mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
633 lines
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633 lines
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import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Dict, Deque, Set, List, Tuple, Iterable
from collections import deque
from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc
from colossalai.context import ParallelMode
from colossalai.utils import get_current_device
class TensorState(Enum):
FREE = 0
HOLD = 2
STATE_TRANS = ((TensorState.FREE, TensorState.HOLD), (TensorState.FREE, TensorState.COMPUTE),
(TensorState.HOLD, TensorState.FREE), (TensorState.HOLD, TensorState.COMPUTE),
(TensorState.COMPUTE, TensorState.HOLD), (TensorState.COMPUTE, TensorState.HOLD_AFTER_BWD),
(TensorState.COMPUTE, TensorState.READY_FOR_REDUCE), (TensorState.HOLD_AFTER_BWD, TensorState.COMPUTE),
class TensorInfo:
state: TensorState
offset: int
end: int
class ChunkFullError(Exception):
def is_storage_empty(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> bool:
return tensor.storage().size() == 0
def free_storage(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> None:
if not is_storage_empty(tensor):
def alloc_storage(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> None:
if is_storage_empty(tensor):
class Chunk:
A chunk is a contiguous memory space which contains multiple tensors.
chunk_size (int): the number of elements in a chunk
src_rank (int): the process which owns the chunk
dtype (torch.dtype): the data type of the chunk
init_device (torch.device): optional, the device where the tensor is initialized. The default value is None, which is the current GPU.
force_data_on_cuda (bool): optional, if True, chunk.data is always on cuda. Defaults to False.
def __init__(self,
chunk_size: int,
src_rank: int,
dtype: torch.dtype,
init_device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
force_data_on_cuda: bool = False) -> None:
self.size = chunk_size
self.utilized_size = 0
self.src_rank = src_rank
self.is_src_rank = gpc.get_local_rank(ParallelMode.DATA) == src_rank
self.global_src_rank = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(ParallelMode.DATA)[src_rank]
self.dtype = dtype
device = init_device or get_current_device()
if force_data_on_cuda:
self.data = torch.empty(chunk_size, dtype=dtype, device=get_current_device())
self._cpu_data = torch.empty(chunk_size, dtype=dtype)
if device.type == 'cuda':
self.data = torch.empty(chunk_size, dtype=dtype, device=device)
self._cpu_data = None
# we only keep the chunk in full in the process by which the tensor is owned
if not self.is_src_rank:
# each tensor is associated with a TensorInfo to track meta info
self.tensors_info: Dict[torch.Tensor, TensorInfo] = {}
self.mem = self.size * self.data.element_size()
def append(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> None:
Add a tensor to the chunk.
tensor (torch.Tensor): a tensor to be added to the chunk
assert tensor.dtype == self.dtype
new_utilized_size = self.utilized_size + tensor.numel()
# raise exception when the chunk size is exceeded
if new_utilized_size > self.size:
raise ChunkFullError
# set tensor state
tensor_state = TensorState.FREE
# if the process owns the rank, then copy the tensor to its chunk buffer
# otherwise set its storage size to 0 to reduce memory consumption
if self.is_src_rank:
tensor_state = TensorState.HOLD
assert type(self._payload) == torch.Tensor, "copy_tensor_to_chunk_slice must use a torch tensor"
tensor.data = self._payload[self.utilized_size:new_utilized_size].view(tensor.shape)
self.tensors_info[tensor] = TensorInfo(tensor_state, self.utilized_size, new_utilized_size)
self.utilized_size = new_utilized_size
def release(self) -> None:
Release the memory space on processes which do not own the chunk.
if not self.is_src_rank:
def _update_tensors_ptr(self) -> None:
assert type(self._payload) == torch.Tensor
for tensor, tensor_info in self.tensors_info.items():
tensor.data = self._payload[tensor_info.offset:tensor_info.end].view(tensor.shape)
def _update_tensors_state(self, next_state: TensorState, prev_state: Optional[TensorState] = None):
for tensor_info in self.tensors_info.values():
if prev_state is None or tensor_info.state == prev_state:
tensor_info.state = next_state
def access(self) -> None:
Broadcast the chunk to synchronize the tensors across data parallel processes.
# recover the chunk on non-owner processes
# and broadcast the chunk from the source to all processes
if not self.is_src_rank:
self.move_device(get_current_device(), update_ptr=False)
dist.broadcast(self.data, self.global_src_rank, group=gpc.get_group(ParallelMode.DATA))
# update tensor meta info
if not self.is_src_rank:
self._update_tensors_state(TensorState.HOLD, prev_state=TensorState.FREE)
def move_device(self, device: torch.device, update_ptr: bool = True) -> None:
Move the chunk to a target device.
device (torch.device): the target device for data movement.
if self._payload.device == device:
if self._cpu_data is None:
self.data.data = self.data.to(device)
if device.type == 'cuda':
# cpu -> cuda
src = self._cpu_data
dest = self.data
# cuda -> cpu
src = self.data
dest = self._cpu_data
if update_ptr:
def reduce(self, is_all_reduce: bool = False) -> None:
Reduce or all-reduce the chunk.
is_all_reduce (bool): optional, whether to all-reduce the chunk. The default is false.
self.move_device(get_current_device(), update_ptr=False)
if is_all_reduce:
dist.all_reduce(self.data, group=gpc.get_group(ParallelMode.DATA))
dist.reduce(self.data, self.global_src_rank, group=gpc.get_group(ParallelMode.DATA))
def tensor_trans_state(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, tensor_state: TensorState) -> None:
Make a transition of the tensor into the next state.
tensor (torch.Tensor): a torch Tensor object.
tensor_state (TensorState): the target state for transition.
assert tensor != TensorState.FREE, 'Can only set a chunk of tensors to FREE'
# As the gradient hook can be triggered either before or after post-backward
# tensor's state can be compute -> hold_after_bwd -> ready_for_reduce
# or compute -> ready_for_reduce -> hold_after_bwd
# the second one is invalid, we just ignore ready_for_reduce -> hold_after_bwd
# this function only apply valid state transformation
# invalid calls will be ignored and nothing changes
if (self.tensors_info[tensor].state, tensor_state) not in STATE_TRANS:
# print(
# f'WARNING: Rank{gpc.get_global_rank()} apply invalid state trans: {self.tensors_info[tensor].state} to {tensor_state}'
# )
self.tensors_info[tensor].state = tensor_state
def copy_tensor_to_chunk_slice(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, data_slice: torch.Tensor) -> None:
Copy data slice to the memory space indexed by the input tensor in the chunk.
tensor (torch.Tensor): the tensor used to retrive meta information
data_slice (torch.Tensor): the tensor to be copied to the chunk
tensor_info = self.tensors_info[tensor]
tensor.data = self._payload[tensor_info.offset:tensor_info.end].view(tensor.shape)
def can_release(self) -> bool:
Check whether the chunk can be released.
for tensor_info in self.tensors_info.values():
if tensor_info.state != TensorState.HOLD:
return False
return True
def can_move_device(self) -> bool:
Check whether the chunk can be moved across devices.
for tensor_info in self.tensors_info.values():
if tensor_info.state in (TensorState.COMPUTE, TensorState.READY_FOR_REDUCE):
return False
return True
def can_reduce(self) -> bool:
Check whether the chunk can be reduced.
for tensor_info in self.tensors_info.values():
if tensor_info.state != TensorState.READY_FOR_REDUCE:
return False
return True
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
Check whether the chunk is empty.
return is_storage_empty(self._payload)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Chunk: src rank={self.src_rank} ,size={self.size}, utilization={self.utilized_size/self.size*100:.2f}%, freed={self.is_empty}, tensor states={[info.state.name for info in self.tensors_info.values()]}'
def has_inf_or_nan(self) -> bool:
Check if the chunk has inf or nan values.
return torch.isinf(self._payload[:self.utilized_size]).any().item() or \
def copy_(self, dest_chunk: 'Chunk'):
Copy the data of this chunk to a destination chunk.
assert not self.is_empty
assert not dest_chunk.is_empty
assert self.size == dest_chunk.size
assert self.utilized_size == dest_chunk.utilized_size
def device_type(self) -> str:
Get the device type of the chunk.
return self._payload.device.type
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(id(self))
def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
return self is __o
def get_tensors(self) -> List[torch.Tensor]:
return list(self.tensors_info.keys())
def _payload(self) -> torch.Tensor:
if self._cpu_data is None or is_storage_empty(self._cpu_data):
return self.data
return self._cpu_data
class ChunkManager:
A manager class to manipulate the tensors in chunks.
chunk_size (int): the size of a chunk.
enable_distributed_storage (bool): optional, allow for distributed storage of a chunk. The default is false.
init_device (torch.device): optional, the device on which the chunk is initialized. The default is None.
def __init__(self,
chunk_size: Optional[int],
enable_distributed_storage: bool = False,
init_device: Optional[torch.device] = None) -> None:
assert chunk_size is None or chunk_size > 0
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.enable_distributed_storage = enable_distributed_storage
self.device = init_device or get_current_device()
self.chunk_groups: Dict[str, Deque[Chunk]] = {}
self.groups_force_data_on_cuda: Dict[str, bool] = {}
self.tensor_chunk_map: Dict[torch.Tensor, Chunk] = {}
self.accessed_chunks: Set[Chunk] = set()
self.lazy_release_tensors: List[torch.Tensor] = []
if enable_distributed_storage and chunk_size is None:
self.rank_load: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
self.total_mem: Dict[str, int] = {'cpu': 0, 'cuda': 0}
def create_group(self, group_name: str, force_data_on_cuda: bool = False) -> None:
"""Create a chunk group.
group_name (str): group name
force_data_on_cuda (bool, optional): If True, the data of chunks in this group is always on cuda.. Defaults to False.
assert group_name not in self.chunk_groups
self.chunk_groups[group_name] = deque()
self.groups_force_data_on_cuda[group_name] = force_data_on_cuda
def append_tensor(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, group_name: str) -> None:
Append a tensor to a chunk.
tensor (torch.Tensor): a tensor to append to the chunk.
group_name (str): the name of the chunk group.
assert tensor not in self.tensor_chunk_map
if self.chunk_size is not None and tensor.numel() > self.chunk_size:
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot create chunk, got tensor numel ({tensor.numel()}) > chunk size ({self.chunk_size})')
# append the tensor to the last chunk
except (IndexError, ChunkFullError):
# the except statement will be triggered when there is no chunk or
# the last chunk in the chunk group is full
# this will create a new chunk and allocate this chunk to its corresponding process
chunk_size = self.chunk_size or tensor.numel()
src_rank = self._get_next_src_rank(group_name)
chunk = Chunk(chunk_size,
if self.enable_distributed_storage and self.chunk_size is None:
self.rank_load[group_name][src_rank] += chunk_size
if not chunk.is_empty:
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] += chunk.mem
self.tensor_chunk_map[tensor] = self.chunk_groups[group_name][-1]
if not self.enable_distributed_storage:
# as distributed storage is not enabled, there is no need to broadcast
# chunks, thus we set these chunks as accessed
def _get_next_src_rank(self, group_name: str) -> int:
if not self.enable_distributed_storage:
# the chunk is owned by the current rank if no distributed storage is enabled
return gpc.get_local_rank(ParallelMode.DATA)
if self.chunk_size is None:
if group_name not in self.rank_load:
self.rank_load[group_name] = torch.zeros(gpc.get_world_size(ParallelMode.DATA), dtype=torch.int64)
# the process owning the tensor will be the process with the smallest number of elements
src_rank = torch.argmin(self.rank_load[group_name]).item()
# chunk is owned by processes in a round-robin fashion
chunk_idx = len(self.chunk_groups[group_name])
src_rank = chunk_idx % gpc.get_world_size(ParallelMode.DATA)
return src_rank
def access_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> None:
Synchronize the chunks via broadcast.
chunk (Chunk): the chunk to synchronize.
if chunk in self.accessed_chunks:
if chunk.device_type != 'cuda':
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] -= chunk.mem
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] += chunk.mem
if not chunk.is_empty:
# as tensor is moved to the target device
# the memory consumption of the original device is reduced
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] -= chunk.mem
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] += chunk.mem
def release_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> None:
Release the memory space of a chunk.
chunk (Chunk): the chunk to release memory space
if not self.enable_distributed_storage:
if chunk not in self.accessed_chunks:
if chunk.can_release:
if chunk.is_empty:
# update the memory consumption after releasing
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] -= chunk.mem
def move_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk, device: torch.device, update_ptr: bool = True) -> None:
Move the chunk to the target device.
chunk (Chunk): the chunk to move to target device
device (torch.device): target device
if chunk.device_type == device.type:
if chunk.can_move_device and not chunk.is_empty:
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] -= chunk.mem
chunk.move_device(device, update_ptr=update_ptr)
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] += chunk.mem
def trans_tensor_state(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, state: TensorState) -> None:
Transit tensor state according to pre-defined state machine.
tensor (torch.Tensor): the tensor for state transititon
state (TensorState): next tensor state for transtition
chunk = self.tensor_chunk_map[tensor]
chunk.tensor_trans_state(tensor, state)
def reduce_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> bool:
Reduce or all reduce the chunk. If enable_distributed_storage is true, all-reduce is used.
Otherwise, this method uses reduce.
chunk (Chunk): the chunk for reduction.
if not chunk.can_reduce:
return False
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] -= chunk.mem
chunk.reduce(is_all_reduce=not self.enable_distributed_storage)
self.total_mem[chunk.device_type] += chunk.mem
return True
def copy_tensor_to_chunk_slice(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, data: torch.Tensor) -> None:
Copy data to the chunk.
tensor (torch.Tensor): the tensor used to retrive meta information
data (torch.Tensor): the tensor to be copied to the chunk
chunk = self.tensor_chunk_map[tensor]
chunk.copy_tensor_to_chunk_slice(tensor, data)
def get_chunk(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> Chunk:
Return the chunk owning the tensor.
tensor (torch.Tensor): a torch tensor object
return self.tensor_chunk_map[tensor]
def add_lazy_release_tensors(self, tensors: List[torch.Tensor]) -> None:
Add tensors to the buffer for lazy release.
tensors (List[torch.Tensor]): the tensors to be released lazily
def exec_lazy_release(self) -> None:
Execute release for tensors added to the lazy release buffer.
for chunk in self.get_chunks(self.lazy_release_tensors):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
msg = f'Rank {gpc.get_local_rank(ParallelMode.DATA)}:\n'
msg += 'Total memory: ' + ', '.join([f'{k}={v}B' for k, v in self.total_mem.items()]) + '\n'
for group_name, group in self.chunk_groups.items():
msg += f'Group {group_name}:\n'
for i, chunk in enumerate(group):
msg += f'[{i}] {chunk}\n'
return msg
def get_chunk_util(chunk_size: int, params_numel: List[int]) -> float:
Calculate the utilization rate of a chunk.
chunk_size (int): the size of a chunk
params_numel (List[int]): the list of integers representing the number of elements of parameters
assert len(params_numel) > 0
total_size = 0
total_utilized_size = 0
cur_chunk_utilized_size = 0
for size in params_numel:
assert chunk_size >= size
total_utilized_size += size
if total_size == 0 or cur_chunk_utilized_size + size > chunk_size:
total_size += chunk_size
cur_chunk_utilized_size = 0
cur_chunk_utilized_size += size
return total_utilized_size / total_size
def search_chunk_size(module: torch.nn.Module,
search_range: int,
n_grids: int,
min_chunk_size: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
Search for the chunk size for optimal chunk utilization.
module (torch.nn.Module): a torch module object
search_range (int): the range of chunk size to search. The actual search range will be from
max(min_chunk_size, max_param_size) to max(min_chunk_size, max_param_size) + search_range.
n_grids (int): the number of intervals in the search range
min_chunk_size (int): optional, the minimum size for a chunk. The default is None.
assert search_range % n_grids == 0
# TODO(ver217): sort params and filter unused ones
params_numel = [p.numel() for p in module.parameters()]
max_param_numel = max(params_numel)
if min_chunk_size is not None:
assert min_chunk_size >= max_param_numel
min_chunk_size = max_param_numel
step_size = search_range // n_grids
max_chunk_util = -1
best_chunk_size = -1
for chunk_size in range(min_chunk_size, min_chunk_size + search_range + 1, step_size):
chunk_util = ChunkManager.get_chunk_util(chunk_size, params_numel)
if chunk_util > max_chunk_util:
max_chunk_util = chunk_util
best_chunk_size = chunk_size
return best_chunk_size
def copy_chunk_group(self, dest_group_name: str, src_group_name: str):
Copy chunk data from one group to another group.
dest_group_name (str): the destination group which receives the copied data
src_group_name (str): the source group which provides the data to copy
for dest_chunk, src_chunk in zip(self.chunk_groups[dest_group_name], self.chunk_groups[src_group_name]):
if not dest_chunk.is_empty:
def get_chunks(self, tensors: Iterable[torch.Tensor]) -> Tuple[Chunk, ...]:
Get all chunks owning the input tensors.
tensors (Iterable[torch.Tensor]): the tensors used to look for chunks
chunks = []
for tensor in tensors:
chunk = self.get_chunk(tensor)
if chunk not in chunks:
return tuple(chunks)
def add_extern_static_tensor(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Add extern static tensor to chunk manager.
Those tensors won't be managed by chunk manager, but we want to monitor memory usage of them.
They are "static", which means their shape, dtype, device never change.
Thus, their memory usage never changes.
tensor (torch.Tensor): An extern static tensor. E.g. optimizer state.
assert tensor not in self.tensor_chunk_map
self.total_mem[tensor.device.type] += tensor.numel() * tensor.element_size()