
902 lines
41 KiB

import ctypes
import random
from contextlib import nullcontext
from functools import partial
from types import MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch import Tensor, inf
from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup, get_world_size
from torch.nn import Module, SyncBatchNorm
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler as LRScheduler
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map
from import DataLoader
from import DistributedSampler
from colossalai.amp.naive_amp.mixed_precision_optimizer import MixedPrecisionOptimizer
from colossalai.checkpoint_io import CheckpointIO, HybridParallelCheckpointIO
from colossalai.cluster import ProcessGroupMesh
from colossalai.interface import ModelWrapper, OptimizerWrapper
from colossalai.pipeline.schedule import OneForwardOneBackwardSchedule
from colossalai.pipeline.stage_manager import PipelineStageManager
from colossalai.shardformer import ShardConfig, ShardFormer
from colossalai.shardformer.policies.base_policy import Policy
from colossalai.tensor.d_tensor.api import is_distributed_tensor
from import LowLevelZeroOptimizer
from .pp_plugin_base import PipelinePluginBase
def _convert_floating_point(x, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float16):
if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) and torch.is_floating_point(x):
return x
class HybridParallelModule(ModelWrapper):
def __init__(
module: Module,
precision: str,
shard_config: ShardConfig,
dp_group: ProcessGroup,
use_ddp: bool,
ddp_config: dict,
custom_policy: Policy,
) -> None:
self.stage_manager = shard_config.pipeline_stage_manager
self.dp_group = dp_group
shardformer = ShardFormer(shard_config)
if custom_policy is not None:
assert isinstance(custom_policy, object)
module, self.shared_params = shardformer.optimize(module, policy=custom_policy)
# setting process groups for shared parameters
self.shared_param_process_groups = []
for shared_param in self.shared_params:
if len(shared_param) > 0:
# setting mixed_precision
self.mixed_precision = None
if precision == "fp16":
self.mixed_precision = torch.float16
elif precision == "bf16":
self.mixed_precision = torch.bfloat16
if self.mixed_precision is not None:
module =
module = module.cuda()
# setting input type cast when using mixed precision
self.convert_fn = None
if self.mixed_precision is not None:
self.convert_fn = partial(_convert_floating_point, dtype=self.mixed_precision)
# setting ddp configs
if use_ddp:
# convert model to sync bn
module = SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(module, dp_group)
# wrap the model with PyTorch DDP
module = DDP(module, process_group=dp_group, **ddp_config)
def sync_shared_params(self):
for shared_param, group in zip(self.shared_params, self.shared_param_process_groups):
if self.stage_manager.stage in shared_param:
param = shared_param[self.stage_manager.stage]
dist.all_reduce(param.grad, group=group)
def no_sync(self) -> Iterator[None]:
# no sync grads across data parallel
return nullcontext()
def sync_grads(self):
# sync grad across data parallel
if self.dp_group.size() == 1:
for p in self.module.parameters():
if p.grad is not None:
dist.all_reduce(p.grad, group=self.dp_group)
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.convert_fn is not None:
args = tree_map(self.convert_fn, args)
kwargs = tree_map(self.convert_fn, kwargs)
return super().forward(*args, **kwargs)
def unwrap(self):
module = super().unwrap()
if isinstance(module, DDP):
module = module.module
return module
def get_param_info(optim: Optimizer):
# Get a backup of necessary information of parameters for future use, which includes:
# 1. A complete param_group, with params in the form of param_id
# 2. A mapping from param address (obtained using id(param)) to integer param_id
# 3. A mapping from integer param_id to param address.
# 4. A mapping from param_address (obtained using id(param)) to the original shape of parameter before sharding.
# When Zero is used, the params here are fp16/bf16 model params rather than fp32 master params in optimizer.
if optim is None:
return {}
param_info = {"param_groups": [], "param2id": {}, "id2param": {}, "param2shape": {}}
start_index = 0
for group in optim.param_groups:
packed_group = {k: v for k, v in group.items() if k != "params"}
packed_group["params"] = []
for param_id, param in enumerate(group["params"], start_index):
original_shape = param.shape if isinstance(param, torch.Tensor) else None
param_info["param2id"][id(param)] = param_id
param_info["id2param"][param_id] = id(param)
param_info["param2shape"][id(param)] = original_shape
start_index += len(group["params"])
return param_info
def init_pipeline_optimizer(optim: Optimizer, model: Module):
model_params = set(model.parameters())
new_param_groups = []
for group in optim.param_groups:
params = [p for p in group["params"] if p in model_params]
new_param_groups.append({**group, "params": params})
optim.__setstate__({"param_groups": new_param_groups})
class HybridParallelNaiveOptimizer(OptimizerWrapper):
def __init__(
optim: Optimizer,
model: Module,
use_pipeline: bool,
param_info: OrderedDict,
max_norm: float = 0,
tp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # if using tp
pp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # if using pp
self.param_info = param_info
if use_pipeline:
init_pipeline_optimizer(optim, model)
self.stage_manager = model.stage_manager
self.shared_params = model.shared_params
self.max_norm = max_norm
self.tp_pg = tp_process_group
self.pp_pg = pp_process_group
def step(self, *args, **kwargs):
Perform an optimization step.
*args: Variable-length positional arguments to be passed to the optimizer's step function.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to the optimizer's step function.
if self.max_norm > 0:
# Compute the total gradient norm.
param_gradient_pairs = [
(p, p.grad) for group in self.optim.param_groups for p in group["params"] if p.grad is not None
total_norm = self._compute_grad_norm(param_gradient_pairs)
# Clip the gradients to prevent exploding gradients.
# Perform the optimization step using the underlying optimizer.
self.optim.step(*args, **kwargs)
def _compute_grad_norm(self, param_gradient_pairs: List[Tuple[Tensor]], norm_type: int = 2) -> int:
Compute and return the gradient norm for gradient clipping.
param_gradient_pairs (List[Tuple[Tensor]]): List of (parameter, gradient) pairs; gradients are used for norm calculation.
norm_type (int, optional): Type of the norm used (e.g., 2 for L2 norm). Defaults to 2.
float: The total norm of the given gradients.
if len(param_gradient_pairs) == 0:
return 0.0
tp_size = get_world_size(self.tp_pg) if self.tp_pg is not None else 1
pp_size = get_world_size(self.pp_pg) if self.pp_pg is not None else 1
norm_type = float(norm_type)
# gradients used for norm calculation.
gradients = [grad for param, grad in param_gradient_pairs]
if norm_type == inf:
total_norm = max( for grad in gradients)
total_norm_cuda = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([float(total_norm)])
if tp_size > 1:
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.tp_pg)
if pp_size > 1:
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.pp_pg)
total_norm = total_norm_cuda.item()
# gradients used for norm calculation.
gradients = [grad for param, grad in param_gradient_pairs]
# grad_to_param_mapping is used to check which gradients are not distributed across devices of the 'tp_group'.
grad_to_param_mapping = {id(grad): param for param, grad in param_gradient_pairs}
total_norm_exponentiated = 0.0
for grad in gradients:
grad_norm_exponentiated = ** norm_type
# If 'tp_size' is greater than 1 and the parameter for the gradient is not a distributed tensor,
# it indicates that the parameter is not distributed across devices of the 'tp_group'.
# Consequently, there is no need to perform an 'all_reduce' operation for 'grad_norm'.
# However, we still perform the 'all_reduce' operation for the sake of good coding practices.
# To ensure mathematical equivalence, we divide the 'grad_norm' by 'tp_size.'
if tp_size > 1:
param_for_grad = grad_to_param_mapping[id(grad)]
if not is_distributed_tensor(param_for_grad):
grad_norm_exponentiated /= tp_size
# If 'pp_size' is greater than 1 and the gradient belongs to shared parameters,
# it means that this parameter is used in two different pipeline stages.
# To avoid redundant norm calculations, we divide the exponent of this norm by
# the number of shared stages.
if pp_size > 1:
for shared_param in self.shared_params:
if self.stage_manager.stage in shared_param:
stage_shared_param = shared_param[self.stage_manager.stage]
if grad is stage_shared_param.grad:
grad_norm_exponentiated /= len(shared_param)
total_norm_exponentiated += grad_norm_exponentiated
total_norm_exponentiated_cuda = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([float(total_norm_exponentiated)])
if tp_size > 1:
# compute norm in tp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.tp_pg)
if pp_size > 1:
# compute norm in pp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.pp_pg)
# compute the total_norm
total_norm = total_norm_exponentiated_cuda.item() ** (1.0 / norm_type)
return total_norm
def _clip_grad_norm(self, total_norm: float) -> None:
Clips the gradients of the model's parameters to prevent exploding gradients.
total_norm (float): The computed total gradient norm.
clip_coef = torch.tensor(self.max_norm / (total_norm + 1e-6))
clip_coef_clamped = torch.clamp(clip_coef, max=1.0)
for group in self.optim.param_groups:
for p in group["params"]:
if p.grad is None:
def update_master_params(self, model: Module):
def get_working_to_master_map(self):
return None
def get_master_to_working_map(self):
return None
class HybridParallelAMPOptimizer(MixedPrecisionOptimizer):
def __init__(
optim: Optimizer,
model: Module,
use_pipeline: bool,
param_info: OrderedDict,
precision: str = "fp16",
initial_scale: float = 2**16,
min_scale: float = 1,
growth_factor: float = 2,
backoff_factor: float = 0.5,
growth_interval: int = 1000,
hysteresis: int = 2,
max_scale: float = 2**32,
max_norm: float = 0,
tp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # if using tp
pp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # if using pp
self.param_info = param_info
self.stage_manager = model.stage_manager
self.shared_params = model.shared_params
self.tp_pg = tp_process_group
self.pp_pg = pp_process_group
if use_pipeline:
init_pipeline_optimizer(optim, model)
def _compute_grad_norm(self, param_gradient_pairs: List[Tuple[Tensor]], norm_type: int = 2) -> int:
Compute and return the gradient norm for gradient clipping.
param_gradient_pairs (List[Tuple[Tensor]]): List of (parameter, gradient) pairs; gradients are used for norm calculation.
norm_type (int, optional): Type of the norm used (e.g., 2 for L2 norm). Defaults to 2.
float: The total norm of the given gradients.
if len(param_gradient_pairs) == 0:
return 0.0
tp_size = get_world_size(self.tp_pg) if self.tp_pg is not None else 1
pp_size = get_world_size(self.pp_pg) if self.pp_pg is not None else 1
norm_type = float(norm_type)
if norm_type == inf:
# The parent class calculates the norm of 'dp' gradients,
# so we need to calculate the norm of 'tp' and 'pp' gradients.
total_norm = super()._compute_grad_norm(param_gradient_pairs, norm_type)
total_norm_cuda = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([float(total_norm)])
if tp_size > 1:
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.tp_pg)
if pp_size > 1:
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.pp_pg)
total_norm = total_norm_cuda.item()
# gradients used for norm calculation.
gradients = [grad for param, grad in param_gradient_pairs]
# grad_to_param_mapping is used to check which gradients are not distributed in tensor parallelism.
grad_to_param_mapping = {id(grad): param for param, grad in param_gradient_pairs}
total_norm_exponentiated = 0.0
for grad in gradients:
grad_norm_exponentiated = ** norm_type
# If 'tp_size' is greater than 1 and the parameter for the gradient is not a distributed tensor,
# it indicates that the parameter is not distributed across devices of the 'tp_group'.
# Consequently, there is no need to perform an 'all_reduce' operation for 'grad_norm'.
# However, we still perform the 'all_reduce' operation for the sake of good coding practices.
# To ensure mathematical equivalence, we divide the 'grad_norm' by 'tp_size.'
if tp_size > 1:
param_for_grad = grad_to_param_mapping[id(grad)]
if not is_distributed_tensor(param_for_grad):
grad_norm_exponentiated /= tp_size
# If 'pp_size' is greater than 1 and the gradient belongs to shared parameters,
# it means that this parameter is used in two different pipeline stages.
# To avoid redundant norm calculations, we divide the exponent of this norm by
# the number of shared stages.
if pp_size > 1:
for shared_param in self.shared_params:
if self.stage_manager.stage in shared_param:
stage_working_shared_param = shared_param[self.stage_manager.stage]
stage_master_shared_param = self.working_to_master_map[stage_working_shared_param]
if grad is stage_master_shared_param.grad:
grad_norm_exponentiated /= len(shared_param)
total_norm_exponentiated += grad_norm_exponentiated
total_norm_exponentiated_cuda = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([float(total_norm_exponentiated)])
if tp_size > 1:
# compute norm in tp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.tp_pg)
if pp_size > 1:
# compute norm in pp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.pp_pg)
# compute the total_norm
total_norm = total_norm_exponentiated_cuda.item() ** (1.0 / norm_type)
return total_norm
class HybridParallelZeroOptimizer(LowLevelZeroOptimizer):
def __init__(
optimizer: Optimizer,
model: Module,
use_pipeline: bool,
param_info: OrderedDict,
initial_scale: int = 2**16, # grad scaler config
min_scale: int = 1,
growth_factor: float = 2.0,
backoff_factor: float = 0.5,
growth_interval: int = 2000,
hysteresis: int = 2,
max_scale: int = 2**24,
clip_grad_norm: float = 0.0, # grad clipping
verbose: bool = False,
reduce_bucket_size: int = 1024 * 1024, # communication
communication_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
overlap_communication: bool = True,
partition_grad: bool = False, # stage 2 flag
cpu_offload: bool = False, # cpu offload
dp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # the dp pg for comm
tp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # if using tp
pp_process_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None, # if using pp
forced_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
self.param_info = param_info
self.stage_manager = model.stage_manager
self.shared_params = model.shared_params
self.dp_pg = dp_process_group
self.tp_pg = tp_process_group
self.pp_pg = pp_process_group
if use_pipeline:
init_pipeline_optimizer(optimizer, model)
def _compute_grad_norm(self, gradients: List[Tensor], norm_type: int = 2) -> float:
Compute and return the gradient norm for gradient clipping.
gradients (List[Tensor]): A list of tensors containing gradients.
norm_type (int, optional): Type of the p-norm to be computed. Defaults to 2.
float: The computed gradient norm.
# Check if the list of gradients is empty
if len(gradients) == 0:
return 0.0
dp_size = get_world_size(self.dp_pg) if self.dp_pg is not None else 1
tp_size = get_world_size(self.tp_pg) if self.tp_pg is not None else 1
pp_size = get_world_size(self.pp_pg) if self.pp_pg is not None else 1
norm_type = float(norm_type)
if norm_type == inf:
# The parent class calculates the norm of 'dp' gradients,
# so we only need to calculate the norm 'tp' of 'pp' gradients.
total_norm = super()._compute_grad_norm(gradients, norm_type)
total_norm_cuda = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([float(total_norm)])
if tp_size > 1:
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.tp_pg)
if pp_size > 1:
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.pp_pg)
total_norm = total_norm_cuda.item()
total_norm_exponentiated = 0.0
for grad in gradients:
grad_norm_exponentiated = ** norm_type
# If 'tp_size' is greater than 1 and the parameter for the gradient is not a distributed tensor,
# it indicates that the parameter is not distributed across devices of the 'tp_group'.
# Consequently, there is no need to perform an 'all_reduce' operation for 'grad_norm'.
# However, we still perform the 'all_reduce' operation for the sake of good coding practices.
# To ensure mathematical equivalence, we divide the 'grad_norm' by 'tp_size.'
if tp_size > 1:
param_id_for_grad = self._grad_store.get_param_id_for_grad(grad)
param_for_grad = ctypes.cast(param_id_for_grad, ctypes.py_object).value
if not is_distributed_tensor(param_for_grad):
grad_norm_exponentiated /= tp_size
# If 'pp_size' is greater than 1 and the gradient belongs to shared parameters,
# it means that this parameter is used in two different pipeline stages.
# To avoid redundant norm calculations, we divide the exponent of this norm by
# the number of shared stages.
if pp_size > 1:
for shared_param in self.shared_params:
if self.stage_manager.stage in shared_param:
stage_shared_param = shared_param[self.stage_manager.stage]
working_grad = self._grad_store.get_working_grad_by_param_id(id(stage_shared_param))
if grad is working_grad:
grad_norm_exponentiated /= len(shared_param)
total_norm_exponentiated += grad_norm_exponentiated
total_norm_exponentiated_cuda = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([float(total_norm_exponentiated)])
if dp_size > 1:
# compute norm in dp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.dp_pg)
if tp_size > 1:
# compute norm in tp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.tp_pg)
if pp_size > 1:
# compute norm in pp process group
dist.all_reduce(tensor=total_norm_exponentiated_cuda, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=self.pp_pg)
# Compute the 'total_norm' from 'total_norm_exponentiated'
total_norm = total_norm_exponentiated_cuda.item() ** (1.0 / norm_type)
return total_norm
class HybridParallelPlugin(PipelinePluginBase):
Plugin for Hybrid Parallel Training.
Tensor parallel, pipeline parallel and data parallel(DDP/ZeRO) can be picked and combined in this plugin.
The size of tp and pp should be passed in by user, then the size of dp is automatically calculated from dp_size = world_size / (tp_size * pp_size).
from colossalai.booster import Booster
from colossalai.booster.plugin import HybridParallelPlugin
model, train_dataset, optimizer, criterion = ...
plugin = HybridParallelPlugin(tp_size=2, pp_size=2)
train_dataloader = plugin.prepare_dataloader(train_dataset, batch_size=8)
booster = Booster(plugin=plugin)
model, optimizer, criterion, train_dataloader, _ = booster.boost(model, optimizer, criterion, train_dataloader)
tp_size (int): The size of tensor parallelism. Tensor parallelism will not be used when tp_size is set to 1.
pp_size (int): The number of pipeline stages in pipeline parallelism. Pipeline parallelism will not be used when pp_size is set to 1.
precision (str, optional): Specifies the precision of parameters during training.
Auto-mixied precision will be used when this argument is set to 'fp16' or 'bf16', otherwise model is trained with 'fp32'.
Defaults to 'fp16'.
zero_stage (int, optional): The stage of ZeRO for data parallelism. Can only be choosed from [0, 1, 2].
When set to 0, ZeRO will not be used. Defaults to 0.
enable_all_optimization (bool, optional): Whether to switch on all the optimizations supported by Shardformer.
Currently all the optimization methods include fused normalization, flash attention and JIT.
Defaults to False.
enable_fused_normalization (bool, optional): Whether to switch on fused normalization in Shardformer. Defaults to False.
enable_flash_attention (bool, optional): Whether to switch on flash attention in Shardformer. Defaults to False.
enable_jit_fused (bool, optional): Whether to switch on JIT in Shardformer. Default to False.
enable_sequence_parallelism (bool): Whether to turn on sequence parallelism in Shardformer. Defaults to False.
enable_sequence_overlap (bool): Whether to turn on sequence overlap in Shardformer. Defaults to False.
num_microbatches (int, optional): Number of microbatches when using pipeline parallelism. Defaults to None.
microbatch_size (int, optional): Microbatch size when using pipeline parallelism.
Either ``num_microbatches`` or ``microbatch_size`` should be provided if using pipeline.
If ``num_microbatches`` is provided, this will be ignored. Defaults to None.
initial_scale (float, optional): The initial loss scale of AMP. Defaults to 2**16.
min_scale (float, optional): The minimum loss scale of AMP. Defaults to 1.
growth_factor (float, optional): The multiplication factor for increasing loss scale when using AMP. Defaults to 2.
backoff_factor (float, optional): The multiplication factor for decreasing loss scale when using AMP. Defaults to 0.5.
growth_interval (int, optional): The number of steps to increase loss scale when no overflow occurs when using AMP. Defaults to 1000.
hysteresis (int, optional): The number of overflows before decreasing loss scale when using AMP. Defaults to 2.
max_scale (float, optional): The maximum loss scale of AMP. Defaults to 2**32.
max_norm (float, optional): Maximum norm for gradient clipping. Defaults to 0.
broadcast_buffers (bool, optional): Whether to broadcast buffers in the beginning of training when using DDP. Defaults to True.
ddp_bucket_cap_mb (int, optional): The bucket size in MB when using DDP. Defaults to 25.
find_unused_parameters (bool, optional): Whether to find unused parameters when using DDP. Defaults to False.
check_reduction (bool, optional): Whether to check reduction when using DDP. Defaults to False.
gradient_as_bucket_view (bool, optional): Whether to use gradient as bucket view when using DDP. Defaults to False.
static_graph (bool, optional): Whether to use static graph when using DDP. Defaults to False.
zero_bucket_size_in_m (int, optional): Gradient reduce bucket size in million elements when using ZeRO. Defaults to 12.
cpu_offload (bool, optional): Whether to open cpu_offload when using ZeRO. Defaults to False.
communication_dtype (torch.dtype, optional): Communication dtype when using ZeRO. If not specified, the dtype of param will be used. Defaults to None.
overlap_communication (bool, optional): Whether to overlap communication and computation when using ZeRO. Defaults to True.
custom_policy (Policy, optional): Custom policy for Shardformer. Defaults to None.
def __init__(
tp_size: int,
pp_size: int,
precision: str = "fp16",
zero_stage: int = 0,
enable_all_optimization: bool = False,
enable_fused_normalization: bool = False,
enable_flash_attention: bool = False,
enable_jit_fused: bool = False,
enable_sequence_parallelism: bool = False,
enable_sequence_overlap: bool = False,
num_microbatches: Optional[int] = None,
microbatch_size: Optional[int] = None,
initial_scale: float = 2**16,
min_scale: float = 1,
growth_factor: float = 2,
backoff_factor: float = 0.5,
growth_interval: int = 1000,
hysteresis: int = 2,
max_scale: float = 2**32,
max_norm: float = 0,
broadcast_buffers: bool = True,
ddp_bucket_cap_mb: int = 25,
find_unused_parameters: bool = False,
check_reduction: bool = False,
gradient_as_bucket_view: bool = False,
static_graph: bool = False,
zero_bucket_size_in_m: int = 12,
cpu_offload: bool = False,
communication_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
overlap_communication: bool = True,
custom_policy: Policy = None,
) -> None:
assert (
dist.get_world_size() % (tp_size * pp_size) == 0
), f"world size {dist.get_world_size()} is not divisible by tp_size {tp_size} * pp_size {pp_size}"
if enable_sequence_parallelism:
assert tp_size > 1, "Sequence parallelism must be enabled when using tensor parallelism"
self.tp_size = tp_size
self.pp_size = pp_size
self.dp_size = dist.get_world_size() // (tp_size * pp_size)
self.precision = precision
self.zero_stage = zero_stage
self.cpu_offload = cpu_offload
self.enable_all_optimization = enable_all_optimization
self.enable_fused_normalization = enable_fused_normalization
self.enable_flash_attention = enable_flash_attention
self.enable_jit_fused = enable_jit_fused
self.enable_sequence_parallelism = enable_sequence_parallelism
self.pg_mesh = ProcessGroupMesh(self.dp_size, self.pp_size, self.tp_size)
self.stage_manager = None
self.schedule = None
self.custom_policy = custom_policy
assert zero_stage in (0, 1, 2)
if self.pp_size > 1:
assert (
num_microbatches is not None or microbatch_size is not None
), "num_microbatches or microbatch_size must be specified when using pipeline parallelism"
assert self.zero_stage <= 1, "zero stage must be 0 or 1 when using pipeline parallelism"
self.stage_manager = PipelineStageManager(self.pg_mesh, PP_AXIS)
self.schedule = OneForwardOneBackwardSchedule(
self.stage_manager, num_microbatches=num_microbatches, microbatch_size=microbatch_size
self.tp_group = self.pg_mesh.get_group_along_axis(TP_AXIS)
self.dp_group = self.pg_mesh.get_group_along_axis(DP_AXIS)
self.pp_group = self.pg_mesh.get_group_along_axis(PP_AXIS)
self.shard_config = ShardConfig(
enable_tensor_parallelism=self.tp_size > 1,
self.amp_config = dict(
self.ddp_config = dict(
self.zero_config = dict(
reduce_bucket_size=zero_bucket_size_in_m * 1024 * 1024,
partition_grad=(self.zero_stage == 2),
self.max_norm = max_norm
def enable_pipeline_parallelism(self) -> bool:
return self.pp_size > 1
def supported_devices(self) -> List[str]:
return ["cuda"]
def supported_precisions(self) -> List[str]:
return ["fp16", "bf16", "fp32"]
def control_device(self) -> bool:
return True
def control_precision(self) -> bool:
return True
def support_no_sync(self) -> bool:
return False
def support_lora(self) -> bool:
return False
def control_checkpoint_io(self) -> bool:
return True
def configure(
model: Module,
optimizer: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
criterion: Optional[Callable] = None,
dataloader: Optional[DataLoader] = None,
lr_scheduler: Optional[LRScheduler] = None,
) -> Tuple[Module, OptimizerWrapper, Callable, DataLoader, LRScheduler]:
param_info = get_param_info(optimizer)
if not isinstance(model, ModelWrapper):
use_ddp = self.dp_size > 1 and self.pp_size == 1 and self.zero_stage == 0
model = HybridParallelModule(
model, self.precision, self.shard_config, self.dp_group, use_ddp, self.ddp_config, self.custom_policy
if optimizer is not None and not isinstance(optimizer, OptimizerWrapper):
if self.zero_stage == 0:
if self.precision in ["fp16", "bf16"]:
optimizer = HybridParallelAMPOptimizer(
optimizer = HybridParallelNaiveOptimizer(
assert self.dp_size > 1, "Please use Zero when data parallel size is greater than 1."
assert self.precision != "fp32", "Please set precision to 'fp16' or 'bf16' when using ZeRO."
optimizer = HybridParallelZeroOptimizer(
# inject update_master_params
model.update_master_params = MethodType(optimizer.update_master_params, model)
return model, optimizer, criterion, dataloader, lr_scheduler
def execute_pipeline(
data_iter: Iterator,
model: HybridParallelModule,
criterion: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor],
optimizer: Optional[
Union[HybridParallelNaiveOptimizer, HybridParallelAMPOptimizer, HybridParallelZeroOptimizer]
] = None,
return_loss: bool = True,
return_outputs: bool = False,
) -> dict:
assert self.enable_pipeline_parallelism, "pipeline parallelism is not enabled"
# return loss or outputs if needed
ctx = optimizer.no_sync() if isinstance(optimizer, HybridParallelZeroOptimizer) else model.no_sync()
with ctx:
outputs = self.schedule.forward_backward_step(
model, data_iter, criterion, optimizer, return_loss, return_outputs
if isinstance(optimizer, HybridParallelZeroOptimizer):
return outputs
def prepare_dataloader(
self, dataset, batch_size, shuffle=False, seed=1024, drop_last=False, pin_memory=False, num_workers=0, **kwargs
Prepare a dataloader for distributed training. The dataloader will be wrapped by
`` and ``.
dataset (``): The dataset to be loaded.
shuffle (bool, optional): Whether to shuffle the dataset. Defaults to False.
seed (int, optional): Random worker seed for sampling, defaults to 1024.
add_sampler: Whether to add ``DistributedDataParallelSampler`` to the dataset. Defaults to True.
drop_last (bool, optional): Set to True to drop the last incomplete batch, if the dataset size
is not divisible by the batch size. If False and the size of dataset is not divisible by
the batch size, then the last batch will be smaller, defaults to False.
pin_memory (bool, optional): Whether to pin memory address in CPU memory. Defaults to False.
num_workers (int, optional): Number of worker threads for this dataloader. Defaults to 0.
kwargs (dict): optional parameters for ````, more details could be found in
`DataLoader <>`_.
:class:``: A DataLoader used for training or testing.
_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
sampler = DistributedSampler(
dataset, num_replicas=self.pg_mesh.size(DP_AXIS), rank=self.pg_mesh.coordinate(DP_AXIS), shuffle=shuffle
# Deterministic dataloader
def seed_worker(worker_id):
worker_seed = seed
return DataLoader(
def get_checkpoint_io(self) -> CheckpointIO:
return HybridParallelCheckpointIO(self.dp_group, self.pp_group, self.tp_group, self.zero_stage)
def no_sync(self, model: Module) -> Iterator[None]:
raise NotImplementedError
def enable_lora(
self, model: Module, pretrained_dir: Optional[str] = None, lora_config: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> Module:
raise NotImplementedError