
214 lines
5.4 KiB

"appName": "Tiny File Manager",
"version": "2.3.5",
"newUpdate": "New Updates Available, Download new version <a href='https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager/archive/master.zip' target='_blank'>here</a>",
"noUpdate": "No Updates Available",
"aceHelp": [
"Save (Ctrl + S)",
"Find (Ctrl + F)",
"Undo (Ctrl + Z)",
"Redo (Ctrl + Y)",
"Go to Line (Ctrl + L)",
"<a href='https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Default-Keyboard-Shortcuts' target='_blank'>More Shortcuts</a>"
"aceTheme": {
"bright": {
"chrome": "Chrome",
"clouds": "Clouds",
"crimson_editor": "Crimson Editor",
"dawn": "Dawn",
"dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
"eclipse": "Eclipse",
"github": "GitHub",
"iplastic": "IPlastic",
"solarized_light": "Solarized Light",
"textmate": "TextMate",
"tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"xcode": "XCode",
"kuroir": "Kuroir",
"katzenmilch": "KatzenMilch",
"sqlserver": "SQL Server"
"dark": {
"ambiance": "Ambiance",
"chaos": "Chaos",
"clouds_midnight": "Clouds Midnight",
"dracula": "Dracula",
"cobalt": "Cobalt",
"gruvbox": "Gruvbox",
"gob": "Green on Black",
"idle_fingers": "idle Fingers",
"kr_theme": "krTheme",
"merbivore": "Merbivore",
"merbivore_soft": "Merbivore Soft",
"mono_industrial": "Mono Industrial",
"monokai": "Monokai",
"pastel_on_dark": "Pastel on dark",
"solarized_dark": "Solarized Dark",
"terminal": "Terminal",
"tomorrow_night": "Tomorrow Night",
"tomorrow_night_blue": "Tomorrow Night Blue",
"tomorrow_night_bright": "Tomorrow Night Bright",
"tomorrow_night_eighties": "Tomorrow Night 80s",
"twilight": "Twilight",
"vibrant_ink": "Vibrant Ink"
"aceMode": {
"javascript": "JavaScript",
"abap": "ABAP",
"abc": "ABC",
"actionscript": "ActionScript",
"ada": "ADA",
"apache_conf": "Apache Conf",
"asciidoc": "AsciiDoc",
"asl": "ASL",
"assembly_x86": "Assembly x86",
"autohotkey": "AutoHotKey",
"apex": "Apex",
"batchfile": "BatchFile",
"bro": "Bro",
"c_cpp": "C and C++",
"c9search": "C9Search",
"cirru": "Cirru",
"clojure": "Clojure",
"cobol": "Cobol",
"coffee": "CoffeeScript",
"coldfusion": "ColdFusion",
"csharp": "C#",
"csound_document": "Csound Document",
"csound_orchestra": "Csound",
"csound_score": "Csound Score",
"css": "CSS",
"curly": "Curly",
"d": "D",
"dart": "Dart",
"diff": "Diff",
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"dot": "Dot",
"drools": "Drools",
"edifact": "Edifact",
"eiffel": "Eiffel",
"ejs": "EJS",
"elixir": "Elixir",
"elm": "Elm",
"erlang": "Erlang",
"forth": "Forth",
"fortran": "Fortran",
"fsharp": "FSharp",
"fsl": "FSL",
"ftl": "FreeMarker",
"gcode": "Gcode",
"gherkin": "Gherkin",
"gitignore": "Gitignore",
"glsl": "Glsl",
"gobstones": "Gobstones",
"golang": "Go",
"graphqlschema": "GraphQLSchema",
"groovy": "Groovy",
"haml": "HAML",
"handlebars": "Handlebars",
"haskell": "Haskell",
"haskell_cabal": "Haskell Cabal",
"haxe": "haXe",
"hjson": "Hjson",
"html": "HTML",
"html_elixir": "HTML (Elixir)",
"html_ruby": "HTML (Ruby)",
"ini": "INI",
"io": "Io",
"jack": "Jack",
"jade": "Jade",
"java": "Java",
"json": "JSON",
"jsoniq": "JSONiq",
"jsp": "JSP",
"jssm": "JSSM",
"jsx": "JSX",
"julia": "Julia",
"kotlin": "Kotlin",
"latex": "LaTeX",
"less": "LESS",
"liquid": "Liquid",
"lisp": "Lisp",
"livescript": "LiveScript",
"logiql": "LogiQL",
"lsl": "LSL",
"lua": "Lua",
"luapage": "LuaPage",
"lucene": "Lucene",
"makefile": "Makefile",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"mask": "Mask",
"matlab": "MATLAB",
"maze": "Maze",
"mel": "MEL",
"mixal": "MIXAL",
"mushcode": "MUSHCode",
"mysql": "MySQL",
"nix": "Nix",
"nsis": "NSIS",
"objectivec": "Objective-C",
"ocaml": "OCaml",
"pascal": "Pascal",
"perl": "Perl",
"perl6": "Perl 6",
"pgsql": "pgSQL",
"php_laravel_blade": "PHP (Blade Template)",
"php": "PHP",
"puppet": "Puppet",
"pig": "Pig",
"powershell": "Powershell",
"praat": "Praat",
"prolog": "Prolog",
"properties": "Properties",
"protobuf": "Protobuf",
"python": "Python",
"r": "R",
"razor": "Razor",
"rdoc": "RDoc",
"red": "Red",
"rhtml": "RHTML",
"rst": "RST",
"ruby": "Ruby",
"rust": "Rust",
"sass": "SASS",
"scad": "SCAD",
"scala": "Scala",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"scss": "SCSS",
"sh": "SH",
"sjs": "SJS",
"slim": "Slim",
"smarty": "Smarty",
"snippets": "snippets",
"soy_template": "Soy Template",
"space": "Space",
"sql": "SQL",
"sqlserver": "SQLServer",
"stylus": "Stylus",
"svg": "SVG",
"swift": "Swift",
"tcl": "Tcl",
"terraform": "Terraform",
"tex": "Tex",
"text": "Text",
"textile": "Textile",
"toml": "Toml",
"tsx": "TSX",
"twig": "Twig",
"typescript": "Typescript",
"vala": "Vala",
"vbscript": "VBScript",
"velocity": "Velocity",
"verilog": "Verilog",
"vhdl": "VHDL",
"visualforce": "Visualforce",
"wollok": "Wollok",
"xml": "XML",
"xquery": "XQuery",
"yaml": "YAML",
"django": "Django"