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243 lines
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243 lines
9.8 KiB
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.testing import assert_close
import colossalai
from colossalai.shardformer.layer.utils import Randomizer
from colossalai.tensor.d_tensor.api import clear_layout_converter
from colossalai.testing import parameterize, spawn
from tests.kit.model_zoo import model_zoo
from tests.test_shardformer.test_model._utils import (
def check_optim_states(org_optim, sharded_optim):
for group in org_optim.param_groups:
for p in group["params"]:
sharded_state = sharded_optim.state[p]
state = org_optim.state[p]
for key in sharded_state:
assert_close(state[key], sharded_state[key], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
def check_bert_fwd_bwd(
model_fn, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, loss_fn, test_config, optim_class, sharded_optim_class
org_model, org_optimizer, sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, criterion, booster = build_model_from_hybrid_plugin(
model_fn, loss_fn, test_config, optim_class, sharded_optim_class
org_loss, org_output, sharded_loss, sharded_output = run_forward_backward_with_hybrid_plugin(
org_model, sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, criterion, booster
stage_manager = booster.plugin.stage_manager
tp_group = booster.plugin.tp_group
bert = unwrap_model(org_model, "BertModel", "bert")
sharded_bert = unwrap_model(sharded_model, "BertModel", "bert")
weight_layer_for_check = ["encoder.layer[0].output.dense", "encoder.layer[1].output.dense"]
# optimizer executes step
# check weights
if test_config["precision"] == "bf16":
atol, rtol = 5e-4, 1e-4
atol, rtol = 5e-4, 5e-4
if stage_manager is None or stage_manager.is_first_stage(ignore_chunk=True):
check_weight(bert, sharded_bert, weight_layer_for_check, tp_group, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, dim=1)
# check optim states
check_optim_states(org_optimizer, sharded_optimizer.optim)
"tp_size": 1,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 2,
"precision": "bf16",
"tp_size": 2,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 2,
"precision": "bf16",
"tp_size": 4,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 2,
"precision": "bf16",
"tp_size": 1,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 2,
"precision": "fp16",
"tp_size": 2,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 2,
"precision": "fp16",
"tp_size": 4,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 2,
"precision": "fp16",
"tp_size": 2,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 1,
"precision": "bf16",
"tp_size": 2,
"num_microbatches": 4,
"zero_stage": 0,
"precision": "bf16",
def run_bert_test(test_config, optim_class, sharded_optim_class):
"""Only call this if you've initialized distributed backend and spawned processes"""
sub_model_zoo = model_zoo.get_sub_registry("transformers_bert")
test_config["use_lazy_init"] = False
test_config["pp_size"] = 1 # Do NOT test Pipeline Parallel
test_config["initial_scale"] = 2**15 # avoid overflow
target_models = [
for name, (model_fn, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, loss_fn, _) in sub_model_zoo.items():
if name in target_models:
model_fn, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, loss_fn, test_config, optim_class, sharded_optim_class
def _run_bert_test(rank, world_size, port, optim_class, sharded_optim_class):
colossalai.launch(rank=rank, world_size=world_size, host="localhost", port=port, backend="nccl")
run_bert_test(optim_class, sharded_optim_class)
def check_optim_on_bert(optim_class, sharded_optim_class):
spawn(_run_bert_test, 4, optim_class, sharded_optim_class)
def check_dist_optim_state(org_optimizer, sharded_optimizer):
for group, tp_group in zip(org_optimizer.param_groups, sharded_optimizer.param_groups):
for p, tp in zip(group["params"], tp_group["params"]):
p_state = org_optimizer.state[p]
tp_state = sharded_optimizer.state[tp]
# TODO "exp_avg_sq_col", "exp_avg_sq_row", "exp_avg_sq"
for key in ["exp_avg_sq_row"]:
if key in tp_state.keys() and type(tp_state[key]) is torch.Tensor:
tp_is_dtensor = sharded_optimizer.param_is_dtensor_dict[id(tp)]
shard_spec = sharded_optimizer.shard_spec_dict[id(tp)]
use_zero = sharded_optimizer.use_zero
tp_optim_state = tp_state[key]
state = p_state[key]
dp_size, tp_size = (
# we start init model with first tensor parallel then zero;
# So, we gather model with first zero then tensor parallel
if tp_is_dtensor:
# col parallel
if shard_spec.sharding_sequence[0] == "R":
if use_zero:
# sq_row need gather alone dp group
# sq_col don't need gather alone dp group
if key == "exp_avg_sq_row":
state = state.chunk(dp_size, dim=-1)[dist.get_rank(sharded_optimizer.dp_group)]
# gather from tp group
# sq_row don need gather alone tp group
# sq_col need gather alone tp group
if key == "exp_avg_sq_col":
state = state.chunk(tp_size, dim=-1)[dist.get_rank(sharded_optimizer.tp_group)]
# row parallel
elif shard_spec.sharding_sequence[-1] == "R":
# TODO: this case may cause shape mismatch @duanjunwen
if use_zero and key == "exp_avg_sq_row" and state.shape[0] // tp_size % dp_size == 0:
# sq_row need gather alone dp group
# sq_col don't need gather alone dp group
state = state.chunk(dp_size, dim=-1)[dist.get_rank(sharded_optimizer.dp_group)]
# gather from tp group
# sq_row need gather alone tp group
if key == "exp_avg_sq_row":
state = state.chunk(tp_size, dim=-1)[dist.get_rank(sharded_optimizer.tp_group)]
# sq_col don't need gather alone dp group
if key == "exp_avg_sq_col":
if use_zero:
# sq_row need gather alone dp group
if key == "exp_avg_sq_row":
# row residule; no gather
if state.shape[0] % dp_size != 0:
state = state.chunk(dp_size, dim=-1)[dist.get_rank(sharded_optimizer.dp_group)]
# sq_col don't need gather alone dp group
if key == "exp_avg_sq_col":
tp_optim_state = tp_optim_state.div_(dp_size)
# need a div;
if state.dtype != tp_optim_state.dtype:
tp_optim_state = tp_optim_state.type(state.dtype)
# TODO: some sharding checks are currently buggy, but the state values should match
# @duanjunwen
if state.shape != tp_optim_state.shape:
assert_close(state, tp_optim_state, atol=5e-4, rtol=1.6e-2)
def check_dist_param(org_model, sharded_model, weight_layer_for_check, atol, rtol):
for (org_name, org_param), (sharded_name, sharded_param) in zip(
org_model.named_parameters(), sharded_model.named_parameters()
if org_name in weight_layer_for_check:
assert_close(org_param, sharded_param, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
def check_dist_grad(sharded_optimizer, org_model, sharded_model, weight_layer_for_check, atol, rtol):
for (org_name, org_param), (sharded_name, sharded_param) in zip(
org_model.named_parameters(), sharded_model.named_parameters()
if org_name in weight_layer_for_check:
org_grad = org_param.grad
group_id = dist.get_rank(sharded_optimizer.optim.dp_group)
dist_grad = sharded_optimizer.get_partitioned_gradients_by_param_id(group_id, id(sharded_param))
# dist_grad concat then reshape to org_grad shape
if dist_grad:
dist_grad = torch.cat([t for t in dist_grad], 0).view(org_grad.shape)
assert_close(org_grad, dist_grad, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)