mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
564 lines
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564 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from colossalai.communication import all_gather, all_reduce, reduce_scatter
from colossalai.context.parallel_mode import ParallelMode
from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc
from torch import Tensor
from torch.cuda.amp import custom_bwd, custom_fwd
class linear_3d(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx: Any,
input_: Tensor,
weight: Tensor,
bias: Optional[Tensor],
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
input_dim: int = 0,
weight_dim: int = -1,
output_dim: int = 0) -> Tensor:
assert input_.shape[-1] == weight.shape[0], \
'Invalid shapes: input = {}, weight = {}.'.format(input_.shape, weight.shape)
ctx.use_bias = bias is not None
input_ = all_gather(input_, input_dim, input_parallel_mode)
input_ = torch.cat(input_, dim=input_dim)
# weight = all_gather(weight, weight_dim, weight_parallel_mode)
ctx.save_for_backward(input_, weight)
output = torch.matmul(input_, weight)
output = reduce_scatter(output, output_dim, output_parallel_mode)
if bias is not None:
# ranks_in_group = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(output_parallel_mode)
# src_rank = ranks_in_group[gpc.get_local_rank(input_parallel_mode)]
# dist.broadcast(bias,
# src=src_rank,
# group=gpc.get_group(output_parallel_mode))
# bias = all_gather(bias, -1, weight_parallel_mode)
output += bias
# ctx.src_rank = src_rank
# ctx.save_for_backward(input_, weight)
# output = torch.matmul(input_, weight)
# dist.all_reduce(output, group=gpc.get_group(output_parallel_mode))
# output += bias
ctx.input_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.weight_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.output_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
ctx.input_dim = input_dim
ctx.weight_dim = weight_dim
ctx.output_dim = output_dim
return output
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
input_, weight = ctx.saved_tensors
with torch.no_grad():
# input_grad = torch.matmul(output_grad, weight.transpose(0, 1))
# dist.all_reduce(input_grad,
# group=gpc.get_group(ctx.input_parallel_mode))
# weight_grad = torch.matmul(
# input_.reshape(-1, input_.shape[-1]).transpose(0, 1),
# output_grad.reshape(-1, output_grad.shape[-1]))
# dist.all_reduce(weight_grad,
# group=gpc.get_group(ctx.weight_parallel_mode))
# bias_grad = torch.sum(output_grad,
# dim=tuple(
# range(len(output_grad.shape))[:-1]))
# bias_grad = reduce_scatter(bias_grad, -1,
# ctx.weight_parallel_mode)
# dist.reduce(bias_grad,
# dst=ctx.src_rank,
# group=gpc.get_group(ctx.output_parallel_mode))
# if gpc.get_local_rank(
# ctx.output_parallel_mode) != gpc.get_local_rank(
# ctx.input_parallel_mode):
# bias_grad = None
# input_ = all_gather(input_, ctx.input_dim, ctx.input_parallel_mode)
# weight = all_gather(weight, ctx.weight_dim,
# ctx.weight_parallel_mode)
output_grad = all_gather(output_grad, ctx.output_dim,
output_grad = torch.cat(output_grad, dim=ctx.output_dim)
input_grad = torch.matmul(output_grad, weight.transpose(0, 1))
input_grad, input_op = reduce_scatter(input_grad, ctx.input_dim,
weight_grad = torch.matmul(
input_.reshape(-1, input_.shape[-1]).transpose(0, 1),
output_grad.reshape(-1, output_grad.shape[-1]))
# weight_grad = torch.matmul(
# input_.reshape(-1, input_.shape[-1]).transpose(0, 1),
# output_grad.reshape(-1, output_grad.shape[-1]))
# weight_grad = reduce_scatter(weight_grad, ctx.weight_dim,
# ctx.weight_parallel_mode)
if ctx.use_bias:
bias_grad = torch.sum(output_grad,
# bias_grad =all_reduce(bias_grad, ctx.output_parallel_mode)
# dist.all_reduce(bias_grad,
# group=gpc.get_group(ctx.weight_parallel_mode))
weight_grad = torch.cat([weight_grad, torch.unsqueeze(bias_grad, dim=0)])
weight_grad, weight_op = all_reduce(weight_grad, ctx.weight_parallel_mode, async_op=True)
if ctx.use_bias:
bias_grad = weight_grad[-1]
weight_grad = weight_grad[:-1]
return input_grad, weight_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None, None, None
class layer_norm_3d(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx: Any, input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Tensor,
normalized_shape: int, eps: float,
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor:
# mean = torch.sum(input_, dim=-1)
# dist.all_reduce(mean, group=gpc.get_group(output_parallel_mode))
# mean /= normalized_shape
# mu = input_ - mean
# var = torch.sum(torch.pow(mu, 2), dim=-1)
# dist.all_reduce(var, group=gpc.get_group(output_parallel_mode))
# var /= normalized_shape
# std_dev = torch.sqrt(var + eps)
# ctx.save_for_backward(input_, mu, std_dev, weight)
# output = weight * mu / std_dev + bias
mean = all_reduce(torch.sum(input_, dim=-1, keepdim=True),
output_parallel_mode) / normalized_shape
mu = input_ - mean
var = all_reduce(torch.sum(mu**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True),
output_parallel_mode) / normalized_shape
sigma = torch.sqrt(var + eps)
# ranks_in_group = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(input_parallel_mode)
# src_rank = ranks_in_group[gpc.get_local_rank(output_parallel_mode)]
# transforms = torch.stack([weight, bias]).contiguous()
# dist.broadcast(transforms,
# src=src_rank,
# group=gpc.get_group(input_parallel_mode))
# transforms = all_gather(transforms, -1, weight_parallel_mode)
# weight, bias = transforms[0], transforms[1]
ctx.save_for_backward(mu, sigma, weight)
z = mu / sigma
output = weight * z + bias
# ctx.src_rank = src_rank
ctx.normalized_shape = normalized_shape
ctx.input_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.weight_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.output_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
return output
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
mu, sigma, weight = ctx.saved_tensors
with torch.no_grad():
bias_grad, weight_grad = output_grad, output_grad * mu / sigma
grads = torch.stack([bias_grad, weight_grad]).contiguous()
grads = torch.sum(grads, dim=tuple(range(len(grads.shape))[1:-1]))
grads = all_reduce(grads, ctx.weight_parallel_mode)
grads = all_reduce(grads, ctx.input_parallel_mode)
bias_grad, weight_grad = grads[0], grads[1]
# grads = reduce_scatter(grads, -1, ctx.weight_parallel_mode)
# dist.reduce(grads,
# dst=ctx.src_rank,
# group=gpc.get_group(ctx.input_parallel_mode))
# if gpc.get_local_rank(
# ctx.input_parallel_mode) == gpc.get_local_rank(
# ctx.output_parallel_mode):
# bias_grad, weight_grad = grads[0], grads[1]
# else:
# bias_grad, weight_grad = None, None
dz = output_grad * weight
dvar = dz * mu * (-0.5) * sigma**(-3)
dvar = all_reduce(torch.sum(dvar, dim=-1, keepdim=True), ctx.output_parallel_mode)
dmean = dz * (-1 / sigma) + dvar * -2 * mu / ctx.normalized_shape
dmean = all_reduce(torch.sum(dmean, dim=-1, keepdim=True), ctx.output_parallel_mode)
input_grad = dz / sigma + dvar * 2 * mu / ctx.normalized_shape + dmean / ctx.normalized_shape
return input_grad, weight_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None, None
class Matmul_AB_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Matrix multiplication for :math:`C = AB`
def forward(ctx: Any,
A: Tensor,
B: Tensor,
depth: int,
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
input_dim: int = 0,
weight_dim: int = -1,
output_dim: int = 0) -> Tensor:
# A: [m/q^2, n, k/q]
# B: [k/q, h/q^2]
# C: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
ctx.save_for_backward(A, B)
assert A.shape[-1] == B.shape[0], \
'Invalid shapes: A={}, B={}.'.format(A.shape, B.shape)
A_temp = all_gather(A, input_dim, input_parallel_mode)
B_temp = all_gather(B, weight_dim, weight_parallel_mode)
C = torch.matmul(A_temp, B_temp)
out = reduce_scatter(C, output_dim, output_parallel_mode)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.C_group_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
ctx.A_dim = input_dim
ctx.B_dim = weight_dim
ctx.C_dim = output_dim
return out
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
A, B = ctx.saved_tensors
with torch.no_grad():
A_grad = Matmul_ABT_3D.apply(output_grad, B, ctx.depth,
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode, ctx.C_dim,
ctx.B_dim, ctx.A_dim)
B_grad = Matmul_ATB_3D.apply(A, output_grad, ctx.depth,
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode, ctx.A_dim,
ctx.C_dim, ctx.B_dim)
return A_grad, B_grad, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
class Matmul_ABT_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Matrix multiplication for :math:`C = AB^T`
def forward(ctx: Any,
A: Tensor,
B: Tensor,
depth: int,
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
input_dim: int = 0,
weight_dim: int = -1,
output_dim: int = 0) -> Tensor:
# A: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
# B: [k/q, h/q^2]
# C: [m/q^2, n, k/q]
ctx.save_for_backward(A, B)
A_temp = all_gather(A, input_dim, input_parallel_mode)
B_temp = all_gather(B, weight_dim, weight_parallel_mode)
C = torch.matmul(A_temp, B_temp.transpose(0, 1))
out = reduce_scatter(C, output_dim, output_parallel_mode)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.C_group_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
ctx.A_dim = input_dim
ctx.B_dim = weight_dim
ctx.C_dim = output_dim
return out
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
A, B = ctx.saved_tensors
with torch.no_grad():
A_grad = Matmul_AB_3D.apply(output_grad, B, ctx.depth,
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode, ctx.C_dim,
ctx.B_dim, ctx.A_dim)
B_grad = Matmul_ATB_3D.apply(output_grad, A, ctx.depth,
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode, ctx.C_dim,
ctx.A_dim, ctx.B_dim)
return A_grad, B_grad, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
class Matmul_ATB_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Matrix multiplication for :math:`C = A^TB`
def forward(ctx: Any,
A: Tensor,
B: Tensor,
depth: int,
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
input_dim: int = 0,
weight_dim: int = 0,
output_dim: int = -1) -> Tensor:
# A: [m/q^2, n, k/q]
# B: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
# C: [k/q, h/q^2]
ctx.save_for_backward(A, B)
A_temp = all_gather(A, input_dim, input_parallel_mode)
A_temp = A_temp.reshape(-1, A.shape[-1])
B_temp = all_gather(B, weight_dim, weight_parallel_mode)
B_temp = B_temp.reshape(-1, B.shape[-1])
C = torch.matmul(A_temp.transpose(0, 1), B_temp)
out = reduce_scatter(C, output_dim, output_parallel_mode)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.C_group_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
ctx.A_dim = input_dim
ctx.B_dim = weight_dim
ctx.C_dim = output_dim
return out
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
A, B = ctx.saved_tensors
with torch.no_grad():
A_grad = Matmul_ABT_3D.apply(B, output_grad, ctx.depth,
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode, ctx.B_dim,
ctx.C_dim, ctx.A_dim)
B_grad = Matmul_AB_3D.apply(A, output_grad, ctx.depth,
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode, ctx.A_dim,
ctx.C_dim, ctx.B_dim)
return A_grad, B_grad, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
class Add_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Matrix add bias: :math:`C = A + b`
def forward(ctx: Any, input_: Tensor, bias: Tensor, depth: int,
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor:
# input: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
# bias: [h/q^2]
ranks_in_group = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(input_parallel_mode)
src_rank = ranks_in_group[gpc.get_local_rank(output_parallel_mode)]
bias_temp = bias.clone()
# [h/q]
bias_temp = all_gather(bias_temp, -1, weight_parallel_mode)
out = input_ + bias_temp
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.src_rank = src_rank
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.C_group_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
return out
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
# output_grad: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
with torch.no_grad():
# [h/q]
grad = torch.sum(output_grad,
bias_grad = reduce_scatter(grad, -1, ctx.B_group_parallel_mode)
if gpc.get_local_rank(
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode) != gpc.get_local_rank(
bias_grad = None
return output_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None
class Mul_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Matrix multiplication for :math:`C = A * b`
def forward(ctx: Any, input_: Tensor, bias: Tensor, depth: int,
input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor:
# input: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
# bias: [h/q^2]
ranks_in_group = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(input_parallel_mode)
src_rank = ranks_in_group[gpc.get_local_rank(output_parallel_mode)]
# [h/q^2]
bias_temp = bias.clone()
# [h/q]
bias_temp = all_gather(bias_temp, -1, weight_parallel_mode)
# empty_cache()
ctx.save_for_backward(input_, bias_temp)
out = torch.mul(input_, bias_temp)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.src_rank = src_rank
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode
ctx.B_group_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode
ctx.C_group_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode
return out
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
# output_grad: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
with torch.no_grad():
input_, bias = ctx.saved_tensors
# [m/q^2, n, h/q]
input_grad = torch.mul(output_grad, bias)
# [h/q]
grad = torch.mul(output_grad, input_)
grad = torch.sum(grad,
bias_grad = reduce_scatter(grad, -1, ctx.B_group_parallel_mode)
if gpc.get_local_rank(
ctx.A_group_parallel_mode) != gpc.get_local_rank(
bias_grad = None
return input_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None
class Sum_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Compute the sum of input tensors
def forward(ctx: Any,
input_: Tensor,
dim: int,
depth: int,
parallel_mode: ParallelMode,
keepdim: bool = False) -> Tensor:
# input: [m/q^2, n, h/q]
out = torch.sum(input_, dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim)
dist.all_reduce(out, group=gpc.get_group(parallel_mode))
ctx.input_shape = input_.shape
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.group = parallel_mode
ctx.dim = dim
return out
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
with torch.no_grad():
output_grad = output_grad.contiguous()
dist.all_reduce(output_grad, group=gpc.get_group(ctx.group))
if len(output_grad.shape) < len(ctx.input_shape):
output_grad = torch.unsqueeze(output_grad, ctx.dim)
dims = [1 for _ in range(len(output_grad.shape))]
dims[ctx.dim] = ctx.input_shape[ctx.dim]
input_grad = output_grad.repeat(tuple(dims))
return input_grad, None, None, None, None, None
class Reduce_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Reduce input tensors
def forward(ctx: Any, input_: Tensor, depth: int,
parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor:
dist.all_reduce(input_, group=gpc.get_group(parallel_mode))
return input_.clone()
def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
return output_grad, None, None
# class Slice_3D(torch.autograd.Function):
# """Slice input tensor
# """
# @staticmethod
# @custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float16)
# def forward(ctx: Any, input_: Tensor, dim: int, depth: int,
# parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor:
# rank = gpc.get_local_rank(parallel_mode)
# out = torch.chunk(input_, depth, dim=dim)[rank].contiguous()
# ctx.depth = depth
# ctx.parallel_mode = parallel_mode
# ctx.dim = dim
# ctx.input_shape = input_.shape
# return out
# @staticmethod
# @custom_bwd
# def backward(ctx: Any, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
# with torch.no_grad():
# input_grad = all_gather(output_grad, ctx.dim, ctx.parallel_mode)
# input_grad.reshape(ctx.input_shape)
# return input_grad, None, None, None