#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from typing import Iterable, Any from colossalai.nn.optimizer import ColossalaiOptimizer from torch.nn.parallel.distributed import DistributedDataParallel from torch.optim import Optimizer from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from colossalai.utils import conditional_context from colossalai.engine import BaseGradientHandler class GradAccumOptimizer(ColossalaiOptimizer): """A wrapper for the optimizer to enable gradient accumulation by skipping the steps before accumulation size is reached :param optim: your optimizer object :type optim: :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` :param accumulate_size: the number of steps to accumulate gradients :type accumualate_size: int :param model: your model object to check if it is DDP for special handling of no_sync() context :type model: :class:`torch.nn.Module` """ def __init__(self, optim: Optimizer, accumulate_size: int, model: nn.Module = None): super().__init__(optim) self.accumulate_size = accumulate_size self.accumulate_step = 0 # handle pytorch ddp auto all reduce self.model = model self.is_torch_ddp = isinstance(self.model, DistributedDataParallel) def zero_grad(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.accumulate_step == 0: self.optim.zero_grad(*args, **kwargs) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.accumulate_step < self.accumulate_size: return None else: self.accumulate_step = 0 return self.optim.step(*args, **kwargs) def clip_grad_norm(self, model: nn.Module, max_norm: float): if self.accumulate_step < self.accumulate_size: pass else: self.optim.clip_grad_norm(model, max_norm) def backward(self, loss: Tensor): self.accumulate_step += 1 if self.is_torch_ddp: no_sync = self.accumulate_step < self.accumulate_size with conditional_context(self.model.no_sync(), enable=no_sync): scaled_loss = loss / self.accumulate_size self.optim.backward(scaled_loss) else: scaled_loss = loss / self.accumulate_size self.optim.backward(scaled_loss) def backward_by_grad(self, tensor: Tensor, grad: Tensor): self.accumulate_step += 1 no_sync = self.is_torch_ddp and self.accumulate_step < self.accumulate_size if no_sync: with self.model.no_sync(): self.optim.backward_by_grad(tensor, grad) else: self.optim.backward_by_grad(tensor, grad) class GradAccumDataloader(): """A wrapper for dataloder to enable gradient accumulation by dropping the last incomplete steps. For example, if a dataloader has 10 batches of data and accumulate size is 4. The model paramters will be update only twice at step 4 and step 8. The last two batches of data do not form a complete 4-step cycle. Thus, they will be automatically skipped by this class. If the dataloader is not standard PyTorch dataloader, (e.g. Dali dataloader), this class will automatically consume (load data for nothing) the remaining 2 batches. :param dataloader: your dataloader object :type dataloader: Iterable :param accumulate_size: the number of steps to accumulate gradients :type accumualate_size: int """ def __init__(self, dataloader: Iterable, accumulate_size: int) -> None: self.dataloader = dataloader self.consume_remain_data = not isinstance(dataloader, DataLoader) self.steps_per_epoch = len(dataloader) - len(dataloader) % accumulate_size def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self.dataloader, __name) def __len__(self): return self.steps_per_epoch def __iter__(self): self._cur_step = 0 self._dataiter = iter(self.dataloader) return self def __next__(self) -> Any: if self._cur_step < self.steps_per_epoch: self._cur_step += 1 if self._cur_step == self.steps_per_epoch and self.consume_remain_data: # this is to handle non standard pytorch dataloader # such as dali dataloader while True: try: _ = next(self._dataiter) except StopIteration: break return next(self._dataiter) else: raise StopIteration class GradAccumLrSchedulerByStep(_LRScheduler): """A wrapper for the LR scheduler to enable gradient accumulation by skipping the steps before accumulation size is reached :param lr_scheduler: your lr scheduler object :type lr_scheduler: :class:`torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler` :param accumulate_size: the number of steps to accumulate gradients :type accumualate_size: int """ def __init__(self, lr_scheduler: _LRScheduler, accumulate_size: int) -> None: self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.accumulate_size = accumulate_size self.accumulate_step = 0 @staticmethod def compute_effective_steps_per_epoch(dataloader: Iterable, accumulate_size: int): return len(dataloader) // accumulate_size def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self.lr_scheduler, __name) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): self.accumulate_step += 1 if self.accumulate_step < self.accumulate_size: pass else: self.accumulate_step = 0 self.lr_scheduler.step(*args, **kwargs) def get_lr(self): return self.lr_scheduler.get_lr() def get_last_lr(self): return self.lr_scheduler.get_last_lr() def print_lr(self, *args, **kwargs): self.lr_scheduler.print_lr(*args, **kwargs) def state_dict(self) -> dict: return self.lr_scheduler.state_dict() def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: self.lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(state_dict) class GradAccumGradientHandler(): """A wrapper for the gradient handler to enable gradient accumulation by skipping the steps before accumulation size is reached :param grad_handler: your gradient handler object :type grad_handler: :class:`colossalai.engine.BaseGradientHandler` :param accumulate_size: the number of steps to accumulate gradients :type accumualate_size: int """ def __init__(self, grad_handler: BaseGradientHandler, accumulate_size: int) -> None: assert isinstance(grad_handler, BaseGradientHandler), \ f'expected grad_handler to be type BaseGradientHandler, but got {type(grad_handler)}' self.grad_handler = grad_handler self.accumulate_size = accumulate_size self.accumulate_step = 0 def handle_gradient(self): self.accumulate_step += 1 if self.accumulate_step < self.accumulate_size: pass else: self.accumulate_step = 0 self.grad_handler.handle_gradient()