mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
402 lines
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402 lines
15 KiB
import glob
import os
import pickle
import shutil
import tarfile
from functools import partial
import albumentations
import cv2
import numpy as np
import PIL
import taming.data.utils as tdu
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
import yaml
from ldm.modules.image_degradation import degradation_fn_bsr, degradation_fn_bsr_light
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from PIL import Image
from taming.data.imagenet import ImagePaths, download, give_synsets_from_indices, retrieve, str_to_indices
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, Subset
from tqdm import tqdm
def synset2idx(path_to_yaml="data/index_synset.yaml"):
with open(path_to_yaml) as f:
di2s = yaml.load(f)
return dict((v, k) for k, v in di2s.items())
class ImageNetBase(Dataset):
def __init__(self, config=None):
self.config = config or OmegaConf.create()
if not type(self.config) == dict:
self.config = OmegaConf.to_container(self.config)
self.keep_orig_class_label = self.config.get("keep_orig_class_label", False)
self.process_images = True # if False we skip loading & processing images and self.data contains filepaths
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.data[i]
def _prepare(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _filter_relpaths(self, relpaths):
ignore = set(
relpaths = [rpath for rpath in relpaths if not rpath.split("/")[-1] in ignore]
if "sub_indices" in self.config:
indices = str_to_indices(self.config["sub_indices"])
synsets = give_synsets_from_indices(indices, path_to_yaml=self.idx2syn) # returns a list of strings
self.synset2idx = synset2idx(path_to_yaml=self.idx2syn)
files = []
for rpath in relpaths:
syn = rpath.split("/")[0]
if syn in synsets:
return files
return relpaths
def _prepare_synset_to_human(self):
SIZE = 2655750
URL = "https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/f/9f28e956cd304264bb82/?dl=1"
self.human_dict = os.path.join(self.root, "synset_human.txt")
if not os.path.exists(self.human_dict) or not os.path.getsize(self.human_dict) == SIZE:
download(URL, self.human_dict)
def _prepare_idx_to_synset(self):
URL = "https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/f/d835d5b6ceda4d3aa910/?dl=1"
self.idx2syn = os.path.join(self.root, "index_synset.yaml")
if not os.path.exists(self.idx2syn):
download(URL, self.idx2syn)
def _prepare_human_to_integer_label(self):
URL = "https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/f/2362b797d5be43b883f6/?dl=1"
self.human2integer = os.path.join(self.root, "imagenet1000_clsidx_to_labels.txt")
if not os.path.exists(self.human2integer):
download(URL, self.human2integer)
with open(self.human2integer, "r") as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 1000
self.human2integer_dict = dict()
for line in lines:
value, key = line.split(":")
self.human2integer_dict[key] = int(value)
def _load(self):
with open(self.txt_filelist, "r") as f:
self.relpaths = f.read().splitlines()
l1 = len(self.relpaths)
self.relpaths = self._filter_relpaths(self.relpaths)
print("Removed {} files from filelist during filtering.".format(l1 - len(self.relpaths)))
self.synsets = [p.split("/")[0] for p in self.relpaths]
self.abspaths = [os.path.join(self.datadir, p) for p in self.relpaths]
unique_synsets = np.unique(self.synsets)
class_dict = dict((synset, i) for i, synset in enumerate(unique_synsets))
if not self.keep_orig_class_label:
self.class_labels = [class_dict[s] for s in self.synsets]
self.class_labels = [self.synset2idx[s] for s in self.synsets]
with open(self.human_dict, "r") as f:
human_dict = f.read().splitlines()
human_dict = dict(line.split(maxsplit=1) for line in human_dict)
self.human_labels = [human_dict[s] for s in self.synsets]
labels = {
"relpath": np.array(self.relpaths),
"synsets": np.array(self.synsets),
"class_label": np.array(self.class_labels),
"human_label": np.array(self.human_labels),
if self.process_images:
self.size = retrieve(self.config, "size", default=256)
self.data = ImagePaths(
self.data = self.abspaths
class ImageNetTrain(ImageNetBase):
NAME = "ILSVRC2012_train"
URL = "http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/"
AT_HASH = "a306397ccf9c2ead27155983c254227c0fd938e2"
def __init__(self, process_images=True, data_root=None, **kwargs):
self.process_images = process_images
self.data_root = data_root
def _prepare(self):
if self.data_root:
self.root = os.path.join(self.data_root, self.NAME)
cachedir = os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.cache"))
self.root = os.path.join(cachedir, "autoencoders/data", self.NAME)
self.datadir = os.path.join(self.root, "data")
self.txt_filelist = os.path.join(self.root, "filelist.txt")
self.expected_length = 1281167
self.random_crop = retrieve(self.config, "ImageNetTrain/random_crop", default=True)
if not tdu.is_prepared(self.root):
# prep
print("Preparing dataset {} in {}".format(self.NAME, self.root))
datadir = self.datadir
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
path = os.path.join(self.root, self.FILES[0])
if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.getsize(path) == self.SIZES[0]:
import academictorrents as at
atpath = at.get(self.AT_HASH, datastore=self.root)
assert atpath == path
print("Extracting {} to {}".format(path, datadir))
os.makedirs(datadir, exist_ok=True)
with tarfile.open(path, "r:") as tar:
print("Extracting sub-tars.")
subpaths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, "*.tar")))
for subpath in tqdm(subpaths):
subdir = subpath[: -len(".tar")]
os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True)
with tarfile.open(subpath, "r:") as tar:
filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, "**", "*.JPEG"))
filelist = [os.path.relpath(p, start=datadir) for p in filelist]
filelist = sorted(filelist)
filelist = "\n".join(filelist) + "\n"
with open(self.txt_filelist, "w") as f:
class ImageNetValidation(ImageNetBase):
NAME = "ILSVRC2012_validation"
URL = "http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/"
AT_HASH = "5d6d0df7ed81efd49ca99ea4737e0ae5e3a5f2e5"
VS_URL = "https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/f/3e0f6e9c624e45f2bd73/?dl=1"
def __init__(self, process_images=True, data_root=None, **kwargs):
self.data_root = data_root
self.process_images = process_images
def _prepare(self):
if self.data_root:
self.root = os.path.join(self.data_root, self.NAME)
cachedir = os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.cache"))
self.root = os.path.join(cachedir, "autoencoders/data", self.NAME)
self.datadir = os.path.join(self.root, "data")
self.txt_filelist = os.path.join(self.root, "filelist.txt")
self.expected_length = 50000
self.random_crop = retrieve(self.config, "ImageNetValidation/random_crop", default=False)
if not tdu.is_prepared(self.root):
# prep
print("Preparing dataset {} in {}".format(self.NAME, self.root))
datadir = self.datadir
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
path = os.path.join(self.root, self.FILES[0])
if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.getsize(path) == self.SIZES[0]:
import academictorrents as at
atpath = at.get(self.AT_HASH, datastore=self.root)
assert atpath == path
print("Extracting {} to {}".format(path, datadir))
os.makedirs(datadir, exist_ok=True)
with tarfile.open(path, "r:") as tar:
vspath = os.path.join(self.root, self.FILES[1])
if not os.path.exists(vspath) or not os.path.getsize(vspath) == self.SIZES[1]:
download(self.VS_URL, vspath)
with open(vspath, "r") as f:
synset_dict = f.read().splitlines()
synset_dict = dict(line.split() for line in synset_dict)
print("Reorganizing into synset folders")
synsets = np.unique(list(synset_dict.values()))
for s in synsets:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(datadir, s), exist_ok=True)
for k, v in synset_dict.items():
src = os.path.join(datadir, k)
dst = os.path.join(datadir, v)
shutil.move(src, dst)
filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, "**", "*.JPEG"))
filelist = [os.path.relpath(p, start=datadir) for p in filelist]
filelist = sorted(filelist)
filelist = "\n".join(filelist) + "\n"
with open(self.txt_filelist, "w") as f:
class ImageNetSR(Dataset):
def __init__(self, size=None, degradation=None, downscale_f=4, min_crop_f=0.5, max_crop_f=1.0, random_crop=True):
Imagenet Superresolution Dataloader
Performs following ops in order:
1. crops a crop of size s from image either as random or center crop
2. resizes crop to size with cv2.area_interpolation
3. degrades resized crop with degradation_fn
:param size: resizing to size after cropping
:param degradation: degradation_fn, e.g. cv_bicubic or bsrgan_light
:param downscale_f: Low Resolution Downsample factor
:param min_crop_f: determines crop size s,
where s = c * min_img_side_len with c sampled from interval (min_crop_f, max_crop_f)
:param max_crop_f: ""
:param data_root:
:param random_crop:
self.base = self.get_base()
assert size
assert (size / downscale_f).is_integer()
self.size = size
self.LR_size = int(size / downscale_f)
self.min_crop_f = min_crop_f
self.max_crop_f = max_crop_f
assert max_crop_f <= 1.0
self.center_crop = not random_crop
self.image_rescaler = albumentations.SmallestMaxSize(max_size=size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
self.pil_interpolation = False # gets reset later if incase interp_op is from pillow
if degradation == "bsrgan":
self.degradation_process = partial(degradation_fn_bsr, sf=downscale_f)
elif degradation == "bsrgan_light":
self.degradation_process = partial(degradation_fn_bsr_light, sf=downscale_f)
interpolation_fn = {
"cv_nearest": cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
"cv_bilinear": cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
"cv_bicubic": cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
"cv_area": cv2.INTER_AREA,
"cv_lanczos": cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4,
"pil_nearest": PIL.Image.NEAREST,
"pil_bilinear": PIL.Image.BILINEAR,
"pil_bicubic": PIL.Image.BICUBIC,
"pil_box": PIL.Image.BOX,
"pil_hamming": PIL.Image.HAMMING,
"pil_lanczos": PIL.Image.LANCZOS,
self.pil_interpolation = degradation.startswith("pil_")
if self.pil_interpolation:
self.degradation_process = partial(TF.resize, size=self.LR_size, interpolation=interpolation_fn)
self.degradation_process = albumentations.SmallestMaxSize(
max_size=self.LR_size, interpolation=interpolation_fn
def __len__(self):
return len(self.base)
def __getitem__(self, i):
example = self.base[i]
image = Image.open(example["file_path_"])
if not image.mode == "RGB":
image = image.convert("RGB")
image = np.array(image).astype(np.uint8)
min_side_len = min(image.shape[:2])
crop_side_len = min_side_len * np.random.uniform(self.min_crop_f, self.max_crop_f, size=None)
crop_side_len = int(crop_side_len)
if self.center_crop:
self.cropper = albumentations.CenterCrop(height=crop_side_len, width=crop_side_len)
self.cropper = albumentations.RandomCrop(height=crop_side_len, width=crop_side_len)
image = self.cropper(image=image)["image"]
image = self.image_rescaler(image=image)["image"]
if self.pil_interpolation:
image_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(image)
LR_image = self.degradation_process(image_pil)
LR_image = np.array(LR_image).astype(np.uint8)
LR_image = self.degradation_process(image=image)["image"]
example["image"] = (image / 127.5 - 1.0).astype(np.float32)
example["LR_image"] = (LR_image / 127.5 - 1.0).astype(np.float32)
return example
class ImageNetSRTrain(ImageNetSR):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def get_base(self):
with open("data/imagenet_train_hr_indices.p", "rb") as f:
indices = pickle.load(f)
dset = ImageNetTrain(
return Subset(dset, indices)
class ImageNetSRValidation(ImageNetSR):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def get_base(self):
with open("data/imagenet_val_hr_indices.p", "rb") as f:
indices = pickle.load(f)
dset = ImageNetValidation(
return Subset(dset, indices)