JOB_NAME = "7b_train" SEQ_LEN = 1024 HIDDEN_SIZE = 2048 NUM_ATTENTION_HEAD = 16 MLP_RATIO = 8 / 3 NUM_LAYER = 16 VOCAB_SIZE = 103168 # Ckpt folder format: # fs: 'local:/mnt/nfs/XXX' # oss: 'boto3:s3://model_weights/XXX' MODEL_ONLY_FOLDER = "local:llm_ckpts/xxxx" # SAVE_CKPT_FOLDER = "local:llm_ckpts" SAVE_CKPT_FOLDER = "local:llm_ckpts" # LOAD_CKPT_FOLDER = "local:llm_ckpts/49" ckpt = dict( # Path to save training ckpt. save_ckpt_folder=SAVE_CKPT_FOLDER, # Path to continue training ckpt (load model weights and scheduler/context states). # load_ckpt_folder=LOAD_CKPT_FOLDER, # Path to initialize with given model weights. # load_model_only_folder=MODEL_ONLY_FOLDER, checkpoint_every=20, # Wheter to load optimizer states when continuing training. load_optimizer=True, ) TRAIN_FOLDER = "/mnt/petrelfs/qa-caif-cicd/data/lm_data/alpaca_data/train/en" data = dict( seq_len=SEQ_LEN, # micro_num means the number of micro_batch contained in one gradient update micro_num=4, # packed_length = micro_bsz * SEQ_LEN micro_bsz=2, pack_sample_into_one=False, total_steps=20, skip_batches="", rampup_batch_size="", # Datasets with less than 50 rows will be discarded min_length=50, # train_folder=TRAIN_FOLDER, ) grad_scaler = dict( fp16=dict( # the initial loss scale, defaults to 2**16 initial_scale=2**16, # the minimum loss scale, defaults to None min_scale=1, # the number of steps to increase loss scale when no overflow occurs growth_interval=1000, ), # the multiplication factor for increasing loss scale, defaults to 2 growth_factor=2, # the multiplication factor for decreasing loss scale, defaults to 0.5 backoff_factor=0.5, # the maximum loss scale, defaults to None max_scale=2**24, # the number of overflows before decreasing loss scale, defaults to 2 hysteresis=2, ) hybrid_zero_optimizer = dict( # Enable low_level_optimzer overlap_communication zero_overlap_communication=True, # bucket size for nccl communication params reduce_bucket_size=512 * 1024 * 1024, # grad clipping clip_grad_norm=1.0, ) loss = dict( label_smoothing=0, ) adam = dict( lr=1e-4, adam_beta1=0.9, adam_beta2=0.95, adam_beta2_c=0, adam_eps=1e-8, weight_decay=0.01, ) lr_scheduler = dict( total_steps=data["total_steps"], init_steps=0, # optimizer_warmup_step warmup_ratio=0.01, eta_min=1e-5, last_epoch=-1, ) beta2_scheduler = dict( init_beta2=adam["adam_beta2"], c=adam["adam_beta2_c"], cur_iter=-1, ) model = dict( checkpoint=False, num_attention_heads=NUM_ATTENTION_HEAD, embed_split_hidden=True, vocab_size=VOCAB_SIZE, embed_grad_scale=1, parallel_output=True, hidden_size=HIDDEN_SIZE, num_layers=NUM_LAYER, mlp_ratio=MLP_RATIO, apply_post_layer_norm=False, dtype="torch.bfloat16", norm_type="rmsnorm", layer_norm_epsilon=1e-5, ) """ zero1 parallel: 1. if zero1 <= 0, The size of the zero process group is equal to the size of the dp process group, so parameters will be divided within the range of dp. 2. if zero1 == 1, zero is not used, and all dp groups retain the full amount of model parameters. 3. zero1 > 1 and zero1 <= dp world size, the world size of zero is a subset of dp world size. For smaller models, it is usually a better choice to split the parameters within nodes with a setting <= 8. pipeline parallel: pipeline parallel size. tensor parallel: tensor parallel size, usually the number of GPUs per node. """ parallel = dict( zero1=8, ) cudnn_deterministic = False cudnn_benchmark = False