'Password', 'Username2' => 'Password2', ...) // Generate secure password hash - https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/docs/pwd.html $auth_users = array( 'admin' => '$2y$10$USj7ZngZnv3/q5TdZGaKFOgieEA15SIr0eEPcsQxf6aIulR.DgwTW', //请将加密的密码覆盖,默认密码easyimage ); // Readonly users (username array) $readonly_users = array( 'user' ); // Possible rules are 'OFF', 'AND' or 'OR' // OFF => Don't check connection IP, defaults to OFF // AND => Connection must be on the whitelist, and not on the blacklist // OR => Connection must be on the whitelist, or not on the blacklist $ip_ruleset = 'OFF'; // Should users be notified of their block? $ip_silent = true; // IP-addresses, both ipv4 and ipv6 $ip_whitelist = array( '', // local ipv4 '::1' // local ipv6 ); // IP-addresses, both ipv4 and ipv6 $ip_blacklist = array( '', // non-routable meta ipv4 '::' // non-routable meta ipv6 ); // user specific directories // array('Username' => 'Directory path', 'Username2' => 'Directory path', ...) $directories_users = array('admin'=>'i/'); // Enable highlight.js (https://highlightjs.org/) on view's page $use_highlightjs = true; // highlight.js style $highlightjs_style = 'vs'; // Enable ace.js (https://ace.c9.io/) on view's page $edit_files = true; // Default timezone for date() and time() - http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php $default_timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai'; // UTC // Root path for file manager // use absolute path of directory i.e: '/var/www/folder' or $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/folder' $root_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; // Root url for links in file manager.Relative to $http_host. Variants: '', 'path/to/subfolder' // Will not working if $root_path will be outside of server document root $root_url = ''; // Server hostname. Can set manually if wrong $http_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // input encoding for iconv $iconv_input_encoding = 'UTF-8'; // date() format for file modification date $datetime_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; // allowed file extensions for upload and rename // e.g. 'gif,png,jpg' $allowed_extensions = 'jpg,jpeg,tiff,gif,png,gif,webp,wbmp,bmp,nef,cr2'; // Favicon path. This can be either a full url to an .PNG image, or a path based on the document root. // full path, e.g http://example.com/favicon.png // local path, e.g images/icons/favicon.png $favicon_path = '?img=favicon'; // Array of files and folders excluded from listing // e.r array('myfile.html', 'personal-folder') $GLOBALS['exclude_items'] = array('tinyfilemanager.php','public/static/translation.json'); // Online office Docs Viewer // Availabe rules are 'google', 'microsoft' or false // google => View documents using Google Docs Viewer // microsoft => View documents using Microsoft Web Apps Viewer // false => disable online dov viewer $GLOBALS['online_viewer'] = 'google'; // Sticky Nav bar // true => enable sticky header // false => disable sticky header $sticky_navbar = true; // max upload file size define('MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', '2048'); //--- EDIT BELOW CAREFULLY OR DO NOT EDIT AT ALL // private key and session name to store to the session if ( !defined( 'FM_SESSION_ID')) { define('FM_SESSION_ID', 'filemanager'); } // Configuration $cfg = new FM_Config(); // Default language $lang = isset($cfg->data['lang']) ? $cfg->data['lang'] : 'en'; // Show or hide files and folders that starts with a dot $show_hidden_files = isset($cfg->data['show_hidden']) ? $cfg->data['show_hidden'] : true; // PHP error reporting - false = Turns off Errors, true = Turns on Errors $report_errors = isset($cfg->data['error_reporting']) ? $cfg->data['error_reporting'] : true; //available languages $lang_list = array( 'en' => 'English' ); if ($report_errors == true) { @ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); @ini_set('display_errors', 1); } else { @ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); @ini_set('display_errors', 0); } // Set Cookie setcookie('fm_cache', true, 2147483647, "/"); // if fm included if (defined('FM_EMBED')) { $use_auth = false; $sticky_navbar = false; } else { @set_time_limit(600); date_default_timezone_set($default_timezone); ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<') && function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); } if (function_exists('mb_regex_encoding')) { mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); } session_cache_limiter(''); session_name(FM_SESSION_ID ); @session_start(); } if (empty($auth_users)) { $use_auth = false; } $is_https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 1) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https'; // update $root_url based on user specific directories if (isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']) && !empty($directories_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']])) { $wd = fm_clean_path(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); $root_url = $root_url.$wd.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$directories_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']]; } // clean $root_url $root_url = fm_clean_path($root_url); // abs path for site defined('FM_ROOT_URL') || define('FM_ROOT_URL', ($is_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $http_host . (!empty($root_url) ? '/' . $root_url : '')); defined('FM_SELF_URL') || define('FM_SELF_URL', ($is_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $http_host . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // logout if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL); } // Show image here if (isset($_GET['img'])) { fm_show_image($_GET['img']); } // Validate connection IP if($ip_ruleset != 'OFF'){ $clientIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $proceed = false; $whitelisted = in_array($clientIp, $ip_whitelist); $blacklisted = in_array($clientIp, $ip_blacklist); if($ip_ruleset == 'AND'){ if($whitelisted == true && $blacklisted == false){ $proceed = true; } } else if($ip_ruleset == 'OR'){ if($whitelisted == true || $blacklisted == false){ $proceed = true; } } if($proceed == false){ trigger_error('User connection denied from: ' . $clientIp, E_USER_WARNING); if($ip_silent == false){ fm_set_msg('Access denied. IP restriction applicable', 'error'); fm_show_header_login(); fm_show_message(); } exit(); } } // Auth if ($use_auth) { if (isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'], $auth_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']])) { // Logged } elseif (isset($_POST['fm_usr'], $_POST['fm_pwd'])) { // Logging In sleep(1); if(function_exists('password_verify')) { if (isset($auth_users[$_POST['fm_usr']]) && isset($_POST['fm_pwd']) && password_verify($_POST['fm_pwd'], $auth_users[$_POST['fm_usr']])) { $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'] = $_POST['fm_usr']; fm_set_msg('You are logged in'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } else { unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']); fm_set_msg('Login failed. Invalid username or password', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL); } } else { fm_set_msg('password_hash not supported, Upgrade PHP version', 'error');; } } else { // Form unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']); fm_show_header_login(); fm_show_message(); ?>

Root path \"{$root_path}\" not found!"; exit; } defined('FM_SHOW_HIDDEN') || define('FM_SHOW_HIDDEN', $show_hidden_files); defined('FM_ROOT_PATH') || define('FM_ROOT_PATH', $root_path); defined('FM_LANG') || define('FM_LANG', $lang); defined('FM_EXTENSION') || define('FM_EXTENSION', $allowed_extensions); define('FM_READONLY', $use_auth && !empty($readonly_users) && isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']) && in_array($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'], $readonly_users)); define('FM_IS_WIN', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\'); // always use ?p= if (!isset($_GET['p']) && empty($_FILES)) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } // get path $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : (isset($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : ''); // clean path $p = fm_clean_path($p); // instead globals vars define('FM_PATH', $p); define('FM_USE_AUTH', $use_auth); define('FM_EDIT_FILE', $edit_files); defined('FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC') || define('FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC', $iconv_input_encoding); defined('FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS') || define('FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS', $use_highlightjs); defined('FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE') || define('FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE', $highlightjs_style); defined('FM_DATETIME_FORMAT') || define('FM_DATETIME_FORMAT', $datetime_format); unset($p, $use_auth, $iconv_input_encoding, $use_highlightjs, $highlightjs_style); /*************************** ACTIONS ***************************/ // AJAX Request if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && !FM_READONLY) { // backup files if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "backup") { $file = $_POST['file']; $path = $_POST['path']; $date = date("dMy-His"); $newFile = $file . '-' . $date . '.bak'; copy($path . '/' . $file, $path . '/' . $newFile) or die("Unable to backup"); echo "Backup $newFile Created"; } // Save Config if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "settings") { global $cfg, $lang, $report_errors, $show_hidden_files, $lang_list; $newLng = $_POST['js-language']; fm_get_translations([]); if (!array_key_exists($newLng, $lang_list)) { $newLng = 'en'; } $erp = isset($_POST['js-error-report']) && $_POST['js-error-report'] == "true" ? true : false; $shf = isset($_POST['js-show-hidden']) && $_POST['js-show-hidden'] == "true" ? true : false; if ($cfg->data['lang'] != $newLng) { $cfg->data['lang'] = $newLng; $lang = $newLng; } if ($cfg->data['error_reporting'] != $erp) { $cfg->data['error_reporting'] = $erp; $report_errors = $erp; } if ($cfg->data['show_hidden'] != $shf) { $cfg->data['show_hidden'] = $shf; $show_hidden_files = $shf; } $cfg->save(); echo true; } // new password hash if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "pwdhash") { $res = isset($_POST['inputPassword2']) && !empty($_POST['inputPassword2']) ? password_hash($_POST['inputPassword2'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT) : ''; echo $res; } //upload using url if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "upload" && !empty($_REQUEST["uploadurl"])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $url = !empty($_REQUEST["uploadurl"]) && preg_match("|^http(s)?://.+$|", stripslashes($_REQUEST["uploadurl"])) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST["uploadurl"]) : null; $use_curl = false; $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "upload-"); $fileinfo = new stdClass(); $fileinfo->name = trim(basename($url), ".\x00..\x20"); function event_callback ($message) { global $callback; echo json_encode($message); } function get_file_path () { global $path, $fileinfo, $temp_file; return $path."/".basename($fileinfo->name); } $err = false; if (!$url) { $success = false; } else if ($use_curl) { @$fp = fopen($temp_file, "w"); @$ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); @$success = curl_exec($ch); $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch); if (!$success) { $err = array("message" => curl_error($ch)); } @curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); $fileinfo->size = $curl_info["size_download"]; $fileinfo->type = $curl_info["content_type"]; } else { $ctx = stream_context_create(); @$success = copy($url, $temp_file, $ctx); if (!$success) { $err = error_get_last(); } } if ($success) { $success = rename($temp_file, get_file_path()); } if ($success) { event_callback(array("done" => $fileinfo)); } else { unlink($temp_file); if (!$err) { $err = array("message" => "Invalid url parameter"); } event_callback(array("fail" => $err)); } } exit(); } // Delete file / folder if (isset($_GET['del']) && !FM_READONLY) { $del = str_replace( '/', '', fm_clean_path( $_GET['del'] ) ); if ($del != '' && $del != '..' && $del != '.') { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $is_dir = is_dir($path . '/' . $del); if (fm_rdelete($path . '/' . $del)) { $msg = $is_dir ? 'Folder %s deleted' : 'File %s deleted'; fm_set_msg(sprintf($msg, fm_enc($del))); } else { $msg = $is_dir ? 'Folder %s not deleted' : 'File %s not deleted'; fm_set_msg(sprintf($msg, fm_enc($del)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Wrong file or folder name', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Create folder if (isset($_GET['new']) && isset($_GET['type']) && !FM_READONLY) { $type = $_GET['type']; $new = str_replace( '/', '', fm_clean_path( strip_tags( $_GET['new'] ) ) ); if ($new != '' && $new != '..' && $new != '.') { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($_GET['type'] == "file") { if (!file_exists($path . '/' . $new)) { @fopen($path . '/' . $new, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $new); fm_set_msg(sprintf('File %s created', fm_enc($new))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('File %s already exists', fm_enc($new)), 'alert'); } } else { if (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $new, false) === true) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Folder %s created', $new)); } elseif (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $new, false) === $path . '/' . $new) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Folder %s already exists', fm_enc($new)), 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Folder %s not created', fm_enc($new)), 'error'); } } } else { fm_set_msg('Wrong folder name', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Copy folder / file if (isset($_GET['copy'], $_GET['finish']) && !FM_READONLY) { // from $copy = $_GET['copy']; $copy = fm_clean_path($copy); // empty path if ($copy == '') { fm_set_msg('Source path not defined', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // abs path from $from = FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $copy; // abs path to $dest = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $dest .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $dest .= '/' . basename($from); // move? $move = isset($_GET['move']); // copy/move if ($from != $dest) { $msg_from = trim(FM_PATH . '/' . basename($from), '/'); if ($move) { $rename = fm_rename($from, $dest); if ($rename) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Moved from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from))); } elseif ($rename === null) { fm_set_msg('File or folder with this path already exists', 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while moving from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from)), 'error'); } } else { if (fm_rcopy($from, $dest)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Copyied from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while copying from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from)), 'error'); } } } else { fm_set_msg('Paths must be not equal', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Mass copy files/ folders if (isset($_POST['file'], $_POST['copy_to'], $_POST['finish']) && !FM_READONLY) { // from $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // to $copy_to_path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $copy_to = fm_clean_path($_POST['copy_to']); if ($copy_to != '') { $copy_to_path .= '/' . $copy_to; } if ($path == $copy_to_path) { fm_set_msg('Paths must be not equal', 'alert'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } if (!is_dir($copy_to_path)) { if (!fm_mkdir($copy_to_path, true)) { fm_set_msg('Unable to create destination folder', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } } // move? $move = isset($_POST['move']); // copy/move $errors = 0; $files = $_POST['file']; if (is_array($files) && count($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '') { // abs path from $from = $path . '/' . $f; // abs path to $dest = $copy_to_path . '/' . $f; // do if ($move) { $rename = fm_rename($from, $dest); if ($rename === false) { $errors++; } } else { if (!fm_rcopy($from, $dest)) { $errors++; } } } } if ($errors == 0) { $msg = $move ? 'Selected files and folders moved' : 'Selected files and folders copied'; fm_set_msg($msg); } else { $msg = $move ? 'Error while moving items' : 'Error while copying items'; fm_set_msg($msg, 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Rename if (isset($_GET['ren'], $_GET['to']) && !FM_READONLY) { // old name $old = $_GET['ren']; $old = fm_clean_path($old); $old = str_replace('/', '', $old); // new name $new = $_GET['to']; $new = fm_clean_path($new); $new = str_replace('/', '', $new); // path $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // rename if ($old != '' && $new != '') { if (fm_rename($path . '/' . $old, $path . '/' . $new)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Renamed from %s to %s', fm_enc($old), fm_enc($new))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while renaming from %s to %s', fm_enc($old), fm_enc($new)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Names not set', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Download if (isset($_GET['dl'])) { $dl = $_GET['dl']; $dl = fm_clean_path($dl); $dl = str_replace('/', '', $dl); $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($dl != '' && is_file($path . '/' . $dl)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($path . '/' . $dl) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Connection: Keep-Alive'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path . '/' . $dl)); ob_end_clean(); readfile($path . '/' . $dl); exit; } else { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } } // Upload if (!empty($_FILES) && !FM_READONLY) { $override_file_name = false; $f = $_FILES; $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $errors = 0; $uploads = 0; $allowed = (FM_EXTENSION) ? explode(',', FM_EXTENSION) : false; $filename = $f['file']['name']; $tmp_name = $f['file']['tmp_name']; $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $isFileAllowed = ($allowed) ? in_array($ext, $allowed) : true; $targetPath = $path . $ds; $fullPath = $path . '/' . $_REQUEST['fullpath']; $folder = substr($fullPath, 0, strrpos($fullPath, "/")); if(file_exists ($fullPath) && !$override_file_name) { $ext_1 = $ext ? '.'.$ext : ''; $fullPath = str_replace($ext_1, '', $fullPath) .'_'. date('ymdHis'). $ext_1; } if (!is_dir($folder)) { $old = umask(0); mkdir($folder, 0777, true); umask($old); } if (empty($f['file']['error']) && !empty($tmp_name) && $tmp_name != 'none' && $isFileAllowed) { if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $fullPath)) { die('Successfully uploaded'); } else { die(sprintf('Error while uploading files. Uploaded files: %s', $uploads)); } } exit(); } // Mass deleting if (isset($_POST['group'], $_POST['delete']) && !FM_READONLY) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $errors = 0; $files = $_POST['file']; if (is_array($files) && count($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '') { $new_path = $path . '/' . $f; if (!fm_rdelete($new_path)) { $errors++; } } } if ($errors == 0) { fm_set_msg('Selected files and folder deleted'); } else { fm_set_msg('Error while deleting items', 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Pack files if (isset($_POST['group']) && (isset($_POST['zip']) || isset($_POST['tar'])) && !FM_READONLY) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $ext = 'zip'; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } //set pack type $ext = isset($_POST['tar']) ? 'tar' : 'zip'; if (($ext == "zip" && !class_exists('ZipArchive')) || ($ext == "tar" && !class_exists('PharData'))) { fm_set_msg('Operations with archives are not available', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } $files = $_POST['file']; if (!empty($files)) { chdir($path); if (count($files) == 1) { $one_file = reset($files); $one_file = basename($one_file); $zipname = $one_file . '_' . date('ymd_His') . '.'.$ext; } else { $zipname = 'archive_' . date('ymd_His') . '.'.$ext; } if($ext == 'zip') { $zipper = new FM_Zipper(); $res = $zipper->create($zipname, $files); } elseif ($ext == 'tar') { $tar = new FM_Zipper_Tar(); $res = $tar->create($zipname, $files); } if ($res) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Archive %s created', fm_enc($zipname))); } else { fm_set_msg('Archive not created', 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Unpack if (isset($_GET['unzip']) && !FM_READONLY) { $unzip = $_GET['unzip']; $unzip = fm_clean_path($unzip); $unzip = str_replace('/', '', $unzip); $isValid = false; $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($unzip != '' && is_file($path . '/' . $unzip)) { $zip_path = $path . '/' . $unzip; $ext = pathinfo($zip_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $isValid = true; } else { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); } if (($ext == "zip" && !class_exists('ZipArchive')) || ($ext == "tar" && !class_exists('PharData'))) { fm_set_msg('Operations with archives are not available', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } if ($isValid) { //to folder $tofolder = ''; if (isset($_GET['tofolder'])) { $tofolder = pathinfo($zip_path, PATHINFO_FILENAME); if (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $tofolder, true)) { $path .= '/' . $tofolder; } } if($ext == "zip") { $zipper = new FM_Zipper(); $res = $zipper->unzip($zip_path, $path); } elseif ($ext == "tar") { $gzipper = new PharData($zip_path); $res = $gzipper->extractTo($path); } if ($res) { fm_set_msg('Archive unpacked'); } else { fm_set_msg('Archive not unpacked', 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // Change Perms (not for Windows) if (isset($_POST['chmod']) && !FM_READONLY && !FM_IS_WIN) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $file = $_POST['chmod']; $file = fm_clean_path($file); $file = str_replace('/', '', $file); if ($file == '' || (!is_file($path . '/' . $file) && !is_dir($path . '/' . $file))) { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } $mode = 0; if (!empty($_POST['ur'])) { $mode |= 0400; } if (!empty($_POST['uw'])) { $mode |= 0200; } if (!empty($_POST['ux'])) { $mode |= 0100; } if (!empty($_POST['gr'])) { $mode |= 0040; } if (!empty($_POST['gw'])) { $mode |= 0020; } if (!empty($_POST['gx'])) { $mode |= 0010; } if (!empty($_POST['or'])) { $mode |= 0004; } if (!empty($_POST['ow'])) { $mode |= 0002; } if (!empty($_POST['ox'])) { $mode |= 0001; } if (@chmod($path . '/' . $file, $mode)) { fm_set_msg('Permissions changed'); } else { fm_set_msg('Permissions not changed', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } /*************************** /ACTIONS ***************************/ // get current path $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // check path if (!is_dir($path)) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } // get parent folder $parent = fm_get_parent_path(FM_PATH); $objects = is_readable($path) ? scandir($path) : array(); $folders = array(); $files = array(); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' && in_array($file, $GLOBALS['exclude_items'])) { continue; } if (!FM_SHOW_HIDDEN && substr($file, 0, 1) === '.') { continue; } $new_path = $path . '/' . $file; if (@is_file($new_path) && !in_array($file, $GLOBALS['exclude_items'])) { $files[] = $file; } elseif (@is_dir($new_path) && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && !in_array($file, $GLOBALS['exclude_items'])) { $folders[] = $file; } } } if (!empty($files)) { natcasesort($files); } if (!empty($folders)) { natcasesort($folders); } // upload form if (isset($_GET['upload']) && !FM_READONLY) { fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path ?>


' . PHP_EOL; } ?>

: , ', $copy_files) ?>




Source path:
Destination folder:

Copy   Move   Cancel

Select folder


Full path:
File size: = 1000): ?> ()
Files in archive:
Total size:
Size in archive:
Compression: %
'; } // Text info if ($is_text) { $is_utf8 = fm_is_utf8($content); if (function_exists('iconv')) { if (!$is_utf8) { $content = iconv(FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $content); } } echo 'Charset: ' . ($is_utf8 ? 'utf-8' : '8 bit') . '
'; } ?>


'; } else if($online_viewer == 'microsoft') { echo ''; } } elseif ($is_zip) { // ZIP content if ($filenames !== false) { echo ''; foreach ($filenames as $fn) { if ($fn['folder']) { echo '' . fm_enc($fn['name']) . '
'; } else { echo $fn['name'] . ' (' . fm_get_filesize($fn['filesize']) . ')
'; } } echo '
'; } else { echo '

Error while fetching archive info

'; } } elseif ($is_image) { // Image content if (in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'ico', 'svg'))) { echo '

'; } } elseif ($is_audio) { // Audio content echo '

'; } elseif ($is_video) { // Video content echo '
'; } elseif ($is_text) { if (FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS) { // highlight $hljs_classes = array( 'shtml' => 'xml', 'htaccess' => 'apache', 'phtml' => 'php', 'lock' => 'json', 'svg' => 'xml', ); $hljs_class = isset($hljs_classes[$ext]) ? 'lang-' . $hljs_classes[$ext] : 'lang-' . $ext; if (empty($ext) || in_array(strtolower($file), fm_get_text_names()) || preg_match('#\.min\.(css|js)$#i', $file)) { $hljs_class = 'nohighlight'; } $content = '
' . fm_enc($content) . '
'; } elseif (in_array($ext, array('php', 'php4', 'php5', 'phtml', 'phps'))) { // php highlight $content = highlight_string($content, true); } else { $content = '
' . fm_enc($content) . '
'; } echo $content; } ?>
' . htmlspecialchars($content) . ''; } elseif ($is_text) { echo '
' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '
'; } else { fm_set_msg('FILE EXTENSION HAS NOT SUPPORTED', 'error'); } ?>

Full path:


'?'); $group = array('name' => '?'); } ?> '?'); $group = array('name' => '?'); } ?>
' . readlink($path . '/' . $f) . '' : '') ?>
Full size: '.fm_get_filesize($all_files_size).'' ?> '.$num_files.'' ?> '.$num_folders.'' ?> '.fm_get_filesize(@memory_get_usage(true)).'' ?> '.fm_get_filesize(@disk_free_space($path)) .' free of '.fm_get_filesize(@disk_total_space($path)).''; ?>
= $time1 && $upd) { return false; } } $ok = copy($f1, $f2); if ($ok) { touch($f2, $time1); } return $ok; } /** * Get mime type * @param string $file_path * @return mixed|string */ function fm_get_mime_type($file_path) { if (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_path); finfo_close($finfo); return $mime; } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { return mime_content_type($file_path); } elseif (!stristr(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'shell_exec')) { $file = escapeshellarg($file_path); $mime = shell_exec('file -bi ' . $file); return $mime; } else { return '--'; } } /** * HTTP Redirect * @param string $url * @param int $code */ function fm_redirect($url, $code = 302) { header('Location: ' . $url, true, $code); exit; } /** * Path traversal prevention and clean the url * It replaces (consecutive) occurrences of / and \\ with whatever is in DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, and processes /. and /.. fine. * @param $path * @return string */ function get_absolute_path($path) { $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen'); $absolutes = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { if ('.' == $part) continue; if ('..' == $part) { array_pop($absolutes); } else { $absolutes[] = $part; } } return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $absolutes); } /** * Clean path * @param string $path * @return string */ function fm_clean_path($path) { $path = trim($path); $path = trim($path, '\\/'); $path = str_replace(array('../', '..\\'), '', $path); $path = get_absolute_path($path); if ($path == '..') { $path = ''; } return str_replace('\\', '/', $path); } /** * Get parent path * @param string $path * @return bool|string */ function fm_get_parent_path($path) { $path = fm_clean_path($path); if ($path != '') { $array = explode('/', $path); if (count($array) > 1) { $array = array_slice($array, 0, -1); return implode('/', $array); } return ''; } return false; } /* * get language translations from json file * @param int $tr * @return array */ function fm_get_translations($tr) { try { $content = @file_get_contents('public/static/translation.json'); if($content !== FALSE) { $lng = json_decode($content, TRUE); global $lang_list; foreach ($lng["language"] as $key => $value) { $code = $value["code"]; $lang_list[$code] = $value["name"]; if ($tr) $tr[$code] = $value["translation"]; } return $tr; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; } } /** * @param $file * Recover all file sizes larger than > 2GB. * Works on php 32bits and 64bits and supports linux * @return int|string */ function fm_get_size($file) { static $iswin; if (!isset($iswin)) { $iswin = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN'); } static $exec_works; if (!isset($exec_works)) { $exec_works = (function_exists('exec') && !ini_get('safe_mode') && @exec('echo EXEC') == 'EXEC'); } // try a shell command if ($exec_works) { $cmd = ($iswin) ? "for %F in (\"$file\") do @echo %~zF" : "stat -c%s \"$file\""; @exec($cmd, $output); if (is_array($output) && ctype_digit($size = trim(implode("\n", $output)))) { return $size; } } // try the Windows COM interface if ($iswin && class_exists("COM")) { try { $fsobj = new COM('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); $f = $fsobj->GetFile( realpath($file) ); $size = $f->Size; } catch (Exception $e) { $size = null; } if (ctype_digit($size)) { return $size; } } // if all else fails return filesize($file); } /** * Get nice filesize * @param int $size * @return string */ function fm_get_filesize($size) { if ($size < 1000) { return sprintf('%s B', $size); } elseif (($size / 1024) < 1000) { return sprintf('%s KB', round(($size / 1024), 2)); } elseif (($size / 1024 / 1024) < 1000) { return sprintf('%s MB', round(($size / 1024 / 1024), 2)); } elseif (($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) < 1000) { return sprintf('%s GB', round(($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)); } else { return sprintf('%s TB', round(($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)); } } /** * Get info about zip archive * @param string $path * @return array|bool */ function fm_get_zif_info($path, $ext) { if ($ext == 'zip' && function_exists('zip_open')) { $arch = zip_open($path); if ($arch) { $filenames = array(); while ($zip_entry = zip_read($arch)) { $zip_name = zip_entry_name($zip_entry); $zip_folder = substr($zip_name, -1) == '/'; $filenames[] = array( 'name' => $zip_name, 'filesize' => zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry), 'compressed_size' => zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry), 'folder' => $zip_folder //'compression_method' => zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry), ); } zip_close($arch); return $filenames; } } elseif($ext == 'tar' && class_exists('PharData')) { $archive = new PharData($path); $filenames = array(); foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($archive) as $file) { $parent_info = $file->getPathInfo(); $zip_name = str_replace("phar://".$path, '', $file->getPathName()); $zip_name = substr($zip_name, ($pos = strpos($zip_name, '/')) !== false ? $pos + 1 : 0); $zip_folder = $parent_info->getFileName(); $zip_info = new SplFileInfo($file); $filenames[] = array( 'name' => $zip_name, 'filesize' => $zip_info->getSize(), 'compressed_size' => $file->getCompressedSize(), 'folder' => $zip_folder ); } return $filenames; } return false; } /** * Encode html entities * @param string $text * @return string */ function fm_enc($text) { return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } /** * Save message in session * @param string $msg * @param string $status */ function fm_set_msg($msg, $status = 'ok') { $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['message'] = $msg; $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['status'] = $status; } /** * Check if string is in UTF-8 * @param string $string * @return int */ function fm_is_utf8($string) { return preg_match('//u', $string); } /** * Convert file name to UTF-8 in Windows * @param string $filename * @return string */ function fm_convert_win($filename) { if (FM_IS_WIN && function_exists('iconv')) { $filename = iconv(FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $filename); } return $filename; } /** * @param $obj * @return array */ function fm_object_to_array($obj) { if (!is_object($obj) && !is_array($obj)) { return $obj; } if (is_object($obj)) { $obj = get_object_vars($obj); } return array_map('fm_object_to_array', $obj); } /** * Get CSS classname for file * @param string $path * @return string */ function fm_get_file_icon_class($path) { // get extension $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); switch ($ext) { case 'ico': case 'gif': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'jpc': case 'jp2': case 'jpx': case 'xbm': case 'wbmp': case 'png': case 'bmp': case 'tif': case 'tiff': case 'svg': $img = 'fa fa-picture-o'; break; case 'passwd': case 'ftpquota': case 'sql': case 'js': case 'json': case 'sh': case 'config': case 'twig': case 'tpl': case 'md': case 'gitignore': case 'c': case 'cpp': case 'cs': case 'py': case 'map': case 'lock': case 'dtd': $img = 'fa fa-file-code-o'; break; case 'txt': case 'ini': case 'conf': case 'log': case 'htaccess': $img = 'fa fa-file-text-o'; break; case 'css': case 'less': case 'sass': case 'scss': $img = 'fa fa-css3'; break; case 'zip': case 'rar': case 'gz': case 'tar': case '7z': $img = 'fa fa-file-archive-o'; break; case 'php': case 'php4': case 'php5': case 'phps': case 'phtml': $img = 'fa fa-code'; break; case 'htm': case 'html': case 'shtml': case 'xhtml': $img = 'fa fa-html5'; break; case 'xml': case 'xsl': $img = 'fa fa-file-excel-o'; break; case 'wav': case 'mp3': case 'mp2': case 'm4a': case 'aac': case 'ogg': case 'oga': case 'wma': case 'mka': case 'flac': case 'ac3': case 'tds': $img = 'fa fa-music'; break; case 'm3u': case 'm3u8': case 'pls': case 'cue': $img = 'fa fa-headphones'; break; case 'avi': case 'mpg': case 'mpeg': case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'flv': case 'f4v': case 'ogm': case 'ogv': case 'mov': case 'mkv': case '3gp': case 'asf': case 'wmv': $img = 'fa fa-file-video-o'; break; case 'eml': case 'msg': $img = 'fa fa-envelope-o'; break; case 'xls': case 'xlsx': $img = 'fa fa-file-excel-o'; break; case 'csv': $img = 'fa fa-file-text-o'; break; case 'bak': $img = 'fa fa-clipboard'; break; case 'doc': case 'docx': $img = 'fa fa-file-word-o'; break; case 'ppt': case 'pptx': $img = 'fa fa-file-powerpoint-o'; break; case 'ttf': case 'ttc': case 'otf': case 'woff': case 'woff2': case 'eot': case 'fon': $img = 'fa fa-font'; break; case 'pdf': $img = 'fa fa-file-pdf-o'; break; case 'psd': case 'ai': case 'eps': case 'fla': case 'swf': $img = 'fa fa-file-image-o'; break; case 'exe': case 'msi': $img = 'fa fa-file-o'; break; case 'bat': $img = 'fa fa-terminal'; break; default: $img = 'fa fa-info-circle'; } return $img; } /** * Get image files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_image_exts() { return array('ico', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpc', 'jp2', 'jpx', 'xbm', 'wbmp', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'psd', 'svg'); } /** * Get video files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_video_exts() { return array('webm', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'ogm', 'ogv', 'mov', 'mkv'); } /** * Get audio files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_audio_exts() { return array('wav', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'm4a'); } /** * Get text file extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_text_exts() { return array( 'txt', 'css', 'ini', 'conf', 'log', 'htaccess', 'passwd', 'ftpquota', 'sql', 'js', 'json', 'sh', 'config', 'php', 'php4', 'php5', 'phps', 'phtml', 'htm', 'html', 'shtml', 'xhtml', 'xml', 'xsl', 'm3u', 'm3u8', 'pls', 'cue', 'eml', 'msg', 'csv', 'bat', 'twig', 'tpl', 'md', 'gitignore', 'less', 'sass', 'scss', 'c', 'cpp', 'cs', 'py', 'map', 'lock', 'dtd', 'svg', ); } /** * Get mime types of text files * @return array */ function fm_get_text_mimes() { return array( 'application/xml', 'application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'image/svg+xml', 'message/rfc822', ); } /** * Get file names of text files w/o extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_text_names() { return array( 'license', 'readme', 'authors', 'contributors', 'changelog', ); } /** * Get online docs viewer supported files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_onlineViewer_exts() { return array('doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'pdf', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'ai', 'psd', 'dxf', 'xps', 'rar'); } /** * Class to work with zip files (using ZipArchive) */ class FM_Zipper { private $zip; public function __construct() { $this->zip = new ZipArchive(); } /** * Create archive with name $filename and files $files (RELATIVE PATHS!) * @param string $filename * @param array|string $files * @return bool */ public function create($filename, $files) { $res = $this->zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if (!$this->addFileOrDir($f)) { $this->zip->close(); return false; } } $this->zip->close(); return true; } else { if ($this->addFileOrDir($files)) { $this->zip->close(); return true; } return false; } } /** * Extract archive $filename to folder $path (RELATIVE OR ABSOLUTE PATHS) * @param string $filename * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function unzip($filename, $path) { $res = $this->zip->open($filename); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if ($this->zip->extractTo($path)) { $this->zip->close(); return true; } return false; } /** * Add file/folder to archive * @param string $filename * @return bool */ private function addFileOrDir($filename) { if (is_file($filename)) { return $this->zip->addFile($filename); } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { return $this->addDir($filename); } return false; } /** * Add folder recursively * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function addDir($path) { if (!$this->zip->addEmptyDir($path)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->addDir($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } elseif (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->zip->addFile($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } } } return true; } return false; } } /** * Class to work with Tar files (using PharData) */ class FM_Zipper_Tar { private $tar; public function __construct() { $this->tar = null; } /** * Create archive with name $filename and files $files (RELATIVE PATHS!) * @param string $filename * @param array|string $files * @return bool */ public function create($filename, $files) { $this->tar = new PharData($filename); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if (!$this->addFileOrDir($f)) { return false; } } return true; } else { if ($this->addFileOrDir($files)) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Extract archive $filename to folder $path (RELATIVE OR ABSOLUTE PATHS) * @param string $filename * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function unzip($filename, $path) { $res = $this->tar->open($filename); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if ($this->tar->extractTo($path)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Add file/folder to archive * @param string $filename * @return bool */ private function addFileOrDir($filename) { if (is_file($filename)) { return $this->tar->addFile($filename); } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { return $this->addDir($filename); } return false; } /** * Add folder recursively * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function addDir($path) { $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->addDir($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } elseif (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { try { $this->tar->addFile($path . '/' . $file); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } } } return true; } return false; } } /** * Save Configuration */ class FM_Config { var $data; function __construct() { global $root_path, $root_url, $CONFIG; $fm_url = $root_url.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $this->data = array( 'lang' => 'en', 'error_reporting' => true, 'show_hidden' => true ); $data = false; if (strlen($CONFIG)) { $data = fm_object_to_array(json_decode($CONFIG)); } else { $msg = 'Tiny File Manager
Error: Cannot load configuration'; if (substr($fm_url, -1) == '/') { $fm_url = rtrim($fm_url, '/'); $msg .= '
'; $msg .= '
Seems like you have a trailing slash on the URL.'; $msg .= '
Try this link: ' . $fm_url . ''; } die($msg); } if (is_array($data) && count($data)) $this->data = $data; else $this->save(); } function save() { global $root_path; $fm_file = $root_path.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $var_name = '$CONFIG'; $var_value = var_export(json_encode($this->data), true); $config_string = " ' . $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['message'] . '

'; unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['message']); unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['status']); } } /** * Show page header in Login Form */ function fm_show_header_login() { $sprites_ver = '20160315'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); global $lang, $root_url, $favicon_path; ?> <?php echo fm_enc(APP_TITLE) ?>
<?php echo fm_enc(APP_TITLE) ?>