from multiprocessing import Pipe, Process from multiprocessing import connection as mp_connection import click import fabric from .hostinfo import HostInfo, HostInfoList def run_on_host(hostinfo: HostInfo, workdir: str, recv_conn: mp_connection.Connection, send_conn: mp_connection.Connection, env: dict) -> None: """ Use fabric connection to execute command on local or remote hosts. Args: hostinfo (HostInfo): host information workdir (str): the directory to execute the command recv_conn (multiprocessing.connection.Connection): receive messages from the master sender send_conn (multiprocessing.connection.Connection): send messages to the master receiver env (dict): a dictionary for environment variables """ fab_conn = fabric.Connection(hostinfo.hostname, port=hostinfo.port) finish = False env_msg = ' '.join([f'{k}=\"{v}\"' for k, v in env.items()]) # keep listening until exit while not finish: # receive cmd cmds = recv_conn.recv() if cmds == 'exit': # exit from the loop finish = True break else: # execute the commands try: # cd to execute directory with # propagate the runtime environment with fab_conn.prefix(f"export {env_msg}"): if hostinfo.is_local_host: # execute on the local machine fab_conn.local(cmds, hide=False) else: # execute on the remote machine, hide=False) send_conn.send('success') except Exception as e: click.echo( f"Error: failed to run {cmds} on {hostinfo.hostname}, is localhost: {hostinfo.is_local_host}, exception: {e}" ) send_conn.send('failure') # shutdown send_conn.send("finish") fab_conn.close() class MultiNodeRunner: """ A runner to execute commands on an array of machines. This runner is inspired by Nezha ( """ def __init__(self): self.processes = {} self.master_send_conns = {} self.master_recv_conns = {} def connect(self, host_info_list: HostInfoList, workdir: str, env: dict) -> None: """ Establish connections to a list of hosts Args: host_info_list (HostInfoList): a list of HostInfo objects workdir (str): the directory where command is executed env (dict): environment variables to propagate to hosts """ for hostinfo in host_info_list: master_send_conn, worker_recv_conn = Pipe() master_recv_conn, worker_send_conn = Pipe() p = Process(target=run_on_host, args=(hostinfo, workdir, worker_recv_conn, worker_send_conn, env)) p.start() self.processes[hostinfo.hostname] = p self.master_recv_conns[hostinfo.hostname] = master_recv_conn self.master_send_conns[hostinfo.hostname] = master_send_conn def send(self, hostinfo: HostInfo, cmd: str) -> None: """ Send a command to a local/remote host. Args: hostinfo (HostInfo): host information cmd (str): the command to execute """ assert hostinfo.hostname in self.master_send_conns, \ f'{hostinfo} is not found in the current connections' conn = self.master_send_conns[hostinfo.hostname] conn.send(cmd) def stop_all(self) -> None: """ Stop connections to all hosts. """ for hostname, conn in self.master_send_conns.items(): conn.send('exit') def recv_from_all(self) -> dict: """ Receive messages from all hosts Returns: msg_from_node (dict): a dictionry which contains messages from each node """ msg_from_node = dict() for hostname, conn in self.master_recv_conns.items(): msg_from_node[hostname] = conn.recv() return msg_from_node