You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
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package routers
import (
* @apiDefine stats 统计
* @apiDefine playerInfo
* @apiSuccess (200) {String}
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.path
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.transType 传输模式
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.inBytes 入口流量
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.outBytes 出口流量
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.startAt 开始时间
* @api {get} /api/v1/pushers 获取推流列表
* @apiGroup stats
* @apiName Pushers
* @apiParam {Number} [start] 分页开始,从零开始
* @apiParam {Number} [limit] 分页大小
* @apiParam {String} [sort] 排序字段
* @apiParam {String=ascending,descending} [order] 排序顺序
* @apiParam {String} [q] 查询参数
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} total 总数
* @apiSuccess (200) {Array} rows 推流列表
* @apiSuccess (200) {String}
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.path
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.transType 传输模式
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.inBytes 入口流量
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.outBytes 出口流量
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.startAt 开始时间
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.onlines 在线人数
func (h *APIHandler) Pushers(c *gin.Context) {
form := utils.NewPageForm()
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
hostname := utils.GetRequestHostname(c.Request)
pushers := make([]interface{}, 0)
for _, pusher := range rtsp.Instance.GetPushers() {
port := pusher.Server().TCPPort
rtsp := fmt.Sprintf("rtsp://%s:%d%s", hostname, port, pusher.Path())
if port == 554 {
rtsp = fmt.Sprintf("rtsp://%s%s", hostname, pusher.Path())
if form.Q != "" && !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(rtsp), strings.ToLower(form.Q)) {
pushers = append(pushers, map[string]interface{}{
"id": pusher.ID(),
"url": rtsp,
"path": pusher.Path(),
"source": pusher.Source(),
"transType": pusher.TransType(),
"inBytes": pusher.InBytes(),
"outBytes": pusher.OutBytes(),
"startAt": utils.DateTime(pusher.StartAt()),
"onlines": len(pusher.GetPlayers()),
pr := utils.NewPageResult(pushers)
if form.Sort != "" {
pr.Sort(form.Sort, form.Order)
pr.Slice(form.Start, form.Limit)
c.IndentedJSON(200, pr)
* @api {get} /api/v1/players 获取拉流列表
* @apiGroup stats
* @apiName Players
* @apiParam {Number} [start] 分页开始,从零开始
* @apiParam {Number} [limit] 分页大小
* @apiParam {String} [sort] 排序字段
* @apiParam {String=ascending,descending} [order] 排序顺序
* @apiParam {String} [q] 查询参数
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} total 总数
* @apiSuccess (200) {Array} rows 推流列表
* @apiSuccess (200) {String}
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.path
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.transType 传输模式
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.inBytes 入口流量
* @apiSuccess (200) {Number} rows.outBytes 出口流量
* @apiSuccess (200) {String} rows.startAt 开始时间
func (h *APIHandler) Players(c *gin.Context) {
form := utils.NewPageForm()
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
players := make([]*rtsp.Player, 0)
for _, pusher := range rtsp.Instance.GetPushers() {
for _, player := range pusher.GetPlayers() {
players = append(players, player)
hostname := utils.GetRequestHostname(c.Request)
_players := make([]interface{}, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(players); i++ {
player := players[i]
port := player.Server.TCPPort
rtsp := fmt.Sprintf("rtsp://%s:%d%s", hostname, port, player.Path)
if port == 554 {
rtsp = fmt.Sprintf("rtsp://%s%s", hostname, player.Path)
_players = append(_players, map[string]interface{}{
"id": player.ID,
"path": rtsp,
"transType": player.TransType.String(),
"inBytes": player.InBytes,
"outBytes": player.OutBytes,
"startAt": utils.DateTime(player.StartAt),
pr := utils.NewPageResult(_players)
if form.Sort != "" {
pr.Sort(form.Sort, form.Order)
pr.Slice(form.Start, form.Limit)
c.IndentedJSON(200, pr)