor with Emmet integrated
- Automatic indent and outdent;Line wrapping;Code folding
- Multiple cursors and selections;(Middle key select;Ctrl+Command+G)
- Autocomplete.
- Fully customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes
- Search and replace with regular expressions;Highlight matching parentheses
- Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs
- Displays hidden characters
- Drag and drop text using the mouse
- Live syntax checker (JavaScript/CoffeeScript/CSS/XQuery/HTML/PHP etc.)
- Cut, copy, and paste functionality
- Markdown support.(live preview;convert to html etc.)
- Format: JavaScript/CSS/HTML/JSON/PHP etc.
- Cross-platform, even on mobile devices
- Easy to integrate with other systems
- Developed by kod itself, this is a nice try.
## player

# Install
## desktop

**1. Install from source**
git clone https://github.com/kalcaddle/KODExplorer.git
chmod -Rf 777 ./KODExplorer/*
**2. Install via download**
wget https://github.com/kalcaddle/KODExplorer/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
chmod -Rf 777 ./*
# FAQs
* Forget password
> Login page: see the "Forget password".
* Upload with Drag & Drop
> Browser compatibility: Chrome, Firefox and Edge
* How to make the system more secure?
> Make sure the administrator password is more complex.
> Open login verification code.
> Set the http server to not allow list the directory;
> PHP Security:Set the path for open_basedir.
# Screenshot
### file manage:
- Overview

- File list Type (icon,list,split)

- Archives create/extract/preview (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gzip, tgz)

- Drag upload

- Player

### Editor:
- Overview

- Live preview

- Search folder

- Markdown

- Code style

### Others:
- System role

- Colorful Theme

- Custom Theme

- Language

# Software requirements
- Server:
- Windows,Linux,Mac ...
- PHP 5.0+
- Database: File system driver;sqlite;mysql;...
- Browser compatibility:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Opera
- IE8+
> Tips: It can also run on a router, or your home NAS
# Credits
kod is made possible by the following open source projects.
* [seajs](https://github.com/seajs/seajs)
* [jQuery](https://github.com/jquery/jquery)
* [ace](https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace)
* [zTree](https://github.com/zTree/zTree_v3)
* [webuploader](https://github.com/fex-team/webuploader)
* [artTemplate](http://aui.github.com/artTemplate/)
* [artDialog](https://github.com/aui/artDialog)
* [jQuery-contextMenu](http://medialize.github.com/jQuery-contextMenu/)
* ...
# License
kodexplorer is issued under GPLv3. license.[License](http://kalcaddle.com/tools/licenses/license.txt)
Contact: kalcaddle#qq.com
Copyright (C) 2013 kalcaddle.com
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if(GLOBAL_DEBUG){
define('STATIC_JS','app'); //app
@ini_set("display_errors","on");//on off
@error_reporting(E_ERROR|E_PARSE|E_WARNING);// 0
@error_reporting(E_ERROR|E_PARSE);// 0
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ define('DEFAULT_PERRMISSIONS',0755); //新建文件、解压文件默认权限
* 1. 需要先将data文件夹移到别的地方 例如将data文件夹拷贝到D:/
* 2. 修改配置 define('DATA_PATH','D:/data/');
define('DATA_PATH', BASIC_PATH .'data/'); //用户数据目录
define('USER_PATH', DATA_PATH .'User/'); //用户目录
define('GROUP_PATH', DATA_PATH .'Group/'); //群组目录
@ -82,31 +83,21 @@ define('APPHOST',HOST.str_replace(WEB_ROOT,'',BASIC_PATH));//程序根目录
$config['app_charset'] = 'utf-8'; //该程序整体统一编码
$config['settings']['static_path'] = "./static/"; //静态文件目录
$config['check_charset'] = 'ASCII,UTF-8,GBK,GB2312,UTF-16,UCS-2,EUC-KR,EUC-JP,SHIFT-JIS,EUCJP-WIN,SJIS-WIN,JIS,LATIN1';//文件打开自动检测编码
$config['check_charset'] = 'ASCII,UTF-8,GB2312,GBK,BIG5,UTF-16,UCS-2,Unicode,EUC-KR,EUC-JP,SHIFT-JIS,EUCJP-WIN,SJIS-WIN,JIS,LATIN1';//文件打开自动检测编码
//when edit a file ;check charset and auto converto utf-8;
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0,3)) === 'WIN') {
$config['system_charset']='gbk';// EUC-JP/Shift-JIS/BIG5 //user set your server system charset
if(version_compare(phpversion(), '7.1.0', '>=')){//7.1 has auto apply the charset
} else {
if(isset($in[SESSION_ID])){//office edit post
if(isset($in['access_token'])){//office edit post
@session_save_path(KOD_SESSION);//session path
@session_write_close();//避免session锁定问题;之后要修改$_SESSION 需要先调用session_start()
$config['autorun'] = array(
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "المانجو سحابة • مستكشف",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "المانجو سحابة • مستكشف",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "تسجيل الدخول",
"guest_login" => "تسجيل يهمنا",
"username" => "اسم المستخدم",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "رموز",
"need_check_code" => "رمز التوثيق الدخول المفتوح",
"login_rember_password" => "تذكر كلمة المرور",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "إفراغ سلة المحذوفات لجميع المستخدمين",
"setting_clear_cache" => "إفراغ ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت",
"setting_icp" => "حقوق الطبع والنشر أو سجل رقم",
"setting_global_css" => "المغلق العالمي مخصص",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "وكل الصفحات إدراج المغلق مخصص",
"setting_global_html" => "إحصائية HTML كود",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "سيتم إدراج جميع صفحات هذا أتش تي أم أل كود الفقرة، رمز يمكن وضعها إحصاءات طرف ثالث",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور لا يمكن أن يكون فارغا!",
"code_error" => "رموز الخطأ",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "تعديل ضوابط",
"no_permission" => "عطل المشرف هذا الامتياز!",
"no_permission_ext" => "المسؤول حظر هذا النوع من أذونات الملف",
"dialog_max" => "تعظيم",
"dialog_min" => "خفض",
"dialog_min_all" => "تصغير كافة",
"dialog_display_all" => "عرض كل النوافذ",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "عصا",
"clone" => "إنشاء نسخة",
"cute" => "جز",
"cute_to" => "قطع ل...",
"cute_to" => "الانتقال إلى ...",
"copy_to" => "نسخة ...",
"remove" => "حذف",
"remove_force" => "إزالة",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "شجرة الدليل على تحديث",
"manage_folder" => "إدارة الدليل",
"close_menu" => "إغلاق القائمة",
"zip" => "ضغط البريدي",
"unzip" => "الرمز البريدي لاستخراج ...",
"zip" => "مضغوط إلى ...",
"unzip" => "لاستخراج ...",
"unzip_folder" => "فك الضغط إلى مجلد",
"unzip_this" => "استخراج للتيار",
"unzip_to" => "لاستخراج",
"unzip_to" => "لاستخراج ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "الملف كبير جدا، ومن ثم استخراج عملية المعاينة!",
"clipboard" => "عرض الحافظة",
"full_screen" => "شاشة كاملة",
"folder_info_item" => "البنود",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "تشغيل خدمات الهاتف النقال ...",
"remove_title" => "تأكيد حذف",
"remove_info" => "تأكيد لحذف العنصر المحدد؟",
"remove_title_force" => "حذفه نهائيا",
"remove_info_force" => "أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الوثيقة بشكل دائم؟",
"name_isexists" => "خطأ، والاسم موجود بالفعل!",
"install" => "تثبيت",
"width" => "عرض",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "تحميل النجاح!",
"download_error" => "تحميل فشل!",
"download_error_create" => "خطأ الكتابة!",
"download_error_exists" => "لا وجود ملف بعيد!",
"download_error_exists" => "رابط إلى ملف فشل!",
"upload_error_null" => "أي ملف!",
"upload_error_big" => "يتجاوز حجم الملف حدود الخادم",
"upload_error_move" => "فشل نقل الملف!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "حذف ملف",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "خصائص ملف",
"group_role_pathmove" => "الخطوة (نسخ / قص / لصق / جر العملية)",
"group_role_zip" => "ضغط البريدي",
"group_role_unzip" => "الرمز البريدي بفك",
"group_role_zip" => "ضغط",
"group_role_unzip" => "بفك",
"group_role_search" => "بحث",
"group_role_filesave" => "حفظ الملف إلى تعديل",
"group_role_can_upload" => "تحميل وتنزيل",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango облак • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango облак • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Влезте,",
"guest_login" => "Гост Вход",
"username" => "Потребител",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "кодове",
"need_check_code" => "код Вход удостоверяване отворен",
"login_rember_password" => "Запомни паролата",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Изпразните кошчето за всички потребители",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Изчистване на кеш паметта",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright или запис номер",
"setting_global_css" => "Персонализирана глобалната CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Всички страници ще въведе потребителски CSS",
"setting_global_html" => "Статистически код HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Всички страници ще бъде включен в този параграф HTML код, кодът може да се постави статистика на трети страни",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Потребителско име и парола не може да бъде празно!",
"code_error" => "кодове на грешки",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Промяна на разрешенията",
"no_permission" => "Администраторът е забранил тази привилегия!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator забрани този вид файловите права",
"dialog_max" => "Увеличете",
"dialog_min" => "Минимизиране",
"dialog_min_all" => "Минимизиране на всички",
"dialog_display_all" => "Показване на всички прозорци",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "пръчка",
"clone" => "Създаване на копие",
"cute" => "срязване",
"cute_to" => "Нарежете на ...",
"cute_to" => "Преместване на ...",
"copy_to" => "Копие до ...",
"remove" => "изтривам",
"remove_force" => "премахнете напълно",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Обновяване директория дърво",
"manage_folder" => "Управление Directory",
"close_menu" => "Затваряне на менюто",
"zip" => "цип компресия",
"unzip" => "цип за извличане на ...",
"zip" => "Сгъстен да ...",
"unzip" => "За да се извлече ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Разархивирайте в папка",
"unzip_this" => "Екстракт на тока",
"unzip_to" => "За да се извлече",
"unzip_to" => "За да се извлече ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Файлът е твърде голям, и след това се извлича операцията за преглед!",
"clipboard" => "Вижте Clipboard",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "Предмети",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobile операция ...",
"remove_title" => "Изтриване Потвърждение",
"remove_info" => "Потвърди, за да изтриете избрания елемент?",
"remove_title_force" => "постоянно изтрит",
"remove_info_force" => "Сигурни ли сте, вие искате да изтриете завинаги този документ?",
"name_isexists" => "Грешен, на име вече съществува!",
"install" => "инсталирам",
"width" => "широчина",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Свали успех!",
"download_error" => "Download Failed!",
"download_error_create" => "Напиши грешка!",
"download_error_exists" => "Дистанционно файл не съществува!",
"download_error_exists" => "Линк към файла не бе успешно!",
"upload_error_null" => "Не файл!",
"upload_error_big" => "Размерът на файла е над допустимите граници за сървъри",
"upload_error_move" => "Неуспешно преместване на файл!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "заличаване на файлове",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "File Properties",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (копие / изрязване / паста / влачене операция)",
"group_role_zip" => "цип компресия",
"group_role_unzip" => "цип разархивирайте",
"group_role_zip" => "компресия",
"group_role_unzip" => "отварям се",
"group_role_search" => "търсене",
"group_role_filesave" => "Запазете файла за редактиране",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Качване и сваляне",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "আম মেঘ • এক্সপ্লোরার",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "আম মেঘ • এক্সপ্লোরার",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "লগইন করুন",
"guest_login" => "অতিথি সাইন ইন",
"username" => "ব্যবহারকারীর নাম",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "সঙ্কেত",
"need_check_code" => "লগইন প্রমাণীকরণ কোডটি উন্মুক্ত",
"login_rember_password" => "পাসওয়ার্ড মনে রেখো",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "সকল ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য রিসাইকেল বিন খালি",
"setting_clear_cache" => "ক্যাশে খালি করুন",
"setting_icp" => "কপিরাইট বা রেকর্ড সংখ্যা",
"setting_global_css" => "কাস্টম বিশ্বব্যাপী CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "সমস্ত পৃষ্ঠা কাস্টম CSS ঢোকাব",
"setting_global_html" => "পরিসংখ্যানগত কোড এইচটিএমএল",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "সমস্ত পৃষ্ঠা এই অনুচ্ছেদ HTML কোড সন্নিবেশ করানো হবে, কোড তৃতীয় পক্ষের পরিসংখ্যান স্থাপন করা যেতে পারে",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "ব্যবহারকারী নাম এবং পাসওয়ার্ড খালি হতে পারে না!",
"code_error" => "ত্রুটি কোডের",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "অনুমতি সংশোধন",
"no_permission" => "অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেটর এই বিশেষ সুযোগ অক্ষম করেছে!",
"no_permission_ext" => "অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেটর ফাইল অনুমতি এই ধরনের নিষিদ্ধ",
"dialog_max" => "চরমে তোলা",
"dialog_min" => "কমান",
"dialog_min_all" => "সমস্ত মিনিমাইজ",
"dialog_display_all" => "সব উইন্ডোসমূহ দেখাবে",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "লাঠি",
"clone" => "একটি অনুলিপি তৈরি করুন",
"cute" => "কাটা",
"cute_to" => "কাটা ...",
"cute_to" => "যান ...",
"copy_to" => "অনুলিপি করুন ...",
"remove" => "মুছুন",
"remove_force" => "কমপ্লিটলি অপসারণ",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "সুদ্ধ করুন ডিরেক্টরি ট্রি",
"manage_folder" => "নির্দেশিকা ম্যানেজমেন্ট",
"close_menu" => "মেন্যু",
"zip" => "জিপ কম্প্রেশন",
"unzip" => "নিষ্কর্ষ জিপ ...",
"zip" => "সংকুচিত ...",
"unzip" => "বের করে আনতে ...",
"unzip_folder" => "একটি ফোল্ডারে আনজিপ করুন",
"unzip_this" => "বর্তমান এক্সট্র্যাক্ট",
"unzip_to" => "বের করে আনতে",
"unzip_to" => "বের করে আনতে ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "ফাইল অত্যন্ত বড়, এবং তারপর পূর্বরূপ অপারেশন নিষ্কর্ষ!",
"clipboard" => "দেখুন ক্লিপবোর্ড",
"full_screen" => "ফুল স্ক্রীণ মোড থেকে",
"folder_info_item" => "আইটেম",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "মোবাইল অপারেশন ...",
"remove_title" => "নিশ্চিতকরণ মুছুন",
"remove_info" => "নির্বাচিত আইটেমের মুছে ফেলার জন্য Confirm?",
"remove_title_force" => "স্থায়ীভাবে মুছে ফেলা",
"remove_info_force" => "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি স্থায়ীভাবে এই ডকুমেন্ট মুছে ফেলতে চান?",
"name_isexists" => "ভুল, নাম আগে থেকেই আছে!",
"install" => "ইনস্টল করুন",
"width" => "প্রস্থ",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "ডাউনলোড সাফল্য!",
"download_error" => "ডাউনলোড ব্যর্থ হয়েছে!",
"download_error_create" => "লেখার ত্রুটি!",
"download_error_exists" => "দূরবর্তী ফাইল অস্তিত্ব নেই!",
"download_error_exists" => "লিংক ব্যর্থ দায়ের করা!",
"upload_error_null" => "কোন ফাইল!",
"upload_error_big" => "ফাইলের আকার সার্ভার সীমা ছাড়িয়ে গেছে",
"upload_error_move" => "ফাইল স্থানান্তর করতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "ফাইল মুছে ফেলার",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "ফাইল বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী",
"group_role_pathmove" => "সরান (কপি / কাট / পেস্ট / ড্র্যাগ অপারেশন)",
"group_role_zip" => "জিপ কম্প্রেশন",
"group_role_unzip" => "জিপ আনজিপ",
"group_role_zip" => "সংকোচন",
"group_role_unzip" => "আনজিপ",
"group_role_search" => "অনুসন্ধান",
"group_role_filesave" => "ফাইল সংরক্ষণ সম্পাদনা করতে",
"group_role_can_upload" => "আপলোড ও ডাউনলোডের",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango núvol • Explorador",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango núvol • Explorador",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "iniciar la sessió",
"guest_login" => "visites Ferma",
"username" => "Nom d'usuari",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "codis",
"need_check_code" => "codi d'autenticació d'inici de sessió oberta",
"login_rember_password" => "recordar contrasenya",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Buidar la paperera de reciclatge per a tots els usuaris",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Buidar la memòria cau",
"setting_icp" => "Els drets d'autor o número de registre",
"setting_global_css" => "CSS personalitzat mundial",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Totes les pàgines s'insereixi CSS personalitzat",
"setting_global_html" => "HTML codi estadístic",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "s'inseriran totes les pàgines en aquest codi HTML paràgraf, el codi es pot col·locar estadístiques de tercers",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nom d'usuari i la contrasenya no pot estar buida!",
"code_error" => "Els codis d'error",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "modificar permisos",
"no_permission" => "Administrador ha desactivat aquest privilegi!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrador prohibir aquest tipus de permisos d'arxiu",
"dialog_max" => "maximitzar",
"dialog_min" => "minimitzar",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimitzar tot",
"dialog_display_all" => "Mostra totes les finestres",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "pal",
"clone" => "Crear una còpia",
"cute" => "cisalla",
"cute_to" => "Tall a ...",
"cute_to" => "Mou a ...",
"copy_to" => "Copiar a ...",
"remove" => "esborrar",
"remove_force" => "eliminar completament",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "vista de directori d'actualització",
"manage_folder" => "administració de directoris",
"close_menu" => "Tancar menú",
"zip" => "compressió zip",
"unzip" => "ZIP per extreure ...",
"zip" => "Comprimit per ...",
"unzip" => "Per extreure ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Descomprimir en una carpeta",
"unzip_this" => "Extreure en el corrent",
"unzip_to" => "per extreure",
"unzip_to" => "Per extreure ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "L'arxiu és massa gran, i després extreure l'operació d'impressió!",
"clipboard" => "veure portapapers",
"full_screen" => "pantalla completa",
"folder_info_item" => "articles",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "operació mòbil ...",
"remove_title" => "Confirmació d'eliminació",
"remove_info" => "Confirma per eliminar l'element seleccionat?",
"remove_title_force" => "definitivament exclòs",
"remove_info_force" => "Està segur que vol eliminar aquest document?",
"name_isexists" => "Malament, el nom ja existeix!",
"install" => "instal·lar",
"width" => "ample",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Descarregar l'èxit!",
"download_error" => "Error en la descàrrega!",
"download_error_create" => "Error d'escriptura!",
"download_error_exists" => "fitxer remot no existeix!",
"download_error_exists" => "Enllaç a fitxer no!",
"upload_error_null" => "Cap arxiu!",
"upload_error_big" => "Mida del fitxer excedeix els límits de servidor",
"upload_error_move" => "No s'ha pogut moure el fitxer!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "eliminació d'arxius",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Propietats d'arxiu",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Moure (copiar / tallar / enganxar / operació d 'arrossegament)",
"group_role_zip" => "compressió zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "descomprimir zip",
"group_role_zip" => "compressió",
"group_role_unzip" => "obrir la cremallera",
"group_role_search" => "recerca",
"group_role_filesave" => "Deseu el fitxer per editar",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Càrrega i descàrrega",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Přihlásit",
"guest_login" => "Sign",
"username" => "Uživatelské jméno",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kódy",
"need_check_code" => "Vstup autentizační kód open",
"login_rember_password" => "Zapamatovat heslo",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Vysypat koš pro všechny uživatele",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Vyprázdnit mezipaměť",
"setting_icp" => "Autorských práv nebo číslo záznamu",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom globální css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Všechny stránky vloží vlastní css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistický kód HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Všechny stránky bude vložena do tohoto odstavce html kód, kód může být umístěn statistiky třetích stran",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Uživatelské jméno a heslo nemůže být prázdný!",
"code_error" => "chybové kódy",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "upravit oprávnění",
"no_permission" => "Administrátor zablokoval tuto výsadu!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrátor zakázal tento typ oprávnění k souborům",
"dialog_max" => "maximalizovat",
"dialog_min" => "minimalizovat",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimalizovat všechny",
"dialog_display_all" => "Zobrazuje všechna okna",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "hůl",
"clone" => "Je možné vytvořit kopii",
"cute" => "stříhat",
"cute_to" => "Střih na ...",
"cute_to" => "Přesunout do ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopírovat do ...",
"remove" => "vymazat",
"remove_force" => "zcela odstranit",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Aktualizovat adresářový strom",
"manage_folder" => "Directory management",
"close_menu" => "Zavřít výběr",
"zip" => "komprese zip",
"unzip" => "zip extrahovat ...",
"zip" => "Stlačen na ...",
"unzip" => "Chcete-li extrahovat ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Rozbalení souborů do složky",
"unzip_this" => "Rozbalit do proudu",
"unzip_to" => "Chcete-li extrahovat",
"unzip_to" => "Chcete-li extrahovat ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Soubor je příliš velký, a pak extrahovat náhled operace!",
"clipboard" => "Výhled Schránka",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "předměty",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobilní provoz ...",
"remove_title" => "smazat Potvrzení",
"remove_info" => "Potvrdit smazat vybranou položku?",
"remove_title_force" => "trvale odstraněny",
"remove_info_force" => "Opravdu chcete trvale smazat tento dokument?",
"name_isexists" => "Špatné jméno již existuje!",
"install" => "instalovat",
"width" => "šíře",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Ke stažení úspěch!",
"download_error" => "Stažení se nezdařilo!",
"download_error_create" => "Write chyba!",
"download_error_exists" => "Vzdálený soubor neexistuje!",
"download_error_exists" => "Odkaz na soubor selhal!",
"upload_error_null" => "Žádný soubor!",
"upload_error_big" => "Velikost souboru překračuje limit serveru",
"upload_error_move" => "Nepodařilo se přesunout soubor!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "odstranění souboru",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Vlastnosti souboru",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / drag provoz)",
"group_role_zip" => "komprese zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "komprese",
"group_role_unzip" => "rozepnout zip",
"group_role_search" => "vyhledávání",
"group_role_filesave" => "Uložte soubor upravovat",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Nahrávání a stahování",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Log på",
"guest_login" => "gæst Log",
"username" => "Brugernavn",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "Koder",
"need_check_code" => "Login authentication code åben",
"login_rember_password" => "Husk adgangskode",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Tøm papirkurven for alle brugere",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Tøm cachen",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright eller rekordstort antal",
"setting_global_css" => "Tilpasset globale css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Alle sider indsætter brugerdefinerede css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistisk kode HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Alle sider vil blive indsat i dette stykke HTML-kode, kan koden placeres tredjeparts statistik",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Brugernavn og adgangskode kan ikke være tom!",
"code_error" => "fejlkoder",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Ændre Tilladelser",
"no_permission" => "Administrator har deaktiveret dette privilegium!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator forbudt denne type filrettigheder",
"dialog_max" => "Maksimer",
"dialog_min" => "Minimer",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimer alle",
"dialog_display_all" => "Vis alle vinduer",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "Stick",
"clone" => "Opret en kopi",
"cute" => "Shear",
"cute_to" => "Skær til ...",
"cute_to" => "Flyt til ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopier til ...",
"remove" => "Slet",
"remove_force" => "helt at fjerne",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Opdater mappetræ",
"manage_folder" => "Register Management",
"close_menu" => "Luk menu",
"zip" => "zip kompression",
"unzip" => "zip at udvinde ...",
"zip" => "Komprimeres til ...",
"unzip" => "At udvinde ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Filerne til en mappe",
"unzip_this" => "Uddrag til den aktuelle",
"unzip_to" => "at udvinde",
"unzip_to" => "At udvinde ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Filen er for stor, og derefter udtrække preview operation!",
"clipboard" => "Vis Udklipsholder",
"full_screen" => "Fuld skærm",
"folder_info_item" => "Elementer",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobil operation ...",
"remove_title" => "Slet Bekræftelse",
"remove_info" => "Bekræft for at slette det valgte emne?",
"remove_title_force" => "slettet permanent",
"remove_info_force" => "Du sikker på du vil slette dette dokument?",
"name_isexists" => "Forkert, findes allerede navnet!",
"install" => "Installer",
"width" => "Bredde",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Hent Succes!",
"download_error" => "Hent mislykkedes!",
"download_error_create" => "Skriv fejl!",
"download_error_exists" => "Fjernbetjening fil findes ikke!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link til fil mislykkedes!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ingen fil!",
"upload_error_big" => "Fil størrelse overskrider server grænser",
"upload_error_move" => "Kunne ikke flytte fil!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "Fil sletning",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Egenskaber Fil",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Flyt (copy / cut / paste / træk drift)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip kompression",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "Compression",
"group_role_unzip" => "Unzip",
"group_role_search" => "Søg",
"group_role_filesave" => "Gem filen for at redigere",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Upload og download",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango Wolke • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango Wolke • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "einloggen",
"guest_login" => "Gast Login",
"username" => "Benutzername",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "Codes",
"need_check_code" => "Anmeldung Authentifizierungscode geöffnet",
"login_rember_password" => "Passwort speichern",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Leeren Sie den Papierkorb für alle Benutzer",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Leeren Sie den Cache",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright oder Datensatznummer",
"setting_global_css" => "Benutzerdefinierte globale CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Alle Seiten werden benutzerdefinierte CSS einfügen",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistische HTML-Code",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Alle Seiten werden in diesem Absatz HTML-Code eingefügt werden, kann der Code von Drittanbietern Statistiken platziert werden",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Benutzername und Passwort darf nicht leer sein!",
"code_error" => "Fehlercodes",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "ändern von Berechtigungen",
"no_permission" => "Administrator hat diese Berechtigung deaktiviert!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator verboten, diese Art von Dateiberechtigungen",
"dialog_max" => "maximieren",
"dialog_min" => "minimieren",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimieren Sie alle",
"dialog_display_all" => "Alle Fenster",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "Stock",
"clone" => "Erstellen Sie eine Kopie",
"cute" => "scheren",
"cute_to" => "Schneiden Sie auf ...",
"cute_to" => "Gehen Sie zu ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopieren in ...",
"remove" => "löschen",
"remove_force" => "entfernen Sie vollständig",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Aktualisieren Verzeichnisbaum",
"manage_folder" => "Directory Management",
"close_menu" => "Menü schließen",
"zip" => "ZIP-Komprimierung",
"unzip" => "zip zu extrahieren ...",
"zip" => "Komprimierte zu ...",
"unzip" => "So extrahieren ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Entpacken in einen Ordner",
"unzip_this" => "Auszug der aktuellen",
"unzip_to" => "So extrahieren",
"unzip_to" => "So extrahieren ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Die Datei ist zu groß, und extrahieren Sie die Vorschau-Betrieb!",
"clipboard" => "Ansicht Zwischenablage",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "Artikel",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobile Bedienung ...",
"remove_title" => "löschen Bestätigung",
"remove_info" => "Bestätigen Sie das ausgewählte Element zu löschen?",
"remove_title_force" => "Endgültig gelöschte",
"remove_info_force" => "Sie sicher, dass Sie dauerhaft dieses Dokument löschen?",
"name_isexists" => "Falsch, existiert der Name schon!",
"install" => "installieren",
"width" => "Breite",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Download Success!",
"download_error" => "Download fehlgeschlagen!",
"download_error_create" => "Schreibfehler!",
"download_error_exists" => "Remote-Datei existiert nicht!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link zur Datei fehlgeschlagen!",
"upload_error_null" => "Keine Datei!",
"upload_error_big" => "Dateigröße überschreitet Server Grenzen",
"upload_error_move" => "Datei konnte nicht bewegen!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "Datei-Löschung",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Dateieigenschaften",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (Kopieren / Ausschneiden / Einfügen / Drag-Operation)",
"group_role_zip" => "ZIP-Komprimierung",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "Kompression",
"group_role_unzip" => "Dekomprimieren",
"group_role_search" => "Suche",
"group_role_filesave" => "Speichern Sie die Datei zu bearbeiten",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Hochladen und Herunterladen",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango σύννεφο • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango σύννεφο • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "συνδεθείτε",
"guest_login" => "Επισκέπτης Είσοδος",
"username" => "Όνομα Χρήστη",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "κώδικες",
"need_check_code" => "Ο κωδικός σύνδεσης ταυτότητας ανοικτού",
"login_rember_password" => "Απομνημόνευση κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Αδειάστε τον κάδο ανακύκλωσης για όλους τους χρήστες",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Άδειασμα της προσωρινής μνήμης",
"setting_icp" => "Πνευματικά δικαιώματα ή να γράψετε τον αριθμό",
"setting_global_css" => "Προσαρμοσμένη παγκόσμια css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Όλες οι σελίδες θα εισάγει έθιμο css",
"setting_global_html" => "Στατιστική HTML κώδικα",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Όλες οι σελίδες θα πρέπει να εισαχθεί σε αυτό το σημείο κώδικα HTML, ο κώδικας μπορεί να τοποθετηθεί στατιστικών στοιχείων από τρίτους",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Username και password δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό!",
"code_error" => "κωδικούς σφαλμάτων",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Τροποποίηση Δικαιώματα",
"no_permission" => "Διαχειριστής έχει απενεργοποιήσει αυτό το προνόμιο!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Διαχειριστής απαγορεύσει αυτό το είδος της δικαιώματα αρχείου",
"dialog_max" => "Μεγιστοποιήστε",
"dialog_min" => "ελαχιστοποίηση",
"dialog_min_all" => "ελαχιστοποίηση όλων",
"dialog_display_all" => "Εμφάνιση όλων των παραθύρων",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "ραβδί",
"clone" => "Δημιουργήστε ένα αντίγραφο",
"cute" => "διάτμηση",
"cute_to" => "Κομμένα σε ...",
"cute_to" => "Μετακίνηση σε ...",
"copy_to" => "Αντιγραφή σε ...",
"remove" => "Διαγραφή",
"remove_force" => "εντελώς αφαιρέστε",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Ανανέωση δέντρου καταλόγου",
"manage_folder" => "Διαχείριση Directory",
"close_menu" => "Κλείσιμο μενού",
"zip" => "συμπίεση zip",
"unzip" => "zip για να εξαγάγετε ...",
"zip" => "Συμπιέζονται για να ...",
"unzip" => "Για την εξαγωγή ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Αποσυμπιέστε σε ένα φάκελο",
"unzip_this" => "Απόσπασμα με την τρέχουσα",
"unzip_to" => "Για να εξαγάγετε",
"unzip_to" => "Για την εξαγωγή ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Το αρχείο είναι πολύ μεγάλο, και στη συνέχεια να εξαγάγετε τη λειτουργία προεπισκόπησης!",
"clipboard" => "Προβολή Πρόχειρο",
"full_screen" => "Πλήρης οθόνη",
"folder_info_item" => "Είδη",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Κινητό λειτουργία ...",
"remove_title" => "Διαγραφή Επικύρωση",
"remove_info" => "Επιβεβαίωση για να διαγράψετε το επιλεγμένο αντικείμενο;",
"remove_title_force" => "διαγράφονται οριστικά",
"remove_info_force" => "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε οριστικά αυτό το έγγραφο;",
"name_isexists" => "Λάθος, το όνομα υπάρχει ήδη!",
"install" => "εγκαταστήστε",
"width" => "πλάτος",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Λήψη Επιτυχία!",
"download_error" => "Η λήψη απέτυχε!",
"download_error_create" => "Γράψτε λάθος!",
"download_error_exists" => "Απομακρυσμένη αρχείο δεν υπάρχει!",
"download_error_exists" => "Σύνδεσμος για απέτυχε αρχείο!",
"upload_error_null" => "Δεν υπάρχει αρχείο!",
"upload_error_big" => "μέγεθος του αρχείου υπερβαίνει τα όρια του server",
"upload_error_move" => "Αποτυχία για να μετακινήσετε το αρχείο!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "διαγραφή αρχείων",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Ιδιότητες αρχείου",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Μετακίνηση (αντιγραφή / αποκοπή / επικόλληση / λειτουργία drag)",
"group_role_zip" => "συμπίεση zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "συμπίεση",
"group_role_unzip" => "ανοίγω φερμουάρ",
"group_role_search" => "έρευνα",
"group_role_filesave" => "Αποθηκεύστε το αρχείο να επεξεργαστείτε",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Ανέβασμα και κατέβασμα",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Kod online explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Kod online explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Login",
"guest_login" => "Guest",
"username" => "Name",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "Verification",
"need_check_code" => "Need Verification",
"login_rember_password" => "Remember me",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Clear all user recycle",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Clear cache",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright or record number",
"setting_global_css" => "Customize global css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "All pages will be inserted in custom css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistical code",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "All pages will be inserted into this html code, you can place third-party statistics",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "User name and password cannot be empty!",
"code_error" => "Verification code error",
@ -261,7 +271,8 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Permission Edit",
"no_permission" => "User without permission!",
"no_permission_ext" => "This type of file without permission",
"dialog_min" => "Hide",
"dialog_max" => "Maximize",
"dialog_min" => "Minimize",
"dialog_min_all" => "Hide all",
"dialog_display_all" => "Display all",
"dialog_close_all" => "Close all",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "Paste",
"clone" => "Duplicate",
"cute" => "Cut",
"cute_to" => "Cut to ...",
"cute_to" => "move to...",
"copy_to" => "copy to...",
"remove" => "Delete",
"remove_force" => "Remove completely",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Reload tree",
"manage_folder" => "Show in Finder",
"close_menu" => "Close menu",
"zip" => "Zip archive",
"unzip" => "Zip unzip to ...",
"zip" => "Create archive ...",
"unzip" => "Extract to ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Folder",
"unzip_this" => "Here",
"unzip_to" => "Unzip To",
"unzip_to" => "Unzip to ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "The file is too large, please extract and then preview!",
"clipboard" => "View clipboard",
"full_screen" => "Full screen",
"folder_info_item" => " items",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Move file",
"remove_title" => "Delete confirmation",
"remove_info" => "Confirmation remove the selected?",
"remove_title_force" => "delete permanently",
"remove_info_force" => "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this document?",
"name_isexists" => "Error,the name already exists! ",
"install" => "Install",
"width" => "Width",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Download success! ",
"download_error" => "Download_error.",
"download_error_create" => "Create file error.",
"download_error_exists" => "File does not exist.",
"download_error_exists" => "Link to file failed!",
"upload_error_null" => "No files!",
"upload_error_big" => "File size too big",
"upload_error_move" => "Move file failed! ",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "File deletion",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "File properties",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move(copy/cute/past/drag to)",
"group_role_zip" => "Zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "Unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "compression",
"group_role_unzip" => "Decompression",
"group_role_search" => "Search",
"group_role_filesave" => "Edit and save",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Upload",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango nube • Explorador",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango nube • Explorador",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "iniciar la sesión",
"guest_login" => "visitas Firme",
"username" => "Nombre de usuario",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "códigos",
"need_check_code" => "código de autenticación de inicio de sesión abierta",
"login_rember_password" => "recordar contraseña",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Vaciar la papelera de reciclaje para todos los usuarios",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Vaciar la caché",
"setting_icp" => "Los derechos de autor o número de registro",
"setting_global_css" => "CSS personalizado mundial",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Todas las páginas se inserte CSS personalizado",
"setting_global_html" => "HTML código estadístico",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "se insertarán todas las páginas en este código html párrafo, el código se puede colocar estadísticas de terceros",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nombre de usuario y la contraseña no puede estar vacía!",
"code_error" => "Los códigos de error",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "modificar permisos",
"no_permission" => "Administrador ha desactivado este privilegio!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrador prohibió este tipo de permisos de archivo",
"dialog_max" => "maximizar",
"dialog_min" => "minimizar",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimizar todo",
"dialog_display_all" => "Mostrar todas las ventanas",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "palo",
"clone" => "Crear una copia",
"cute" => "cizalla",
"cute_to" => "Corte a ...",
"cute_to" => "Mover a ...",
"copy_to" => "Copiar a ...",
"remove" => "borrar",
"remove_force" => "eliminar completamente",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "árbol de directorios de actualización",
"manage_folder" => "administración de directorios",
"close_menu" => "Cerrar menú",
"zip" => "compresión zip",
"unzip" => "ZIP para extraer ...",
"zip" => "Comprimido para ...",
"unzip" => "Para extraer ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Descomprimir en una carpeta",
"unzip_this" => "Extraer en la corriente",
"unzip_to" => "para extraer",
"unzip_to" => "Para extraer ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "El archivo es demasiado grande, y luego extraer la operación de impresión!",
"clipboard" => "Ver Portapapeles",
"full_screen" => "pantalla completa",
"folder_info_item" => "artículos",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "operación móvil ...",
"remove_title" => "Confirmación de eliminación",
"remove_info" => "Confirmar para eliminar el elemento seleccionado?",
"remove_title_force" => "definitivamente excluido",
"remove_info_force" => "Está seguro que quiere eliminar este documento?",
"name_isexists" => "Mal, el nombre ya existe!",
"install" => "instalar",
"width" => "ancho",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Descargar el éxito!",
"download_error" => "Error en la descarga!",
"download_error_create" => "Error de escritura!",
"download_error_exists" => "archivo remoto no existe!",
"download_error_exists" => "Enlace a archivo no!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ningún archivo!",
"upload_error_big" => "Tamaño del archivo excede los límites de servidor",
"upload_error_move" => "No se ha podido mover el archivo!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "eliminación de archivos",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Propiedades de archivo",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Mover (copiar / cortar / pegar / operación de arrastre)",
"group_role_zip" => "compresión zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "descomprimir zip",
"group_role_zip" => "compresión",
"group_role_unzip" => "abrir la cremallera",
"group_role_search" => "búsqueda",
"group_role_filesave" => "Guarde el archivo para editar",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Carga y descarga",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango pilv • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango pilv • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Logi sisse",
"guest_login" => "Klientide Liitu",
"username" => "kasutajanimi",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "koodid",
"need_check_code" => "Logi sisse autentimise kood avatud",
"login_rember_password" => "Pea parool",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Prügikasti tühjendamine kõigile kasutajatele",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Tühjenda vahemälu",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright või rekordarv",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom globaalse css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Kõik leheküljed lisab kohandatud CSS",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistilised koodi HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Kõik leheküljed lisatakse käesolevas lõikes html koodis saab paigutada kolmanda osapoole statistika",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Kasutajanime ja salasõna ei saa olla tühi!",
"code_error" => "Viga koodid",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Muutke reeglid",
"no_permission" => "Administraator on keelanud see privileeg!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administraator keelatud seda tüüpi faili õigusi",
"dialog_max" => "maksimeerima",
"dialog_min" => "minimeerima",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimeeri kõik",
"dialog_display_all" => "Näita kõik aknad",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "kepp",
"clone" => "Loo koopia",
"cute" => "lõikama",
"cute_to" => "Lõika ...",
"cute_to" => "Liigu ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopeeri ...",
"remove" => "kustutama",
"remove_force" => "täielikult eemaldada",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Värskenda kataloogipuu",
"manage_folder" => "Kataloog juhtimine",
"close_menu" => "Sulge menüü",
"zip" => "zip compression",
"unzip" => "zip ekstrakti ...",
"zip" => "Surutud ...",
"unzip" => "Väljavõte ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Unzip kausta",
"unzip_this" => "Väljavõte praeguse",
"unzip_to" => "ekstrakti",
"unzip_to" => "Väljavõte ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Fail on liiga suur, ja siis väljavõte eelvaate töös!",
"clipboard" => "Vaata lõikelaud",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "esemed",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobiilne operatsioon ...",
"remove_title" => "Kustuta kinnitus",
"remove_info" => "Kinnita kustutada valitud kirje?",
"remove_title_force" => "kustutatakse jäädavalt",
"remove_info_force" => "Oled kindel, et soovid jäädavalt kustutada selle dokumendi?",
"name_isexists" => "Vale on juba olemas!",
"install" => "paigaldama",
"width" => "laius",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Lae Edu!",
"download_error" => "Lae ebaõnnestus!",
"download_error_create" => "Kirjutage viga!",
"download_error_exists" => "Võrgufail ei ole olemas!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link failile ebaõnnestus!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ei fail!",
"upload_error_big" => "Faili suurus ületab server piirid",
"upload_error_move" => "Ei liiguta fail!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "faili kustutamine",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "failiomaduste",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / lohistamise protsess)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip compression",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "kokkusurumine",
"group_role_unzip" => "tõmblukku lahti tõmbama",
"group_role_search" => "otsing",
"group_role_filesave" => "Salvesta fail muuta",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Üles- ja allalaadimine",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "انبه ابر • اکسپلورر",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "انبه ابر • اکسپلورر",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "ورود به سیستم",
"guest_login" => "ثبت نام مهمان",
"username" => "نام کاربری",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "کد",
"need_check_code" => "کد تصدیق ورود به سیستم باز",
"login_rember_password" => "به یاد داشته باشید رمز عبور",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "خالی سطل آشغال برای همه کاربران",
"setting_clear_cache" => "خالی کردن حافظه پنهان",
"setting_icp" => "کپی رایت و یا ثبت شماره",
"setting_global_css" => "CSS جهانی سفارشی",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "همه صفحات CSS سفارشی وارد",
"setting_global_html" => "کد HTML غیر آماری",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "همه صفحات خواهد شد در این کد بند وارد شود، کد را می توان آمار شخص ثالث قرار می گیرد",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "نام کاربری و رمز عبور نباید خالی باشد!",
"code_error" => "کدهای خطا",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "تغییر مجوز",
"no_permission" => "مدیر این امتیاز را غیرفعال کرده است.",
"no_permission_ext" => "مدیر ممنوع این نوع مجوز های دسترسی فایل",
"dialog_max" => "بیشینه ساختن",
"dialog_min" => "به حداقل رساندن",
"dialog_min_all" => "به حداقل رساندن همه",
"dialog_display_all" => "نمایش همه پنجره",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "چوب",
"clone" => "ایجاد یک کپی",
"cute" => "برشی",
"cute_to" => "برش به ...",
"cute_to" => "انتقال به ...",
"copy_to" => "کپی در ...",
"remove" => "حذف کردن",
"remove_force" => "به طور کامل حذف",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "درخت دایرکتوری تازه کردن",
"manage_folder" => "مدیریت دایرکتوری",
"close_menu" => "بستن منوی",
"zip" => "فشرده سازی ZIP",
"unzip" => "پستی برای استخراج ...",
"zip" => "فشرده به ...",
"unzip" => "برای استخراج ...",
"unzip_folder" => "از حالت زیپ خارج را به یک پوشه",
"unzip_this" => "استخراج به جریان",
"unzip_to" => "برای استخراج",
"unzip_to" => "برای استخراج ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "فایل بسیار بزرگ است، و پس از استخراج عملیات پیش نمایش!",
"clipboard" => "نمایش کلیپ بورد",
"full_screen" => "صفحه نمایش کامل",
"folder_info_item" => "اقلام",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "عملیات های تلفن همراه ...",
"remove_title" => "تأیید حذف",
"remove_info" => "اعلام آیتم انتخاب شده را حذف کنید؟",
"remove_title_force" => "به طور دائم حذف",
"remove_info_force" => "مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این سند را به طور دائم حذف کنید؟",
"name_isexists" => "اشتباه است، نام وجود دارد!",
"install" => "نصب",
"width" => "عرض",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "دانلود موفقیت انجام شد!",
"download_error" => "دانلود انجام نشد!",
"download_error_create" => "خطای نوشتن!",
"download_error_exists" => "فایل از راه دور وجود ندارد!",
"download_error_exists" => "لینک به شکست خورده فایل!",
"upload_error_null" => "هیچ فایل!",
"upload_error_big" => "اندازه فایل بیشتر محدودیت سرور",
"upload_error_move" => "انتقال فایل ناموفق بود!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "حذف فایل",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "خواص فایل",
"group_role_pathmove" => "حرکت (کپی / برش / چسباندن / عملیات کشیدن)",
"group_role_zip" => "فشرده سازی ZIP",
"group_role_unzip" => "جدا کردن فایل های فشرده",
"group_role_zip" => "فشرده سازی",
"group_role_unzip" => "جدا کردن",
"group_role_search" => "جستجو",
"group_role_filesave" => "فایل را ذخیره کنید به ویرایش",
"group_role_can_upload" => "آپلود و دانلود",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango pilvi • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango pilvi • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Kirjaudu",
"guest_login" => "vieras Kirjaudu",
"username" => "Käyttäjätunnus",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "koodit",
"need_check_code" => "Kirjautumisen autentikointi koodin auki",
"login_rember_password" => "Muista salasana",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Tyhjentää roskakorin kaikille käyttäjille",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Tyhjennä välimuisti",
"setting_icp" => "Tekijänoikeus tai ennätysmäärä",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom globaali css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Kaikki sivut lisätä oman css",
"setting_global_html" => "Tilastollinen koodi HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Kaikki sivut lisätään tähän kohtaan koodi, koodi voidaan sijoittaa kolmannen osapuolen tilastojen",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Käyttäjätunnus ja salasana voi olla tyhjä!",
"code_error" => "virhekoodit",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Muokkaus-",
"no_permission" => "Ylläpitäjä on poistanut tämän etuoikeuden!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Ylläpitäjä kielletty tällaisen tiedoston käyttöoikeuksia",
"dialog_max" => "maksimoida",
"dialog_min" => "minimoida",
"dialog_min_all" => "Pienennä kaikki",
"dialog_display_all" => "Näytä kaikki ikkunat",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "tikku",
"clone" => "Luo kopio",
"cute" => "leikata",
"cute_to" => "Leikkaa ...",
"cute_to" => "Siirrä ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopioi ...",
"remove" => "poistaa",
"remove_force" => "kokonaan poistaa",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Päivitä hakemistopuun",
"manage_folder" => "Directory Management",
"close_menu" => "Sulje valikko",
"zip" => "zip pakkaus",
"unzip" => "zip poimia ...",
"zip" => "Puristetaan ...",
"unzip" => "Jos haluat poimia ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Pura kansioon",
"unzip_this" => "Pura nykyiseen",
"unzip_to" => "Jos haluat poimia",
"unzip_to" => "Jos haluat poimia ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Tiedosto on liian suuri, ja pura esikatselu toimintaa!",
"clipboard" => "Katso leikepöydälle",
"full_screen" => "Koko näyttö",
"folder_info_item" => "Tuotteet",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobile toiminta ...",
"remove_title" => "Poista Vahvistus",
"remove_info" => "Vahvista poistaa valitun kohteen?",
"remove_title_force" => "poistetaan pysyvästi",
"remove_info_force" => "Haluatko varmasti poistaa pysyvästi tämän asiakirjan?",
"name_isexists" => "Väärä nimi on jo olemassa!",
"install" => "asentaa",
"width" => "leveys",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Lataa menestys!",
"download_error" => "Lataus epäonnistui!",
"download_error_create" => "Kirjoitusvirhe!",
"download_error_exists" => "Kauko tiedostoa ei ole!",
"download_error_exists" => "Sivulle Tiedosto epäonnistui!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ei tiedostoa!",
"upload_error_big" => "Tiedoston koko ylittää palvelimen rajat",
"upload_error_move" => "Epäonnistui siirtää tiedoston!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "Tiedoston poisto",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Tiedoston ominaisuudet",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / vetää toimintaa)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip pakkaus",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "puristus",
"group_role_unzip" => "avata jnk vetoketju",
"group_role_search" => "haku",
"group_role_filesave" => "Tallenna tiedosto muokata",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Lataaminen ja lataaminen",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango nuage • Explorateur",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango nuage • Explorateur",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Connectez-vous",
"guest_login" => "Invité Connexion",
"username" => "Nom d'utilisateur",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "codes",
"need_check_code" => "code d'authentification Connexion ouverte",
"login_rember_password" => "Rappeler mot de passe",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Vider la corbeille pour tous les utilisateurs",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Vider le cache",
"setting_icp" => "Droit d'auteur ou le numéro d'enregistrement",
"setting_global_css" => "css globale sur mesure",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Toutes les pages insérera CSS personnalisé",
"setting_global_html" => "Code HTML statistique",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Toutes les pages seront insérées dans le présent paragraphe code html, le code peut être placé des statistiques tiers",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe ne peut être vide!",
"code_error" => "Codes d'erreur",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Modifier les autorisations",
"no_permission" => "Administrateur a désactivé ce privilège!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrateur interdit ce type de permissions de fichiers",
"dialog_max" => "maximiser",
"dialog_min" => "minimiser",
"dialog_min_all" => "Réduire tout",
"dialog_display_all" => "Afficher toutes les fenêtres",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "bâton",
"clone" => "Créer une copie",
"cute" => "cisaille",
"cute_to" => "Couper à ...",
"cute_to" => "Déplacer vers ...",
"copy_to" => "Copier vers ...",
"remove" => "effacer",
"remove_force" => "enlever complètement",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Actualiser arborescence",
"manage_folder" => "Gestion d'annuaire",
"close_menu" => "Fermer le menu",
"zip" => "compression zip",
"unzip" => "zip pour extraire ...",
"zip" => "Comprimé pour ...",
"unzip" => "Pour extraire ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Décompressez dans un dossier",
"unzip_this" => "Extrait du courant",
"unzip_to" => "pour extraire",
"unzip_to" => "Pour extraire ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Le fichier est trop grand, puis extraire l'opération de prévisualisation!",
"clipboard" => "Voir le Presse-papiers",
"full_screen" => "plein écran",
"folder_info_item" => "Articles",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "opération Mobile ...",
"remove_title" => "Confirmation de la suppression",
"remove_info" => "Confirmer pour supprimer l'élément sélectionné?",
"remove_title_force" => "de manière permanente supprimé",
"remove_info_force" => "Vous êtes sûr que vous voulez supprimer définitivement ce document?",
"name_isexists" => "Faux, le nom existe déjà!",
"install" => "installer",
"width" => "largeur",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Télécharger Success!",
"download_error" => "Échec du téléchargement!",
"download_error_create" => "erreur Write!",
"download_error_exists" => "fichier à distance n'existe pas!",
"download_error_exists" => "Lien vers le fichier a échoué!",
"upload_error_null" => "Aucun fichier!",
"upload_error_big" => "La taille du fichier dépasse les limites du serveur",
"upload_error_move" => "Impossible de déplacer le fichier!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "La suppression du fichier",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Propriétés du fichier",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Déplacer (/ couper / coller / opération de déplacement de copie)",
"group_role_zip" => "compression zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "compression",
"group_role_unzip" => "Décompressez",
"group_role_search" => "recherche",
"group_role_filesave" => "Enregistrez le fichier à éditer",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Téléchargement et le téléchargement",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango nube • Explorador",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango nube • Explorador",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "log in",
"guest_login" => "invitado Registre",
"username" => "Nome de usuario",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "códigos",
"need_check_code" => "código de identificación de usuario aberto",
"login_rember_password" => "lembrar contrasinal",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Baleirar o lixo para todos os usuarios",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Baleirar a caché",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright ou rexistro número",
"setting_global_css" => "CSS personalizado mundial",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Todas as páxinas inserirá CSS personalizado",
"setting_global_html" => "HTML código estatístico",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Todas as páxinas serán inseridas neste código HTML parágrafo, o código pode ser instalado estatísticas de terceiros",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nome e contrasinal non pode estar baleiro!",
"code_error" => "Os códigos de erro",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "modificar permisos",
"no_permission" => "Administrador deshabilitado ese privilexio!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrador prohibiu este tipo de permisos de arquivo",
"dialog_max" => "maximizar",
"dialog_min" => "minimizar",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimizar todo",
"dialog_display_all" => "Amosar todas as fiestras",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "vara",
"clone" => "Crear unha copia",
"cute" => "tosquiar",
"cute_to" => "Corta para ...",
"cute_to" => "Moverse para ...",
"copy_to" => "Copiar ...",
"remove" => "eliminar",
"remove_force" => "eliminar",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "árbore de directorios de actualización",
"manage_folder" => "Xestión de Directorio",
"close_menu" => "Pechar o menú",
"zip" => "compresión zip",
"unzip" => "zip para extraer ...",
"zip" => "Comprimido a ...",
"unzip" => "Para extraer ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Descompactá a un cartafol",
"unzip_this" => "Extraer a actual",
"unzip_to" => "para extraer",
"unzip_to" => "Para extraer ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "O ficheiro é demasiado grande, e despois extraer o funcionamento de previsualización!",
"clipboard" => "Ver portapapeis",
"full_screen" => "pantalla completa",
"folder_info_item" => "elementos",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "operación móbil ...",
"remove_title" => "A confirmación da exclusión",
"remove_info" => "Confirmar para eliminar o elemento seleccionado?",
"remove_title_force" => "excluídos permanentemente",
"remove_info_force" => "Está seguro de que quere eliminar permanentemente este documento?",
"name_isexists" => "Mal, o nome xa existe!",
"install" => "instalar",
"width" => "ancho",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Descargar éxito!",
"download_error" => "Fallou o descargar!",
"download_error_create" => "erro de gravación!",
"download_error_exists" => "Arquivo remoto non existe!",
"download_error_exists" => "Ligazón a ficheiro fallou!",
"upload_error_null" => "No ficheiro!",
"upload_error_big" => "tamaño do ficheiro excede os límites de servidor",
"upload_error_move" => "Erro ao mover ficheiro!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "exclusión do arquivo",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Propiedades do ficheiro",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copiar / cortar / pegar / operación de arrastrar)",
"group_role_zip" => "compresión zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "unzip zip",
"group_role_zip" => "compresión",
"group_role_unzip" => "Descompactá",
"group_role_search" => "busca",
"group_role_filesave" => "Garde o ficheiro para editar",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Carga e descarga",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "मैंगो बादल • एक्सप्लोरर",
"kod_power_by" => " - KodExplorer द्वारा संचालित",
"kod_name_copyright" => "मैंगो बादल • एक्सप्लोरर",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "में प्रवेश करें",
"guest_login" => "अतिथि साइन",
"username" => "यूजर का नाम",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "संहिताओं",
"need_check_code" => "लॉगिन प्रमाणीकरण कोड खुला",
"login_rember_password" => "पासवर्ड याद रखें",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए रीसायकल बिन खाली करें",
"setting_clear_cache" => "कैश रिक्त",
"setting_icp" => "कॉपीराइट या रिकार्ड संख्या",
"setting_global_css" => "कस्टम वैश्विक सीएसएस",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "सभी पृष्ठों पर कस्टम सीएसएस डाल देगा",
"setting_global_html" => "सांख्यिकीय कोड एचटीएमएल",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "सभी पृष्ठों इस पैरा एचटीएमएल कोड में डाला जाएगा, कोड तीसरे पक्ष के आंकड़े रखा जा सकता है",
"us" => "पाल नेटवर्क स्टूडियो",
"login_not_null" => "यूज़रनेम और पासवर्ड खाली नहीं हो सकता!",
"code_error" => "त्रुटि कोड",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "अनुमतियों को संशोधित",
"no_permission" => "प्रशासक इस विशेषाधिकार अक्षम है!",
"no_permission_ext" => "प्रशासक फाइल अनुमति के इस प्रकार के प्रतिबंध लगा",
"dialog_max" => "अधिकतम",
"dialog_min" => "कम से कम",
"dialog_min_all" => "सभी को छोटा करें",
"dialog_display_all" => "सभी खिड़कियां दिखाएँ",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "छड़ी",
"clone" => "एक प्रतिलिपि बनाएं",
"cute" => "कतरनी",
"cute_to" => "को काट ...",
"cute_to" => "पर ले जाएं ...",
"copy_to" => "कॉपी करने के लिए ...",
"remove" => "मिटाना",
"remove_force" => "पूरी तरह से हटाने",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "ताज़ा निर्देशिका वृक्ष",
"manage_folder" => "निर्देशिका प्रबंधन",
"close_menu" => "मेनू को बंद करें",
"zip" => "ज़िप संपीड़न",
"unzip" => "निकालने के लिए ज़िप ...",
"zip" => "करने के लिए संकुचित ...",
"unzip" => "निकालने के लिए ...",
"unzip_folder" => "एक फ़ोल्डर में खोल दो",
"unzip_this" => "वर्तमान को निकालें",
"unzip_to" => "निकालने के लिए",
"unzip_to" => "निकालने के लिए ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "फ़ाइल बहुत बड़ी है, और फिर पूर्वावलोकन ऑपरेशन निकालने!",
"clipboard" => "देखें क्लिपबोर्ड",
"full_screen" => "पूर्ण स्क्रीन",
"folder_info_item" => "आइटम",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "मोबाइल ऑपरेशन ...",
"remove_title" => "पुष्टिकरण मिटाएं",
"remove_info" => "चयनित आइटम को नष्ट करने की पुष्टि?",
"remove_title_force" => "स्थायी रूप से हटा",
"remove_info_force" => "आप यकीन है कि आप स्थायी रूप से इस दस्तावेज़ हटाना चाहते हैं?",
"name_isexists" => "गलत, नाम पहले से ही मौजूद है!",
"install" => "स्थापित करें",
"width" => "चौड़ाई",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "डाउनलोड सफलता!",
"download_error" => "डाउनलोड विफल!",
"download_error_create" => "लिखें त्रुटि!",
"download_error_exists" => "रिमोट फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है!",
"download_error_exists" => "लिंक में विफल रहा है फाइल करने के लिए!",
"upload_error_null" => "कोई फाइल!",
"upload_error_big" => "फ़ाइल का आकार सर्वर सीमा से अधिक",
"upload_error_move" => "फ़ाइल को स्थानांतरित करने में विफल!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "फ़ाइल विलोपन",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "फ़ाइल गुण",
"group_role_pathmove" => "हटो (कॉपी / कट / पेस्ट / खींचें आपरेशन)",
"group_role_zip" => "ज़िप संपीड़न",
"group_role_unzip" => "ज़िप खोलना",
"group_role_zip" => "दबाव",
"group_role_unzip" => "खोलना",
"group_role_search" => "खोज",
"group_role_filesave" => "फ़ाइल सहेजें संपादित करने के लिए",
"group_role_can_upload" => "अपलोड और डाउनलोड",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango oblak • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango oblak • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Prijavi se",
"guest_login" => "gost Prijavite",
"username" => "Korisničko ime",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "Kodovi",
"need_check_code" => "Prijavi se za provjeru autentičnosti kod otvorene",
"login_rember_password" => "Zapamti lozinku",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Isprazniti koš za smeće za sve korisnike",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Isprazni predmemoriju",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright ili evidencijski broj",
"setting_global_css" => "Prilagođena globalna css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Sve stranice će umetnuti prilagođeni CSS",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistički HTML kôda",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Sve stranice će se prikazati na ovom stavku html kod, kod može se postaviti statističke podatke trećih strana",
"us" => "Jedra Network Studios",
"login_not_null" => "Korisničko ime i lozinka ne može biti prazno!",
"code_error" => "Kod pogreške",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "izmijenili dozvole",
"no_permission" => "Administrator je onemogućio ovu povlasticu!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator zabranio ovu vrstu dozvole datoteka",
"dialog_max" => "Povećali",
"dialog_min" => "umanjiti",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimiziranje sve",
"dialog_display_all" => "Prikaži sve prozore",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "štap",
"clone" => "Izradi kopiju",
"cute" => "shear",
"cute_to" => "Izrežite na ...",
"cute_to" => "Premještanje na ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopiraj u ...",
"remove" => "izbrisati",
"remove_force" => "potpuno uklanjanje",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Osvježi stablo direktorija",
"manage_folder" => "Upravljanje imenik",
"close_menu" => "Zatvori izbornik",
"zip" => "kompresije zip",
"unzip" => "zip za izdvajanje ...",
"zip" => "Komprimirani na ...",
"unzip" => "Za izdvajanje ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Raspakirajte u mapu",
"unzip_this" => "Ekstrakt na struju",
"unzip_to" => "Za izdvajanje",
"unzip_to" => "Za izdvajanje ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Datoteka je prevelika, a zatim ekstrakt operacija pregled!",
"clipboard" => "Pogledaj Međuspremnik",
"full_screen" => "Cijeli zaslon",
"folder_info_item" => "Stavke",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobilna rad ...",
"remove_title" => "Brisanje potvrde",
"remove_info" => "Potvrdi brisanje odabrane stavke?",
"remove_title_force" => "trajno briše",
"remove_info_force" => "Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati ovaj dokument?",
"name_isexists" => "Pogrešno, naziv već postoji!",
"install" => "instalirati",
"width" => "širina",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Preuzimanje uspjeh!",
"download_error" => "Preuzimanje nije uspjelo!",
"download_error_create" => "Pisanje je greška!",
"download_error_exists" => "Daljinski datoteka ne postoji!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link na datoteke nije uspjelo!",
"upload_error_null" => "Nema datoteke!",
"upload_error_big" => "Veličina datoteke prelazi granice poslužitelja",
"upload_error_move" => "Nisam uspio premjestiti datoteku!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "brisanje datoteke",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "svojstava datoteka",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / drag rad)",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresije zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresija",
"group_role_unzip" => "otvoriti rajsfešlus",
"group_role_search" => "traženje",
"group_role_filesave" => "Spremite datoteku za uređivanje",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Prijenos i preuzimanje",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango felhő • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango felhő • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Belépés",
"guest_login" => "Vendég Bejelentkezés",
"username" => "felhasználónév",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kódok",
"need_check_code" => "Bejelentkezés hitelesítési kódot nyitva",
"login_rember_password" => "emlékszik jelszó",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "A Lomtár kiürítése minden felhasználó számára",
"setting_clear_cache" => "A cache kiürítése",
"setting_icp" => "Szerzői vagy rekordszámú",
"setting_global_css" => "Egyedi globális css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Minden oldalak beilleszthet saját css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statisztikai kód HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Az összes lap kerül beillesztésre az e bekezdésben html kódot, a kód lehet helyezni a harmadik fél statisztikai",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "A felhasználónév és a jelszó nem lehet üres!",
"code_error" => "hibakódok",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "jogosultságok módosításához",
"no_permission" => "Az adminisztrátor letiltotta ezt a kiváltságot!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator betiltották az ilyen típusú fájl engedélyek",
"dialog_max" => "maximalizálása",
"dialog_min" => "Kis méret",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimalizálás",
"dialog_display_all" => "Minden ablak megjelenik",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "bot",
"clone" => "Készítsen másolatot",
"cute" => "nyírás",
"cute_to" => "Vágás ...",
"cute_to" => "Áthelyezés ...",
"copy_to" => "Másolás ...",
"remove" => "töröl",
"remove_force" => "teljesen távolítsa el",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Frissítés könyvtárfába",
"manage_folder" => "Directory Management",
"close_menu" => "menü bezárása",
"zip" => "zip tömörítés",
"unzip" => "zip kivonat ...",
"zip" => "Tömörített ...",
"unzip" => "Kivonat ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Csomagold ki egy mappába",
"unzip_this" => "Kivonat a jelenlegi",
"unzip_to" => "kivonat",
"unzip_to" => "Kivonat ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "A fájl túl nagy, majd csomagolja ki a megtekintett működését!",
"clipboard" => "Részletek vágólap",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "tételek",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobil működés ...",
"remove_title" => "Törlés megerősítése",
"remove_info" => "Erősítse törölni a kiválasztott tételt?",
"remove_title_force" => "véglegesen törölve",
"remove_info_force" => "Biztos, hogy véglegesen törölni a dokumentum?",
"name_isexists" => "Rossz, a név már létezik!",
"install" => "felszerel",
"width" => "szélesség",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Letöltés siker!",
"download_error" => "Letöltés sikertelen!",
"download_error_create" => "Írási hiba!",
"download_error_exists" => "Távoli fájl nem létezik!",
"download_error_exists" => "A fájlra mutató linket nem sikerült!",
"upload_error_null" => "Nincs fájl!",
"upload_error_big" => "A fájl mérete meghaladja a szerver határértékek",
"upload_error_move" => "Hiba történt a fájl!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "fájl törlés",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "fájl tulajdonságai",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (másolás / kivágás / beillesztés / húzási művelet)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip tömörítés",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip kicsomagoló",
"group_role_zip" => "összenyomás",
"group_role_unzip" => "cipzárat kinyit",
"group_role_search" => "keresés",
"group_role_filesave" => "Mentse el a fájlt szerkeszteni",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Feltöltése és letöltése",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Login",
"guest_login" => "tamu Masuk",
"username" => "nama",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kode",
"need_check_code" => "kode otentikasi login terbuka",
"login_rember_password" => "Ingat sandi",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Mengosongkan recycle bin untuk semua pengguna",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Mengosongkan cache",
"setting_icp" => "Hak cipta atau merekam nomor",
"setting_global_css" => "css kustom global yang",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Semua halaman akan memasukkan css kustom",
"setting_global_html" => "kode statistik HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Semua halaman akan disisipkan dalam kode html ayat ini, kode dapat ditempatkan statistik pihak ketiga",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nama pengguna dan password tidak boleh kosong!",
"code_error" => "kode kesalahan",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "memodifikasi Izin",
"no_permission" => "Administrator telah menonaktifkan hak istimewa ini!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator melarang jenis file permissions",
"dialog_max" => "Maksimalkan",
"dialog_min" => "memperkecil",
"dialog_min_all" => "meminimalkan semua",
"dialog_display_all" => "Tampilkan semua jendela",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "tongkat",
"clone" => "Buat salinan",
"cute" => "mencukur",
"cute_to" => "Potong untuk ...",
"cute_to" => "Pindahkan ke ...",
"copy_to" => "Copy ke ...",
"remove" => "Hapus",
"remove_force" => "benar-benar menghapus",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "pohon direktori penyegaran",
"manage_folder" => "Manajemen direktori",
"close_menu" => "Tutup menu",
"zip" => "kompresi zip",
"unzip" => "zip untuk mengekstrak ...",
"zip" => "Dikompresi untuk ...",
"unzip" => "Untuk mengekstrak ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Unzip ke folder",
"unzip_this" => "Ekstrak untuk saat ini",
"unzip_to" => "untuk mengekstrak",
"unzip_to" => "Untuk mengekstrak ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "file terlalu besar, dan kemudian ekstrak operasi pratinjau!",
"clipboard" => "Lihat Clipboard",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "item",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Ponsel operasi ...",
"remove_title" => "Hapus Konfirmasi",
"remove_info" => "Konfirmasi untuk menghapus item yang dipilih?",
"remove_title_force" => "permanen dihapus",
"remove_info_force" => "Anda yakin ingin menghapus dokumen ini secara permanen?",
"name_isexists" => "Salah, namanya sudah ada!",
"install" => "memasang",
"width" => "lebar",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Ambil Sukses!",
"download_error" => "Download Gagal!",
"download_error_create" => "Menulis kesalahan!",
"download_error_exists" => "Terpencil file tidak ada!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link ke file gagal!",
"upload_error_null" => "Tidak ada berkas!",
"upload_error_big" => "ukuran file melebihi batas Server",
"upload_error_move" => "Gagal memindahkan file!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "penghapusan file",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Properti File",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / drag operasi)",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresi zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresi",
"group_role_unzip" => "membuka ritsleting",
"group_role_search" => "pencarian",
"group_role_filesave" => "Simpan file untuk mengedit",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Upload dan download",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango nuvola • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango nuvola • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Entra",
"guest_login" => "ospite Accedi",
"username" => "nome utente",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "codici",
"need_check_code" => "codice di autenticazione di accesso aperto",
"login_rember_password" => "Ricorda password",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Svuotare il cestino per tutti gli utenti",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Svuotare la cache",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright o registrare il numero",
"setting_global_css" => "CSS personalizzato globale",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Tutte le pagine saranno inserite CSS personalizzato",
"setting_global_html" => "Il codice HTML di statistica",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Tutte le pagine saranno inseriti in questo codice html paragrafo, il codice può essere posizionato statistiche di terze parti",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nome utente e password non può essere vuoto!",
"code_error" => "codici di errore",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "modificare le autorizzazioni",
"no_permission" => "Amministratore ha vietato questo privilegio!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Amministratore ha vietato questo tipo di permessi dei file",
"dialog_max" => "massimizzare",
"dialog_min" => "ridurre al minimo",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimizzare tutto",
"dialog_display_all" => "Mostra tutte le finestre",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "bastone",
"clone" => "Creare una copia",
"cute" => "cesoia",
"cute_to" => "Tagliare a ...",
"cute_to" => "Sposta in ...",
"copy_to" => "Copia in ...",
"remove" => "cancellare",
"remove_force" => "completamente rimuovere",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "albero di directory di aggiornamento",
"manage_folder" => "directory Management",
"close_menu" => "Chiudi menù",
"zip" => "compressione zip",
"unzip" => "zip per estrarre ...",
"zip" => "Compresso a ...",
"unzip" => "Per estrarre ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Decomprimere in una cartella",
"unzip_this" => "Estrarre alla corrente",
"unzip_to" => "Per estrarre",
"unzip_to" => "Per estrarre ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Il file è troppo grande, e poi estrarre l'operazione di anteprima!",
"clipboard" => "vista Appunti",
"full_screen" => "schermo intero",
"folder_info_item" => "articoli",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "operazione mobile ...",
"remove_title" => "Elimina Conferma",
"remove_info" => "Conferma per eliminare l'elemento selezionato?",
"remove_title_force" => "eliminati definitivamente",
"remove_info_force" => "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare definitivamente questo documento?",
"name_isexists" => "Sbagliato, il nome esiste già!",
"install" => "installare",
"width" => "larghezza",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Scarica il successo!",
"download_error" => "Download non riuscito!",
"download_error_create" => "Errore di scrittura!",
"download_error_exists" => "File remoto non esiste!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link al file non riuscita!",
"upload_error_null" => "Nessun file!",
"upload_error_big" => "dimensione del file supera i limiti del server",
"upload_error_move" => "Impossibile spostare il file!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "l'eliminazione di file",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Proprietà file",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Spostare (copia / taglia / incolla / trascinamento operazione)",
"group_role_zip" => "compressione zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "compressione",
"group_role_unzip" => "Unzip",
"group_role_search" => "ricerca",
"group_role_filesave" => "Salvare il file da modificare",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Caricare e scaricare",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "マンゴークラウド•エクスプローラ",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "マンゴークラウド•エクスプローラ",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "ログイン",
"guest_login" => "ゲストログイン",
"username" => "ユーザー名",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "コード",
"need_check_code" => "ログイン認証コードオープン",
"login_rember_password" => "パスワードを覚えておいてください",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "すべてのユーザーのごみ箱を空にする",
"setting_clear_cache" => "キャッシュを空に",
"setting_icp" => "著作権やレコード番号",
"setting_global_css" => "カスタムグローバルCSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "すべてのページは、カスタムCSSを挿入します",
"setting_global_html" => "統計コードHTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "すべてのページは、この段落のhtmlコードに挿入され、コードは、サードパーティの統計を配置することができます",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "ユーザー名とパスワードは空にすることはできません!",
"code_error" => "エラーコード",
@ -261,7 +271,8 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "アクセス権を変更します",
"no_permission" => "管理者は、この権限を無効にしています!",
"no_permission_ext" => "管理者は、ファイルのアクセス権のこのタイプを禁止しました",
"dialog_min" => "最小限に抑えます",
"dialog_max" => "最大にします",
"dialog_min" => "最小にします",
"dialog_min_all" => "すべての最小化",
"dialog_display_all" => "すべてのウィンドウを表示します",
"dialog_close_all" => "すべて閉じます",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "スティック",
"clone" => "コピーを作成します。",
"cute" => "せん断",
"cute_to" => "にカット...",
"cute_to" => "に移動...",
"copy_to" => "へのコピー...",
"remove" => "削除",
"remove_force" => "完全に削除",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "リフレッシュディレクトリツリー",
"manage_folder" => "ディレクトリ管理",
"close_menu" => "メニューを閉じます",
"zip" => "ZIP圧縮",
"unzip" => "抽出するためのジップ...",
"zip" => "に圧縮...",
"unzip" => "抽出するには...",
"unzip_folder" => "フォルダに解凍します",
"unzip_this" => "現在に解凍",
"unzip_to" => "抽出するには",
"unzip_to" => "抽出するには...",
"zipview_file_big" => "ファイルが大きすぎて、[プレビュー動作を抽出します!",
"clipboard" => "表示クリップボード",
"full_screen" => "フルスクリーン",
"folder_info_item" => "アイテム",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "モバイル操作...",
"remove_title" => "削除の確認",
"remove_info" => "選択した項目を削除することを確認してください?",
"remove_title_force" => "完全に削除",
"remove_info_force" => "あなたは必ず永久にこの文書を削除したいですか?",
"name_isexists" => "間違った、名前がすでに存在しています!",
"install" => "インストール",
"width" => "幅",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "成功をダウンロード!",
"download_error" => "ダウンロードに失敗しました!",
"download_error_create" => "エラーを書きます!",
"download_error_exists" => "リモートファイルが存在しません!",
"download_error_exists" => "失敗をファイルへのリンク!",
"upload_error_null" => "ファイルいいえ!",
"upload_error_big" => "ファイルサイズはサーバーの制限を超えています",
"upload_error_move" => "ファイルの移動に失敗しました!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "ファイルの削除",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "ファイルのプロパティ",
"group_role_pathmove" => "移動(コピー/カット/ペースト/ドラッグ操作)",
"group_role_zip" => "ZIP圧縮",
"group_role_unzip" => "ジップ解凍",
"group_role_zip" => "圧縮",
"group_role_unzip" => "解凍します",
"group_role_search" => "検索",
"group_role_filesave" => "編集するファイルを保存します",
"group_role_can_upload" => "アップロードとダウンロード",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "망고 클라우드 • 탐색기",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "망고 클라우드 • 탐색기",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "로그인",
"guest_login" => "고객 로그인",
"username" => "아이디",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "코드",
"need_check_code" => "로그인 인증 코드 열기",
"login_rember_password" => "암호를 기억",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "모든 사용자의 휴지통 비우기",
"setting_clear_cache" => "캐시 비우기",
"setting_icp" => "저작권 또는 레코드 번호",
"setting_global_css" => "사용자 정의 글로벌 CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "모든 페이지는 사용자 정의 CSS를 삽입합니다",
"setting_global_html" => "통계 코드 HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "모든 페이지가이 단락의 HTML 코드에 삽입됩니다 코드는 타사 통계를 배치 할 수 있습니다",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "사용자 이름과 암호는 비워 둘 수 없습니다!",
"code_error" => "오류 코드",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "권한 수정",
"no_permission" => "관리자는이 권한을 사용할 수 있습니다!",
"no_permission_ext" => "관리자는 파일 권한이 유형의 금지",
"dialog_max" => "극대화",
"dialog_min" => "최소화",
"dialog_min_all" => "모든 최소화",
"dialog_display_all" => "모든 창을보기",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "스틱",
"clone" => "복사본 만들기",
"cute" => "전단",
"cute_to" => "잘라 내기 ...",
"cute_to" => "로 이동 ...",
"copy_to" => "복사에 ...",
"remove" => "삭제",
"remove_force" => "완전 제거",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "새로 고침 디렉토리 트리",
"manage_folder" => "디렉토리 관리",
"close_menu" => "닫기 메뉴",
"zip" => "ZIP 압축",
"unzip" => "우편 추출 할 ...",
"zip" => "에 압축 ...",
"unzip" => "압축을 풀려면 ...",
"unzip_folder" => "폴더에 압축을 풉니 다",
"unzip_this" => "현재로 추출",
"unzip_to" => "추출하려면",
"unzip_to" => "압축을 풀려면 ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "파일이 너무 크고, 다음 미리 연산 추출!",
"clipboard" => "보기 클립 보드",
"full_screen" => "전체 화면",
"folder_info_item" => "항목",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "모바일 작업 ...",
"remove_title" => "삭제 확인",
"remove_info" => "선택한 항목을 삭제 확인?",
"remove_title_force" => "영구적으로 삭제",
"remove_info_force" => "당신은 확실히 영구적이 문서를 삭제 하시겠습니까?",
"name_isexists" => "잘못된 이름이 이미 존재합니다!",
"install" => "설치",
"width" => "폭",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "성공을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다",
"download_error" => "다운로드 실패!",
"download_error_create" => "쓰기 오류!",
"download_error_exists" => "원격 파일이 존재하지 않습니다!",
"download_error_exists" => "링크 실패 파일에!",
"upload_error_null" => "파일이 없습니다!",
"upload_error_big" => "파일 크기는 서버 제한을 초과",
"upload_error_move" => "파일을 이동하지 못했습니다!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "파일 삭제",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "파일 속성",
"group_role_pathmove" => "이동 (복사 / 잘라 내기 / 붙여 넣기 / 드래그 조작)",
"group_role_zip" => "ZIP 압축",
"group_role_unzip" => "지퍼 압축 해제",
"group_role_zip" => "압축",
"group_role_unzip" => "압축 해제",
"group_role_search" => "수색",
"group_role_filesave" => "편집 할 파일을 저장",
"group_role_can_upload" => "업로드 및 다운로드",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "\"Mango\" debesis • Explorer \"",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "\"Mango\" debesis • Explorer \"",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Prisijungti",
"guest_login" => "Svečių Registruotis",
"username" => "Nick",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kodai",
"need_check_code" => "Vartotojas atpažinimo kodas atvira",
"login_rember_password" => "Prisiminti slaptažodį",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Ištuštinkite šiukšlinę visiems vartotojams",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Ištuštinkite talpyklą",
"setting_icp" => "Autorinės teisės arba įrašo numeris",
"setting_global_css" => "Pasirinktinis pasaulinė CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Visi puslapiai bus įterpti pasirinktinį css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistiniai kodas HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Visi puslapiai bus įdėta šioje dalyje html kodas, kodas gali būti trečiųjų šalių statistiką",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Vartotojo vardas ir slaptažodis negali būti tuščias!",
"code_error" => "klaidų kodai",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "keisti Permissions",
"no_permission" => "Administratorius išjungė šią privilegiją!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administratorius uždraudė šį failo teises tipas",
"dialog_max" => "maksimizuoti",
"dialog_min" => "minimizuoti",
"dialog_min_all" => "sumažinti visus",
"dialog_display_all" => "Rodyti visus langus",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "lazda",
"clone" => "Sukurti kopiją",
"cute" => "kirpti",
"cute_to" => "Iškirpti į ...",
"cute_to" => "Perkelti į ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopijuoti į ...",
"remove" => "panaikinti",
"remove_force" => "visiškai pašalinti",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Atnaujinti katalogas medis",
"manage_folder" => "Directory \"valdymo",
"close_menu" => "Uždaryti meniu",
"zip" => "ZIP suspaudimas",
"unzip" => "ZIP išgauti ...",
"zip" => "Suspausto į ...",
"unzip" => "Norėdami išskleisti ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Išpakuokite į katalogą",
"unzip_this" => "Ekstrakto į srovės",
"unzip_to" => "Norėdami išskleisti",
"unzip_to" => "Norėdami išskleisti ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Šis failas yra per didelis, ir tada išrašo peržiūra operacija!",
"clipboard" => "Peržiūrėti Mainų",
"full_screen" => "Visas Ekranas",
"folder_info_item" => "Daiktai",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobilus operacija ...",
"remove_title" => "Ištrinti patvirtinimas",
"remove_info" => "Patvirtinti ištrinti pasirinktą elementą?",
"remove_title_force" => "jos negrįžtamai ištrinami",
"remove_info_force" => "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį dokumentą?",
"name_isexists" => "Negerai, vardas jau egzistuoja!",
"install" => "įrengti",
"width" => "plotis",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Parsisiųsti sėkmės!",
"download_error" => "Parsisiųsti Nepavyko!",
"download_error_create" => "Parašyti klaida!",
"download_error_exists" => "Nuotolinis failas neegzistuoja!",
"download_error_exists" => "Nuoroda į failą nepavyko!",
"upload_error_null" => "Nėra failų!",
"upload_error_big" => "Failo dydis viršija serverio ribų",
"upload_error_move" => "Nepavyko perkelti failo!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "failo ištrynimas",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "failo ypatybės",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Perkelti (kopija / sumažinti / pasta / tempimo operacija)",
"group_role_zip" => "ZIP suspaudimas",
"group_role_unzip" => "ZIP išpakuokite",
"group_role_zip" => "suspaudimas",
"group_role_unzip" => "Išpakuokite",
"group_role_search" => "paieška",
"group_role_filesave" => "Išsaugokite failą redaguoti",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Įkelti ir atsisiųsti",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Log in",
"guest_login" => "gast Aanmelden",
"username" => "Gebruikersnaam",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "codes",
"need_check_code" => "Inloggen authenticatie code geopend",
"login_rember_password" => "Onthoud wachtwoord",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Leeg de prullenbak voor alle gebruikers",
"setting_clear_cache" => "De cache leegmaken",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright of record aantal",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom wereldwijde css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Alle pagina's zullen aangepaste css invoegen",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistische code HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Alle pagina's in deze paragraaf html code worden aangebracht, kan de code worden geplaatst statistieken van derden",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord kan niet leeg zijn!",
"code_error" => "foutcodes",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "wijzigen Machtigingen",
"no_permission" => "Administrator heeft dit privilege uitgeschakeld!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator verbood dit type bestand permissies",
"dialog_max" => "maximaliseren",
"dialog_min" => "verkleinen",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimaliseer alle",
"dialog_display_all" => "Laat alle vensters",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "stok",
"clone" => "Maak een kopie",
"cute" => "scheren",
"cute_to" => "Cut naar ...",
"cute_to" => "Verplaatsen naar ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopiëren naar ...",
"remove" => "Verwijder",
"remove_force" => "volledig te verwijderen",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Vernieuwen directory tree",
"manage_folder" => "directory-beheer",
"close_menu" => "menu sluiten",
"zip" => "zIP-compressie",
"unzip" => "zip te halen ...",
"zip" => "Gecomprimeerd tot ...",
"unzip" => "Om uit te pakken ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Unzip naar een map",
"unzip_this" => "Extract van de huidige",
"unzip_to" => "om uit te pakken",
"unzip_to" => "Om uit te pakken ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Het bestand is te groot, en pak vervolgens het voorbeeld operatie!",
"clipboard" => "Bekijk Clipboard",
"full_screen" => "full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "items",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobiel gebruik ...",
"remove_title" => "Delete Bevestiging",
"remove_info" => "Bevestigen om het geselecteerde item wilt verwijderen?",
"remove_title_force" => "permanent verwijderd",
"remove_info_force" => "Weet u zeker dat u dit document wilt verwijderen?",
"name_isexists" => "Fout, de naam bestaat al!",
"install" => "installeren",
"width" => "breedte",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Download Succes!",
"download_error" => "Download mislukt!",
"download_error_create" => "Schrijffout!",
"download_error_exists" => "Remote bestand bestaat niet!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link naar bestand mislukt!",
"upload_error_null" => "Geen bestand!",
"upload_error_big" => "bestandsgrootte overschrijdt server grenzen",
"upload_error_move" => "Verplaatsen bestand mislukt!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "dossierschrapping",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "file Properties",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / slepen operatie)",
"group_role_zip" => "zIP-compressie",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "samendrukking",
"group_role_unzip" => "Unzip",
"group_role_search" => "zoeken",
"group_role_filesave" => "Sla het bestand te bewerken",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Uploaden en downloaden",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango sky • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango sky • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Logg inn",
"guest_login" => "Gjeste Sign",
"username" => "Brukernavn",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "koder",
"need_check_code" => "Autentiseringskode åpen",
"login_rember_password" => "Husk passord",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Tømme papirkurven for alle brukere",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Tømme bufferen",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright eller rekordmange",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom global css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Alle sider vil sette custom css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistiske kode HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Alle sider vil bli satt inn i dette avsnittet html-kode, kan koden plasseres tredjeparts statistikk",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Brukernavn og passord kan ikke være tom!",
"code_error" => "feil~~POS=TRUNC koder~~POS=HEADCOMP",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "endre tillatelser",
"no_permission" => "Administrator har deaktivert dette privilegiet!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator utestengt denne type filrettigheter",
"dialog_max" => "Maksimer",
"dialog_min" => "Minimer",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimer alle",
"dialog_display_all" => "Vis alle vinduer",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "Stick",
"clone" => "Lag en kopi",
"cute" => "Shear",
"cute_to" => "Kutt til ...",
"cute_to" => "Flytt til ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopier til ...",
"remove" => "Slett",
"remove_force" => "fjerne",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Refresh katalogtreet",
"manage_folder" => "Directory Management",
"close_menu" => "Lukk meny",
"zip" => "zIP-komprimering",
"unzip" => "zip å trekke ...",
"zip" => "Komprimert til ...",
"unzip" => "Hvis du vil trekke ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Filene til en mappe",
"unzip_this" => "Pakk til den aktuelle",
"unzip_to" => "å trekke ut",
"unzip_to" => "Hvis du vil trekke ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Filen er for stor, og deretter trekke forhåndsvisnings drift!",
"clipboard" => "Vis utklippstavlen",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "elementer",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobile drift ...",
"remove_title" => "Slett bekreftelse",
"remove_info" => "Bekreft for å slette det valgte elementet?",
"remove_title_force" => "permanent slettet",
"remove_info_force" => "Du sikker på at du vil slette dette dokumentet permanent?",
"name_isexists" => "Feil, finnes allerede navnet!",
"install" => "Installer",
"width" => "bredde",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Last ned suksess!",
"download_error" => "Last ned feilet!",
"download_error_create" => "Skrivefeil!",
"download_error_exists" => "Remote filen finnes ikke!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link til fil mislyktes!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ingen fil!",
"upload_error_big" => "Filstørrelsen overskrider server grenser",
"upload_error_move" => "Kunne ikke flytte filen!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "sletting",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Filegenskaper",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (kopier / klipp / lim / draoperasjon)",
"group_role_zip" => "zIP-komprimering",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresjon",
"group_role_unzip" => "Unzip",
"group_role_search" => "Søk",
"group_role_filesave" => "Lagre filen for å redigere",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Opplasting og nedlasting",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango Chmura • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango Chmura • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Zaloguj się",
"guest_login" => "Znak gości",
"username" => "Nazwa użytkownika",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kody",
"need_check_code" => "Logowanie otwarty kod uwierzytelniający",
"login_rember_password" => "Zapamiętaj hasło",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Opróżnianie kosza dla wszystkich użytkowników",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Opróżnij pamięć podręczną",
"setting_icp" => "Praw autorskich lub numer rekordu",
"setting_global_css" => "Niestandardowe globalny css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Wszystkie strony spowoduje wstawienie niestandardowej css",
"setting_global_html" => "Kod HTML statystyczne",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Wszystkie strony zostanie wstawiony w niniejszym ustępie, kod html, kod może być umieszczony statystyki stron trzecich",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nazwa użytkownika i hasło nie może być puste!",
"code_error" => "kody błędów",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Modyfikacja uprawnień",
"no_permission" => "Administrator wyłączył ten przywilej!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator zakazano tego typu uprawnienia do plików",
"dialog_max" => "maksymalizacja",
"dialog_min" => "zminimalizować",
"dialog_min_all" => "Minimalizowanie wszystkich",
"dialog_display_all" => "Wyświetl wszystkie okna",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "kij",
"clone" => "Utwórz kopię",
"cute" => "ścinanie",
"cute_to" => "Przeniesienie do ...",
"cute_to" => "Przenieś do ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopiuj do ...",
"remove" => "usunąć",
"remove_force" => "całkowicie usunąć",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Odśwież drzewo katalogów",
"manage_folder" => "Zarządzanie katalog",
"close_menu" => "Zamknij menu",
"zip" => "kompresja zip",
"unzip" => "zip wyodrębnić ...",
"zip" => "Skompresowany do ...",
"unzip" => "Aby wyodrębnić ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Rozpakuj do folderu",
"unzip_this" => "Wyciąg z prądem",
"unzip_to" => "aby wyodrębnić",
"unzip_to" => "Aby wyodrębnić ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Plik jest zbyt duży, a następnie wyodrębnić operacja podgląd!",
"clipboard" => "Zobacz Schowek",
"full_screen" => "Pełny ekran",
"folder_info_item" => "pozycje",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Komórka operacji ...",
"remove_title" => "Usuń Potwierdzenie",
"remove_info" => "Potwierdź, aby usunąć wybrany element?",
"remove_title_force" => "trwale usunięte",
"remove_info_force" => "Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usunąć ten dokument?",
"name_isexists" => "Błędna nazwa już istnieje!",
"install" => "zainstalować",
"width" => "szerokość",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Pobierz Sukces!",
"download_error" => "Pobieranie nie powiodło się!",
"download_error_create" => "Błąd zapisu!",
"download_error_exists" => "Zdalny plik nie istnieje!",
"download_error_exists" => "Odwołują się do nie powiodło się!",
"upload_error_null" => "Brak pliku!",
"upload_error_big" => "Rozmiar pliku przekracza granice serwera",
"upload_error_move" => "Nie można przenieść pliku!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "Usunięcie pliku",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Właściwości pliku",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (kopiuj / wytnij / wklej / operacja przeciągania)",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresja zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip rozpakować",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresja",
"group_role_unzip" => "rozsunąć suwak",
"group_role_search" => "poszukiwanie",
"group_role_filesave" => "Zapisz plik do edycji",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Przesyłanie i pobieranie",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango nuvem • Explorador",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango nuvem • Explorador",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "log in",
"guest_login" => "Convidado Registre",
"username" => "Nome de usuário",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "códigos",
"need_check_code" => "código de autenticação de login aberto",
"login_rember_password" => "Lembrar senha",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Esvaziar a lixeira para todos os usuários",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Empty cache",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright ou registro número",
"setting_global_css" => "css personalizado mundial",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Todas as páginas irá inserir CSS personalizado",
"setting_global_html" => "HTML código estatístico",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Todas as páginas serão inseridas neste código html parágrafo, o código pode ser colocado estatísticas de terceiros",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Nome de utilizador e palavra-passe não pode estar vazio!",
"code_error" => "Os códigos de erro",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "modificar permissões",
"no_permission" => "Administrador desabilitou esse privilégio!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrador proibiu este tipo de permissões de arquivo",
"dialog_max" => "maximizar",
"dialog_min" => "minimizar",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimizar tudo",
"dialog_display_all" => "Mostrar todas as janelas",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "vara",
"clone" => "Criar uma cópia",
"cute" => "tosquiar",
"cute_to" => "Corta para ...",
"cute_to" => "Mover-se para ...",
"copy_to" => "Copiar para ...",
"remove" => "excluir",
"remove_force" => "remover completamente",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "árvore de diretórios de atualização",
"manage_folder" => "Gerenciamento de Diretório",
"close_menu" => "Fechar o menu",
"zip" => "compressão zip",
"unzip" => "zip para extrair ...",
"zip" => "Comprimido para ...",
"unzip" => "Para extrair ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Descompacte para uma pasta",
"unzip_this" => "Extrair para o actual",
"unzip_to" => "para extrair",
"unzip_to" => "Para extrair ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "O arquivo é muito grande, e depois extrair a operação de pré-visualização!",
"clipboard" => "Ver área de transferência",
"full_screen" => "tela cheia",
"folder_info_item" => "itens",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "operação móvel ...",
"remove_title" => "A confirmação da exclusão",
"remove_info" => "Confirmar para excluir o item selecionado?",
"remove_title_force" => "excluídos permanentemente",
"remove_info_force" => "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir permanentemente este documento?",
"name_isexists" => "Errado, o nome já existe!",
"install" => "instalar",
"width" => "largura",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Baixar sucesso!",
"download_error" => "Falha no download!",
"download_error_create" => "erro de gravação!",
"download_error_exists" => "Arquivo remoto não existe!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link para arquivo falhou!",
"upload_error_null" => "No arquivo!",
"upload_error_big" => "tamanho do arquivo excede os limites de servidor",
"upload_error_move" => "Falha ao mover arquivo!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "exclusão do arquivo",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Propriedades do arquivo",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copiar / cortar / colar / operação de arrastar)",
"group_role_zip" => "compressão zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "unzip zip",
"group_role_zip" => "compressão",
"group_role_unzip" => "Descompacte",
"group_role_search" => "pesquisa",
"group_role_filesave" => "Salve o arquivo para editar",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Upload e download",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango nor • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango nor • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Conectați-vă",
"guest_login" => "Sign musafir",
"username" => "Nume utilizator",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "coduri",
"need_check_code" => "Codul de conectare de autentificare deschis",
"login_rember_password" => "Amintiți-vă parola",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Goliți coșul de gunoi pentru toți utilizatorii",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Goliți memoria cache",
"setting_icp" => "Drepturi de autor sau de înregistrare număr",
"setting_global_css" => "css personalizat la nivel mondial",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Toate paginile vor insera css personalizate",
"setting_global_html" => "Codul HTML statistic",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Toate paginile vor fi inserate în acest cod HTML paragraf, codul poate fi plasat terță parte de statistici",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Numele de utilizator și parola nu poate fi gol!",
"code_error" => "coduri de eroare",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "modificați permisiunile",
"no_permission" => "Administratorul a dezactivat acest privilegiu!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administratorul a interzis acest tip de fișier permisiunile",
"dialog_max" => "maximaliza",
"dialog_min" => "minimaliza",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimizarea tuturor",
"dialog_display_all" => "Afișați toate ferestrele",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "băț",
"clone" => "Creați o copie",
"cute" => "foarfece",
"cute_to" => "Se taie în ...",
"cute_to" => "Mutați în ...",
"copy_to" => "Copiere în ...",
"remove" => "șterge",
"remove_force" => "Se îndepărtează complet",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "copac director Actualizează",
"manage_folder" => "Managementul director",
"close_menu" => "Închide meniul",
"zip" => "zip compresie",
"unzip" => "zip pentru a extrage ...",
"zip" => "Comprimat la ...",
"unzip" => "Pentru a extrage ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Dezarhivați într-un dosar",
"unzip_this" => "Se extrage la curent",
"unzip_to" => "Pentru a extrage",
"unzip_to" => "Pentru a extrage ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Fișierul este prea mare, iar apoi se extrage operația de previzualizare!",
"clipboard" => "Vizualizare Clipboard",
"full_screen" => "ecran full",
"folder_info_item" => "articole",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "operațiune de telefonie mobilă ...",
"remove_title" => "Confirmare de ștergere",
"remove_info" => "Confirmare pentru a șterge elementul selectat?",
"remove_title_force" => "eliminat definitiv",
"remove_info_force" => "Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți definitiv acest document?",
"name_isexists" => "Greșit, numele există deja!",
"install" => "instala",
"width" => "lățime",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Descărcare de succes!",
"download_error" => "Descărcarea a eșuat!",
"download_error_create" => "Eroare de scriere!",
"download_error_exists" => "fișier de la distanță nu există!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link la dosar nu a reușit!",
"upload_error_null" => "Nu există un fișier!",
"upload_error_big" => "Dimensiunea fișierului depășește limitele de server",
"upload_error_move" => "Nu a reușit să se miște fișierul!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "ştergerea fișierelor",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Proprietăți fișier",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Mutare (copy / cut / paste / trageți de operare)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip compresie",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "comprimare",
"group_role_unzip" => "unzip",
"group_role_search" => "căutare",
"group_role_filesave" => "Salvați fișierul pentru a edita",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Încărcarea și descărcarea",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Манго облако • Проводник",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Манго облако • Проводник",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "войти",
"guest_login" => "Гость Вход",
"username" => "Имя пользователя",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "коды",
"need_check_code" => "Код аутентификации Войти с открытым",
"login_rember_password" => "Запомнить пароль",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Пустые корзины для всех пользователей",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Очистить кэш",
"setting_icp" => "Авторское право или номер записи",
"setting_global_css" => "Пользовательские глобальные CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Все страницы будут вставлять пользовательские CSS",
"setting_global_html" => "Статистический код HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Все страницы будут вставлены в этом пункте HTML коде, код может быть помещена статистика сторонней",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Имя пользователя и пароль не может быть пустым!",
"code_error" => "коды ошибок",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Изменение разрешений",
"no_permission" => "Администратор отключил эту привилегию!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Администратор запретил этот тип прав доступа к файлам",
"dialog_max" => "максимизировать",
"dialog_min" => "минимизировать",
"dialog_min_all" => "Свернуть все",
"dialog_display_all" => "Показать все окна",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "палка",
"clone" => "Создать копию",
"cute" => "ножницы",
"cute_to" => "Вырезать, чтобы ...",
"cute_to" => "Переместить в ...",
"copy_to" => "Копировать в ...",
"remove" => "удалять",
"remove_force" => "Полностью удалить",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Обновить дерево каталогов",
"manage_folder" => "Управление каталогом",
"close_menu" => "Закрыть меню",
"zip" => "сжатие ZIP",
"unzip" => "застежка-молния для извлечения ...",
"zip" => "Сжатый, чтобы ...",
"unzip" => "Чтобы извлечь ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Распаковать в папку",
"unzip_this" => "Выдержка току",
"unzip_to" => "Для того, чтобы извлечь",
"unzip_to" => "Чтобы извлечь ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Файл слишком велик, а затем извлечь операцию предварительного просмотра!",
"clipboard" => "Просмотр буфера обмена",
"full_screen" => "Полный экран",
"folder_info_item" => "Предметы",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Мобильная работа ...",
"remove_title" => "подтверждение удаления",
"remove_info" => "Подтвердить, чтобы удалить выбранный элемент?",
"remove_title_force" => "Постоянно удален",
"remove_info_force" => "Вы уверены, что хотите навсегда удалить этот документ?",
"name_isexists" => "Неправильно, имя уже существует!",
"install" => "устанавливать",
"width" => "ширина",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Скачать Получилось!",
"download_error" => "Ошибка загрузки!",
"download_error_create" => "Ошибка записи!",
"download_error_exists" => "Удаленный файл не существует!",
"download_error_exists" => "Ссылка на файл не удалось!",
"upload_error_null" => "Нет файла!",
"upload_error_big" => "Размер файла превышает пределы сервера",
"upload_error_move" => "Не удалось переместить файл!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "удаление файла",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Свойства файла",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Переместить (копировать / вырезать / вставить / перетаскивания операции)",
"group_role_zip" => "сжатие ZIP",
"group_role_unzip" => "ZIP распаковать",
"group_role_zip" => "компрессия",
"group_role_unzip" => "расстегнуть молнию",
"group_role_search" => "поиск",
"group_role_filesave" => "Сохраните файл для редактирования",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Загрузка и скачивание",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "අඹ වලාකුළක් • එක්ස්ප්ලෝරර්",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered KodExplorer විසින්",
"kod_name_copyright" => "අඹ වලාකුළක් • එක්ස්ප්ලෝරර්",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "ලොගින් වන්න",
"guest_login" => "ආරාධිත අමුත්තා සයින්",
"username" => "පරිශීලක නාමය",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "කේත",
"need_check_code" => "ලොගින් වන්න සත්යාපන කේතය විවෘත",
"login_rember_password" => "රහස් පදය මතක තබා ගන්න",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "සියළුම පරිශීලකයින් සඳහා පිළිසකර බඳුනට හිස්",
"setting_clear_cache" => "හැඹිලි හිස්",
"setting_icp" => "කතුහිමිකම හෝ වාර්තාගත",
"setting_global_css" => "අභිරුචි ගෝලීය CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "සියළුම පිටු අභිරුචි CSS ඇතුල් වනු ඇත",
"setting_global_html" => "සංඛ්යාන කේතය HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "සියළුම පිටු මේ ඡේදය html කේතය ඇතුළත් කළ බව කේතය තෙවන පාර්ශවීය සංඛ්යා ලේඛන ඉදිරිපත් කළ හැකි",
"us" => "රුවල් ජාලය ස්ටූඩියෝ",
"login_not_null" => "පරිශීලක නාමය හා මුරපදය හිස් විය නොහැක!",
"code_error" => "දෝෂ කේත",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "අවසර වෙනස් කරන්න",
"no_permission" => "පරිපාලක වරයා මෙම වරප්රසාදය අක්රිය කොට ඇත!",
"no_permission_ext" => "පරිපාලක ගොනු අවසරයන් මෙම වර්ගය තහනම්",
"dialog_max" => "උපරිම",
"dialog_min" => "අවම",
"dialog_min_all" => "සියලු අවම",
"dialog_display_all" => "කවුළු සියල්ල පෙන්වන්න",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "දණ්ඩ",
"clone" => "පිටපතක් නිර්මාණය",
"cute" => "ෂෙයාර්",
"cute_to" => "කපා ...",
"cute_to" => "වෙත ගෙන යන්න ...",
"copy_to" => "පිටපත් කරන්න ...",
"remove" => "Delete",
"remove_force" => "සම්පූර්ණයෙන් ඉවත්",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "නැවුම් කරන්න බහලුම් වෘක්ෂය",
"manage_folder" => "නාමාවලිය කළමනාකරණ",
"close_menu" => "සමීප මෙනුව",
"zip" => "තැපැල් සම්පීඩන",
"unzip" => "උපුටා ගැනීම සිප් ...",
"zip" => "කිරීමට සම්පීඩිත ...",
"unzip" => "උපුටා ගැනීම ...",
"unzip_folder" => "ෆෝල්ඩරයකට Unzip",
"unzip_this" => "වත්මන් කිරීමට උපුටාගන්න",
"unzip_to" => "උපුටා ගැනීම",
"unzip_to" => "උපුටා ගැනීම ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "එම ගොනුව පෙරදසුනෙහි මෙහෙයුම උපුටා පසුව ලොකු වැඩියි, සහ!",
"clipboard" => "දැක්ම පසුරු පුවරුවට",
"full_screen" => "පූර්ණ තිරය",
"folder_info_item" => "අයිතම",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "ජංගම මෙහෙයුම ...",
"remove_title" => "තහවුරු Delete",
"remove_info" => "තෝරාගත් අයිතමය මකා දැමීමට තහවුරු?",
"remove_title_force" => "සදහටම මකා",
"remove_info_force" => "ඔබ ස්ථිර ලෙස මෙම ලේඛනය මැකීමට අවශ්යද?",
"name_isexists" => "වැරදි, නම දැනටමත් පවතී!",
"install" => "ස්ථාපනය",
"width" => "පළල",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "සාර්ථකත්වය බාගත!",
"download_error" => "බාගත කිරීම අසමත්!",
"download_error_create" => "දෝෂයක් ලියන්න!",
"download_error_exists" => "දුරස්ථ ගොනු නොපවතියි!",
"download_error_exists" => "අසාර්ථක ගොනු සබැඳිය!",
"upload_error_null" => "ගොනුව නැත!",
"upload_error_big" => "ගොනු විශාලත්වය සේවාදායකය සීමාවන් ඉක්මවා",
"upload_error_move" => "ගොනුව ගමන් කිරීම අසාර්ථක විය!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "ගොනු මකා දැමීමට",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "ගොනුව දේපළ",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / සැපයුම අත්හිටුවන / පේස්ට් / රෝධය මෙහෙයුම)",
"group_role_zip" => "තැපැල් සම්පීඩන",
"group_role_unzip" => "තැපැල් unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "සම්පීඩන",
"group_role_unzip" => "Unzip",
"group_role_search" => "සොයන්න",
"group_role_filesave" => "සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ගොනුව සුරකින්න",
"group_role_can_upload" => "අප්ලෝඩින් සහ ඩවුන්ලෝඩින්",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango cloud • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Prihlásiť",
"guest_login" => "sign",
"username" => "užívateľské meno",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kódy",
"need_check_code" => "Vstup autentifikačný kód open",
"login_rember_password" => "zapamätať heslo",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Vysypať kôš pre všetkých užívateľov",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Vyprázdniť vyrovnávaciu pamäť",
"setting_icp" => "Autorských práv alebo číslo záznamu",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom globálne css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Všetky stránky vloží vlastný css",
"setting_global_html" => "Štatistický kód HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Všetky stránky bude vložená do tohto odseku html kód, kód môže byť umiestnený štatistiky tretích strán",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Užívateľské meno a heslo nemôže byť prázdny!",
"code_error" => "chybové kódy",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "upraviť oprávnenie",
"no_permission" => "Administrátor zablokoval túto výsadu!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrátor zakázal tento typ oprávnenia k súborom",
"dialog_max" => "maximalizovať",
"dialog_min" => "minimalizovať",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimalizovať všetky",
"dialog_display_all" => "Zobrazuje všetky okná",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "palicu",
"clone" => "Je možné vytvoriť kópiu",
"cute" => "strihať",
"cute_to" => "Strih na ...",
"cute_to" => "Presunúť do ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopírovať do ...",
"remove" => "vymazať",
"remove_force" => "úplne odstrániť",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Aktualizovať adresárový strom",
"manage_folder" => "Directory management",
"close_menu" => "zavrieť výber",
"zip" => "kompresie zips",
"unzip" => "zip extrahovať ...",
"zip" => "Zatlačený na ...",
"unzip" => "Ak chcete extrahovať ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Rozbalenie súborov do zložky",
"unzip_this" => "Rozbaliť do prúdu",
"unzip_to" => "Ak chcete extrahovať",
"unzip_to" => "Ak chcete extrahovať ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Súbor je príliš veľký, a potom extrahovať náhľad operácia!",
"clipboard" => "výhľad Schránka",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "predmety",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobilná prevádzka ...",
"remove_title" => "zmazať Potvrdenie",
"remove_info" => "Potvrdiť zmazať vybranú položku?",
"remove_title_force" => "trvalo odstránené",
"remove_info_force" => "Naozaj chcete natrvalo zmazať tento dokument?",
"name_isexists" => "Zlé meno už existuje!",
"install" => "inštalovať",
"width" => "šírka",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Na stiahnutie úspech!",
"download_error" => "Stiahnutie zlyhalo!",
"download_error_create" => "Write chyba!",
"download_error_exists" => "Vzdialený súbor neexistuje!",
"download_error_exists" => "Odkaz na súbor zlyhal!",
"upload_error_null" => "Žiadny súbor!",
"upload_error_big" => "Veľkosť súboru prekračuje limit servera",
"upload_error_move" => "Nepodarilo sa presunúť súbor!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "odstránenie súboru",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "vlastnosti súboru",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / drag prevádzka)",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresie zips",
"group_role_unzip" => "zips unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "kompresia",
"group_role_unzip" => "rozopnúť zips",
"group_role_search" => "vyhľadávanie",
"group_role_filesave" => "Uložte súbor upravovať",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Nahrávanie a sťahovanie",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango oblak • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango oblak • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Prijava",
"guest_login" => "Gost Prijava",
"username" => "Uporabniško ime",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kode",
"need_check_code" => "Prijava pristnosti koda odprta",
"login_rember_password" => "Zapomni si geslo",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Izpraznite koš za vse uporabnike",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Izpraznite predpomnilnik",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright ali rekordno število",
"setting_global_css" => "Meri globalno css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Vse strani bo dodala meri CSS",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistični kode HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Vse strani bodo vključene v tem odstavku html kodo, lahko kodo dati statistike tretjih oseb",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Uporabniško ime in geslo ne more biti prazno!",
"code_error" => "kode napak",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "spreminjanje dovoljenj",
"no_permission" => "Administrator je onemogočil ta privilegij!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator prepovedala to vrsto dovoljenja datotek",
"dialog_max" => "Povečajte",
"dialog_min" => "čim bolj zmanjšati",
"dialog_min_all" => "čim bolj zmanjšati vse",
"dialog_display_all" => "Prikaži vsa okna",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "Stick",
"clone" => "Ustvari kopijo",
"cute" => "Shear",
"cute_to" => "Razrezani v ...",
"cute_to" => "Premik k ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopiraj v ...",
"remove" => "Brisanje",
"remove_force" => "popolnoma odstraniti",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Osveži imenik drevo",
"manage_folder" => "Imenik upravljanje",
"close_menu" => "Zapri meni",
"zip" => "stiskanje zip",
"unzip" => "zip citat ...",
"zip" => "Stisnjen k ...",
"unzip" => "Za pridobivanje ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Razširite v mapo",
"unzip_this" => "Izvleček na tok",
"unzip_to" => "za pridobivanje",
"unzip_to" => "Za pridobivanje ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Datoteka je prevelika, lahko potegnemo operacija predogled!",
"clipboard" => "Poglej odložišče",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "predmeti",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobilna uporaba ...",
"remove_title" => "Brisanje Potrditev",
"remove_info" => "Potrdite izbrisati izbrani element?",
"remove_title_force" => "trajno izbrisani",
"remove_info_force" => "Ste prepričani, da želite, da ta dokument trajno izbrisati?",
"name_isexists" => "Narobe, ime že obstaja!",
"install" => "namestitev",
"width" => "širina",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Naložite uspeh!",
"download_error" => "Prenos ni uspel!",
"download_error_create" => "Napiši napake!",
"download_error_exists" => "Oddaljena datoteka ne obstaja!",
"download_error_exists" => "Povezavo do datoteke ni uspelo!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ni datoteke!",
"upload_error_big" => "Velikost datoteke presega omejitve strežnika",
"upload_error_move" => "Ni bilo mogoče premakniti datoteke!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "brisanje datotek",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Lastnosti datotek",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Move (copy / cut / paste / upor delovanje)",
"group_role_zip" => "stiskanje zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "Stiskanje",
"group_role_unzip" => "Razširite",
"group_role_search" => "Iskanje",
"group_role_filesave" => "Shranite datoteko za urejanje",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Nalaganje in nalaganje",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Манго облак • Екплорер",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Манго облак • Екплорер",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "лог ин",
"guest_login" => "Гост Пријава",
"username" => "корисничко име",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "кодови",
"need_check_code" => "Пријава Аутхентицатион Цоде отворен",
"login_rember_password" => "Запамти лозинку",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Испразните корпе за отпатке за све кориснике",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Испразните кеш меморију",
"setting_icp" => "Ауторска права или матични број",
"setting_global_css" => "Цустом глобална ЦСС",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Све странице ће убацити прилагођени ЦСС",
"setting_global_html" => "Статистички ХТМЛ код",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Све странице ће бити убачен у овом ставу хтмл код, код се може поставити статистику независних",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Корисничко име и лозинка не може бити празна!",
"code_error" => "kodovi грешака",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "мјењање",
"no_permission" => "Администратор је онемогућио ту привилегију!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Администратор забранио ову врсту датотека дозвола",
"dialog_max" => "Макимизе",
"dialog_min" => "умањити",
"dialog_min_all" => "минимизира све",
"dialog_display_all" => "Схов све прозоре",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "штап",
"clone" => "Критике копију",
"cute" => "схеар",
"cute_to" => "Исећи на ...",
"cute_to" => "Пређите на ...",
"copy_to" => "Копирај у ...",
"remove" => "избрисати",
"remove_force" => "у потпуности уклонили",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Рефресх стабло",
"manage_folder" => "директоријум за управљање",
"close_menu" => "zatvori мени",
"zip" => "рар компресије",
"unzip" => "рар извући ...",
"zip" => "Компримује на ...",
"unzip" => "За издвајање ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Унзип у фолдер",
"unzip_this" => "Екстракт на струју",
"unzip_to" => "за издвајање",
"unzip_to" => "За издвајање ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Фајл је превелик, а затим екстракт је операција преглед!",
"clipboard" => "Погледај Цлипбоард",
"full_screen" => "фулл сцреен",
"folder_info_item" => "Предмети",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Мобиле операција ...",
"remove_title" => "Потврда брисања",
"remove_info" => "Потврђују да обришете изабрану ставку?",
"remove_title_force" => "трајно избрисан",
"remove_info_force" => "Сте сигурни да желите да трајно избрисати овај документ?",
"name_isexists" => "Погрешно, име већ постоји!",
"install" => "инсталирати",
"width" => "ширина",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Довнлоад Суццесс!",
"download_error" => "Преузимање није успело!",
"download_error_create" => "Врите еррор!",
"download_error_exists" => "Даљински фајл не постоји!",
"download_error_exists" => "Линк то филе фаилед!",
"upload_error_null" => "Но филе!",
"upload_error_big" => "Величина прелази границе сервера",
"upload_error_move" => "Фаилед то мове фајл!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "филе брисање",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Филе Пропертиес",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Мове (копија / цут / пасте / Драг рад)",
"group_role_zip" => "рар компресије",
"group_role_unzip" => "рар унзип",
"group_role_zip" => "компресија",
"group_role_unzip" => "отворити рајсфешлус",
"group_role_search" => "претраживање",
"group_role_filesave" => "Сачувајте датотеку за уређивање",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Уплоадинг и преузимање",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango moln • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango moln • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "logga in",
"guest_login" => "gäst Logga",
"username" => "Användarnamn",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "koder",
"need_check_code" => "Logga autentiseringskoden öppen",
"login_rember_password" => "Kom ihåg lösenord",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Töm papperskorgen för alla användare",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Töm cache",
"setting_icp" => "Upphovsrätt eller rekordstort",
"setting_global_css" => "Anpassad global css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Alla sidor kommer att sätta egna css",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistisk kod HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Alla sidor kommer att införas i denna punkt html-kod, kan koden placeras statistik från tredje part",
"us" => "Segel Network Studios",
"login_not_null" => "Användarnamn och lösenord kan inte vara tomt!",
"code_error" => "felkoder",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "ändra behörigheter",
"no_permission" => "Administratör har inaktiverat detta privilegium!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administratör förbjudit denna typ av filrättigheter",
"dialog_max" => "maximera",
"dialog_min" => "minimera",
"dialog_min_all" => "minimera alla",
"dialog_display_all" => "Visa alla fönster",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "Stick",
"clone" => "Skapa en kopia",
"cute" => "skjuvning",
"cute_to" => "Klipp till ...",
"cute_to" => "Flytta till ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopiera till ...",
"remove" => "Radera",
"remove_force" => "helt ta bort",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Uppdatera katalogträd",
"manage_folder" => "Directory Management",
"close_menu" => "Stäng meny",
"zip" => "ZIP-komprimering",
"unzip" => "zip för att extrahera ...",
"zip" => "Komprimeras till ...",
"unzip" => "För att extrahera ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Zippa upp till en mapp",
"unzip_this" => "Extrahera till den aktuella",
"unzip_to" => "För att extrahera",
"unzip_to" => "För att extrahera ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Filen är för stor, och sedan extrahera förhandsvisning drift!",
"clipboard" => "vy Urklipp",
"full_screen" => "Fullskärm",
"folder_info_item" => "objekt",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobil drift ...",
"remove_title" => "Radera Bekräftelse",
"remove_info" => "Bekräfta att radera det valda objektet?",
"remove_title_force" => "permanent",
"remove_info_force" => "Du säker på att du vill ta bort det här dokumentet?",
"name_isexists" => "Fel, finns namnet redan!",
"install" => "installera",
"width" => "bredd",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Ladda ner framgång!",
"download_error" => "Hämta misslyckades!",
"download_error_create" => "Skrivfel!",
"download_error_exists" => "Fjärrfilen finns inte!",
"download_error_exists" => "Länk till fil misslyckades!",
"upload_error_null" => "Ingen fil!",
"upload_error_big" => "Filstorleken överskrider server gränser",
"upload_error_move" => "Det gick inte att flytta filen!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "borttagning av filer",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Filegenskaper",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Flytta (kopiera / klippa / klistra / dragning)",
"group_role_zip" => "ZIP-komprimering",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "kompression",
"group_role_unzip" => "unzip",
"group_role_search" => "sök",
"group_role_filesave" => "Spara filen för att redigera",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Uppladdning och nedladdning",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "மா மேகம் • எக்ஸ்ப்ளோரர்",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "மா மேகம் • எக்ஸ்ப்ளோரர்",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "உள்நுழைய",
"guest_login" => "விருந்தினர் உள்நுழைவு",
"username" => "பயனர்பெயர்",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "குறியீடுகள்",
"need_check_code" => "தேதி அங்கீகார குறியீடு திறந்த",
"login_rember_password" => "கடவுச்சொல்லை நினைவில்",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "அனைத்து பயனர்களும் மறுசுழற்சி தொட்டிக்கு காலி",
"setting_clear_cache" => "கேச் காலி",
"setting_icp" => "பதிப்புரிமை அல்லது பதிவு எண்",
"setting_global_css" => "விருப்ப உலக CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "அனைத்து பக்கங்கள் விருப்ப CSS நுழைக்கும்",
"setting_global_html" => "புள்ளி HTML ஆல்",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "அனைத்து பக்கங்கள் இந்த பத்தி HTML குறியீடு உள்ள செருகிய வேண்டும், குறியீடு மூன்றாம் தரப்பு புள்ளி வைக்கப்படும்",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "பயனர்பெயர் மற்றும் பாஸ்வேர்டு வெறுமையாக இருக்க முடியாது!",
"code_error" => "பிழை குறியீடுகள்",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "அனுமதிகளை மாற்று",
"no_permission" => "நிர்வாகி இந்த சலுகை முடக்கியுள்ளது!",
"no_permission_ext" => "நிர்வாகி கோப்பு அனுமதிகளை இந்த வகை தடை",
"dialog_max" => "பெருக்குங்கள்",
"dialog_min" => "குறைத்தல்",
"dialog_min_all" => "அனைத்து குறைத்தல்",
"dialog_display_all" => "எல்லா சாளரங்களையும் காட்டாது",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "ஸ்டிக்",
"clone" => "நகலை உருவாக்கு",
"cute" => "பெயர்ச்சி",
"cute_to" => "வெட்டி ...",
"cute_to" => "நகர்த்து ...",
"copy_to" => "நகலெடு ...",
"remove" => "நீக்கு",
"remove_force" => "முற்றிலும் நீக்க",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "புதுப்பிப்பு அடைவு கிளை",
"manage_folder" => "ஏற்கனவே மேலாண்மை",
"close_menu" => "மூடு பட்டி",
"zip" => "ZIP சுருக்க",
"unzip" => "பிரித்தெடுக்க ZIP ...",
"zip" => "அழுத்தப்பட்ட ...",
"unzip" => "பிரித்தெடுக்க ...",
"unzip_folder" => "ஒரு கோப்புறையில் விரிவாக்கு",
"unzip_this" => "தற்போதைய பிரித்தெடுக்க",
"unzip_to" => "பிரித்தெடுக்க",
"unzip_to" => "பிரித்தெடுக்க ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "கோப்பு மிகவும் பெரியது, பின்னர் முன்னோட்ட அறுவை சிகிச்சை பெறுவதற்கு!",
"clipboard" => "காண்க பிடிப்புபலகை",
"full_screen" => "முழு திரை",
"folder_info_item" => "பொருட்கள்",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "மொபைல் செயல்பாடு ...",
"remove_title" => "உறுதிப்படுத்தல் நீக்கு",
"remove_info" => "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட உருப்படியை அழிக்க உறுதிப்படுத்து?",
"remove_title_force" => "நிரந்தரமாக நீக்கப்படும்",
"remove_info_force" => "இதை நிரந்தரமாக இந்த ஆவணம் நீக்க வேண்டுமா?",
"name_isexists" => "தவறான, பெயர் ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது!",
"install" => "நிறுவ",
"width" => "அகலம்",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "வெற்றி பதிவிறக்க!",
"download_error" => "பதிவிறக்கம் தோல்வியுற்றது!",
"download_error_create" => "எழுதுவதில் பிழை!",
"download_error_exists" => "தொலை கோப்பு இல்லை!",
"download_error_exists" => "இணைப்பு தோல்வி தாக்கல் செய்ய!",
"upload_error_null" => "கோப்பு இல்லை!",
"upload_error_big" => "கோப்பின் அளவு சர்வர் வரம்பு",
"upload_error_move" => "கோப்பு நகர்த்த தோல்வி!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "கோப்பு நீக்கம்",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "கோப்பு தன்மைகள்",
"group_role_pathmove" => "மூவ் (நகல் / வெட்டு / ஒட்டவும் / இழுப்பு இயக்கம்)",
"group_role_zip" => "ZIP சுருக்க",
"group_role_unzip" => "ZIP விரிவாக்கு",
"group_role_zip" => "சுருக்க",
"group_role_unzip" => "விரிவாக்கு",
"group_role_search" => "தேடல்",
"group_role_filesave" => "திருத்த கோப்பு சேமிக்க",
"group_role_can_upload" => "ஏற்றி பதிவிறக்கத்தை",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "มะม่วงเมฆ• Explorer ที่",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "มะม่วงเมฆ• Explorer ที่",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
"guest_login" => "บุคคลทั่วไปเข้าสู่ระบบ",
"username" => "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "รหัส",
"need_check_code" => "รหัสรับรองความถูกต้องเข้าสู่ระบบเปิด",
"login_rember_password" => "จำรหัสผ่าน",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "ล้างถังรีไซเคิลสำหรับผู้ใช้ทั้งหมด",
"setting_clear_cache" => "ล้างแคช",
"setting_icp" => "ลิขสิทธิ์หรือบันทึกหมายเลข",
"setting_global_css" => "CSS ทั่วโลกที่กำหนดเอง",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "หน้าทั้งหมดจะแทรก CSS ที่กำหนดเอง",
"setting_global_html" => "สถิติ HTML code",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "หน้าทั้งหมดจะถูกแทรกในโค้ด html วรรคนี้รหัสสามารถวางสถิติของบุคคลที่สาม",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "ชื่อผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่านไม่สามารถว่างเปล่า!",
"code_error" => "รหัสข้อผิดพลาด",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "ปรับเปลี่ยนสิทธิ์",
"no_permission" => "ผู้ดูแลระบบได้สิทธิพิเศษนี้!",
"no_permission_ext" => "ผู้ดูแลระบบต้องห้ามประเภทของสิทธิ์ของแฟ้มนี้",
"dialog_max" => "เพิ่ม",
"dialog_min" => "ลด",
"dialog_min_all" => "ลดทั้งหมด",
"dialog_display_all" => "แสดงหน้าต่างทั้งหมด",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "ติด",
"clone" => "สร้างสำเนา",
"cute" => "ตัด",
"cute_to" => "ตัดไป ...",
"cute_to" => "ย้ายไป ...",
"copy_to" => "คัดลอกไป ...",
"remove" => "ลบ",
"remove_force" => "สมบูรณ์ลบ",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "ต้นไม้ไดเรกทอรีรีเฟรช",
"manage_folder" => "Directory จัดการ",
"close_menu" => "ปิดเมนู",
"zip" => "การบีบอัดไปรษณีย์",
"unzip" => "ไปรษณีย์เพื่อดึง ...",
"zip" => "บีบอัดเพื่อ ...",
"unzip" => "เพื่อดึง ...",
"unzip_folder" => "เปิดเครื่องรูดไปยังโฟลเดอร์",
"unzip_this" => "สารสกัดจากปัจจุบัน",
"unzip_to" => "เพื่อดึง",
"unzip_to" => "เพื่อดึง ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "ไฟล์ที่มีขนาดใหญ่เกินไปแล้วแยกการดำเนินงานการแสดงตัวอย่าง!",
"clipboard" => "ดูคลิปบอร์ด",
"full_screen" => "เต็มหน้าจอ",
"folder_info_item" => "รายการ",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "การดำเนินงานโทรศัพท์มือถือ ...",
"remove_title" => "ลบการยืนยัน",
"remove_info" => "ยืนยันการลบรายการที่เลือก?",
"remove_title_force" => "ลบออกอย่างถาวร",
"remove_info_force" => "คุณแน่ใจหรือว่าต้องการลบเอกสารนี้อย่างถาวร",
"name_isexists" => "ผิดชื่อที่มีอยู่แล้ว!",
"install" => "ติดตั้ง",
"width" => "ความกว้าง",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "ดาวน์โหลดสำเร็จ!",
"download_error" => "ดาวน์โหลดล้มเหลว!",
"download_error_create" => "เขียนข้อผิดพลาด!",
"download_error_exists" => "ไฟล์ระยะไกลไม่อยู่!",
"download_error_exists" => "ลิงก์ไปยังไฟล์ล้มเหลว!",
"upload_error_null" => "ไม่มีไฟล์!",
"upload_error_big" => "ขนาดไฟล์เกินขีด จำกัด ของเซิร์ฟเวอร์",
"upload_error_move" => "ล้มเหลวในการย้ายไฟล์!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "การลบไฟล์",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "คุณสมบัติของไฟล์",
"group_role_pathmove" => "ย้าย (คัดลอก / ตัด / วาง / ลากการทำงาน)",
"group_role_zip" => "การบีบอัดไปรษณีย์",
"group_role_unzip" => "เครื่องรูดซิป",
"group_role_zip" => "การอัด",
"group_role_unzip" => "เปิดเครื่องรูด",
"group_role_search" => "ค้นหา",
"group_role_filesave" => "บันทึกไฟล์ที่จะแก้ไข",
"group_role_can_upload" => "การอัพโหลดและดาวน์โหลด",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango bulut • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango bulut • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "login",
"guest_login" => "Misafir Burcu",
"username" => "Kullanıcı adı",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kodlar",
"need_check_code" => "Giriş kimlik doğrulama kodu açık",
"login_rember_password" => "Şifremi hatırla",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "tüm kullanıcılar için geri dönüşüm kutusu boş",
"setting_clear_cache" => "önbelleği boşaltın",
"setting_icp" => "Telif veya kayıt numarası",
"setting_global_css" => "Özel küresel css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Tüm sayfalar özel css ekleyecektir",
"setting_global_html" => "İstatistiksel kod HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Tüm sayfalar Bu paragraf html kodu eklenecektir, kod üçüncü taraf istatistiklerini yerleştirilebilir",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Kullanıcı adı ve şifre boş olamaz!",
"code_error" => "hata kodları",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "İzinleri değiştirmek",
"no_permission" => "Yönetici bu ayrıcalığı devre dışı bırakmıştır!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Yönetici dosya izinlerini bu tür yasaklandı",
"dialog_max" => "maksimuma çıkarmak",
"dialog_min" => "küçültmek",
"dialog_min_all" => "tüm Minimize",
"dialog_display_all" => "Tüm pencereleri göster",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "sopa",
"clone" => "Bir kopyasını oluşturma",
"cute" => "makaslama",
"cute_to" => "Kes ...",
"cute_to" => "Taşı ...",
"copy_to" => "Kopyala ...",
"remove" => "silmek",
"remove_force" => "tamamen kaldırmak",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Yenile dizin ağacı",
"manage_folder" => "Dizin Yönetimi",
"close_menu" => "yakın menü",
"zip" => "zip sıkıştırma",
"unzip" => "zip ayıklamak için ...",
"zip" => "sıkıştırılmış ...",
"unzip" => "ayıklamak için ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Bir klasöre unzip",
"unzip_this" => "akıma Özü",
"unzip_to" => "ayıklamak için",
"unzip_to" => "ayıklamak için ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "dosya çok büyük, ve sonra önizleme işlemi ayıklamak!",
"clipboard" => "Görünüm Pano",
"full_screen" => "tam Ekran",
"folder_info_item" => "Öğeler",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobil işletim ...",
"remove_title" => "silme Onayı",
"remove_info" => "Seçilen öğeyi silmek için Onayla?",
"remove_title_force" => "kalıcı olarak silinir",
"remove_info_force" => "Emin kalıcı bu belgeyi silmek istediğinizden?",
"name_isexists" => "Yanlış, adı zaten mevcut!",
"install" => "kurmak",
"width" => "genişlik",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Başarı indirin!",
"download_error" => "İndir Başarısız!",
"download_error_create" => "Yazma hatası!",
"download_error_exists" => "Uzaktan dosya yok!",
"download_error_exists" => "Bağlantı başarısız dosyası için!",
"upload_error_null" => "Hiçbir dosya!",
"upload_error_big" => "Dosya boyutu sunucu sınırlarını aşıyor",
"upload_error_move" => "Dosya taşıma başarısız!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "dosya silme",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "dosya Özellikleri",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Taşı (kopyala / kes / yapıştır / sürükleme işlemi)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip sıkıştırma",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "sıkıştırma",
"group_role_unzip" => "halletmek",
"group_role_search" => "arama",
"group_role_filesave" => "düzenlemek için dosyayı kaydedin",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Yükleme ve indirme",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Манго хмара • Провідник",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Манго хмара • Провідник",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "увійти",
"guest_login" => "Гість Вхід",
"username" => "ім'я користувача",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "коди",
"need_check_code" => "Код аутентифікації увійти з відкритим",
"login_rember_password" => "Запам'ятати пароль",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Порожні кошики для всіх користувачів",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Очистити кеш",
"setting_icp" => "Авторське право або номер запису",
"setting_global_css" => "Призначені для користувача глобальні CSS",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Всі сторінки будуть вставляти призначені для користувача CSS",
"setting_global_html" => "Статистичний код HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Всі сторінки будуть вставлені в цьому пункті HTML коді, код може бути поміщена статистика сторонньої",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Ім'я користувача і пароль не може бути порожнім!",
"code_error" => "коди помилок",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "зміна дозволів",
"no_permission" => "Адміністратор вимкнув цей привілей!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Адміністратор заборонив цей тип прав доступу до файлів",
"dialog_max" => "максимізувати",
"dialog_min" => "мінімізувати",
"dialog_min_all" => "Згорнути все",
"dialog_display_all" => "Показати всі вікна",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "палиця",
"clone" => "створити копію",
"cute" => "ножиці",
"cute_to" => "Вирізати, щоб ...",
"cute_to" => "Перемістити в ...",
"copy_to" => "Копіювати в ...",
"remove" => "видаляти",
"remove_force" => "повністю видалити",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Оновити дерево каталогів",
"manage_folder" => "управління каталогом",
"close_menu" => "Закрити меню",
"zip" => "стиснення ZIP",
"unzip" => "застібка-блискавка для вилучення ...",
"zip" => "Стиснутий, щоб ...",
"unzip" => "Щоб витягти ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Розпакувати в папку",
"unzip_this" => "Витримка току",
"unzip_to" => "Для того, щоб витягти",
"unzip_to" => "Щоб витягти ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Файл занадто великий, а потім витягти операцію попереднього перегляду!",
"clipboard" => "Перегляд буфера обміну",
"full_screen" => "повний екран",
"folder_info_item" => "предмети",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Мобільна робота ...",
"remove_title" => "підтвердження видалення",
"remove_info" => "Підтвердити, щоб вилучити вибрані елементи?",
"remove_title_force" => "постійно видалений",
"remove_info_force" => "Ви впевнені, що хочете назавжди видалити цей документ?",
"name_isexists" => "Неправильно, ім'я вже існує!",
"install" => "встановлювати",
"width" => "ширина",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Завантажити Вийшло!",
"download_error" => "Помилка завантаження!",
"download_error_create" => "Не вдалося записати!",
"download_error_exists" => "Віддалений файл не існує!",
"download_error_exists" => "Посилання на файл не вдалося!",
"upload_error_null" => "Немає файлу!",
"upload_error_big" => "Розмір файлу перевищує межі сервера",
"upload_error_move" => "Чи не вдалося перемістити файл!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "видалення файлу",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "властивості файлу",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Перемістити (копіювати / вирізати / вставити / перетягування операції)",
"group_role_zip" => "стиснення ZIP",
"group_role_unzip" => "ZIP розпакувати",
"group_role_zip" => "компресія",
"group_role_unzip" => "розстебнути блискавку",
"group_role_search" => "пошук",
"group_role_filesave" => "Збережіть файл для редагування",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Завантаження і скачування",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango bulut • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - KodExplorer by",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango bulut • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Kirish",
"guest_login" => "mehmon Ro'yxatdan",
"username" => "Foydalanuvchi nomi",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "kodlari",
"need_check_code" => "Kirish autentifikatsiya kodi ochiq",
"login_rember_password" => "Parolni eslash",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "barcha foydalanuvchilar uchun Qayta ishlab chiqarish",
"setting_clear_cache" => "keshni tozalash",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright yoki rekord soni",
"setting_global_css" => "Custom global css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Barcha sahifalar o'rganish CSS chiqadi",
"setting_global_html" => "Statistik kodi HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Barcha sahifalar, bu paragraf html kodi joylashtirilgan bo'ladi, kodi uchinchi tomon statistika joylashtirilishi mumkin",
"us" => "Yelkan Network Studios",
"login_not_null" => "Login va parol bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas!",
"code_error" => "xato kodlari",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "turishni o'zgartirish",
"no_permission" => "Administrator, bu sharafga o'chirib qo'ygan!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Administrator fayl ruxsatini bu turini taqiqlangan",
"dialog_max" => "Ushbu bo'limda izlash",
"dialog_min" => "kamaytirish",
"dialog_min_all" => "barcha kamaytirish",
"dialog_display_all" => "Barcha oyna ko'rsatish",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "tayoq",
"clone" => "nusxasini yaratish",
"cute" => "qirqtirmoq",
"cute_to" => "uchun kesib ...",
"cute_to" => "ko'chib ...",
"copy_to" => "Nusxa ko'chirish uchun ...",
"remove" => "o'chirish",
"remove_force" => "butunlay olib tashlash",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "Refresh katalog daraxt",
"manage_folder" => "Directory Management",
"close_menu" => "Yopish menyu",
"zip" => "zip siqishni",
"unzip" => "zip olish uchun ...",
"zip" => "uchun siqilgan ...",
"unzip" => "chiqarib olish uchun ...",
"unzip_folder" => "papkaga unzip",
"unzip_this" => "toki bilan chiqarib",
"unzip_to" => "chiqarib olish uchun",
"unzip_to" => "chiqarib olish uchun ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Fayl juda katta, keyin oldindan ko'rish operatsiya chiqarib!",
"clipboard" => "View Clipboard",
"full_screen" => "to'liq ekran",
"folder_info_item" => "mahsulot",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "Mobile operatsiya ...",
"remove_title" => "Confirmation o'chirish",
"remove_info" => "Tanlangan elementni o'chirish uchun tasdiqlang?",
"remove_title_force" => "butunlay o'chiriladi",
"remove_info_force" => "Siz ishonch hosil doimiy bu hujjatni o'chirishni istaysizmi?",
"name_isexists" => "Noto'g'ri, nomi allaqachon mavjud!",
"install" => "o'rnatmoq",
"width" => "eng",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Muvaffaqiyati yuklab oling!",
"download_error" => "Download amalga oshmadi!",
"download_error_create" => "Yozish xatosi!",
"download_error_exists" => "Masofadan fayl mavjud emas!",
"download_error_exists" => "Link muvaffaqiyatsiz faylga!",
"upload_error_null" => "No fayl!",
"upload_error_big" => "Fayl hajmi server isrofchi",
"upload_error_move" => "Faylni ko'chirish bo'lmadi!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "Fayl o'chirish",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "Fayl xususiyatlari",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Ko'chirish (nusxa / qism / pasta / drag operatsiya)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip siqishni",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip unzip",
"group_role_zip" => "siqish",
"group_role_unzip" => "unzip",
"group_role_search" => "Qidiruv",
"group_role_filesave" => "tartibga solish uchun faylni saqlash",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Yuklab olish va yuklab olish",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "Mango đám mây • Explorer",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "Mango đám mây • Explorer",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "Đăng nhập",
"guest_login" => "khách Đăng nhập",
"username" => "Tên đăng nhập",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "Codes",
"need_check_code" => "mã xác thực đăng nhập mở",
"login_rember_password" => "Ghi nhớ mật khẩu",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "Làm trống thùng rác cho tất cả người dùng",
"setting_clear_cache" => "Empty cache",
"setting_icp" => "Copyright hoặc hồ sơ số",
"setting_global_css" => "css tùy chỉnh toàn cầu",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "Tất cả các trang sẽ chèn tùy chỉnh css",
"setting_global_html" => "HTML code thống kê",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "Tất cả các trang sẽ được chèn vào trong mã html đoạn này, các mã có thể được đặt thống kê của bên thứ ba",
"us" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login_not_null" => "Tên người dùng và mật khẩu không thể để trống!",
"code_error" => "mã lỗi",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "Sửa Quyền",
"no_permission" => "Quản trị viên đã vô hiệu hóa quyền này!",
"no_permission_ext" => "Quản trị viên cấm kiểu này cho phép file",
"dialog_max" => "phát huy tối đa",
"dialog_min" => "Giảm thiểu",
"dialog_min_all" => "Thu nhỏ tất cả",
"dialog_display_all" => "Hiện tất cả các cửa sổ",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "gậy",
"clone" => "Tạo một bản sao",
"cute" => "cắt",
"cute_to" => "Cắt đến ...",
"cute_to" => "Di chuyển đến ...",
"copy_to" => "Sao chép đến ...",
"remove" => "xóa bỏ",
"remove_force" => "Loại bỏ hoàn toàn",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "cây thư mục Refresh",
"manage_folder" => "Quản lý thư mục",
"close_menu" => "Đóng đơn",
"zip" => "nén zip",
"unzip" => "zip để giải nén ...",
"zip" => "Nén để ...",
"unzip" => "Để trích xuất ...",
"unzip_folder" => "Giải nén vào một thư mục",
"unzip_this" => "Giải nén vào hiện tại",
"unzip_to" => "để trích xuất",
"unzip_to" => "Để trích xuất ...",
"zipview_file_big" => "Các tập tin là quá lớn, và sau đó trích xuất các hoạt động xem trước!",
"clipboard" => "Xem Clipboard",
"full_screen" => "Full Screen",
"folder_info_item" => "mục",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "hoạt động điện thoại di động ...",
"remove_title" => "xóa xác nhận",
"remove_info" => "Xác nhận để xóa các mục đã chọn?",
"remove_title_force" => "xóa vĩnh viễn",
"remove_info_force" => "Bạn có chắc muốn xóa vĩnh viễn tài liệu này?",
"name_isexists" => "Sai, cái tên đã tồn tại!",
"install" => "đặt",
"width" => "chiều rộng",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "Tải về thành công!",
"download_error" => "Tải về thất bại!",
"download_error_create" => "Viết lỗi!",
"download_error_exists" => "tập tin từ xa không tồn tại!",
"download_error_exists" => "Liên kết đến tập tin không thành công!",
"upload_error_null" => "Không có tập tin!",
"upload_error_big" => "Kích thước vượt quá giới hạn máy chủ",
"upload_error_move" => "Không thể di chuyển tập tin!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "xóa tập tin",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "tập tin thuộc tính",
"group_role_pathmove" => "Di chuyển (copy / cắt / dán / kéo hoạt động)",
"group_role_zip" => "nén zip",
"group_role_unzip" => "giải nén zip",
"group_role_zip" => "nén",
"group_role_unzip" => "không mở",
"group_role_search" => "tìm kiếm",
"group_role_filesave" => "Lưu các tập tin để chỉnh sửa",
"group_role_can_upload" => "Tải lên và tải xuống",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "芒果云•资源管理器",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "芒果云•资源管理器",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "登录",
"guest_login" => "游客登录",
"username" => "用户名",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "验证码",
"need_check_code" => "登陆验证码开启",
"login_rember_password" => "记住密码",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "清空所有用户回收站",
"setting_clear_cache" => "清空缓存",
"setting_icp" => "版权或备案号",
"setting_global_css" => "自定义全局css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "所有页面将会插入自定义css",
"setting_global_html" => "统计代码 HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "所有页面将插入此段html代码,可以放置第三方统计代码",
"us" => "千帆网络工作室",
"login_not_null" => "用户名密码不能为空!",
"code_error" => "验证码错误",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "修改权限",
"no_permission" => "管理员禁止了此权限!",
"no_permission_ext" => "管理员禁止了该类型文件权限",
"dialog_max" => "最大化",
"dialog_min" => "最小化",
"dialog_min_all" => "最小化所有",
"dialog_display_all" => "显示所有窗口",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "粘贴",
"clone" => "创建副本",
"cute" => "剪切",
"cute_to" => "剪切到...",
"cute_to" => "移动到...",
"copy_to" => "复制到...",
"remove" => "删除",
"remove_force" => "彻底删除",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "刷新树目录",
"manage_folder" => "管理目录",
"close_menu" => "关闭菜单",
"zip" => "zip压缩",
"unzip" => "zip解压到...",
"zip" => "压缩到...",
"unzip" => "解压到...",
"unzip_folder" => "解压到文件夹",
"unzip_this" => "解压到当前",
"unzip_to" => "解压到",
"unzip_to" => "解压到...",
"zipview_file_big" => "该文件太大,请解压后再进行预览操作!",
"clipboard" => "查看剪贴板",
"full_screen" => "全屏",
"folder_info_item" => "个项目",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "移动操作中...",
"remove_title" => "删除确认",
"remove_info" => "确认删除选中内容吗?",
"remove_title_force" => "永久删除",
"remove_info_force" => "确定要永久删除此文档吗?",
"name_isexists" => "出错了,该名称已存在!",
"install" => "安装",
"width" => "宽",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "下载成功!",
"download_error" => "下载失败!",
"download_error_create" => "写入出错!",
"download_error_exists" => "远程文件不存在!",
"download_error_exists" => "链接到文件失败!",
"upload_error_null" => "没有文件!",
"upload_error_big" => "文件大小超过服务器限制",
"upload_error_move" => "移动文件失败!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "文件删除",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "文件属性",
"group_role_pathmove" => "移动(复制/剪切/粘贴/拖拽操作)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip压缩",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip解压",
"group_role_zip" => "压缩",
"group_role_unzip" => "解压",
"group_role_search" => "搜索",
"group_role_filesave" => "编辑保存文件",
"group_role_can_upload" => "上传下载",
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ return array(
"kod_name_desc" => "芒果雲•資源管理器",
"kod_power_by" => " - Powered by KodExplorer",
"kod_name_copyright" => "芒果雲•資源管理器",
"kod_meta_name" => "KodExplorer",
"kod_meta_keywords" => "kod,KodExplorer,webos,webIDE,php filemanage,filemanage,芒果云",
"kod_meta_copyright" => "kalcaddle.com",
"login" => "登錄",
"guest_login" => "遊客登錄",
"username" => "用護名",
@ -251,6 +254,13 @@ return array(
"login_code" => "驗證碼",
"need_check_code" => "登錄驗證碼开启",
"login_rember_password" => "記住密碼",
"setting_clear_user_recycle" => "清空所有用戶回收站",
"setting_clear_cache" => "清空緩存",
"setting_icp" => "版權或備案號",
"setting_global_css" => "自定義全局css",
"setting_global_css_desc" => "所有頁面將會插入自定義css",
"setting_global_html" => "統計代碼 HTML",
"setting_global_html_desc" => "所有頁面將插入此段html代碼,可以放置第三方統計代碼",
"us" => "千帆網路工作室",
"login_not_null" => "用護名密碼不能為空!",
"code_error" => "驗證碼錯誤",
@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ return array(
"permission_edit" => "修改權限",
"no_permission" => "您無此權限!",
"no_permission_ext" => "您無該類型檔案權限",
"dialog_max" => "最大化",
"dialog_min" => "最小化",
"dialog_min_all" => "最小化所有",
"dialog_display_all" => "顯示所有窗口",
@ -306,7 +317,7 @@ return array(
"past" => "粘貼",
"clone" => "創建副本",
"cute" => "剪切",
"cute_to" => "剪切到...",
"cute_to" => "移動到...",
"copy_to" => "複製到...",
"remove" => "刪除",
"remove_force" => "徹底刪除",
@ -328,11 +339,12 @@ return array(
"refresh_tree" => "刷新樹目錄",
"manage_folder" => "管理目錄",
"close_menu" => "關閉菜單",
"zip" => "zip壓縮",
"unzip" => "zip解壓到...",
"zip" => "壓縮到...",
"unzip" => "解壓到...",
"unzip_folder" => "解壓到檔案夹",
"unzip_this" => "解壓到当前",
"unzip_to" => "解压到",
"unzip_to" => "解壓到...",
"zipview_file_big" => "該文件太大,請解壓後再進行預覽操作!",
"clipboard" => "查看剪貼板",
"full_screen" => "全屏",
"folder_info_item" => "个项目",
@ -344,6 +356,8 @@ return array(
"moving" => "移動操作中...",
"remove_title" => "刪除確認",
"remove_info" => "確認刪除選中內容嗎?",
"remove_title_force" => "永久刪除",
"remove_info_force" => "確定要永久刪除此文檔嗎?",
"name_isexists" => "出錯了,該名稱已存在!",
"install" => "安裝",
"width" => "寬",
@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ return array(
"download_success" => "下載成功!",
"download_error" => "下載失敗!",
"download_error_create" => "寫入出錯!",
"download_error_exists" => "遠程檔不存!",
"download_error_exists" => "鏈接到文件失敗!",
"upload_error_null" => "無檔!",
"upload_error_big" => "檔大小超過伺服器限制",
"upload_error_move" => "移動檔失敗!",
@ -515,8 +529,8 @@ return array(
"group_role_pathdelete" => "文件刪除",
"group_role_pathinfo" => "文件屬性",
"group_role_pathmove" => "移動(複製/剪切/粘貼/拖拽操作)",
"group_role_zip" => "zip壓縮",
"group_role_unzip" => "zip解壓",
"group_role_zip" => "壓縮",
"group_role_unzip" => "解壓",
"group_role_search" => "搜尋",
"group_role_filesave" => "編輯儲存檔",
"group_role_can_upload" => "上傳下載",
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ $config['settings'] = array(
'download_url_time' => 0, //下载地址生效时间,按秒计算,0代表不限制,默认不限制
'api_login_tonken' => '', //设定则认为开启服务端api通信登陆,同时作为加密密匙
'updload_chunk_size'=> 1024*1024*0.8,//0.8M;分片上传大小设定
'param_rewrite' => false,
'param_rewrite' => false, //开启url 去除? 直接跟参数
'csrf_protect' => true, //开启csrf保护
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ $config['setting_system_default'] = array(
'first_in' => "explorer", // 登录后默认进入[explorer desktop,editor]
'version_type' => "A",
'desktop_folder' => 'desktop', //桌面文件夹别名
'new_user_app' => "365日历,pptv直播,ps,qq音乐,搜狐影视,时钟,天气,水果忍者,计算器,豆瓣电台,音悦台,icloud",
'new_user_folder' => "document,desktop,pictures,music",
'new_group_folder' => "share,doc,pictures" //新建分组默认建立文件夹
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ $config['setting_default'] = array(
'animate_open' => "1", // dialog动画
'sound_open' => "0", // 操作音效
'theme' => "win10", // app theme [mac,win7,win10,metro,metro_green,alpha]
'wall' => "2", // wall picture
'wall' => "8", // wall picture
"file_repeat" => "replace", // rename,replace,skip
"recycle_open" => "1", // 1 | 0 代表是否开启
'resize_config' =>
@ -127,18 +129,19 @@ $config['setting_menu_default'] = array(
$config['role_setting'] = array(
'explorer' => array(
'app' => array('user_app','init_app','add','edit','del'),//
'user' => array('changePassword','common_js'),//可以设立公用账户
'editor' => array('fileGet','fileSave'),
'userShare' => array('set','del'),
'setting' => array('set','system_setting','php_info'),
'setting' => array('set','system_setting','php_info','system_tools'),
'fav' => array('add','del','edit'),
'system_member' => array('get','add','do_action','edit'),
'system_member' => array('get','add','edit','do_action'),
'system_group' => array('get','add','del','edit'),
'system_role' => array('add','del','edit'),//不开放此功能设置【避免扩展名修改,导致系统安全问题】
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ class app extends Controller{
foreach ($default as $key) {
$info[$key] = $list[$key];
$desktop = iconv_system(user_home_path($user_info).'desktop/');
$desktop = iconv_system(HOME.DESKTOP_FOLDER.'/');
if($GLOBALS['is_root'] == 1){
$desktop = iconv_system(MYHOME.DESKTOP_FOLDER.'/');
@ -25,13 +25,11 @@ class desktop extends Controller{
$desktop = iconv_system(HOME.'desktop/');
if ($GLOBALS['is_root']) {
$desktop = iconv_system(MYHOME.'desktop/');
if (!file_exists($desktop)) {
$desktop = iconv_system(HOME.DESKTOP_FOLDER.'/');
if($GLOBALS['is_root'] == 1){
$desktop = iconv_system(MYHOME.DESKTOP_FOLDER.'/');
@ -45,17 +45,25 @@ class editor extends Controller{
// 获取文件数据
public function fileGet(){
if (!file_exists($filename)){
$display_name = $this->in['name'];
$filepath = $this->in['file_url'].'&access_token='.access_token_get();
$display_name = rawurldecode($this->in['filename']);
$filepath =_DIR($this->in['filename']);
if (!file_exists($filepath)){
if (!path_readable($filepath)){
if (filesize($filepath) >= 1024*1024*20){
if (!path_readable($filename)){
if (filesize($filename) >= 1024*1024*40) show_json($this->L['edit_too_big'],false);
if ($charset!='' &&
$charset!='utf-8' &&
@ -63,9 +71,9 @@ class editor extends Controller{
$data = array(
'ext' => get_path_ext($filename),
'name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($filename)),
'filename' => rawurldecode($this->in['filename']),
'ext' => get_path_ext($display_name),
'name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($display_name)),
'filename' => $display_name,
'charset' => $charset,
'base64' => false,
'content' => $filecontents
@ -14,7 +14,16 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
$this->tpl = TEMPLATE.'explorer/';
$this->user = $_SESSION['kod_user'];
if (isset($this->in['path'])) {
$path_from_not_check = array('explorer:unzip');
$path_from_not_check_flag = in_array(ST.':'.ACT,$path_from_not_check);
$GLOBALS['path_from_auth_check'] = true;
$this->path = _DIR($this->in['path']);
$GLOBALS['path_from_auth_check'] = false;
@ -34,7 +43,8 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
//system virtual folder;
private function check_system_path(){
if( $GLOBALS['path_type'] == KOD_USER_SHARE &&
@ -52,7 +62,7 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function pathInfo(){
$info_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$info_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
@ -93,7 +103,7 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function pathChmod(){
$info_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$info_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
@ -572,15 +582,16 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
return $group_list;
public function pathDelete(){
$list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$user_recycle = iconv_system(USER_RECYCLE);
if (!is_dir($user_recycle)){
$remove_to_recycle = $this->config['user']['recycle_open'];
if(!path_writeable($user_recycle) ||
$remove_to_recycle = '0';
@ -629,7 +640,7 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
private function clearTemp(){
private function _clear_temp(){
$path = iconv_system(USER_TEMP);
$time = @filemtime($path);
if(time() - $time > 600){//10min without updload
@ -640,17 +651,17 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function pathDeleteRecycle(){
$user_recycle = iconv_system(USER_RECYCLE);
if (!del_dir($user_recycle)) {
$list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$success = 0;$error = 0;
foreach ($list as $val) {
$path_full = _DIR($val['path']);
@ -674,14 +685,14 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function pathCopy(){
session_start();//re start
$the_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$the_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$_SESSION['path_copy']= json_encode($the_list);
public function pathCute(){
session_start();//re start
$the_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$the_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
foreach ($the_list as $key => &$value) {
$value['path'] = rawurldecode($value['path']);
@ -691,7 +702,7 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function pathCuteDrag(){
$clipboard = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$clipboard = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$before_path_type = $GLOBALS['path_type'];
$before_path_id = $GLOBALS['path_id'];
@ -728,7 +739,7 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function pathCopyDrag(){
$clipboard = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$clipboard = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$before_path_type = $GLOBALS['path_type'];
$before_path_id = $GLOBALS['path_id'];
@ -868,10 +879,8 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function zip($zip_path=''){
$zip_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$zip_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$list_num = count($zip_list);
$files = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $list_num; $i++) {
@ -884,6 +893,12 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
//to type
$file_type = 'zip';
$file_type = $this->in['fileType'];
$basic_path = $zip_path;
if ($zip_path==''){
@ -898,28 +913,14 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
$zipname = $basic_path.$path_this_name.'.zip';
$zipname = $basic_path.$path_this_name.'.'.$file_type;
$zipname = get_filename_auto($zipname,'',$this->config['user']['file_repeat']);
$archive = new PclZip($zipname);
foreach ($files as $key =>$val) {
$remove_path_pre = _DIR_CLEAR(get_path_father($val));
if($key ==0){
$v_list = $archive->create($val,
$v_list = $archive->add($val,
$result = kodArchive::create($zipname,$files);
if ($v_list == 0) {
if ($result == 0) {
show_json("Create error!",false);
$info = $this->L['zip_success'].$this->L['size'].":".size_format(filesize($zipname));
@ -930,42 +931,53 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function unzip(){
$name = get_path_this($path);
$name = substr($name,0,strrpos($name,'.'));
$ext = get_path_ext($path);
$unzip_to_add = '';
$unzip_to = get_path_father($path);
if (isset($this->in['path_to'])) {//解压到指定位置
}else if (isset($this->in['path_to'])) {//解压到指定位置
$unzip_to = _DIR($this->in['path_to']);
$unzip_to_add = $name;
if (!path_writeable(get_path_father($path))){
if (!path_writeable($unzip_to)){
$unzip_to = $unzip_to.$unzip_to_add;
$zip = new PclZip($path);
$result = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH,$unzip_to,
if ($result == 0) {
show_json("Error : ".$zip->errorInfo(true),fasle);
$unzip_part = '-1';
$unzip_part = $this->in['unzip_part'];
$result = kodArchive::extract($path,$unzip_to,$unzip_part);
if (!$result['code']) {
show_json("Error : ".$result['data'],fasle);
space_size_use_change($path);//使用的空间增加 近似使用压缩文件大小;
public function unzipList(){
$download = isset($this->in['download'])?true:false;
$result = kodArchive::listContent($this->path);
public function imageRotate(){
$cm=new imageThumb($this->path,'file');
@ -979,8 +991,8 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function image(){
if (filesize($this->path) <= 1024*20 ||
!function_exists('imagecolorallocate') ) {//小于20k或者不支持gd库 不再生成缩略图
if (filesize($this->path) <= 1024*50 ||
!function_exists('imagecolorallocate') ) {//小于50k或者不支持gd库 不再生成缩略图
@ -1063,7 +1075,7 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
$result = downloader::start($url,$save_path);
$result = downloader::start($header,$save_path);
$name = get_path_this(iconv_app($save_path));
@ -1076,20 +1088,31 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
public function officeView(){
if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
if(substr($this->in['path'],0,4) == 'http'){//url
$file_name = get_path_this($this->in['path']);
$file_url = $this->in['path'].'&access_token='.access_token_get().'&name=/'.$file_name;
$file_is_url = ture;
if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
$file_url = _make_file_proxy($this->path);
$file_is_url = false;
$file_ext = get_path_ext($this->path);
$file_url = _make_file_proxy($this->path);
//kodoffice 预览
$file_link = APPHOST.'index.php?explorer/fileProxy&path='.rawurlencode($this->in['path']);
$view_type = '&appMode=edit&access_token='.session_id();
$view_type = '&appMode=edit&access_token='.access_token_get();
if(OFFICE_KOD_ACTION == 'read'){//只读
$view_type = '&appMode=view';
$file_link = _make_file_proxy($this->path);
$view_type = '&appMode=view';
$file_link = $file_url;
$user_info = $_SESSION['kod_user'];
$app_r = rand_string(10);
$office_url = OFFICE_KOD_SERVER.rawurlencode($file_link)
@ -1173,8 +1196,10 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
@header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset==utf-8');
@header( 'X-Robots-Tag: noindex' );
@header( 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' );
echo json_encode($info);
@ -1201,8 +1226,8 @@ class explorer extends Controller{
$save_path = $save_path.$full_path;
$repeat_action = $this->config['user']['file_repeat'];
$repeat_action = $this->config['user']['file_repeat'];
$temp_dir = iconv_system(USER_TEMP);
if (!path_writeable($temp_dir)) show_json($this->L['no_permission_write'],false);
@ -80,6 +80,43 @@ class setting extends Controller{
public function system_tools(){
$action = $this->in['action'];
case 'clear_cache':$this->clear_cache();break;
case 'clear_session':$this->clear_session();break;
case 'clear_user_recycle':$this->clear_user_recycle();break;
private function clear_session(){
private function clear_cache(){
private function clear_user_recycle(){
$sql = system_member::load_data();
$user_arr = $sql->get();
foreach ($user_arr as $key => $user) {
$user_path = USER_PATH.$user['path']."/";
$path_arr = array(
foreach ($path_arr as $value) {
* 参数设置
* 可以同时修改多个:key=a,b,c&value=1,2,3
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class share extends Controller{
function __construct(){
$this->tpl = TEMPLATE.'share/';
$auth = system_role::get_info(1);
$auth = system_role::get_info(1);//经过role检测
$arr_not_check = array('common_js');
if (!in_array(ACT,$arr_not_check)){
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class share extends Controller{
//========ajax function============
public function pathInfo(){
$info_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$info_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
foreach ($info_list as &$val) {
$val['path'] = $this->share_path.$this->_clear($val['path']);
@ -291,6 +291,18 @@ class share extends Controller{
// public function unzipList(){
// load_class('kodArchive');
// if(isset($this->in['index'])){
// $download = isset($this->in['download'])?true:false;
// kodArchive::filePreview($this->path,$this->in['index'],$download);
// }else{
// $result = kodArchive::listContent($this->path);
// show_json($result['data'],$result['code']);
// }
// }
public function pathList(){
@ -333,12 +345,9 @@ class share extends Controller{
public function search(){
if (!isset($this->in['search'])) show_json($this->L['please_inpute_search_words'],false);
$is_content = false;
$is_case = false;
$ext = '';
if (isset($this->in['is_content'])) $is_content = true;
if (isset($this->in['is_case'])) $is_case = true;
if (isset($this->in['ext'])) $ext= str_replace(' ','',$this->in['ext']);
$is_content = intval($this->in['is_content']);
$is_case = intval($this->in['is_case']);
$ext= trim($this->in['ext']);
$list = path_search(
@ -349,14 +358,16 @@ class share extends Controller{
public function officeView(){
if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
$file_ext = get_path_ext($this->path);
$file_url = _make_file_proxy($this->path);
if(substr($this->in['path'],0,4) == 'http'){//url
$file_name = get_path_this($this->in['path']);
$file_url = $this->in['path'].'&access_token='.access_token_get().'&name=/'.$file_name;
$file_is_url = ture;
if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
$file_url = _make_file_proxy($this->path);
$file_is_url = false;
//kodoffice 预览
@ -482,10 +493,9 @@ class share extends Controller{
if (!isset($zip_path)) {
$zip_list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$zip_list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
$list_num = count($zip_list);
$files = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $list_num; $i++) {
@ -507,39 +517,32 @@ class share extends Controller{
$zipname = $zip_path.$path_this_name.'.zip';
$zipname = get_filename_auto($zipname,date('_H-i-s'));
$archive = new PclZip($zipname);
foreach ($files as $key =>$val) {
$remove_path_pre = _DIR_CLEAR(get_path_father($val));
if($key ==0){
$v_list = $archive->create($val,
$v_list = $archive->add($val,
return iconv_app($zipname);
// 获取文件数据
public function fileGet(){
$name = $this->_clear($this->in['filename']);
$filename= $this->share_path.$name;
if (!file_exists($filename)){
$display_name = $this->in['name'];
$filepath = $this->in['file_url'];
$display_name = _DIR_CLEAR(rawurldecode($this->in['filename']));
$filepath= $this->share_path.iconv_system($display_name);
if (!file_exists($filepath)){
if (!path_readable($filepath)){
if (filesize($filepath) >= 1024*1024*20){
if (!path_readable($filename)){
if (filesize($filename) >= 1024*1024*20){
if ($charset!='' &&
$charset!='utf-8' &&
@ -548,9 +551,9 @@ class share extends Controller{
$data = array(
'ext' => get_path_ext($filename),
'name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($filename)),
'filename' => rawurldecode($this->in['filename']),
'ext' => get_path_ext($display_name),
'name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($display_name)),
'filename' => $display_name,
'charset' => $charset,
'base64' => false,
'content' => $filecontents
@ -563,8 +566,8 @@ class share extends Controller{
public function image(){
if (filesize($this->path) <= 1024*20 ||
!function_exists('imagecolorallocate') ) {//小于20k或者不支持gd库 不再生成缩略图
if (filesize($this->path) <= 1024*50 ||
!function_exists('imagecolorallocate') ) {//小于50k或者不支持gd库 不再生成缩略图
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class system_group extends Controller{
private function _initDir($path){
$root = array('home','data');//recycle
$root = array('home','data');
$new_group_folder = $this->config['setting_system']['new_group_folder'];
$new_group_folder = $this->config['setting_system_default']['new_group_folder'];
@ -209,8 +209,7 @@ class system_member extends Controller{
if(!$GLOBALS['is_root'] && $this->in['role']=='1'){
@ -253,11 +252,6 @@ class system_member extends Controller{
if(file_exists(iconv_system(USER_PATH.$user_info['path'])) ){
$user_info['path'] = $user_info['path'].'_'.$user_info['user_id'];
if( isset($this->in['home_path'])){
$user_info['home_path'] = _DIR(rawurldecode($this->in['home_path']));
@ -337,10 +331,6 @@ class system_member extends Controller{
if( isset($this->in['home_path'])){
$user_info['home_path'] = _DIR(rawurldecode($this->in['home_path']));
@ -378,7 +368,7 @@ class system_member extends Controller{
if (in_array('1', $user_arr)){//批量处理,不处理系统管理员
if (in_array('1', $user_arr)){//批量处理,不处理系统管理员admin
foreach ($user_arr as $user_id) {
@ -392,7 +382,7 @@ class system_member extends Controller{
case 'status_set'://禁用&启用
$status = intval($this->in['param']);
case 'role_set'://设置权限组
$role = $this->in['param'];
@ -462,7 +452,7 @@ class system_member extends Controller{
private function _initDir($path){
$user_folder = array('home','recycle','data');
$user_folder = array('home','recycle_kod','data');
$home_folders = explode(',',$this->config['setting_system']['new_user_folder']);
$root_path = USER_PATH.$path.'/';
foreach ($user_folder as $dir) {
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ class user extends Controller{
* 登录状态检测;并初始化数据状态
public function loginCheck(){
// CSRF-TOKEN更新后同步
if( ACT == 'common_js' &&
setcookie('X-CSRF-TOKEN',$_SESSION['X-CSRF-TOKEN'], time()+3600*24*100);
if(in_array(ST,$this->notCheckApp)) return;//不需要判断的控制器
if(in_array(ACT,$this->notCheck)) return;//不需要判断的action
if(isset($_SESSION['kod_login']) && $_SESSION['kod_login']===true){
@ -48,11 +54,10 @@ class user extends Controller{
@session_start();//re start
$_SESSION['kod_login'] = true;
$_SESSION['kod_user']= $user;
$_SESSION['CSRF-TOKEN'] = rand_string(20);
setcookie('CSRF-TOKEN',$_SESSION['CSRF-TOKEN'], time()+3600*24*100);
$_SESSION['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = rand_string(20);
setcookie('X-CSRF-TOKEN',$_SESSION['X-CSRF-TOKEN'], time()+3600*24*100);
setcookie('kod_user_id', $_COOKIE['kod_user_id'], time()+3600*24*100);
//check if session work
@ -82,7 +87,9 @@ class user extends Controller{
private function login_success($user){
$this->user = $user;
show_tips('[Error Code:1001] user data error!');
}else if(!$user['path']){//服务器管理后立即生效
$this->login("Your 'path' is empty,please install again!");
}else if($user['status'] == 0){
@ -91,11 +98,10 @@ class user extends Controller{
if (!file_exists(iconv_system(USER))) {
$this->login( "User/".get_path_this(USER)." ".$this->L['not_exists']);
$user_home = user_home_path($this->user);//utf-8
if ($this->user['role'] == '1') {
@ -108,6 +114,8 @@ class user extends Controller{
$GLOBALS['web_root'] = '';//从服务器开始到用户目录
$GLOBALS['is_root'] = 0;
$this->config['user'] = fileCache::load(USER.'data/config.php');
if( !isset($this->config['user']['file_repeat']) ||
@ -216,12 +224,14 @@ class user extends Controller{
'group_path' => $group_path,
'myhome' => MYHOME,
'my_desktop' => MYHOME.DESKTOP_FOLDER.'/',
'upload_max' => file_upload_size(),
'param_rewrite' => $this->config['settings']['param_rewrite'],
'version' => KOD_VERSION,
'json_data' => "",
'self_share' => system_member::user_share_list($this->user['user_id']),
'user_config' => $this->config['user'],
'access_token' => access_token_get(),
@ -280,7 +290,7 @@ class user extends Controller{
$user = $sql->get($root);
$user['password'] = md5($this->in['password']);
if($user['create_time'] == ''){
if(!$user['create_time'] || !$user['path']){
$member = new system_member();
@ -340,17 +350,20 @@ class user extends Controller{
}else if($user['role']==''){
//首次登陆,初始化app 没有最后登录时间
if($user['last_login'] == ''){
$app = init_controller('app');
$user['last_login'] = time();//记录最后登录时间
$_SESSION['kod_login'] = true;
$_SESSION['kod_user']= $user;
$_SESSION['CSRF-TOKEN'] = rand_string(20);
setcookie('CSRF-TOKEN',$_SESSION['CSRF-TOKEN'], time()+3600*24*100);
$_SESSION['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = rand_string(20);
setcookie('X-CSRF-TOKEN',$_SESSION['X-CSRF-TOKEN'], time()+3600*24*100);
setcookie('kod_user_id', $user['user_id'], time()+3600*24*100);
if ($this->in['rember_password'] == '1') {
@ -401,13 +414,20 @@ class user extends Controller{
//CSRF 防护;cookie设置:CSRF-TOKEN;header:提交X-CSRF-TOKEN
private function checkCSRF(){
//if(GLOBAL_DEBUG) return;//调试不开启
$not_check = array('user:common_js');
if( !$this->config['settings']['csrf_protect'] ||
isset($this->in['access_token']) ||
in_array(ST.':'.ACT, $not_check)
if( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN'])||
@ -434,6 +454,8 @@ class user extends Controller{
//默认扩展功能 等价权限
$auth['user:common_js'] = 1;//权限数据配置后输出到前端
$auth['explorer:pathDeleteRecycle'] = $auth['explorer:pathDelete'];
$auth['explorer:pathCopyDrag'] = $auth['explorer:pathCuteDrag'];
@ -441,16 +463,19 @@ class user extends Controller{
$auth['explorer:imageRotate'] = $auth['editor:fileSave'];
$auth['explorer:fileDownloadRemove']= $auth['explorer:fileDownload'];
$auth['explorer:zipDownload'] = $auth['explorer:fileDownload'];
$auth['explorer:unzipList'] = $auth['explorer:unzip'];
//$auth['explorer:fileProxy'] = $auth['explorer:fileDownload'];
//$auth['editor:fileGet'] = $auth['explorer:fileDownload'];
//$auth['explorer:officeView'] = $auth['explorer:fileDownload'];
$auth['explorer:fileProxy'] = true;
$auth['editor:fileGet'] = true;
$auth['explorer:officeView'] = true;
$auth['editor:fileGet'] = 1;
$auth['explorer:fileProxy'] = 1;
$auth['explorer:officeView']= 1;
$auth['explorer:pathList'] = 1;
$auth['explorer:treeList'] = 1;
$auth['explorer:zip'] = false;
$auth['explorer:zip'] = 0;
$auth['userShare:del'] = $auth['userShare:set'];
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class userShare extends Controller{
* 删除
public function del() {
$list = json_decode($this->in['list'],true);
$list = json_decode($this->in['data_arr'],true);
foreach ($list as $val) {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
* @link http://www.kalcaddle.com/
* @author warlee | e-mail:kalcaddle@qq.com
* @copyright warlee 2014.(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
* @license http://kalcaddle.com/tools/licenses/license.txt
* 7zip 解压缩: 7z,xz,bz2(bzip2),gz(gzip),tar,zip
* 7zip 仅解压: 7z,xz,,bz2(bzip2),gz(gzip),tar,zip,arj,cab,chm,cpio,deb,dmg,
* fat,hfs,iso,lzh,lzma,mbr,msi,nsis,ntfs,,rpm,udf,vhd,wim,xar,z
* rar 仅支持rar文件解压缩
* 目前使用解压功能:7z,bz2,zx,z,ios,arj;压缩功能暂停
* ------------
* 7zip命令行:http://blog.csdn.net/earbao/article/details/51382534
* rar命令行 :http://www.cnblogs.com/fetty/p/4769279.html
class kodRarArchive {
static function bin($type){
$file = dirname(__FILE__).'/bin/'.$type;
$file = str_replace('\\','/',$file);
if(PHP_OS == "Darwin"){
$file .= '_mac';
if(PATH_SEPARATOR == ':') {
return '"'.$file.'"';
static function run($cmd){
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0,3)) != 'WIN') {//linux
$cmd = "export LANG='en_US.UTF-8' && ".$cmd;
$result = shell_exec($cmd);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'[shell_exec error!] No Result!');
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>$result);
* 防止通过构造文件名,进行shell注入
static function extract($file,$dest,$ext,$part_name=false,$passwd=false) {
$dest_before = $dest;
$dest = TEMP_PATH.'others/'.md5(rand_string(40).time()).'/';
$passwd = $passwd ?" -p".escape_shell($passwd).' ':'';
if($ext == 'rar'){
$param = ' -y '.$passwd.escape_shell($file).' '.escape_shell($dest).' ';
if($part_name === false){
$command = self::bin('rar').' x'.$param;
}else if(is_array($part_name)){
$command = self::bin('rar').' x'.$param.escape_shell($part_name[0]);
$command = self::bin('rar').' e'.$param.escape_shell($part_name);
if($ext == 'bz2'){
$ext = 'bzip2';
$param = ' -y -t'.escape_shell($ext).$passwd.' -o'.escape_shell($dest).' '.escape_shell($file).' ';
if($part_name === false){
$command = self::bin('7z').' x'.$param;
}else if(is_array($part_name)){
$command = self::bin('7z').' x'.$param.escape_shell($part_name[0]);
$command = self::bin('7z').' e'.$param.escape_shell($part_name);
$result = self::run($command);
return $result;
if( is_array($part_name) ){
$the_path = trim(str_replace("\\",'/',$part_name[0]),'/');
$path_group = explode('/',$the_path);
if(count($path_group) > 1){
$dest_before = get_path_father($dest_before);
foreach($dirs as $f){
$item_path = str_replace(array($dest,"\\"),array('','/'),$f);
$item_path = unzip_pre_name($item_path);
$from = $dest.get_path_father($item_path).get_path_this($f);
if(strstr($item_path,'/') == false){
$from = $dest.get_path_this($f);
//echo $from.'==><br/>'.$dest.$item_path.'<hr/>';
if($dest.$item_path != $from){
foreach($files as $f){
$item_path = str_replace(array($dest,"\\"),array('','/'),$f);
$item_path = unzip_pre_name($item_path);
$from = $dest.get_path_father($item_path).get_path_this($f);
if(strstr($item_path,'/') == false){
$from = $dest.get_path_this($f);
if($dest.$item_path != $from){
return $result;
static function listContent($file) {
if(get_path_ext($file) == 'rar'){
return self::listContentRar($file);
return self::listContent7z($file);
static function listContentRar($file) {
$command = self::bin('rar').' v '.escape_shell($file);
$result = self::run($command);
return $result;
preg_match('/-----------\n([\d\D]*)\n--------------/i', $result['data'], $match);
if(!is_array($match) || strlen($match[1]) < 10){
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'Match Nothing Content!');
//windows:movie\FLV Video.flv
// 567385 513467 90% 18-10-16 03:46 .D.....
// 93691 82643 88% 09-12-16 02:20 drw-r--r-- 396CC62C m3g 2.9
$reg = '/(.*)\n\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+% (\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2})\s+(.*)\s+/i';
if( !is_array($match_item) ||
count($match_item) != 6 ||
count($match_item[0]) == 0
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'Match Nothing Item!');
$item_arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match_item[0]); $i++) {
$mode = strtoupper($match_item[5][$i]);
$is_folder = substr($mode,0,1) == 'D' || substr($mode,1,1) == 'D';
$item_arr[] = array(
'mtime' => strtotime($match_item[4][$i]),
'size' => $match_item[3][$i],
'z_size' => $match_item[2][$i],
'filename' => trim($match_item[1][$i]),
'index' => $i,
'folder' => $is_folder
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>$item_arr);;
static function listContent7z($file) {
$command = self::bin('7z').' l '.escape_shell($file);
$result = self::run($command);
return $result;
preg_match('/-----------\n([\d\D]*)\n--------------/i', $result['data'], $match);
if(!is_array($match) || strlen($match[1]) < 10){
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'Match Nothing Content!');
//2017-03-08 11:22:16 ..... 10727 9385 000\test11.docx
//2017-03-09 13:43:10 ....A 6254 000\111.md
$reg = '/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (D?\.+A?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d*)\s+(.*)/i';
if( !is_array($match_item) ||
count($match_item) != 6 ||
count($match_item[0]) == 0
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'Match Nothing Item!');
$item_arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match_item[0]); $i++) {
$item_arr[] = array(
'mtime' => strtotime($match_item[1][$i]),
'size' => $match_item[3][$i],
'z_size' => $match_item[4][$i],
'filename' => trim($match_item[5][$i]),
'index' => $i,
'folder' => substr($match_item[2][$i],0,1) == 'D'
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>$item_arr);;
* [create description]
* @param [type] $file [creat file to]
* @param [type] $ext [ext:7z,xz,bz2,gzip,tar,zip]
* @param [type] $files [array from]
* @param boolean $passwd [password]
* @return [type] [description]
// static function create($file,$files,$ext,$passwd=false) {
// $passwd = $passwd? " -p".$passwd.' ':"";
// $spearat = (PATH_SEPARATOR != ':')?("&& ".substr($files,0,2)." "):"";//win=>; linux=>:
// $command = 'cd "'.$files.'" '.$spearat.' &&';//cd到所在文件夹;
// $command = $command.self::bin().' a -r -y -t'.$ext.' '.$passwd.' "'.$file.'" *';
// return self::run($command);
// }
// 不允许双引号
function escape_shell($param){
//$param = escapeshellarg($param);
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0,3)) != 'WIN') {//linux
$param = str_replace('!','\!',$param);
$param = rtrim($param,"\\");
return '"'.str_replace(array('"',"\0"),'_',$param).'"';
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PhpConcept Library (PCL) Error 1.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// License GNU/GPL - Vincent Blavet - Mars 2001
// http://www.phpconcept.net & http://phpconcept.free.fr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Français :
// La description de l'usage de la librairie PCL Error 1.0 n'est pas encore
// disponible. Celle-ci n'est pour le moment distribuée qu'avec les
// développements applicatifs de PhpConcept.
// Une version indépendante sera bientot disponible sur http://www.phpconcept.net
// English :
// The PCL Error 1.0 library description is not available yet. This library is
// released only with PhpConcept application and libraries.
// An independant release will be soon available on http://www.phpconcept.net
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Avertissement :
// Cette librairie a été créée de façon non professionnelle.
// Son usage est au risque et péril de celui qui l'utilise, en aucun cas l'auteur
// de ce code ne pourra être tenu pour responsable des éventuels dégats qu'il pourrait
// engendrer.
// Il est entendu cependant que l'auteur a réalisé ce code par plaisir et n'y a
// caché aucun virus, ni malveillance.
// Cette libairie est distribuée sous la license GNU/GPL (http://www.gnu.org)
// * Auteur :
// Ce code a été écrit par Vincent Blavet (vincent@blavet.net) sur son temps
// de loisir.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Look for double include
if (!defined("PCLERROR_LIB"))
define( "PCLERROR_LIB", 1 );
// ----- Version
$g_pcl_error_version = "1.0";
// ----- Internal variables
// These values must only be change by PclError library functions
$g_pcl_error_string = "";
$g_pcl_error_code = 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : PclErrorLog()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PclErrorLog($p_error_code=0, $p_error_string="")
global $g_pcl_error_string;
global $g_pcl_error_code;
$g_pcl_error_code = $p_error_code;
$g_pcl_error_string = $p_error_string;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : PclErrorFatal()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PclErrorFatal($p_file, $p_line, $p_error_string="")
global $g_pcl_error_string;
global $g_pcl_error_code;
$v_message = "<html><body>";
$v_message .= "<p align=center><font color=red bgcolor=white><b>PclError Library has detected a fatal error on file '$p_file', line $p_line</b></font></p>";
$v_message .= "<p align=center><font color=red bgcolor=white><b>$p_error_string</b></font></p>";
$v_message .= "</body></html>";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : PclErrorReset()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PclErrorReset()
global $g_pcl_error_string;
global $g_pcl_error_code;
$g_pcl_error_code = 1;
$g_pcl_error_string = "";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : PclErrorCode()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PclErrorCode()
global $g_pcl_error_string;
global $g_pcl_error_code;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : PclErrorString()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PclErrorString()
global $g_pcl_error_string;
global $g_pcl_error_code;
return($g_pcl_error_string." [code $g_pcl_error_code]");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- End of double include look
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PhpConcept Library (PCL) Trace 1.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// License GNU/GPL - Vincent Blavet - Janvier 2001
// http://www.phpconcept.net & http://phpconcept.free.fr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Français :
// La description de l'usage de la librairie PCL Trace 1.0 n'est pas encore
// disponible. Celle-ci n'est pour le moment distribuée qu'avec l'application
// et la librairie PhpZip.
// Une version indépendante sera bientot disponible sur http://www.phpconcept.net
// English :
// The PCL Trace 1.0 library description is not available yet. This library is
// released only with PhpZip application and library.
// An independant release will be soon available on http://www.phpconcept.net
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Avertissement :
// Cette librairie a été créée de façon non professionnelle.
// Son usage est au risque et péril de celui qui l'utilise, en aucun cas l'auteur
// de ce code ne pourra être tenu pour responsable des éventuels dégats qu'il pourrait
// engendrer.
// Il est entendu cependant que l'auteur a réalisé ce code par plaisir et n'y a
// caché aucun virus, ni malveillance.
// Cette libairie est distribuée sous la license GNU/GPL (http://www.gnu.org)
// * Auteur :
// Ce code a été écrit par Vincent Blavet (vincent@blavet.net) sur son temps
// de loisir.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Look for double include
if (!defined("PCLTRACE_LIB"))
define( "PCLTRACE_LIB", 1 );
// ----- Version
$g_pcl_trace_version = "1.0";
// ----- Internal variables
// These values must be change by PclTrace library functions
$g_pcl_trace_mode = "memory";
$g_pcl_trace_filename = "trace.txt";
$g_pcl_trace_name = array();
$g_pcl_trace_index = 0;
$g_pcl_trace_level = 10;
$g_pcl_trace_entries = array();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrOn($p_level, $p_mode, $p_filename)
// Description :
// Parameters :
// $p_level : Trace level
// $p_mode : Mode of trace displaying :
// 'normal' : messages are displayed at function call
// 'memory' : messages are memorized in a table and can be display by
// TrDisplay() function. (default)
// 'log' : messages are writed in the file $p_filename
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrOn($p_level=1, $p_mode="memory", $p_filename="trace.txt")
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
// ----- Enable trace mode
$g_pcl_trace_level = $p_level;
// ----- Memorize mode and filename
switch ($p_mode) {
case "normal" :
case "memory" :
case "log" :
$g_pcl_trace_mode = $p_mode;
default :
$g_pcl_trace_mode = "logged";
// ----- Memorize filename
$g_pcl_trace_filename = $p_filename;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : IsTrOn()
// Description :
// Return value :
// The trace level (0 for disable).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function IsTrOn()
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrOff()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrOff()
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
// ----- Clean
$g_pcl_trace_mode = "memory";
// ----- Switch off trace
$g_pcl_trace_level = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrFctStart()
// Description :
// Just a trace function for debbugging purpose before I use a better tool !!!!
// Start and stop of this function is by $g_pcl_trace_level global variable.
// Parameters :
// $p_level : Level of trace required.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrFctStart($p_file, $p_line, $p_name, $p_param="", $p_message="")
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
// ----- Look for disabled trace
if ($g_pcl_trace_level < 1)
// ----- Add the function name in the list
if (!isset($g_pcl_trace_name))
$g_pcl_trace_name = $p_name;
$g_pcl_trace_name .= ",".$p_name;
// ----- Update the function entry
$i = sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries);
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name] = $p_name;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param] = $p_param;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file] = $p_file;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line] = $p_line;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index] = $g_pcl_trace_index;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] = "1"; // means start of function
// ----- Update the message entry
if ($p_message != "")
$i = sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries);
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message] = $p_message;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file] = $p_file;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line] = $p_line;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index] = $g_pcl_trace_index;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] = "3"; // means message
// ----- Action depending on mode
// ----- Increment the index
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrFctEnd()
// Description :
// Just a trace function for debbugging purpose before I use a better tool !!!!
// Start and stop of this function is by $g_pcl_trace_level global variable.
// Parameters :
// $p_level : Level of trace required.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrFctEnd($p_file, $p_line, $p_return=1, $p_message="")
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
// ----- Look for disabled trace
if ($g_pcl_trace_level < 1)
// ----- Extract the function name in the list
// ----- Remove the function name in the list
if (!($v_name = strrchr($g_pcl_trace_name, ",")))
$v_name = $g_pcl_trace_name;
$g_pcl_trace_name = "";
$g_pcl_trace_name = substr($g_pcl_trace_name, 0, strlen($g_pcl_trace_name)-strlen($v_name));
$v_name = substr($v_name, -strlen($v_name)+1);
// ----- Decrement the index
// ----- Update the message entry
if ($p_message != "")
$i = sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries);
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message] = $p_message;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file] = $p_file;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line] = $p_line;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index] = $g_pcl_trace_index;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] = "3"; // means message
// ----- Update the function entry
$i = sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries);
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name] = $v_name;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param] = $p_return;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file] = $p_file;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line] = $p_line;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index] = $g_pcl_trace_index;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] = "2"; // means end of function
// ----- Action depending on mode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrFctMessage()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrFctMessage($p_file, $p_line, $p_level, $p_message="")
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
// ----- Look for disabled trace
if ($g_pcl_trace_level < $p_level)
// ----- Update the entry
$i = sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries);
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message] = $p_message;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file] = $p_file;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line] = $p_line;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index] = $g_pcl_trace_index;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] = "3"; // means message of function
// ----- Action depending on mode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrMessage()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrMessage($p_file, $p_line, $p_level, $p_message="")
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
// ----- Look for disabled trace
if ($g_pcl_trace_level < $p_level)
// ----- Update the entry
$i = sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries);
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param] = "";
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message] = $p_message;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file] = $p_file;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line] = $p_line;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index] = $g_pcl_trace_index;
$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] = "4"; // means simple message
// ----- Action depending on mode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : TrDisplay()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function TrDisplay()
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
// ----- Look for disabled trace
if (($g_pcl_trace_level <= 0) || ($g_pcl_trace_mode != "memory"))
$v_font = "\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"";
// ----- Trace Header
echo "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
echo "<tr bgcolor=#0000CC>";
echo "<td bgcolor=#0000CC width=1>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td><div align=center><font size=3 color=#FFFFFF face=$v_font>Trace</font></div></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td bgcolor=#0000CC width=1>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
// ----- Content header
echo "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
// ----- Display
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($g_pcl_trace_entries); $i++)
// ---- Row header
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>";
$n = ($g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index]+1)*10;
echo "<td width=".$n."><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>";
for ($j=0; $j<=$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index]; $j++)
if ($j==$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][index])
if (($g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] == 1) || ($g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type] == 2))
echo "<td width=10><div align=center><font size=2 face=$v_font>+</font></div></td>";
echo "<td width=10><div align=center><font size=2 face=$v_font>|</font></div></td>";
//echo "<td> </td>";
echo "</tr></table></td>";
echo "<td width=2></td>";
switch ($g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][type]) {
case 1:
echo "<td><font size=2 face=$v_font>".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name]."(".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param].")</font></td>";
case 2:
echo "<td><font size=2 face=$v_font>".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name]."()=".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param]."</font></td>";
case 3:
case 4:
echo "<td><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><td width=20></td><td>";
echo "<font size=2 face=$v_font>".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][message]."</font>";
echo "</td></table></td>";
echo "<td><font size=2 face=$v_font>".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][name]."(".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][param].")</font></td>";
echo "</tr></table></td>";
echo "<td width=5></td>";
echo "<td><font size=1 face=$v_font>".basename($g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][file])."</font></td>";
echo "<td width=5></td>";
echo "<td><font size=1 face=$v_font>".$g_pcl_trace_entries[$i][line]."</font></td>";
echo "</tr>";
// ----- Content footer
echo "</table>";
// ----- Trace footer
echo "</td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=#0000CC width=1>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr bgcolor=#0000CC>";
echo "<td bgcolor=#0000CC width=1>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td><div align=center><font color=#FFFFFF face=$v_font> </font></div></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : PclTraceAction()
// Description :
// Parameters :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PclTraceAction($p_entry)
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
global $g_pcl_trace_name;
global $g_pcl_trace_index;
global $g_pcl_trace_entries;
if ($g_pcl_trace_mode == "normal")
for ($i=0; $i<$p_entry[index]; $i++)
echo "---";
if ($p_entry[type] == 1)
echo "<b>".$p_entry[name]."</b>(".$p_entry[param].") : ".$p_entry[message]." [".$p_entry[file].", ".$p_entry[line]."]<br>";
else if ($p_entry[type] == 2)
echo "<b>".$p_entry[name]."</b>()=".$p_entry[param]." : ".$p_entry[message]." [".$p_entry[file].", ".$p_entry[line]."]<br>";
echo $p_entry[message]." [".$p_entry[file].", ".$p_entry[line]."]<br>";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- End of double include look
@ -8,35 +8,33 @@
class downloader {
static function start($url, $save_file,$headers = array(),$timeout = 10) {
static function start($url,$save_file,$timeout = 10) {
$data_file = $save_file . '.download.cfg';
$save_temp = $save_file . '.downloading';
//if not support range
$file_header = url_header($url);
$url = $file_header['url'];
if(!$file_header['support_range'] ||
return self::file_download_this($url,$save_file,$file_header['length']);
$file_header = $url;
$file_header = url_header($url);
// default header
$url_info = self::parse_url($url);
if (!$url_info) {
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'url_error');
$url = $file_header['url'];
//默认下载方式if not support range
if(!$file_header['support_range'] ||
$file_header['length'] == 0 ){
$result = self::file_download_fopen($url,$save_file,$file_header['length']);
if($result['code']) {
return $result;
return self::file_download_curl($url,$save_file);
$def_headers = array(
'Accept' => '*/*',
'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)',
'Host' => $url_info['host'],
'Connection' => 'Close',
'Accept-Language' => 'zh-cn',
$headers = array_merge($def_headers, $headers);
$exists_length = is_file($save_temp) ? filesize($save_temp) : 0;
$content_length = intval($file_header['length']);
@ -50,13 +48,6 @@ class downloader {
$temp_data = file_get_contents($data_file);
$exists_data = json_decode($temp_data, 1);
// check file is valid
if ($exists_length == $content_length) {
$exists_data && @unlink($data_file);
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>'temp_exist');
// exist and is the same file;
if( file_exists($save_file) && $content_length == filesize($save_file)){
@ -71,30 +62,21 @@ class downloader {
if($exists_length > $content_length){
// write exists data
file_put_contents($data_file, json_encode($exists_data));
$download_status = self::download_content(
if ($download_status['code']) {
$result = self::file_download_curl($url,$save_file,true,$exists_length);
return $download_status;
return $result;
// fopen then download
static function file_download_this($from, $file_name,$header_size=0){
static function file_download_fopen($url, $file_name,$header_size=0){
$file_temp = $file_name.'.downloading';
if ($fp = @fopen ($from, "rb")){
if ($fp = @fopen ($url, "rb")){
if(!$download_fp = @fopen($file_temp, "wb")){
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'open_downloading_error');
@ -115,9 +97,12 @@ class downloader {
return rename($file_temp,$file_name);
$res = @rename($file_temp,$file_name);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'file rename error!');
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>'success');
@ -125,104 +110,35 @@ class downloader {
static function move_file($from,$to,$data_file){
$res = @rename($from,$to);
* parse url
* @param $url
* @return bool|mixed
static function parse_url($url) {
$url_info = parse_url($url);
if (!$url_info['host']) {
return false;
$url_info['port'] = $url_info['port'] ? $url_info['host'] : 80;
$url_info['request'] = $url_info['path'] . ($url_info['query'] ? '?' . $url_info['query'] : '');
return $url_info;
static function download_content($host, $port, $url_path, $save_file, $content_length, $range_start,&$headers, $timeout) {
$request = self::build_header('GET', $url_path, $headers, $range_start);
$fsocket = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
stream_set_blocking($fsocket, TRUE);
stream_set_timeout($fsocket, $timeout);
fwrite($fsocket, $request);
$status = stream_get_meta_data($fsocket);
if ($status['timed_out']) {
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'socket_connect_timeout');
$is_header_end = 0;
$total_size = $range_start;
$file_fp = fopen($save_file, 'a+');
if (!$file_fp || !flock($file_fp, LOCK_EX)) {
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'downloading');
while (!feof($fsocket)) {
flock($file_fp, LOCK_UN);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'stoped');
// curl 方式下载
// 断点续传 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-10/107508.htm
static function file_download_curl($url, $file_name,$support_range=false,$exists_length=0){
$file_temp = $file_name.'.downloading';
if ($fp = @fopen ($file_temp, "a")){
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RANGE, $exists_length."-");
if (!$is_header_end) {
$line = @fgets($fsocket);
if (in_array($line, array("\n", "\r\n"))) {
$is_header_end = 1;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER,get_url_link($url));
$res = curl_exec($ch);
if($res && filesize($file_temp) != 0){
$res = @rename($file_temp,$file_name);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'file rename error!');
$resp = fread($fsocket, 10240);
$read_length = strlen($resp);
if ($resp === false || $content_length < $total_size + $read_length) {
flock($file_fp, LOCK_UN);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'socket_error');
$total_size += $read_length;
fputs($file_fp, $resp);
if ($content_length == $total_size) {
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>'success');
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'curl exec error!');
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'file create error');
flock($file_fp, LOCK_UN);
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>'success');
* build header for socket
* @param $action
* @param $url_path
* @param $headers
* @param int $range_start
* @return string
static function build_header($action, $url_path, &$headers, $range_start = -1) {
$out = $action . " {$url_path} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
foreach ($headers as $hkey => $hval) {
$out .= $hkey . ': ' . $hval . "\r\n";
if ($range_start > -1) {
$out .= "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n";
$out .= "Range: bytes={$range_start}-\r\n";
$out .= "\r\n";
return $out;
@ -165,10 +165,16 @@ class fileCache{
public static function load($file){//10000次需要4s 数据量差异不大。
if (!$file) return false;
$file = iconv_system($file);
if (!file_exists($file)){
if ((!file_exists($file) || filesize($file) == 0 ) &&
!file_exists($file.'.lock') ){//并发下;正在写或删除
$str = file_get_contents($file);
$str = file_read_safe($file,0.4);
if($str === false || strlen($str) == 0){
show_tips('[Error Code:1010] fileCache load error!'.$file);
$str = substr($str, strlen(CONFIG_EXIT));
$data= json_decode($str,true);
if (is_null($data)) $data = array();
@ -195,26 +201,7 @@ class fileCache{
show_tips('json_encode error!');
$buffer = CONFIG_EXIT.$json_str;
$file_temp = $file.mtime();
if($fp = fopen($file_temp, "w")){
fwrite($fp, $buffer);
$res = rename($file_temp,$file);
$res = rename($file_temp,$file);
if(!$res || !file_exists($file)){
show_tips('[fileCache:save] open error!');
return true;
return file_wirte_safe($file,$buffer,0.3);
@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
* @link http://www.kalcaddle.com/
* @author warlee | e-mail:kalcaddle@qq.com
* @copyright warlee 2014.(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
* @license http://kalcaddle.com/tools/licenses/license.txt
require ARCHIVE_LIB.'pclerror.lib.php';
require ARCHIVE_LIB.'pcltrace.lib.php';
require ARCHIVE_LIB.'pcltar.lib.php';
require ARCHIVE_LIB.'pclzip.class.php';
require ARCHIVE_LIB.'kodRarArchive.class.php';
class kodArchive {
* [checkIfType get the app by ext]
* @param [type] $guess [check]
* @param [type] $ext [file ext]
* @return [type] [description]
static function checkIfType($ext,$app_type){
$ext_array = array(
'zip' => array('zip','ipa','apk'),
'tar' => array('tar','tar.gz','gz','tgz'),
'rar' => array('rar','7z','xz','bz2','arj','cab','iso')
$result = in_array($ext,$ext_array[$app_type]);
if( $result &&
($app_type == 'zip' || $app_type == 'tar') &&
(!function_exists('gzopen') || !function_exists('gzinflate'))
show_tips("[Error] Can't Open; Missing zlib extensions");
if( $result && $app_type == 'rar' &&
(!function_exists('shell_exec') || !strstr(shell_exec('echo "kalcaddle"'),'kalcaddle'))
show_tips("[Error] Can't Open; shell_exec Can't use");
return $result;
* [listContent description]
* @param [type] $file [archive file]
* @return [type] [array or false]
static function listContent($file,$output=true) {
$ext = get_path_ext($file);
$result = false;
if( self::checkIfType($ext,'zip') ){
$zip = new PclZip($file);
$result = $zip->listContent();
}else if( self::checkIfType($ext,'tar') ){
$result_old = PclTarList($file);
$result = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($result_old); $i++) {
$item = $result_old[$i];
if( $item['typeflag'] == 'x' || $item['typeflag'] == 'g'){
$item['filename'] = ltrim($item['filename'],'./');
if($item['typeflag'] == '5'){
$item['folder'] = true;
$item['folder'] = false;
$item['index'] = $i;
$result[] = $item;
}else if( self::checkIfType($ext,'rar') ){
$app_result = kodRarArchive::listContent($file);
return $app_result;
$result = $app_result['data'];
$charset = unzip_charset_get($result);
$output = $output && $charset != 'utf-8' && function_exists('iconv');
for ($i=0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
$result[$i]['filename'] = str_replace(array('../','..\\'),"_",$result[$i]['filename']);
$result[$i]['filename'] = @iconv($charset,'utf-8', $result[$i]['filename']);
return array('code'=>true,'data'=>$result);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>$result);
* [extract description]
* @param [type] $file [archive file]
* @param [type] $dest [extract to folder]
* @param string $part [archive file content]
* @return [type] [array]
static function extract($file, $dest, $part = '-1',&$part_name=false) {
$ext = get_path_ext($file);
$list_content = self::listContent($file,false);//不转码
return $list_content;
if($part != '-1'){//解压部分.则构造 $path_remove $index_path
$index_info = self::fileIndex($list_content['data'],$part);
$part_name = str_replace(array('../','..\\'),'_',$index_info['filename']);
$index_path = $part_name;
if($GLOBALS['config']['system_charset'] != 'utf-8'){
$index_path = unzip_pre_name($part_name);//系统编码
$path_remove = get_path_father($index_path);
$index_path = rtrim($index_path,'/').'/';//tar 解压文件夹需要/结尾
$part_name = array($part_name);
$temp_check = str_replace('\\','/',$index_path);
if(substr($temp_check,-1) == '/'){
//跟目录;需要追加一层文件夹;window a\b\c\ linux a/b/c/
if( !strstr(trim($temp_check,'/'),'/') ){
$dest = $dest.unzip_pre_name(get_path_this($temp_check)).'/';
if($path_remove == $index_path){//根目录文件;
$path_remove = '';
if( self::checkIfType($ext,'zip') ){
$zip = new PclZip($file);
if($part != '-1'){
$result = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH,$dest,
$result = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH,$dest,
return array('code'=>$result,'data'=>$zip->errorName(true));
}else if( self::checkIfType($ext,'tar') ){
if($part != '-1'){
$result = PclTarExtractList($file,array($index_path),$dest,$path_remove);
$result = PclTarExtract($file,$dest);
return array('code'=>$result,'data'=>PclErrorString(true));
}else if( self::checkIfType($ext,'rar') ){
return kodRarArchive::extract($file,$dest,$ext,$part_name);
return array('code'=>false,'data'=>'File Type Not Support');
static function fileIndex($list,$index,$key=false){
if(!is_array($list)) return false;
$len = count($list);
for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if($index == $list[$i]['index']){
$item = $list[$i];
show_tips('kodArchive:fileIndex; index error;file not exists!');
$result = $item;
$result = $item[$key];
$result = rtrim($result,'/').'/';//tar 解压文件夹需要结尾/
return $result;
* [filePreview file preview or download a file;]
* @param [type] $file [archive file name]
* @param [type] $index [file index]
* @return [type] [echo to client;]
static function filePreview($file,$index,$download=false){
$temp = TEMP_PATH.'others/'.md5(rand_string(40).time()).'/';
$part_name = '';
$result = self::extract($file, $temp,$index,$part_name);
show_json('unzip preview folder error!');
//$part_name 压缩文件原名;初始编码;转为当前文件系统编码
$part_name = unzip_pre_name($part_name);
$file = unzip_filter_ext($temp.get_path_this($part_name));
$filename_output = get_path_this($part_name);
show_json('unzip error!');
$new_file = $temp.md5(rand_string(40).time());
show_json('unzip:rename error!');
* [create description]
* @param [type] $file [archive file name]
* @param [type] $files [files add;file or folders]
* @return [type] [bool]
static function create($file,$files) {
$ext = get_path_ext($file);
$result = false;
if( self::checkIfType($ext,'zip') ){
$archive = new PclZip($file);
foreach ($files as $key =>$val) {
$remove_path_pre = _DIR_CLEAR(get_path_father($val));
if($key == 0){
$result = $archive->create($val,
$result = $archive->add($val,
}else if( self::checkIfType($ext,'tar') ){
$test = array($files);
foreach ($files as $key =>$val) {
$remove_path_pre = _DIR_CLEAR(get_path_father($val));
$test[] = array($val,$remove_path_pre);
if($key == 0){
$result = PclTarCreate($file,array($val), $ext,null, $remove_path_pre);
$result = PclTarAddList($file,array($val),'',$remove_path_pre,$ext);
return $result;
@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
* Medoo database framework
* http://medoo.lvtao.net/doc.php
* Version 1.1.3
* Copyright 2016, Angel Lai
* Released under the MIT license
class medoo
// General
protected $database_type;
protected $charset;
protected $database_name;
// For MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Oracle
protected $server;
protected $username;
protected $password;
// For SQLite
protected $database_file;
// For MySQL or MariaDB with unix_socket
protected $socket;
// Optional
protected $port;
protected $prefix;
protected $option = array();
// Variable
protected $logs = array();
protected $debug_mode = false;
public function __construct($options = null){
try {
$commands = array();
$dsn = '';
if (is_array($options)){
foreach ($options as $option => $value){
$this->$option = $value;
return false;
if (
isset($this->port) &&
is_int($this->port * 1)
$port = $this->port;
$type = strtolower($this->database_type);
$is_port = isset($port);
if (isset($options[ 'prefix' ])){
$this->prefix = $options[ 'prefix' ];
switch ($type){
case 'mariadb':
$type = 'mysql';
case 'mysql':
if ($this->socket){
$dsn = $type . ':unix_socket=' . $this->socket . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;
$dsn = $type . ':host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ';port=' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;
// Make MySQL using standard quoted identifier
$commands[] = 'SET SQL_MODE=ANSI_QUOTES';
case 'pgsql':
$dsn = $type . ':host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ';port=' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;
case 'sybase':
$dsn = 'dblib:host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ':' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;
case 'oracle':
$dbname = $this->server ?
'//' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ':' . $port : ':1521') . '/' . $this->database_name :
$dsn = 'oci:dbname=' . $dbname . ($this->charset ? ';charset=' . $this->charset : '');
case 'mssql':
$dsn = strstr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') ?
'sqlsrv:server=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ',' . $port : '') . ';database=' . $this->database_name :
'dblib:host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ':' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;
// Keep MSSQL QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON for standard quoting
case 'sqlite':
$dsn = $type . ':' . $this->database_file;
$this->username = null;
$this->password = null;
if (
in_array($type, array('mariadb', 'mysql', 'pgsql', 'sybase', 'mssql')) &&
$commands[] = "SET NAMES '" . $this->charset . "'";
$this->pdo = new PDO(
foreach ($commands as $value){
catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
public function query($query){
if ($this->debug_mode){
echo $query;
$this->debug_mode = false;
return false;
$this->logs[] = $query;
return $this->pdo->query($query);
public function exec($query){
if ($this->debug_mode){
echo $query;
$this->debug_mode = false;
return false;
$this->logs[] = $query;
return $this->pdo->exec($query);
public function quote($string){
return $this->pdo->quote($string);
protected function table_quote($table){
return '"' . $this->prefix . $table . '"';
protected function column_quote($string){
preg_match('/(\(JSON\)\s*|^#)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/', $string, $column_match);
if (isset($column_match[ 2 ], $column_match[ 3 ])){
return '"' . $this->prefix . $column_match[ 2 ] . '"."' . $column_match[ 3 ] . '"';
return '"' . $string . '"';
protected function column_push(&$columns){
if ($columns == '*'){
return $columns;
if (is_string($columns)){
$columns = array($columns);
$stack = array();
foreach ($columns as $key => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
$stack[] = $this->column_push($value);
preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*)\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\)/i', $value, $match);
if (isset($match[ 1 ], $match[ 2 ])){
$stack[] = $this->column_quote( $match[ 1 ] ) . ' AS ' . $this->column_quote( $match[ 2 ] );
$columns[ $key ] = $match[ 2 ];
$stack[] = $this->column_quote( $value );
return implode($stack, ',');
protected function array_quote($array){
$temp = array();
foreach ($array as $value){
$temp[] = is_int($value) ? $value : $this->pdo->quote($value);
return implode($temp, ',');
protected function inner_conjunct($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor){
$haystack = array();
foreach ($data as $value){
$haystack[] = '(' . $this->data_implode($value, $conjunctor) . ')';
return implode($outer_conjunctor . ' ', $haystack);
protected function fn_quote($column, $string){
return (strpos($column, '#') === 0 && preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9\_]*\([^)]*\)$/', $string)) ?
$string :
protected function data_implode($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor = null){
$wheres = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value){
$type = gettype($value);
if (
preg_match("/^(AND|OR)(\s+#.*)?$/i", $key, $relation_match) &&
$type == 'array'
$wheres[] = 0 !== count(array_diff_key($value, array_keys(array_keys($value)))) ?
'(' . $this->data_implode($value, ' ' . $relation_match[ 1 ]) . ')' :
'(' . $this->inner_conjunct($value, ' ' . $relation_match[ 1 ], $conjunctor) . ')';
preg_match('/(#?)([\w\.\-]+)(\[(\>|\>\=|\<|\<\=|\!|\<\>|\>\<|\!?~)\])?/i', $key, $match);
$column = $this->column_quote($match[ 2 ]);
if (isset($match[ 4 ])){
$operator = $match[ 4 ];
if ($operator == '!'){
switch ($type){
case 'NULL':
$wheres[] = $column . ' IS NOT NULL';
case 'array':
$wheres[] = $column . ' NOT IN (' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')';
case 'integer':
case 'double':
$wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . $value;
case 'boolean':
$wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . ($value ? '1' : '0');
case 'string':
$wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value);
if ($operator == '<>' || $operator == '><'){
if ($type == 'array'){
if ($operator == '><'){
$column .= ' NOT';
if (is_numeric($value[ 0 ]) && is_numeric($value[ 1 ])){
$wheres[] = '(' . $column . ' BETWEEN ' . $value[ 0 ] . ' AND ' . $value[ 1 ] . ')';
$wheres[] = '(' . $column . ' BETWEEN ' . $this->quote($value[ 0 ]) . ' AND ' . $this->quote($value[ 1 ]) . ')';
if ($operator == '~' || $operator == '!~'){
if ($type != 'array'){
$value = array($value);
$like_clauses = array();
foreach ($value as $item){
$item = strval($item);
if (preg_match('/^(?!(%|\[|_])).+(?<!(%|\]|_))$/', $item)){
$item = '%' . $item . '%';
$like_clauses[] = $column . ($operator === '!~' ? ' NOT' : '') . ' LIKE ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $item);
$wheres[] = implode(' OR ', $like_clauses);
if (in_array($operator, array('>', '>=', '<', '<='))){
$condition = $column . ' ' . $operator . ' ';
if (is_numeric($value)){
$condition .= $value;
}elseif (strpos($key, '#') === 0){
$condition .= $this->fn_quote($key, $value);
$condition .= $this->quote($value);
$wheres[] = $condition;
switch ($type){
case 'NULL':
$wheres[] = $column . ' IS NULL';
case 'array':
$wheres[] = $column . ' IN (' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')';
case 'integer':
case 'double':
$wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . $value;
case 'boolean':
$wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . ($value ? '1' : '0');
case 'string':
$wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value);
return implode($conjunctor . ' ', $wheres);
protected function where_clause($where){
$where_clause = '';
if (is_array($where)){
$where_keys = array_keys($where);
$where_AND = preg_grep("/^AND\s*#?$/i", $where_keys);
$where_OR = preg_grep("/^OR\s*#?$/i", $where_keys);
$single_condition = array_diff_key($where, array_flip(
array('AND', 'OR', 'GROUP', 'ORDER', 'HAVING', 'LIMIT', 'LIKE', 'MATCH')
if ($single_condition != array()){
$condition = $this->data_implode($single_condition, '');
if ($condition != ''){
$where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $condition;
if (!empty($where_AND)){
$value = array_values($where_AND);
$where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($where[ $value[ 0 ] ], ' AND');
if (!empty($where_OR)){
$value = array_values($where_OR);
$where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($where[ $value[ 0 ] ], ' OR');
if (isset($where[ 'MATCH' ])){
$MATCH = $where[ 'MATCH' ];
if (is_array($MATCH) && isset($MATCH[ 'columns' ], $MATCH[ 'keyword' ])){
$where_clause .= ($where_clause != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . ' MATCH ("' . str_replace('.', '"."', implode($MATCH[ 'columns' ], '", "')) . '") AGAINST (' . $this->quote($MATCH[ 'keyword' ]) . ')';
if (isset($where[ 'GROUP' ])){
$where_clause .= ' GROUP BY ' . $this->column_quote($where[ 'GROUP' ]);
if (isset($where[ 'HAVING' ])){
$where_clause .= ' HAVING ' . $this->data_implode($where[ 'HAVING' ], ' AND');
if (isset($where[ 'ORDER' ])){
$ORDER = $where[ 'ORDER' ];
if (is_array($ORDER)){
$stack = array();
foreach ($ORDER as $column => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
$stack[] = 'FIELD(' . $this->column_quote($column) . ', ' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')';
}else if ($value === 'ASC' || $value === 'DESC'){
$stack[] = $this->column_quote($column) . ' ' . $value;
}else if (is_int($column)){
$stack[] = $this->column_quote($value);
$where_clause .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode($stack, ',');
$where_clause .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->column_quote($ORDER);
if (isset($where[ 'LIMIT' ])){
$LIMIT = $where[ 'LIMIT' ];
if (is_numeric($LIMIT)){
$where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $LIMIT;
if (
is_array($LIMIT) &&
is_numeric($LIMIT[ 0 ]) &&
is_numeric($LIMIT[ 1 ])
if ($this->database_type === 'pgsql'){
$where_clause .= ' OFFSET ' . $LIMIT[ 0 ] . ' LIMIT ' . $LIMIT[ 1 ];
$where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $LIMIT[ 0 ] . ',' . $LIMIT[ 1 ];
if ($where != null){
$where_clause .= ' ' . $where;
return $where_clause;
protected function select_context($table, $join, &$columns = null, $where = null, $column_fn = null){
preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\)/i', $table, $table_match);
if (isset($table_match[ 1 ], $table_match[ 2 ])){
$table = $this->table_quote($table_match[ 1 ]);
$table_query = $this->table_quote($table_match[ 1 ]) . ' AS ' . $this->table_quote($table_match[ 2 ]);
$table = $this->table_quote($table);
$table_query = $table;
$join_key = is_array($join) ? array_keys($join) : null;
if (
isset($join_key[ 0 ]) &&
strpos($join_key[ 0 ], '[') === 0
$table_join = array();
$join_array = array(
'>' => 'LEFT',
'<' => 'RIGHT',
'<>' => 'FULL',
'><' => 'INNER'
foreach($join as $sub_table => $relation){
preg_match('/(\[(\<|\>|\>\<|\<\>)\])?([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\s?(\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\))?/', $sub_table, $match);
if ($match[ 2 ] != '' && $match[ 3 ] != ''){
if (is_string($relation)){
$relation = 'USING ("' . $relation . '")';
if (is_array($relation)){
// For ['column1', 'column2']
if (isset($relation[ 0 ])){
$relation = 'USING ("' . implode($relation, '", "') . '")';
$joins = array();
foreach ($relation as $key => $value){
$joins[] = (
strpos($key, '.') > 0 ?
// For ['tableB.column' => 'column']
$this->column_quote($key) :
// For ['column1' => 'column2']
$table . '."' . $key . '"'
) .
' = ' .
$this->table_quote(isset($match[ 5 ]) ? $match[ 5 ] : $match[ 3 ]) . '."' . $value . '"';
$relation = 'ON ' . implode($joins, ' AND ');
$table_name = $this->table_quote($match[ 3 ]) . ' ';
if (isset($match[ 5 ])){
$table_name .= 'AS ' . $this->table_quote($match[ 5 ]) . ' ';
$table_join[] = $join_array[ $match[ 2 ] ] . ' JOIN ' . $table_name . $relation;
$table_query .= ' ' . implode($table_join, ' ');
if (is_null($columns)){
if (is_null($where)){
if (
is_array($join) &&
$where = $join;
$columns = null;
$where = null;
$columns = $join;
$where = $join;
$columns = null;
$where = $columns;
$columns = $join;
if (isset($column_fn)){
if ($column_fn == 1){
$column = '1';
if (is_null($where)){
$where = $columns;
if (empty($columns)){
$columns = '*';
$where = $join;
$column = $column_fn . '(' . $this->column_push($columns) . ')';
$column = $this->column_push($columns);
return 'SELECT ' . $column . ' FROM ' . $table_query . $this->where_clause($where);
protected function data_map($index, $key, $value, $data, &$stack){
if (is_array($value)){
$sub_stack = array();
foreach ($value as $sub_key => $sub_value){
if (is_array($sub_value)){
$current_stack = $stack[ $index ][ $key ];
$this->data_map(false, $sub_key, $sub_value, $data, $current_stack);
$stack[ $index ][ $key ][ $sub_key ] = $current_stack[ 0 ][ $sub_key ];
$this->data_map(false, preg_replace('/^[\w]*\./i', "", $sub_value), $sub_key, $data, $sub_stack);
$stack[ $index ][ $key ] = $sub_stack;
if ($index !== false){
$stack[ $index ][ $value ] = $data[ $value ];
if (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\)/i', $key, $key_match)){
$key = $key_match[ 1 ];
$stack[ $key ] = $data[ $key ];
public function select($table, $join, $columns = null, $where = null){
$column = $where == null ? $join : $columns;
$is_single_column = (is_string($column) && $column !== '*');
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $columns, $where));
$stack = array();
$index = 0;
if (!$query){
return false;
if ($columns === '*'){
return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($is_single_column){
return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
foreach ($columns as $key => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
$this->data_map($index, $key, $value, $row, $stack);
$this->data_map($index, $key, preg_replace('/^[\w]*\./i', "", $value), $row, $stack);
return $stack;
public function insert($table, $datas){
$lastId = array();
// Check indexed or associative array
if (!isset($datas[ 0 ])){
$datas = array($datas);
foreach ($datas as $data){
$values = array();
$columns = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value){
$columns[] = $this->column_quote(preg_replace("/^(\(JSON\)\s*|#)/i", "", $key));
switch (gettype($value)){
case 'NULL':
$values[] = 'NULL';
case 'array':
preg_match("/\(JSON\)\s*([\w]+)/i", $key, $column_match);
$values[] = isset($column_match[ 0 ]) ?
$this->quote(json_encode($value)) :
case 'boolean':
$values[] = ($value ? '1' : '0');
case 'integer':
case 'double':
case 'string':
$values[] = $this->fn_quote($key, $value);
$this->exec('INSERT INTO ' . $this->table_quote($table) . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES (' . implode($values, ', ') . ')');
$lastId[] = $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
return count($lastId) > 1 ? $lastId : $lastId[ 0 ];
public function update($table, $data, $where = null){
$fields = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value){
preg_match('/([\w]+)(\[(\+|\-|\*|\/)\])?/i', $key, $match);
if (isset($match[ 3 ])){
if (is_numeric($value)){
$fields[] = $this->column_quote($match[ 1 ]) . ' = ' . $this->column_quote($match[ 1 ]) . ' ' . $match[ 3 ] . ' ' . $value;
$column = $this->column_quote(preg_replace("/^(\(JSON\)\s*|#)/i", "", $key));
switch (gettype($value)){
case 'NULL':
$fields[] = $column . ' = NULL';
case 'array':
preg_match("/\(JSON\)\s*([\w]+)/i", $key, $column_match);
$fields[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->quote(
isset($column_match[ 0 ]) ? json_encode($value) : serialize($value)
case 'boolean':
$fields[] = $column . ' = ' . ($value ? '1' : '0');
case 'integer':
case 'double':
case 'string':
$fields[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value);
return $this->exec('UPDATE ' . $this->table_quote($table) . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $fields) . $this->where_clause($where));
public function delete($table, $where){
return $this->exec('DELETE FROM ' . $this->table_quote($table) . $this->where_clause($where));
public function replace($table, $columns, $search = null, $replace = null, $where = null){
if (is_array($columns)){
$replace_query = array();
foreach ($columns as $column => $replacements){
foreach ($replacements as $replace_search => $replace_replacement){
$replace_query[] = $column . ' = REPLACE(' . $this->column_quote($column) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_replacement) . ')';
$replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query);
$where = $search;
if (is_array($search)){
$replace_query = array();
foreach ($search as $replace_search => $replace_replacement){
$replace_query[] = $columns . ' = REPLACE(' . $this->column_quote($columns) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_replacement) . ')';
$replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query);
$where = $replace;
$replace_query = $columns . ' = REPLACE(' . $this->column_quote($columns) . ', ' . $this->quote($search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace) . ')';
return $this->exec('UPDATE ' . $this->table_quote($table) . ' SET ' . $replace_query . $this->where_clause($where));
public function get($table, $join = null, $columns = null, $where = null){
$column = $where == null ? $join : $columns;
$is_single_column = (is_string($column) && $column !== '*');
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $columns, $where) . ' LIMIT 1');
if ($query){
$data = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (isset($data[ 0 ])){
if ($is_single_column){
return $data[ 0 ][ preg_replace('/^[\w]*\./i', "", $column) ];
if ($column === '*'){
return $data[ 0 ];
$stack = array();
foreach ($columns as $key => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
$this->data_map(0, $key, $value, $data[ 0 ], $stack);
$this->data_map(0, $key, preg_replace('/^[\w]*\./i', "", $value), $data[ 0 ], $stack);
return $stack[ 0 ];
return false;
return false;
public function has($table, $join, $where = null){
$column = null;
$query = $this->query('SELECT EXISTS(' . $this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 1) . ')');
if ($query){
return $query->fetchColumn() === '1';
return false;
public function count($table, $join = null, $column = null, $where = null){
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'COUNT'));
return $query ? 0 + $query->fetchColumn() : false;
public function max($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null){
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'MAX'));
if ($query){
$max = $query->fetchColumn();
return is_numeric($max) ? $max + 0 : $max;
return false;
public function min($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null){
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'MIN'));
if ($query){
$min = $query->fetchColumn();
return is_numeric($min) ? $min + 0 : $min;
return false;
public function avg($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null){
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'AVG'));
return $query ? 0 + $query->fetchColumn() : false;
public function sum($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null){
$query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'SUM'));
return $query ? 0 + $query->fetchColumn() : false;
public function action($actions){
if (is_callable($actions)){
$result = $actions($this);
if ($result === false){
return false;
public function debug(){
$this->debug_mode = true;
return $this;
public function error(){
return $this->pdo->errorInfo();
public function last_query(){
return end($this->logs);
public function log(){
return $this->logs;
public function info(){
$output = array(
'server' => 'SERVER_INFO',
'driver' => 'DRIVER_NAME',
'client' => 'CLIENT_VERSION',
'version' => 'SERVER_VERSION',
'connection' => 'CONNECTION_STATUS'
foreach ($output as $key => $value){
$output[ $key ] = $this->pdo->getAttribute(constant('PDO::ATTR_' . $value));
return $output;
@ -383,10 +383,12 @@ function show_tips($message,$url= '', $time = 3){
#msgbox #title{color: #888;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;padding: 10px 0;margin: 0 0 15px;font-size:18px;}
#msgbox #info a{color: #64b8fb;text-decoration: none;padding: 2px 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid;}
#msgbox a{text-decoration:none;color:#2196F3;}#msgbox a:hover{color:#f60;border-bottom:1px solid}
#msgbox pre{word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word;white-space: pre-wrap;
background: #002b36;padding:1em;color: #839496;border-left: 6px solid #8e8e8e;border-radius: 3px;}
<div id="msgbox">
<div id="title">Warning!</div>
<div id="title">警告 (Warning!)</div>
<div id="message">$message</div>
<div id="info">$info</div>
@ -438,69 +440,86 @@ function show_json($data,$code = true,$info=''){
header("X-Powered-By: kodExplorer.");
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
$json = json_encode($result);
$json = json_encode($result,true);
if($json === false){
$json = __json_encode($result);
$json = __json_encode($result);
echo $json;
function __json_encode( $data ) {
if( is_array($data) || is_object($data) ) {
$islist = is_array($data) && ( empty($data) || array_keys($data) === range(0,count($data)-1) );
if( $islist ) {
$json = '[' . implode(',', array_map('__json_encode', $data) ) . ']';
} else {
$items = Array();
foreach( $data as $key => $value ) {
$items[] = __json_encode("$key") . ':' . __json_encode($value);
$json = '{' . implode(',', $items) . '}';
} else if( is_string($data) ) {
$string = '"' . addcslashes($data, "\\\"\n\r\t/" . chr(8) . chr(12)) . '"';
$json = '';
$len = strlen($string);
# Convert UTF-8 to Hexadecimal Codepoints.
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$char = $string[$i];
$c1 = ord($char);
# Single byte;
if( $c1 <128 ) {
$json .= ($c1 > 31) ? $char : sprintf("\\u%04x", $c1);
# Double byte
$c2 = ord($string[++$i]);
if ( ($c1 & 32) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", ($c1 - 192) * 64 + $c2 - 128);
# Triple
$c3 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 16) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", (($c1 - 224) <<12) + (($c2 - 128) << 6) + ($c3 - 128));
# Quadruple
$c4 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 8 ) === 0 ) {
$u = (($c1 & 15) << 2) + (($c2>>4) & 3) - 1;
$w1 = (54<<10) + ($u<<6) + (($c2 & 15) << 2) + (($c3>>4) & 3);
$w2 = (55<<10) + (($c3 & 15)<<6) + ($c4-128);
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x\\u%04x", $w1, $w2);
} else {
$json = strtolower(var_export( $data, true ));
return $json;
function str2hex($string){
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){
$hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i]));
return $hex;
function hex2str($hex){
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($hex)-1; $i+=2){
$string .= chr(hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1]));
return $string;
function __json_encode( $data ) {
if( is_array($data) || is_object($data) ) {
$islist = is_array($data) && ( empty($data) || array_keys($data) === range(0,count($data)-1) );
if( $islist ) {
$json = '[' . implode(',', array_map('__json_encode', $data) ) . ']';
} else {
$items = Array();
foreach( $data as $key => $value ) {
$items[] = __json_encode("$key") . ':' . __json_encode($value);
$json = '{' . implode(',', $items) . '}';
} else if( is_string($data) ) {
$string = addcslashes($data, "\\\"\n\r\t/" . chr(8) . chr(12));
$json = '';
$len = strlen($string);
# Convert UTF-8 to Hexadecimal Codepoints.
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$char = $string[$i];
$c1 = ord($char);
# Single byte;
if( $c1 <128 ) {
$json .= ($c1 > 31) ? $char : sprintf("\\u%04x", $c1);
# Double byte
$c2 = ord($string[++$i]);
if ( ($c1 & 32) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", ($c1 - 192) * 64 + $c2 - 128);
# Triple
$c3 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 16) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", (($c1 - 224) <<12) + (($c2 - 128) << 6) + ($c3 - 128));
# Quadruple
$c4 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 8 ) === 0 ) {
$u = (($c1 & 15) << 2) + (($c2>>4) & 3) - 1;
$w1 = (54<<10) + ($u<<6) + (($c2 & 15) << 2) + (($c3>>4) & 3);
$w2 = (55<<10) + (($c3 & 15)<<6) + ($c4-128);
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x\\u%04x", $w1, $w2);
$json = '"'.addcslashes($data, "\"").'"';
} else {
$json = strtolower(var_export( $data, true ));
return $json;
@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ function iconv_system($str){
if (!function_exists('iconv')){
return $str;
//去除中文空格UTF8; windows下展示异常;过滤文件上传、新建文件等时的文件名
$char_empty = "\xc2\xa0";
if(strpos($str,$char_empty) !== false){
$str = str_replace($char_empty," ",$str);
global $config;
$result = iconv($config['app_charset'], $config['system_charset'], $str);
if (strlen($result)==0) {//转换失败
@ -205,7 +213,11 @@ function folder_info($path){
function get_path_this($path){
$path = str_replace('\\','/', rtrim(trim($path),'/'));
return substr($path,strrpos($path,'/')+1);
$pos = strrpos($path,'/');
if($pos === false){
return $path;
return substr($path,$pos+1);
* 获取一个路径(文件夹&文件) 父目录
@ -213,7 +225,11 @@ function get_path_this($path){
function get_path_father($path){
$path = str_replace('\\','/', rtrim(trim($path),'/'));
return substr($path, 0, strrpos($path,'/')+1);
$pos = strrpos($path,'/');
if($pos === false){
return $path;
return substr($path, 0,$pos+1);
* 获取扩展名
@ -611,6 +627,59 @@ function recursion_dir($path,&$dir,&$file,$deepest=-1,$deep=0){
return true;
// 安全读取文件,避免并发下读取数据为空
function file_read_safe($file,$timeout = 0.1){
if(!$file || !file_exists($file)) return false;
$start_time = microtime(true);
$index = 0;
$file_size = filesize($file);
$result = @file_get_contents($file);
if( $result === false ||
!file_exists($file) ||
strlen($result) !== $file_size){
return $result;
}while($index<=100 && (microtime(true)-$start_time) < $timeout );
return false;
// 安全读取文件,避免并发下读取数据为空
function file_wirte_safe($file,$buffer,$timeout=0.1){
$file_temp = $file.mtime().rand_string(4);
if(!$fp = fopen($file_temp, "w")){
return false;
fwrite($fp, $buffer);
$file_lock = $file.'.lock';
$start_time = microtime(true);
$index = 0;
$result = @rename($file_temp,$file);
if( $result === false || file_exists($file_temp)){
return true;
}while($index<=100 && (microtime(true)-$start_time)<$timeout );
return false;
* $search 为包含的字符串
* is_content 表示是否搜索文件内容;默认不搜索
@ -751,14 +820,14 @@ function file_search($path,$search,$is_case){
function chmod_path($path,$mod){
if (!isset($mod)) $mod = 0777;
if (!file_exists($path)) return;
if (!file_exists($path)) return false;
if (is_file($path)) return @chmod($path,$mod);
if (!$dh = @opendir($path)) return false;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fullpath = $path . '/' . $file;
@ -843,41 +912,45 @@ function is_text_file($ext){
* 输出、文件下载,断点续传支持
* 默认以附件方式下载;$download为false时则为输出文件
* 视频播放拖拽:流媒体服务器
* http://bbs.cenfun.com/thread-17246-1-1.html
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1779006/seeking-in-remote-flv-files-using-php
* 文件缓存:http://blog.csdn.net/eroswang/article/details/8302191
function file_put_out($file,$download=false){
if (!is_file($file)) show_json('not a file!');
if (!file_exists($file)) show_json('file not exists',false);
if (!path_readable($file)) show_json('file not readable',false);
function file_put_out($file,$download=false,$download_filename=false){
$error = false;
if (!file_exists($file)){
$error = 'file not exists';
}else if (!path_readable($file)){
$error = 'file not readable';
}else if (!$fp = @fopen($file, "rb")){
$error = 'file open error!';
if( preg_match('/MSIE/',$ua) || preg_match('/Trident/',$ua) ){
$filename = get_path_this($file);
}else if( stripos($ua,"firefox") ){// space cute bug
$filename = iconv_app(get_path_this($file));
$filename = str_replace(" ","_", $filename);
$filename = iconv_app(get_path_this($file));
if($error !== false){
if($download_filename === false){
$start= 0;
$file_size = get_filesize($file);
$end = $file_size - 1;
$mime = get_file_mime(get_path_ext($file));
$time = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file));
if ($download ||
(strstr($mime,'application/') && $mime!='application/x-shockwave-flash') ) {//下载或者application则设置下载头
if( preg_match('/MSIE/',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
if($GLOBALS['config']['system_os']!='windows'){//linux主机 ie浏览器;中文文件下载urlencode问题
$filename = str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($filename));
$time = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',filemtime($file));
$filename = get_path_this($file);
if($download_filename !== false){
$filename = $download_filename;
$mime = get_file_mime(get_path_ext($filename));
$filename_output = rawurlencode(iconv_app($filename));
if ($download || (strstr($mime,'application/') && $mime!='application/x-shockwave-flash') ) {
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=".$filename);
header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=".$filename_output.";filename*=UTF-8''".$filename_output);
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',time()+3600*24*20).' GMT');
@ -895,18 +968,17 @@ function file_put_out($file,$download=false){
header('Etag: '.$etag);
header('Last-Modified: '.$time.' GMT');
header("X-OutFileName: ".$filename);
header("X-OutFileName: ".$filename_output);
header("X-Powered-By: kodExplorer.");
header("Content-Type: ".$mime);
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
//header("X-Sendfile: $file");exit;
if(!$fp = @fopen($file, "rb")){
header ("HTTP/1.1 505 Internal server error");exit;
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
$size = get_filesize($file);
$start= 0;
$end = $size - 1;
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])){
if (preg_match('/bytes=\h*(\d+)-(\d*)[\D.*]?/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches)){
$start = intval($matches[1]);
@ -918,13 +990,15 @@ function file_put_out($file,$download=false){
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
if(isset($_GET['start'])){//flash video
$start = intval($_GET['start']);
header('Content-Length:' . (($end - $start) + 1));
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) || isset($_GET['start'])){
header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size");
header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/".$file_size);
$cur = $start;
fseek($fp, $start,0);
while(!feof($fp) && $cur <= $end){ // && (connection_status() == 0)
@ -963,7 +1037,7 @@ function file_download_this($from, $file_name,$header_size=0){
return rename($file_temp,$file_name);
@ -1042,6 +1116,7 @@ function kod_move_uploaded_file($from_path,$save_path){
return rename($temp_path,$save_path);
@ -1077,6 +1152,9 @@ function upload_chunk($fileInput, $path = './',$temp_path,$repeat_action){
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$file_name = iconv_system($_FILES[$fileInput]["name"]);
$upload_file = $_FILES[$fileInput]["tmp_name"];
if($file_name == "image.jpg" && is_wap()){//拍照上传
$file_name = date('Ymd H:i:s',time()).'.jpg';
}else if (isset($in["name"])) {
$file_name = iconv_system($in["name"]);
$upload_file = "php://input";
@ -33,7 +33,20 @@ function get_client_ip($b_ip = true){
$client_ip = substr($client_ip,$pos+1);
return $client_ip;
function get_url_link($url){
if(!$url) return "";
$res = parse_url($url);
$port = (empty($res["port"]) || $res["port"] == '80')?'':':'.$res["port"];
return $res['scheme']."://".$res["host"].$port.$res['path'];
function get_url_domain($url){
if(!$url) return "";
$res = parse_url($url);
return $res["host"];
function get_host() {
$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])
&& $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'
@ -79,11 +92,64 @@ function is_wap(){
return false;
function get_headers_curl($url,$timeout=30,$depth=0,&$headers=array()){
if ($depth >= 10) return false;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER,get_url_link($url));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY,true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,$timeout);
$res = curl_exec($ch);
$res = split("\r\n", $res);
$location = false;
foreach ($res as $line) {
list($key, $val) = explode(": ", $line, 2);
$the_key = trim($key);
if($the_key == 'Location' || $the_key == 'location'){
$the_key = 'Location';
$location = trim($val);
if( strlen($the_key) == 0 &&
strlen(trim($val)) == 0 ){
if( substr($the_key,0,4) == 'HTTP' &&
strlen(trim($val)) == 0 ){
$headers[] = $the_key;
$headers[$the_key] = trim($val);
$temp = $headers[$the_key];
$headers[$the_key] = array($temp);
$headers[$the_key][] = trim($val);
if($location !== false){
return count($headers)==0?false:$headers;
// url header data
function url_header($url){
$name = '';$length=0;
$header = @get_headers($url,true);
if (!$header) return false;
$header = get_headers_curl($url);//curl优先
$header['ACTION_BY'] = 'get_headers_curl';
$header = @get_headers($url,true);
if (!$header) return false;
$length = array_pop($header['Content-Length']);
@ -94,11 +160,16 @@ function url_header($url){
$file_url = $url;
$file_url = $header['location'];
}else if(is_array($header['location'])){
$file_url = $header['location'][count($header['location'])-1];
$location = 'Location';
if(!isset($header['Location']) &&
$location = 'location';
$file_url = $header[$location];
}else if(is_array($header[$location]) && count($header[$location])>0 ){
$file_url = $header[$location][count($header[$location])-1];
@ -125,17 +196,24 @@ function url_header($url){
$name = get_path_this($file_url);
if (stripos($name,'?')) $name = substr($name,0,stripos($name,'?'));
if (!$name) $name = 'index.html';
$first_name = get_path_this($url);
if( get_path_ext($first_name) == get_path_ext($name) ){
$name = $first_name;
$name = rawurldecode($name);
$name = str_replace(array('/','\\'),'-',$name);//safe;
$support_range = isset($header["Accept-Ranges"])?true:false;
return array(
$result = array(
'url' => $file_url,
'length' => $length,
'name' => $name,
'support_range' =>$support_range
'support_range' =>$support_range && ($length!=0)
return $result;
// check url if can use
@ -168,13 +168,15 @@ See https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/cmap-resources
<span data-l10n-id="open_file_label">Open</span>
<button id="print" class="toolbarButton print hiddenMediumView" title="Print" tabindex="33" data-l10n-id="print">
<button id="print" class="hidden toolbarButton print hiddenMediumView" title="Print" tabindex="33" data-l10n-id="print">
<span data-l10n-id="print_label">Print</span>
<button id="download" class="toolbarButton download hiddenMediumView" title="Download" tabindex="34" data-l10n-id="download">
<button id="download" class="hidden toolbarButton download hiddenMediumView" title="Download" tabindex="34" data-l10n-id="download">
<span data-l10n-id="download_label">Download</span>
<a href="#" id="viewBookmark" class="toolbarButton bookmark hiddenSmallView" title="Current view (copy or open in new window)" tabindex="35" data-l10n-id="bookmark">
<span data-l10n-id="bookmark_label">Current View</span>
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function unzip_repeat(){
$unzip_to = BASIC_PATH;
$zip = new PclZip($zip_file);
$result = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH,$unzip_to,
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ artDialog.fn = artDialog.prototype = {
config.title = urlDecode(config.title);//正常会多一次,暂忽略此bug
//是否可以调节大小 对应样式处理
if (config.simple && config.title != false) {
@ -228,6 +230,7 @@ artDialog.fn = artDialog.prototype = {
$frame = $content.find('iframe');
//$frame.get(0).src = "http://baidu.com";
$content.append('<div class="aui_loading"><span>loading..</span></div>');
@ -326,33 +329,36 @@ artDialog.fn = artDialog.prototype = {
var DOM = this.DOM,
title = DOM.title,
font_size = parseInt(title.css("font-size")),
title_str = title.data('data-title'),
default_width = 200, //其他占用
max_width = title.width();
var str_width = this.string_width(title_str,font_size);
if( str_width<max_width-default_width || str_width< 150){
fontSize = parseInt(title.css("font-size")),
titleBefore = title.data('data-title'),
titleStr = titleBefore,
defaultWidth = 200, //其他占用
maxWidth = title.width();
var strWidth = this.string_width(titleStr,fontSize);
if( strWidth< maxWidth - defaultWidth || strWidth< 150){
var str_pre='';
if(title_str.substr(0,1)=="<"){// <img src=""/> <i class="..."></i>
var point = title_str.lastIndexOf('>')+1;
str_pre = title_str.substr(0,point);
title_str = title_str.substr(point)
var strPre='';
if(titleStr.substr(0,1)=="<"){// <img src=""/> <i class="..."></i>
var point = titleStr.lastIndexOf('>')+1;
strPre = titleStr.substr(0,point);
titleStr = titleStr.substr(point)
title_str= title_str.substr(1);
while(this.string_width(titleStr,fontSize)> maxWidth - defaultWidth){
titleStr= titleStr.substr(1);
if($(title).text() == title_str){
if(htmlRemoveTags(titleBefore) == titleStr){
@ -1023,8 +1029,8 @@ artDialog.fn = artDialog.prototype = {
header_height = $wrap.find('.aui_header').height()
'height':(_$window.height()-header_height-5) + 'px'
'height':(_$window.height()-header_height-0) + 'px'
});// -5
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ var // currently active contextMenu trigger
//change by warlee;
//+8 避免按下hover菜单弹起后响应菜单动作
//+10 避免按下hover菜单弹起后响应菜单动作
if (offset.left + width > right) {
offset.left -= width+8;
offset.left -= width+10;
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ var // currently active contextMenu trigger
// http://www.runoob.com/jqueryui/api-position.html
$menu.css('display', 'block').position({
my: "left top",
at: "right top-9",//change by warlee; -9 避免点不到问题
at: "right-2 top-9",//change by warlee; -10 避免点不到问题
of: this,
collision: "flipfit fit"
}).css('display', '');
@ -162,8 +162,6 @@ var // currently active contextMenu trigger
left: this.outerWidth()
offset.top += offset.top-10;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
<div class="jPlayer jPlayer-movie">
<div class="playerScreen">
<div class="jPlayer-container"></div>
<div class="jPlayerMask"></div>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="video-play disable-ripple"><i class="play-icon icon-play-sign"></i></a>
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<div class="current-time-tips"><span>00:00</span></div>
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<div class="controlset left">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play smooth disable-ripple"><i class="icon-play"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pause smooth"><i class="icon-pause"></i></a>
<div class="controlset right-volume">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="mute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-up"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="unmute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-off"></i></a>
<div class="volumeblock">
<div class="volume-control">
<div class="volume-value"></div>
<div class="controlset right">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="fullscreen smooth"><i class="icon-fullscreen"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="smallscreen smooth"><i class=" icon-resize-small"></i></a>
<div class="progress-block">
<div class="timer current"></div>
<div class="timer duration"></div>
<div class="progress">
<div class="fullBar"></div>
<div class="seekBar">
<div class="playBar"></div>
<div class="wmp_player"></div>
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
<div class="jPlayer jPlayer-music">
<div class="player-bg"></div>
<div class="playerScreen">
<div class="jPlayer-container"></div>
<div class="jPlayerMask"></div>
<div class="top-banner">
<div class="item-title">--</div>
<div class="control-actions">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play-backward smooth"><i class="icon-backward"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play smooth"><i class="icon-play"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pause smooth"><i class="icon-pause"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play-forward smooth"><i class="icon-forward"></i></a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="current-time-tips"><span>00:00</span></div>
<!-- volume -->
<div class="controlset right-volume">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="mute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-up"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="unmute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-off"></i></a>
<div class="volumeblock">
<div class="volume-control">
<div class="volume-value"></div>
<!-- progress -->
<div class="progress">
<div class="fullBar"></div>
<div class="seekBar">
<div class="playBar"><i class="video-play-loading icon-refresh moveCircleRight"></i></div>
<!-- info -->
<div class="play-tools">
<span class="time">
<span class="timer current"></span> / <span class="timer duration"></span>
<span class="right">
<span class="change-loop" data-loop="0"><i class="icon-retweet"></i> </span>
<span class="show-list"><i class="icon-reorder"></i> </span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="play-list">
<ul class="content"></ul>
<div class="wmp_player"></div>
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
var jplayerTemplateMovie =
'<div class="jPlayer jPlayer-movie">\
<div class="playerScreen">\
<div class="jPlayer-container"></div>\
<div class="jPlayerMask"></div>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="video-play disable-ripple"><i class="play-icon icon-play-sign"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="video-play-loading disable-ripple"><i class="play-icon icon-spinner moveCircleRight"></i></a>\
<div class="current-time-tips"><span>00:00</span></div>\
<div class="controls">\
<div class="controlset left">\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play smooth disable-ripple"><i class="icon-play"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pause smooth"><i class="icon-pause"></i></a>\
<div class="controlset right-volume">\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="mute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-up"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="unmute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-off"></i></a>\
<div class="volumeblock">\
<div class="volume-control">\
<div class="volume-value"></div>\
<div class="controlset right">\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="fullscreen smooth"><i class="icon-fullscreen"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="smallscreen smooth"><i class=" icon-resize-small"></i></a>\
<div class="progress-block">\
<div class="timer current"></div>\
<div class="timer duration"></div>\
<div class="progress">\
<div class="fullBar"></div>\
<div class="seekBar">\
<div class="playBar"></div>\
<div class="wmp_player"></div>\
var jplayerTemplateMusic =
'<div class="jPlayer jPlayer-music">\
<div class="player-bg"></div>\
<div class="playerScreen">\
<div class="jPlayer-container"></div>\
<div class="jPlayerMask"></div>\
<div class="top-banner">\
<div class="item-title">--</div>\
<div class="control-actions">\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play-backward smooth"><i class="icon-backward"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play smooth"><i class="icon-play"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pause smooth"><i class="icon-pause"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play-forward smooth"><i class="icon-forward"></i></a>\
<div class="clear"></div>\
<div class="current-time-tips"><span>00:00</span></div>\
<!-- volume -->\
<div class="controlset right-volume">\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="mute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-up"></i></a>\
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="unmute smooth"><i class="icon-volume-off"></i></a>\
<div class="volumeblock">\
<div class="volume-control">\
<div class="volume-value"></div>\
<!-- progress -->\
<div class="progress">\
<div class="fullBar"></div>\
<div class="seekBar">\
<div class="playBar"><i class="video-play-loading icon-refresh moveCircleRight"></i></div>\
<!-- info -->\
<div class="play-tools">\
<span class="time">\
<span class="timer current"></span> / <span class="timer duration"></span>\
<span class="right">\
<span class="change-loop" data-loop="0"><i class="icon-retweet"></i> </span>\
<span class="show-list"><i class="icon-reorder"></i> </span>\
<div class="clear"></div>\
<div class="play-list">\
<ul class="content"></ul>\
<div class="wmp_player"></div>\
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ Picasa.prototype = {
// 加载图片
loadImage : function() {
$("#PV_Number").html(this.currentNo + "/" +this.arrCount);
$("#PV_Number").html((parseInt(this.currentNo)+1) + "/" +this.arrCount);
$('#PV_Items .current').removeClass('current');
$('#PV_Items [number='+this.currentNo+']').addClass('current');
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ var quoteEncode = function(str){
return str;
var canvasSupport = function() {
return !!document.createElement('canvas').getContext;
return !!document.createElement('canvas').getContext;
var isWap = function(){
@ -680,7 +680,8 @@ var Tips = (function(){
var tips = function(msg,code){
if (msg && typeof(msg) == 'object'){
code=msg.code;msg = msg.data;
code = msg.code;
msg = msg.data;
var self = _init(false,msg,code);
@ -694,9 +695,10 @@ var Tips = (function(){
var loading = function(msg,code){
if (typeof(msg) == 'object'){
code=msg.code;msg = msg.data;
msg = msg.data;
if (msg == undefined) msg = 'loading...'
if (msg == undefined) msg = 'loading...';
msg+= " <img src='"+staticPath+"images/common/loading_circle.gif'/>";
var self = _init(true,msg,code);
@ -708,6 +710,9 @@ var Tips = (function(){
if (typeof(msg) == 'object'){
code=msg.code;msg = msg.data;
if(code && typeof(msg) != 'string'){
msg = "Success!";
code=0;msg ='';
@ -1173,11 +1178,42 @@ var MaskView = (function(){
$.getUrlParam = function(name){
var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)"+ name +"=([^&]*)(&|$)");
var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg);
if (r!=null) return unescape(r[2]); return undefined;
$.getUrlParam = function(name,url){
if(!url) url = window.location.href;
var urlParam = $.parseUrl(url);
return urlParam.params[name];//unescape
$.parseUrl = function(url){
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
return {
source: url,
protocol: a.protocol.replace(':', ''),
host: a.hostname,
port: a.port,
query: a.search,
params: (function() {
var ret = {},
seg = a.search.replace(/^\?/, '').split('&'),
len = seg.length,
i = 0,
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (!seg[i]) {
s = seg[i].split('=');
ret[s[0]] = s[1];
return ret;
file: (a.pathname.match(/\/([^\/?#]+)$/i) || [, ''])[1],
hash: a.hash.replace('#', ''),
path: a.pathname.replace(/^([^\/])/, '/$1'),
relative: (a.href.match(/tps?:\/\/[^\/]+(.+)/) || [, ''])[1],
segments: a.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').split('/')
@ -1229,7 +1265,7 @@ var MaskView = (function(){
var tab = window.open("","print-preview");
var doc = tab.document;
var paWindow = tab;
var paWindow = tab;
var $iframe = $("<iframe />");
$iframe.css({ position: "absolute",width:"0px",height:"0px",left:"-2000px",top:"-2000px" });
@ -2015,7 +2051,10 @@ var htmlDecode=function(str){
temp = null;
return output;
var htmlRemoveTags=function(str){
return str.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"");
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ input:focus {border-color: #75A1F0; outline: none; box-shadow: 0 0 12px #75A1F0;
.footer_language li {
float: left;
width: 125px;
width: 120px;
.dropdown-menu>li>a {
padding: 3px 10px;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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