mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
244 lines
8.4 KiB
244 lines
8.4 KiB
import click
import subprocess
import collections
import sys
import os
import torch
from colossalai.context import Config
from .multinode_runner import PDSHRunner
from copy import deepcopy
def fetch_hostfile(hostfile_path):
if not os.path.isfile(hostfile_path):
click.echo(f"Error: Unable to find the hostfile, no such file: {hostfile_path}")
# e.g., worker-0:16
with open(hostfile_path, 'r') as fd:
device_pool = collections.OrderedDict()
for line in fd.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line == '':
# skip empty lines
hostname, slot_count = line.split(":")
slot_count = int(slot_count)
except ValueError as err:
click.echo(f"Error: Hostfile is not formatted correctly, expected <hostname>:<slot>, but found {line}")
if hostname in device_pool:
click.echo(f"Error: found duplicate host {hostname} in the hostfile")
device_pool[hostname] = slot_count
return device_pool
def _stable_remove_duplicates(data):
# Create a new list in the same order as original but with duplicates
# removed, should never be more than ~16 elements so simple is best
new_list = []
for x in data:
if x not in new_list:
return new_list
def parse_device_filter(host_info, include_str=None, exclude_str=None):
'''Parse an inclusion or exclusion string and filter a hostfile dictionary.
include_str="worker-0@worker-1:0,2" will use all slots on worker-0 and
slots [0, 2] on worker-1.
exclude_str="worker-1:0" will use all available devices except
slot 0 on worker-1.
# Constants that define our syntax
NODE_SEP = '@'
SLOT_SEP = ','
# Ensure include/exclude are mutually exclusive
if include_str and exclude_str:
click.echo("--include and --exclude are mutually exclusive, only one can be used")
# no-op
if include_str is None and exclude_str is None:
return host_info
# Either build from scratch or remove items
filtered_hosts = dict()
if include_str:
parse_str = include_str
elif exclude_str:
filtered_hosts = deepcopy(host_info)
parse_str = exclude_str
# foreach node in the list
for node_config in parse_str.split(NODE_SEP):
# Node can either be alone or node:slot,slot,slot
if SLOT_LIST_START in node_config:
hostname, slots = node_config.split(SLOT_LIST_START)
slots = [int(x) for x in slots.split(SLOT_SEP)]
# sanity checks
if hostname not in host_info:
click.echo(f"Hostname '{hostname}' not found in hostfile")
for slot in slots:
if slot not in host_info[hostname]:
click.echo(f"No slot '{slot}' specified on host '{hostname}'")
# If include string, build the list from here
if include_str:
filtered_hosts[hostname] = slots
elif exclude_str:
for slot in slots:
click.echo(f'- removing {slot} from {hostname}')
# User just specified the whole node
hostname = node_config
# sanity check hostname
if hostname not in host_info:
click.echo(f"Hostname '{hostname}' not found in hostfile")
if include_str:
filtered_hosts[hostname] = host_info[hostname]
elif exclude_str:
filtered_hosts[hostname] = []
# Post-processing to remove duplicates and empty nodes
del_keys = []
for hostname in filtered_hosts:
# Remove duplicates
filtered_hosts[hostname] = _stable_remove_duplicates(filtered_hosts[hostname])
# Remove empty hosts
if len(filtered_hosts[hostname]) == 0:
# remove unneeded hosts
for name in del_keys:
del filtered_hosts[name]
# Lastly, go over filtered_hosts and convert to a OrderedDict() to ensure
# we map ranks to nodes correctly by maintaining host_info ordering.
ordered_hosts = collections.OrderedDict()
for host in host_info:
if host in filtered_hosts:
ordered_hosts[host] = filtered_hosts[host]
return ordered_hosts
def parse_inclusion_exclusion(device_pool, inclusion, exclusion):
active_devices = collections.OrderedDict()
for hostname, slots in device_pool.items():
active_devices[hostname] = list(range(slots))
return parse_device_filter(active_devices, include_str=inclusion, exclude_str=exclusion)
def launch_multi_processes(args):
Launch multiple processes on a single node or multiple nodes.
The overall logic can be summarized as the pseudo code below:
if hostfile given:
hostinfo = parse_hostfile(hostfile)
hostinfo = include_or_exclude_hosts(hostinfo)
elif hosts given:
hostinfo = parse_hosts(hosts)
assert isinstance(args, Config)
# cannot accept hosts and hostfile at the same time
if args.host and args.hostfile:
click.echo("Error: hostfile and hosts are mutually exclusive, only one is required")
# check if hostfile is given
if args.hostfile:
device_pool = fetch_hostfile(args.hostfile)
device_pool = None
# filter and only keep the ones needed
active_devices = None
if device_pool:
active_devices = parse_inclusion_exclusion(device_pool, args.include, args.exclude)
if args.num_nodes > 0:
# only keep the first num_nodes to execute jobs
updated_active_devices = collections.OrderedDict()
for count, hostname in enumerate(active_devices.keys()):
if args.num_nodes == count:
updated_active_devices[hostname] = active_devices[hostname]
active_devices = updated_active_devices
if args.nproc_per_node > 0:
# only keep the first
updated_active_devices = collections.OrderedDict()
for hostname, active_devices in active_devices.items():
if len(active_devices) < args.nproc_per_node:
f"Error: The number of available GPUs on {hostname} is smaller than the argument nproc_per_node"
updated_active_devices[hostname] = active_devices[args.nproc_per_node]
active_devices = updated_active_devices
env = os.environ.copy()
# use hosts if hostfile is not given
if args.host and active_devices is None:
hostinfo = collections.OrderedDict()
host_list = args.host.strip().split(',')
for hostname in host_list:
hostinfo[hostname] = args.nproc_per_node
active_devices = hostinfo
# run on local node if not hosts or hostfile is given
if not active_devices:
if args.nproc_per_node == -1 or args.nproc_per_node > torch.cuda.device_count():
nproc_per_node = torch.cuda.device_count()
nproc_per_node = args.nproc_per_node
if torch.__version__ <= "1.9":
cmd = [
sys.executable, "-u", "-m", "torch.distributed.launch", f"--nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}",
f"--master_addr={args.master_addr}", f"--master_port={args.master_port}"
] + [args.user_script] + args.user_args
cmd = [
"torchrun", f"--nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}", f"--master_addr={args.master_addr}",
] + [args.user_script] + args.user_args
runner = PDSHRunner(args)
curr_path = os.path.abspath('.')
if 'PYTHONPATH' in env:
env['PYTHONPATH'] = curr_path + ":" + env['PYTHONPATH']
env['PYTHONPATH'] = curr_path
cmd = runner.get_cmd(env, active_devices, args)
result = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env)
if result.returncode > 0: