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import math
from abc import ABC
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.distributed as dist
from colossalai.utils import get_current_device
from colossalai.context import MOE_CONTEXT
from colossalai.nn.layer.moe._operation import moe_cumsum
from typing import Callable, Optional
from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup
class MoeRouter(nn.Module, ABC):
"""Base class for all MoE routers.
k_value (int): The value of top_k.
capacity_factor_train (float): Capacity factor in routing of training.
capacity_factor_eval (float): Capacity factor in routing of evaluation.
min_capacity (int): The minimum number of the capacity of each expert.
noisy_func (:class:`typing.Callable`, optional): Noisy function used in logits.
drop_tks (bool, optional): Whether drops tokens in evaluation
def __init__(self,
k_value: int,
capacity_factor_train: float,
capacity_factor_eval: float,
min_capacity: int,
noisy_func: Callable = None,
drop_tks: bool = True):
self.k_value = k_value
self.capacity_factor_train = capacity_factor_train
self.capacity_factor_eval = capacity_factor_eval
self.min_capacity = min_capacity
self.noisy_func = noisy_func
self.drop_tks = drop_tks
self._routing_loss = None
def get_capacity(self, logits_shape):
capacity_factor = self.capacity_factor_train if self.training else self.capacity_factor_eval
capacity = math.floor(self.k_value * capacity_factor * logits_shape[-2] / logits_shape[-1])
capacity += capacity % 2
capacity = max(capacity, self.min_capacity)
assert capacity > 0
return capacity
def set_routing_loss(self, aux_loss: torch.Tensor) -> None:
assert self._routing_loss is None
self._routing_loss = aux_loss
def pop_routing_loss(self) -> torch.Tensor:
assert self._routing_loss is not None
reservation = self._routing_loss
self._routing_loss = None
return reservation
class Top1Router(MoeRouter):
"""Top1 router that returns the dispatch mask [s, e, c] and combine weight [s, e, c]
for routing usage. More deailted function can be found in the paper about Switch Transformer
of Google.
capacity_factor_train (float, optional): Capacity factor in routing of training.
capacity_factor_eval (float, optional): Capacity factor in routing of evaluation.
min_capacity (int, optional): The minimum number of the capacity of each expert.
select_policy (str, optional): The policy about tokens selection.
noisy_func (:class:`typing.Callable`, optional): Noisy function used in logits.
drop_tks (bool, optional): Whether drops tokens in evaluation
def __init__(self,
capacity_factor_train: float = 1.25,
capacity_factor_eval: float = 2.0,
min_capacity: int = 4,
select_policy: str = "first",
noisy_func: Callable = None,
drop_tks: bool = True):
self.select_policy = select_policy
assert select_policy in {"first", "random"}
if select_policy == "random":
self.uniform = torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform(low=torch.tensor(0.0, device=get_current_device()),
def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, use_kernel: bool = False, ep_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None):
if self.noisy_func is not None and self.training:
inputs = self.noisy_func(inputs)
assert inputs.dtype == torch.float
logits = F.softmax(inputs, dim=-1)
num_experts = logits.size(-1)
capacity = self.get_capacity(logits.shape)
top1_idx = torch.argmax(inputs, dim=-1)
mask = F.one_hot(top1_idx, num_classes=num_experts).to(torch.int32)
# caculate the auxiliary loss
me = torch.mean(logits, dim=0)
ce = torch.mean(mask.float(), dim=0)
l_aux = num_experts * torch.sum(me * ce)
if not self.training and not self.drop_tks:
max_num = torch.max(torch.sum(mask, dim=0))
dist.all_reduce(max_num, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=ep_group)
capacity = max_num.item()
if self.select_policy == "random":
rand_mask = mask * self.uniform(mask.shape)
_, dispatch_idx = torch.topk(rand_mask, k=capacity, dim=0)
mask = mask * torch.zeros_like(mask).scatter_(0, dispatch_idx, 1)
ranks = moe_cumsum(mask)
elif self.select_policy == "first":
ranks = moe_cumsum(mask)
mask = mask * torch.lt(ranks, capacity)
raise NotImplementedError("Not support such select policy yet.")
ranks = torch.sum(mask * ranks, dim=-1)
if use_kernel:
mask = torch.sum(mask, dim=-1)
mask = torch.stack([mask], dim=0).to(torch.int32)
dest_idx = torch.stack([top1_idx * capacity + ranks], dim=0).to(torch.int32)
return logits, mask, dest_idx, num_experts * capacity
ranks = F.one_hot(ranks, num_classes=capacity)
weight = mask * logits.type_as(inputs)
combine_weights = weight.unsqueeze(2) * ranks.unsqueeze(1)
sec_mask = combine_weights.bool()
return combine_weights, sec_mask
class Top2Router(MoeRouter):
"""Top2 router that returns the dispatch mask [s, e, c] and combine weight [s, e, c]
for routing usage. More deailted function can be found in the paper about ViT-MoE.
capacity_factor_train (float, optional): Capacity factor in routing of training.
capacity_factor_eval (float, optional): Capacity factor in routing of evaluation.
min_capacity (int, optional): The minimum number of the capacity of each expert
noisy_func (:class:`typing.Callable`, optional): Noisy function used in logits.
drop_tks (bool, optional): Whether drops tokens in evaluation.
def __init__(self,
capacity_factor_train: float = 1.25,
capacity_factor_eval: float = 2.0,
min_capacity: int = 4,
noisy_func: Callable = None,
drop_tks: bool = True):
def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, use_kernel: bool = False, ep_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None):
# inputs: [s, h]
if self.noisy_func is not None and self.training:
inputs = self.noisy_func(inputs)
assert inputs.dtype == torch.float
logits = F.softmax(inputs, dim=-1) # logits: [s, e]
num_experts = logits.size(-1)
capacity = self.get_capacity(logits.shape)
top1_idx = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1)
mask1 = F.one_hot(top1_idx, num_classes=num_experts).to(torch.int32)
logits_except1 = logits.masked_fill(mask1.bool(), float("-inf"))
top2_idx = torch.argmax(logits_except1, dim=-1)
mask2 = F.one_hot(top2_idx, num_classes=num_experts).to(torch.int32)
cmask = (mask1 + mask2) # loss: [s, e]
# caculate the auxiliary loss
me = torch.mean(logits, dim=0)
ce = torch.mean(cmask.float(), dim=0)
l_aux = num_experts * torch.sum(me * ce) / 2.0 # div 2 to normalize it to 1
if not self.training and not self.drop_tks:
max_num = torch.max(torch.sum(cmask, dim=0))
dist.all_reduce(max_num, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=ep_group)
capacity = max_num.item()
rank1 = moe_cumsum(mask1) # rank1: [s, e]
rank2 = moe_cumsum(mask2)
rank2 += torch.sum(mask1, dim=-2, keepdim=True)
mask1 *= torch.lt(rank1, capacity)
mask2 *= torch.lt(rank2, capacity)
rank1 = torch.sum(mask1 * rank1, dim=-1)
rank2 = torch.sum(mask2 * rank2, dim=-1)
if use_kernel:
mask1 = torch.sum(mask1, dim=-1)
mask2 = torch.sum(mask2, dim=-1)
mask = torch.stack([mask1, mask2], dim=0).to(torch.int32)
dest_idx = torch.stack([top1_idx * capacity + rank1, top2_idx * capacity + rank2], dim=0).to(torch.int32)
return logits, mask, dest_idx, num_experts * capacity
weight1 = mask1 * logits.type_as(inputs)
weight2 = mask2 * logits.type_as(inputs)
rank1_sc = F.one_hot(rank1, num_classes=capacity)
rank2_sc = F.one_hot(rank2, num_classes=capacity)
cb_weight1 = weight1.unsqueeze(2) * rank1_sc.unsqueeze(1)
cb_weight2 = weight2.unsqueeze(2) * rank2_sc.unsqueeze(1)
cb_weight = cb_weight1 + cb_weight2
sec_mask = cb_weight.bool()
return cb_weight, sec_mask