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import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
from colossalai.checkpoint_io import CheckpointIndexFile
from colossalai.checkpoint_io.utils import is_safetensors_available, load_shard_state_dict, load_state_dict_into_model
from import MoECheckpintIO
from colossalai.tensor.moe_tensor.api import get_dp_rank, get_ep_group, get_ep_rank, get_ep_size, is_moe_tensor
class MixtralMoECheckpointIO(MoECheckpintIO):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def pre_load_model(self, model: nn.Module, state_dict: dict) -> dict:
Preprocess state_dict before loading and slice the state_dict of MOE tensors.
model_param_dict = dict(model.named_parameters())
for name, param in list(state_dict.items()):
if ".gate.weight" in name:
new_name = "module." + name.replace(".gate.weight", ".gate_weight")
state_dict[new_name] = state_dict.pop(name)
elif ".experts." in name:
# if is moe tensor
# in our moe module, expert is cat as one tensor
# but mixtral's experts is not cat
# we will insert the loaded expert into the position of cat tensor
# get model param
str_idx = name.index(".experts.")
expert_idx = int(name.split(".")[-3])
if ".w1." in name:
model_param_name = name.replace(name[str_idx:], ".experts.wi_gate")
elif ".w2." in name:
model_param_name = name.replace(name[str_idx:], ".experts.wo")
elif ".w3." in name:
model_param_name = name.replace(name[str_idx:], ".experts.wi_up")
model_param_name = "module." + model_param_name
# skip for pipeline
if model_param_name not in model_param_dict:
model_param = model_param_dict[model_param_name]
assert is_moe_tensor(model_param)
# get expert range
ep_rank = get_ep_rank(model_param)
ep_size = get_ep_size(model_param)
expert_num = 8 // ep_size
expert_range = list(range(ep_rank * expert_num, (ep_rank + 1) * expert_num))
# insert new param
if expert_idx in expert_range:
new_param = model_param
new_param[expert_idx - ep_rank * expert_num] = param.transpose(0, 1)
state_dict[model_param_name] = new_param
new_name = "module." + name
state_dict[new_name] = state_dict.pop(name)
return state_dict
def load_sharded_model(self, model: nn.Module, checkpoint_index_file: Path, strict: bool = False):
Load sharded model with the given path to index file of checkpoint folder.
model (nn.Module): The model to be loaded.
checkpoint_index_file (str): Path to the index file of checkpointing folder.
strict (bool, optional): For name matching during loading state_dict. Defaults to False.
This argument should be manually set to False since params on same device might be stored in different files.
# Check whether the checkpoint uses safetensors.
use_safetensors = False
if "safetensors" in
use_safetensors = True
if use_safetensors and not is_safetensors_available():
raise ImportError("`safe_serialization` requires the `safetensors` library: `pip install safetensors`.")
# Read checkpoint index file.
ckpt_index_file = CheckpointIndexFile.from_file(checkpoint_index_file)
ckpt_root_path = ckpt_index_file.root_path
weight_map = ckpt_index_file.weight_map
strict = False
# Load params & buffers to model.
# Keep a record of loaded files so that file will not be repeatedly loaded.
loaded_file = set()
def _load(name: str):
if name not in weight_map:
raise ValueError(f"{name} is not stored in checkpoint, please check your checkpointing configuration!")
filename = weight_map[name]
# If this param/buffer has been loaded before, directly return.
if filename in loaded_file:
file_path = os.path.join(ckpt_root_path, filename)
state_dict = load_shard_state_dict(Path(file_path), use_safetensors)
state_dict = self.pre_load_model(model, state_dict)
missing_keys = []
# Load parameters.
for name, _ in model.named_parameters():
name = name.replace("module.", "")
name = name.replace(".gate_weight", ".gate.weight")
if ".experts.wi_gate" in name:
for i in range(8):
new_name = name.replace(".experts.wi_gate", f".experts.{i}.w1.weight")
elif ".experts.wi_up" in name:
for i in range(8):
new_name = name.replace(".experts.wi_up", f".experts.{i}.w3.weight")
elif ".experts.wo" in name:
for i in range(8):
new_name = name.replace(".experts.wo", f".experts.{i}.w2.weight")
if self.verbose:"The model has been successfully loaded from sharded checkpoint: {ckpt_root_path}.")
def pre_save_model(self, model: nn.Module) -> dict:
state_dict = model.state_dict()
for name, param in list(model.named_parameters()):
if ".gate_weight" in name:
new_name = name.replace(".gate_weight", ".gate.weight")
state_dict[new_name] = state_dict.pop(name).cpu()
elif ".experts." in name:
ep_group = get_ep_group(param)
ep_rank = get_ep_rank(param)
ep_size = get_ep_size(param)
dp_rank = get_dp_rank(param)
if dp_rank == 0:
param =
all_param = [torch.zeros_like(param) for _ in range(ep_size)]
# gather param from every ep rank
dist.all_gather(all_param, param, group=ep_group)
if ep_rank == 0:
all_param =, dim=0)
assert all_param.shape[0] == 8
for i in range(8):
if ".wi_gate" in name:
new_name = name.replace(".experts.wi_gate", f".experts.{i}.w1.weight")
elif ".wi_up" in name:
new_name = name.replace(".experts.wi_up", f".experts.{i}.w3.weight")
elif ".wo" in name:
new_name = name.replace(".experts.wo", f".experts.{i}.w2.weight")
new_name = new_name.replace("module.", "")
new_param = all_param[i].transpose(-1, -2)
state_dict[new_name] = new_param.cpu()
state_dict[name] = param.cpu()
for name, param in list(state_dict.items()):
new_name = name.replace("module.", "")
state_dict[new_name] = state_dict.pop(name)
if self.pp_size > 1:
if self.dp_rank == 0:
# gather state_dict from every pp rank
# because ckpt is large, we split it into 10 parts
# and gather them one by one
new_state_dict = {}
state_dict_keys = list(state_dict.keys())
gap_key_num = min(30, len(state_dict_keys))
gap_keys = (len(state_dict_keys) + gap_key_num - 1) // gap_key_num
for i in range(gap_key_num):
cur_keys = state_dict_keys[i * gap_keys : (i + 1) * gap_keys]
cur_state_dict = {}
for k in cur_keys:
cur_state_dict[k] = state_dict[k]
out = [None for _ in range(self.pp_size)]
dist.all_gather_object(out, cur_state_dict, group=self.pp_group)
if self.pp_rank == 0:
for o in out:
for k, v in o.items():
new_state_dict[k] = v.cpu()
state_dict = new_state_dict
return state_dict