mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
395 lines
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395 lines
15 KiB
import enum
import functools
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import torch
from torch.fx import Graph, Node, Proxy, Tracer
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map
from colossalai.fx import ColoGraphModule, compatibility, is_compatible_with_meta
if is_compatible_with_meta():
from colossalai.fx.profiler import MetaTensor
Target = Union[Callable[..., Any], str]
Argument = Optional[Union[Tuple[Any, ...], # actually Argument, but mypy can't represent recursive types
List[Any], # actually Argument
Dict[str, Any], # actually Argument
slice, # Slice[Argument, Argument, Argument], but slice is not a templated type in typing
_CScriptMethod = ['add', 'mul', 'sub', 'div']
_TorchNewMethod = [
"arange", "zeros", "zeros_like", "ones", "ones_like", "full", "full_like", "empty", "empty_like", "eye", "tensor",
_TensorPropertyMethod = ["dtype", "shape", "device", "requires_grad", "grad", "grad_fn", "data"]
def _truncate_suffix(s: str):
import re
return re.sub(r'_\d+$', '', s)
def is_element_in_list(elements: Union[List[Any], Any], list_: List[Any]):
if isinstance(elements, (tuple, list, set)):
for ele in elements:
if ele not in list_:
return False, ele
if elements not in list_:
return False, elements
return True, None
def default_device():
return torch.device('cuda:0') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
class ColoProxy(Proxy):
def __init__(self, *args, data=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._data = data
def data(self):
return self._data
def data(self, args):
wrap_fn = lambda x: MetaTensor(x) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else x
self._data = tree_map(wrap_fn, args)
def __torch_function__(cls, orig_method, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
proxy = cls.from_torch_proxy(super().__torch_function__(orig_method, types, args, kwargs))
unwrap_fn = lambda p: p.data if isinstance(p, ColoProxy) else p
kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs
if proxy.data is None:
proxy.data = orig_method(*tree_map(unwrap_fn, args), **tree_map(unwrap_fn, kwargs))
return proxy
def from_torch_proxy(cls, proxy: Proxy):
return cls(proxy.node, proxy.tracer)
def __repr__(self):
return f"ColoProxy({self.node.name}, data={self.data})"
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.data)
def __index__(self):
return int(self.data)
return torch.zeros(self.data.shape, dtype=torch.bool).numpy().__index__()
def __float__(self):
return float(self.data)
def __bool__(self):
return self.data
def __getattr__(self, k):
return ColoAttribute(self, k, getattr(self._data, k, None))
def __contains__(self, key):
if self.node.op == "placeholder":
# this is used to handle like
# if x in kwargs
# we don't handle this case for now
return False
return super().__contains__(key)
def __isinstancecheck__(self, type):
return isinstance(self.data, type)
def shape(self):
return self.data.shape
def ndim(self):
return self.data.ndim
def device(self):
proxy = self.tracer.create_proxy('call_function', getattr, (self, 'device'), {})
proxy.data = self.data.device
return proxy
def dtype(self):
proxy = self.tracer.create_proxy('call_function', getattr, (self, 'dtype'), {})
proxy.data = self.data.dtype
return proxy
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.tracer.create_proxy('call_method', 'to', (self, *args), {**kwargs})
def cpu(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.tracer.create_proxy('call_method', 'cpu', (self, *args), {**kwargs})
def cuda(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.tracer.create_proxy('call_method', 'cuda', (self, *args), {**kwargs})
class ColoAttribute(ColoProxy):
def __init__(self, root, attr: str, data=None):
self.root = root
self.attr = attr
self.tracer = root.tracer
self._data = data
self._node: Optional[Node] = None
def node(self):
# the node for attributes is added lazily, since most will just be method calls
# which do not rely on the getitem call
if self._node is None:
self._node = self.tracer.create_proxy('call_function', getattr, (self.root, self.attr), {}).node
return self._node
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.tracer.create_proxy('call_method', self.attr, (self.root,) + args, kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"ColoAttribute({self.node.name}, attr={self.attr})"
class ColoTracer(Tracer):
def __init__(self, trace_act_ckpt: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._disable_module_getattr = False
self.proxy_buffer_attributes = True
def proxy(self, node: Node) -> 'ColoProxy':
return ColoProxy(node, self)
def create_proxy(self,
kind: str,
target: Target,
args: Tuple[Any, ...],
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
name: Optional[str] = None,
type_expr: Optional[Any] = None,
proxy_factory_fn: Callable[[Node], 'Proxy'] = None):
proxy: ColoProxy = super().create_proxy(kind, target, args, kwargs, name, type_expr, proxy_factory_fn)
unwrap_fn = lambda p: p.data if isinstance(p, ColoProxy) else p
if kind == 'placeholder':
proxy.data = self.meta_args[target] if target in self.meta_args else self.concrete_args.get(
_truncate_suffix(target), None)
elif kind == 'get_attr':
self._disable_module_getattr = True
attr_itr = self.root
atoms = target.split(".")
for atom in atoms:
attr_itr = getattr(attr_itr, atom)
proxy.data = attr_itr
self._disable_module_getattr = False
elif kind == 'call_function':
proxy.data = target(*tree_map(unwrap_fn, args), **tree_map(unwrap_fn, kwargs))
elif kind == 'call_method':
self._disable_module_getattr = True
if target == '__call__':
proxy.data = unwrap_fn(args[0])(*tree_map(unwrap_fn, args[1:]), **tree_map(unwrap_fn, kwargs))
if target not in _TensorPropertyMethod:
proxy._data = getattr(unwrap_fn(args[0]), target)(*tree_map(unwrap_fn, args[1:]),
**tree_map(unwrap_fn, kwargs))
self._disable_module_getattr = False
elif kind == 'call_module':
mod = self.root.get_submodule(target)
unwrap_fn = lambda p: p.data if isinstance(p, ColoProxy) else p
self._disable_module_getattr = True
proxy.data = mod.forward(*tree_map(unwrap_fn, args), **tree_map(unwrap_fn, kwargs))
self._disable_module_getattr = True
return proxy
def trace(self,
root: torch.nn.Module,
concrete_args: Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = None,
meta_args: Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = None) -> Graph:
if meta_args is None:
meta_args = {}
if concrete_args is None:
concrete_args = {}
# check concrete and meta args have valid names
sig = inspect.signature(root.forward)
sig_names = set(sig.parameters.keys())
meta_arg_names = set(meta_args.keys())
# update concrete args with default values
non_meta_arg_names = sig_names - meta_arg_names
for k, v in sig.parameters.items():
if k in non_meta_arg_names and \
k not in concrete_args and \
v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
concrete_args[k] = v.default
# get non concrete arg names
concrete_arg_names = set(concrete_args.keys())
non_concrete_arg_names = sig_names - concrete_arg_names
def _check_arg_name_valid(names):
success, element = is_element_in_list(names, sig_names)
if not success:
raise KeyError(
f"argument {element} is not found in the signature of {root.__class__.__name__}'s forward function")
self.concrete_args = concrete_args
self.meta_args = meta_args
with _TorchTensorOverride(self):
self.graph = super().trace(root, concrete_args=concrete_args)
return self.graph
def _post_check(self, non_concrete_arg_names: Set[str]):
# This is necessary because concrete args are added as input to the traced module since
# https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/55888.
for node in self.graph.nodes:
if node.op == "placeholder":
# Removing default values for inputs as the forward pass will fail with them.
if node.target in non_concrete_arg_names:
node.args = ()
# Without this, torch.jit.script fails because the inputs type is Optional[torch.Tensor].
# It cannot infer on the attributes and methods the input should have, and fails.
node.type = torch.Tensor
# It is a concrete arg so it is not used and should be removed.
if hasattr(torch.fx._symbolic_trace, "_assert_is_none"):
# Newer versions of torch.fx emit an assert statement
# for concrete arguments; delete those before we delete
# the concrete arg.
to_delete = []
for user in node.users:
if user.target == torch.fx._symbolic_trace._assert_is_none:
for user in to_delete:
# TODO: solves GraphModule creation.
# Without this, return type annotation "Tuple" is causing code execution failure.
if node.op == "output":
node.type = None
def _module_getattr(self, attr, attr_val, parameter_proxy_cache):
if getattr(self, "_disable_module_getattr", False):
return attr_val
def maybe_get_proxy_for_attr(attr_val, collection_to_search, parameter_proxy_cache):
for n, p in collection_to_search:
if attr_val is p:
if n not in parameter_proxy_cache:
kwargs = {}
if 'proxy_factory_fn' in inspect.signature(self.create_proxy).parameters:
kwargs['proxy_factory_fn'] = (None if not self.param_shapes_constant else
lambda node: ColoProxy(self, node, n, attr_val))
val_proxy = self.create_proxy('get_attr', n, (), {}, **kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
parameter_proxy_cache[n] = val_proxy
return parameter_proxy_cache[n]
return None
if self.proxy_buffer_attributes and isinstance(attr_val, torch.Tensor):
maybe_buffer_proxy = maybe_get_proxy_for_attr(attr_val, self.root.named_buffers(), parameter_proxy_cache)
if maybe_buffer_proxy is not None:
return maybe_buffer_proxy
if isinstance(attr_val, torch.nn.Parameter):
maybe_parameter_proxy = maybe_get_proxy_for_attr(attr_val, self.root.named_parameters(),
if maybe_parameter_proxy is not None:
return maybe_parameter_proxy
return attr_val
def symbolic_trace(
root: Union[torch.nn.Module, Callable[..., Any]],
concrete_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
meta_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> ColoGraphModule:
if is_compatible_with_meta():
if meta_args is not None:
wrap_fn = lambda x: MetaTensor(x, fake_device=default_device()) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else x
graph = ColoTracer().trace(root, concrete_args=concrete_args, meta_args=tree_map(wrap_fn, meta_args))
graph = Tracer().trace(root, concrete_args=concrete_args)
from .tracer import ColoTracer as OrigColoTracer
graph = OrigColoTracer().trace(root, concrete_args=concrete_args, meta_args=meta_args)
name = root.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(root, torch.nn.Module) else root.__name__
return ColoGraphModule(root, graph, name)
class _TorchTensorOverride(object):
def __init__(self, tracer: Tracer):
self.overrides = {}
self.tracer = tracer
def __enter__(self):
def wrap_tensor_method(target):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
is_proxy = any(isinstance(p, ColoProxy) for p in args) | any(
isinstance(p, ColoProxy) for p in kwargs.values())
if is_proxy:
# if the arg is a proxy, then need to record this function called on this proxy
# e.g. torch.ones(size) where size is an input proxy
self.tracer._disable_module_getattr = True
proxy = self.tracer.create_proxy('call_function', target, args, kwargs)
self.tracer._disable_module_getattr = False
return proxy
return target(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper, target
self.overrides = {
target: wrap_tensor_method(getattr(torch, target))
for target in _TorchNewMethod
if callable(getattr(torch, target))
for name, (wrapper, orig) in self.overrides.items():
setattr(torch, name, wrapper)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
for name, (wrapper, orig) in self.overrides.items():
setattr(torch, name, orig)