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import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch import Tensor
from typing import Any, Tuple, Optional
from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup
import colossal_moe_cuda
except ImportError:
print("If you want to activate cuda mode for MoE, please install with cuda_ext!")
class AllGather(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx: Any, inputs: Tensor, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> Tensor:
if ctx is not None:
ctx.comm_grp = group
comm_size = dist.get_world_size(group)
if comm_size == 1:
return inputs.unsqueeze(0)
buffer_shape = (comm_size,) + inputs.shape
outputs = torch.empty(buffer_shape, dtype=inputs.dtype, device=inputs.device)
buffer_list = list(torch.chunk(outputs, comm_size, dim=0))
dist.all_gather(buffer_list, inputs, group=group)
return outputs
def backward(ctx: Any, grad_outputs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, None]:
return ReduceScatter.forward(None, grad_outputs, ctx.comm_grp), None
class ReduceScatter(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx: Any, inputs: Tensor, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> Tensor:
if ctx is not None:
ctx.comm_grp = group
comm_size = dist.get_world_size(group)
if comm_size == 1:
return inputs.squeeze(0)
if not inputs.is_contiguous():
inputs = inputs.contiguous()
output_shape = inputs.shape[1:]
outputs = torch.empty(output_shape, dtype=inputs.dtype, device=inputs.device)
buffer_list = list(torch.chunk(inputs, comm_size, dim=0))
dist.reduce_scatter(outputs, buffer_list, group=group)
return outputs
def backward(ctx: Any, grad_outputs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, None]:
return AllGather.forward(None, grad_outputs, ctx.comm_grp), None
class AllToAll(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Dispatches input tensor [e, c, h] to all experts by all_to_all_single
operation in torch.distributed.
def forward(ctx: Any, inputs: Tensor, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> Tensor:
if ctx is not None:
ctx.comm_grp = group
if not inputs.is_contiguous():
inputs = inputs.contiguous()
if dist.get_world_size(group) == 1:
return inputs
output = torch.empty_like(inputs)
dist.all_to_all_single(output, inputs, group=group)
return output
def backward(ctx: Any, *grad_outputs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, None]:
return AllToAll.forward(None, *grad_outputs, ctx.comm_grp), None
class MoeDispatch(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, tokens, mask, dest_idx, ec):
s = tokens.size(0)
h = tokens.size(1)
expert_input = colossal_moe_cuda.dispatch_forward(s, ec, h, tokens, mask, dest_idx)
ctx.save_for_backward(mask, dest_idx)
ctx.s = s
ctx.h = h = ec
return expert_input
def backward(ctx, output_grad):
mask, dest_idx = ctx.saved_tensors
d_tokens = colossal_moe_cuda.dispatch_backward(ctx.s,, ctx.h, output_grad, mask, dest_idx)
return d_tokens, None, None, None
class MoeCombine(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, expert_tokens, logits, mask, dest_idx, ec):
assert logits.dtype == torch.float32
s = logits.size(0)
e = logits.size(1)
c = ec // e
h = expert_tokens.size(-1)
fp16_flag = (expert_tokens.dtype == torch.float16)
cb_input = if fp16_flag else expert_tokens
ctokens = colossal_moe_cuda.combine_forward(s, e, c, h, cb_input, logits, mask, dest_idx)
output = if fp16_flag else ctokens
ctx.save_for_backward(expert_tokens, logits, mask, dest_idx)
ctx.s = s
ctx.e = e
ctx.c = c
ctx.h = h
ctx.fp16_flag = fp16_flag
return output
def backward(ctx, tokens_grad):
expert_tokens, logits, mask, dest_idx = ctx.saved_tensors
cb_grad = if tokens_grad.dtype is torch.float16 \
else tokens_grad
cb_input = if ctx.fp16_flag else expert_tokens
d_expert, d_logits = colossal_moe_cuda.combine_backward(ctx.s, ctx.e, ctx.c, ctx.h, cb_grad, cb_input, logits,
mask, dest_idx)
d_expert = if ctx.fp16_flag else d_expert
return d_expert, d_logits, None, None, None
def moe_cumsum(inputs: Tensor):
dim0 = inputs.size(0)
flag = (dim0 <= 1024) or (dim0 <= 2048 and dim0 % 2 == 0) or (dim0 % 4 == 0)
if flag and COL_MOE_KERNEL_FLAG:
return colossal_moe_cuda.cumsum_sub_one(inputs)
return torch.cumsum(inputs, dim=0) - 1