2022-04-09 01:35:50 +00:00
import requests,json
2022-06-23 00:18:57 +00:00
from units import consul_kv
2022-04-09 01:35:50 +00:00
from config import consul_token,consul_url,vendors,regions
headers = {'X-Consul-Token': consul_token}
geturl = f'{consul_url}/agent/services'
delurl = f'{consul_url}/agent/service/deregister'
puturl = f'{consul_url}/agent/service/register'
def w2consul(vendor,account,region,ecs_dict):
service_name = f'{vendor}_{account}_ecs'
params = {'filter': f'Service == "{service_name}" and "{region}" in Tags and Meta.account == "{account}"'}
consul_ecs_iid_list = requests.get(geturl, headers=headers, params=params).json().keys()
consul_ecs_iid_list = []
for del_ecs in [x for x in consul_ecs_iid_list if x not in ecs_dict.keys()]:
dereg = requests.put(f'{delurl}/{del_ecs}', headers=headers)
if dereg.status_code == 200:
print({"code": 20000,"data": f"{account}-删除成功!"}, flush=True)
print({"code": 50000,"data": f'{dereg.status_code}:{dereg.text}'}, flush=True)
off,on = 0,0
for k,v in ecs_dict.items():
iid = k
if v['status'] in ['SHUTOFF','Stopped','STOPPED']:
off = off + 1
if k in consul_ecs_iid_list:
dereg = requests.put(f'{delurl}/{iid}', headers=headers)
if dereg.status_code == 200:
print({"code": 20000,"data": f"{account}-删除成功!"}, flush=True)
print({"code": 50000,"data": f'{dereg.status_code}:{dereg.text}'}, flush=True)
on = on + 1
2022-06-23 00:18:57 +00:00
custom_ecs = consul_kv.get_value(f'ConsulManager/assets/sync_ecs_custom/{iid}')
port = custom_ecs.get('port')
ip = custom_ecs.get('ip')
if port == None:
port = 9100 if v['ostype'] == 'linux' else 9182
if ip == None:
ip = v['ip'] if isinstance(v['ip'],list) is False else v['ip'][0]
2022-04-09 01:35:50 +00:00
instance = f'{ip}:{port}'
data = {
'id': iid,
'name': service_name,
'Address': ip,
'port': port,
'tags': [v['ostype'],region],
'Meta': {
'iid': iid,
'name': v['name'],
'region': regions[vendor].get(region,'未找到'),
'group': v['group'],
'instance': instance,
'account': account,
'vendor': vendors.get(vendor,'未找到'),
'os': v['ostype'],
'cpu': v['cpu'],
'mem': v['mem'],
'exp': v['exp']
"check": {
"tcp": f"{ip}:{port}",
"interval": "60s"
2022-06-15 18:05:06 +00:00
if vendor == 'alicloud' and v['ecstag'] != []:
ecstag_dict = {}
for ecstag in v['ecstag']:
if ecstag['TagKey'].encode().isalnum():
ecstag_dict[ecstag['TagKey']] = ecstag['TagValue']
2022-04-09 01:35:50 +00:00
reg = requests.put(puturl, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
if reg.status_code == 200:
#print({f"{account}:code": 20000,"data": "增加成功!"}, flush=True)
print({f"{account}:code": 50000,"data": f'{reg.status_code}:{reg.text}'}, flush=True)
2022-06-23 00:18:57 +00:00
#return {"code": 50000,"data": f'{reg.status_code}:{reg.text}'}
2022-04-09 01:35:50 +00:00
return off,on