#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import inspect from colossalai.registry import * def build_from_config(module, config: dict): """Returns an object of :class:`module` constructed from `config`. Args: module: A python or user-defined class config: A python dict containing information used in the construction of the return object Returns: An ``object`` of interest Raises: AssertionError: Raises an AssertionError if `module` is not a class """ assert inspect.isclass(module), 'module must be a class' return module(**config) def build_from_registry(config, registry: Registry): r"""Returns an object constructed from `config`, the type of the object is specified by `registry`. Note: the `config` is used to construct the return object such as `LAYERS`, `OPTIMIZERS` and other support types in `registry`. The `config` should contain all required parameters of corresponding object. The details of support types in `registry` and the `mod_type` in `config` could be found in `registry <https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI/blob/main/colossalai/registry/__init__.py>`_. Args: config (dict or :class:`colossalai.context.colossalai.context.Config`): information used in the construction of the return object. registry (:class:`Registry`): A registry specifying the type of the return object Returns: A Python object specified by `registry`. Raises: Exception: Raises an Exception if an error occurred when building from registry. """ config_ = config.copy() # keep the original config untouched assert isinstance(registry, Registry), f'Expected type Registry but got {type(registry)}' mod_type = config_.pop('type') assert registry.has(mod_type), f'{mod_type} is not found in registry {registry.name}' try: obj = registry.get_module(mod_type)(**config_) except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred when building {mod_type} from registry {registry.name}', flush=True) raise e return obj def build_gradient_handler(config, model, optimizer): """Returns a gradient handler object of :class:`BaseGradientHandler` constructed from `config`, `model` and `optimizer`. Args: config (dict or :class:`colossalai.context.Config`): A python dict or a :class:`colossalai.context.Config` object containing information used in the construction of the ``GRADIENT_HANDLER``. model (:class:`nn.Module`): A model containing parameters for the gradient handler optimizer (:class:`torch.optim.Optimizer`): An optimizer object containing parameters for the gradient handler Returns: An object of :class:`colossalai.engine.BaseGradientHandler` """ config_ = config.copy() config_['model'] = model config_['optimizer'] = optimizer return build_from_registry(config_, GRADIENT_HANDLER)