mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
204 lines
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204 lines
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import torch
from functools import partial
import pytest
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
from torch.distributed import ReduceOp
from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc
from colossalai.initialize import launch
from colossalai.utils import free_port
from colossalai.testing import rerun_if_address_is_in_use
from colossalai.device.device_mesh import DeviceMesh
from colossalai.tensor.shape_consistency import CommSpec, CollectiveCommPattern
from colossalai.logging import disable_existing_loggers
from colossalai.tensor.sharding_spec import ShardingSpec
def check_all_gather(device_mesh, rank):
# tensor to comm
if rank in (0, 2):
sharded_tensor_to_comm = torch.ones(2, 2).cuda()
sharded_tensor_to_comm = torch.zeros(2, 2).cuda()
# tensor to check
tensor_to_check = torch.cat((torch.ones(2, 2), torch.zeros(2, 2)), 1).cuda()
# test all gather
dim_partition_dict = {1: [1]}
# DistSpec:
# shard_sequence: R,S1
# device_mesh_shape: (2, 2)
sharding_spec = ShardingSpec(device_mesh, tensor_to_check.shape, dim_partition_dict=dim_partition_dict)
# CommSpec:(comm_pattern:allgather, gather_dim:1, logical_process_axis:1)
comm_spec = CommSpec(CollectiveCommPattern.ALLGATHER, sharding_spec, gather_dim=1, logical_process_axis=1)
assert sharded_tensor_to_comm.equal(tensor_to_check)
def check_shard(device_mesh, rank):
# tensor to comm
sharded_tensor_to_comm_0 = torch.zeros(2, 2).cuda()
sharded_tensor_to_comm_1 = torch.ones(2, 2).cuda()
# tensor([[0., 0., 1., 1.],
# [0., 0., 1., 1.]])
tensor_to_shard = torch.cat((sharded_tensor_to_comm_0, sharded_tensor_to_comm_1), 1)
# test shard
dim_partition_dict = {}
# DistSpec:
# shard_sequence: R,R
# device_mesh_shape: (2, 2)
sharding_spec = ShardingSpec(device_mesh, tensor_to_shard.shape, dim_partition_dict=dim_partition_dict)
# CommSpec:(comm_pattern:shard, shard_dim:1, logical_process_axis:1)
comm_spec = CommSpec(CollectiveCommPattern.SHARD, sharding_spec, shard_dim=1, logical_process_axis=1)
if rank in (0, 2):
assert tensor_to_shard.equal(sharded_tensor_to_comm_0)
if rank in (1, 3):
assert tensor_to_shard.equal(sharded_tensor_to_comm_1)
def check_all_to_all(device_mesh, rank):
# tensor to comm
if rank in (0, 1):
sharded_tensor_0 = torch.zeros(2, 1)
sharded_tensor_1 = torch.ones(2, 1)
# tensor([[0., 1.],
# [0., 1.]])
tensor_to_comm = torch.cat((sharded_tensor_0, sharded_tensor_1), 1).cuda()
if rank in (2, 3):
sharded_tensor_0 = torch.ones(2, 1) * 2
sharded_tensor_1 = torch.ones(2, 1) * 3
# tensor([[2., 3.],
# [2., 3.]])
tensor_to_comm = torch.cat((sharded_tensor_0, sharded_tensor_1), 1).cuda()
if rank in (0, 1):
# tensor([[0.],
# [0.],
# [2.],
# [2.]])
tensor_to_check = torch.tensor([[0], [0], [2], [2]], dtype=tensor_to_comm.dtype).cuda()
if rank in (2, 3):
# tensor([[1.],
# [1.],
# [3.],
# [3.]])
tensor_to_check = torch.tensor([[1], [1], [3], [3]], dtype=tensor_to_comm.dtype).cuda()
# test shard
dim_partition_dict = {0: [0]}
# DistSpec:
# shard_sequence: S0,R
# device_mesh_shape: (2, 2)
sharding_spec = ShardingSpec(device_mesh, torch.Size((4, 2)), dim_partition_dict=dim_partition_dict)
# CommSpec:(comm_pattern:shard, shard_dim:1, logical_process_axis:1)
comm_spec = CommSpec(CollectiveCommPattern.ALLTOALL,
assert tensor_to_comm.equal(tensor_to_check)
def check_all_reduce(device_mesh, rank):
# tensor to comm
tensor_to_comm = torch.ones(2, 2).cuda() * rank
# reduce through logical process axis 0
# tensor to check
if rank in (0, 2):
# tensor([[2., 2.],
# [2., 2.]])
tensor_to_check = torch.tensor([[2, 2], [2, 2]], dtype=tensor_to_comm.dtype).cuda()
if rank in (1, 3):
# tensor([[4., 4.],
# [4., 4.]])
tensor_to_check = torch.tensor([[4, 4], [4, 4]], dtype=tensor_to_comm.dtype).cuda()
dim_partition_dict = {}
# DistSpec:
# shard_sequence: R,R
# device_mesh_shape: (2, 2)
sharding_spec = ShardingSpec(device_mesh, tensor_to_comm.shape, dim_partition_dict=dim_partition_dict)
# CommSpec:(comm_pattern:all_reduce, logical_process_axis:0)
comm_spec = CommSpec(CollectiveCommPattern.ALLREDUCE, sharding_spec, logical_process_axis=0)
assert tensor_to_comm.equal(tensor_to_check)
def check_all_reduce_in_flatten_device_mesh(device_mesh, rank):
# tensor to comm
tensor_to_comm = torch.ones(2, 2).cuda() * rank
# reduce through logical process axis 0 at flatten device mesh
# tensor to check
# tensor([[6., 6.],
# [6., 6.]])
tensor_to_check = torch.tensor([[6, 6], [6, 6]], dtype=tensor_to_comm.dtype).cuda()
dim_partition_dict = {}
# DistSpec:
# shard_sequence: R,R
# device_mesh_shape: (2, 2)
sharding_spec = ShardingSpec(device_mesh, tensor_to_comm.shape, dim_partition_dict=dim_partition_dict)
# CommSpec:(comm_pattern:all_reduce, logical_process_axis:[0, 1])
comm_spec = CommSpec(CollectiveCommPattern.ALLREDUCE, sharding_spec, logical_process_axis=[0, 1])
assert tensor_to_comm.equal(tensor_to_check)
def check_comm(rank, world_size, port):
launch(config={}, rank=rank, world_size=world_size, host='localhost', port=port, backend='nccl')
physical_mesh_id = torch.arange(0, 4)
assert rank == gpc.get_global_rank()
mesh_shape = (2, 2)
# [[0, 1,
# [2, 3]]
device_mesh = DeviceMesh(physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape, init_process_group=True)
# test all gather
check_all_gather(device_mesh, rank)
# test shard
check_shard(device_mesh, rank)
# test all to all
check_all_to_all(device_mesh, rank)
# test all reduce
check_all_reduce(device_mesh, rank)
# test all reduce in 1D flatten device mesh
check_all_reduce_in_flatten_device_mesh(device_mesh, rank)
def test_comm_spec():
world_size = 4
run_func = partial(check_comm, world_size=world_size, port=free_port())
mp.spawn(run_func, nprocs=world_size)
if __name__ == '__main__':