# this code is inspired by the DeepSpeed library and implemented with our own design from scratch from functools import partial from typing import Optional import torch import torch.distributed as dist from torch.optim import Optimizer from colossalai.amp.naive_amp.grad_scaler import DynamicGradScaler from colossalai.context import ParallelMode from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc from colossalai.logging import get_dist_logger from colossalai.nn.optimizer import ColossalaiOptimizer from colossalai.tensor import ColoParameter, ProcessGroup from colossalai.utils.cuda import get_current_device from ._utils import ( calculate_global_norm_from_list, compute_norm, flatten, has_inf_or_nan, reduce_tensor_dp_group, release_param_grad, split_half_float_double, sync_param, ) from .bookkeeping import BucketStore, GradientStore, ParameterStore, TensorBucket class LowLevelZeroOptimizer(ColossalaiOptimizer): """Optimizer used for ZeRO-1 and ZeRO-2. """ def __init__( self, optimizer: Optimizer, initial_scale: int = 2**16, # grad scaler config min_scale: int = 1, growth_factor: float = 2., backoff_factor: float = .5, growth_interval: int = 2000, hysteresis: int = 2, max_scale: int = 2**24, clip_grad_norm: float = 0.0, # grad clipping verbose: bool = False, reduce_bucket_size: int = 1024 * 1024, # communication communication_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, overlap_communication: bool = False, partition_grad: bool = False, # stage 2 flag cpu_offload: bool = False, # cpu offload forced_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None): # TODO: add support for # 1. fp16 master weights # 2. contiguous gradients # 3. cpu offload # 4. support when some parameters requires_grad = False super(LowLevelZeroOptimizer, self).__init__(optim=optimizer) self._dtype = self.optim.param_groups[0]['params'][0].dtype self._logger = get_dist_logger() self._verbose = verbose # stage 2 self._partition_grads = partition_grad self._cpu_offload = cpu_offload colo_pg = self._search_colo_process_group() if isinstance(colo_pg, ProcessGroup): self._local_rank = colo_pg.dp_local_rank() self._world_size = colo_pg.dp_world_size() self._dp_global_ranks = colo_pg.get_ranks_in_dp() self._dp_torch_group = colo_pg.dp_process_group() self._mp_torch_group = None if colo_pg.tp_world_size() > 1: self._mp_torch_group = colo_pg.tp_process_group() elif colo_pg is None: dp_parallel_mode = ParallelMode.DATA mp_parallel_mode = ParallelMode.MODEL self._dp_parallel_mode = dp_parallel_mode self._mp_parallel_mode = mp_parallel_mode self._local_rank = gpc.get_local_rank(dp_parallel_mode) self._world_size = gpc.get_world_size(dp_parallel_mode) self._dp_global_ranks = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(dp_parallel_mode) self._dp_torch_group = gpc.get_group(dp_parallel_mode) self._mp_torch_group = None if gpc.is_initialized(mp_parallel_mode) and gpc.get_world_size(mp_parallel_mode) > 1: self._mp_torch_group = gpc.get_group(mp_parallel_mode) else: raise NotImplementedError # fp16 and fp32 params for mixed precision training self._fp16_param_groups = dict() self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank = dict() # communication params self._overlap_communication = overlap_communication self._reduce_bucket_size = reduce_bucket_size self._communication_dtype = communication_dtype # gradient scaler self.grad_scaler = DynamicGradScaler(initial_scale=initial_scale, min_scale=min_scale, growth_factor=growth_factor, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, growth_interval=growth_interval, hysteresis=hysteresis, max_scale=max_scale, verbose=verbose) self._found_overflow = torch.FloatTensor([0]).to(get_current_device()) # gradient clipping self._clip_grad_norm = clip_grad_norm if forced_dtype: for group in self.optim.param_groups: group_params = group['params'] for param in group_params: param.data = param.data.to(forced_dtype) self._dtype = forced_dtype # check argument conflict self._sanity_checks() # ParameterStore will manage the tensor buffers used for zero # it will not manage the tensors used by mixed precision training self._param_store = ParameterStore(self._dp_torch_group) self._grad_store = GradientStore(self._dp_torch_group) self._bucket_store = BucketStore(self._dp_torch_group) # iterate over the param group in the optimizer # partition these param groups for data parallel training # and add buffers to parameter store for future access for group_id, param_group in enumerate(self.optim.param_groups): group_params = list() for param in param_group['params']: if param.requires_grad: group_params.append(param) # add the fp16 params to fp16_param_groups for bookkeeping self._fp16_param_groups[group_id] = group_params # assign parameters to ranks # the params in the list are sorted params_per_rank = self._partition_param_list(group_params) # store the mapping between param to rank # each param should belong to only one rank for rank, params in enumerate(params_per_rank): self._param_store.add_fp16_param_list_by_rank_group(rank, group_id, params) for param in params: self._param_store.set_param_to_rank(param, rank) # move to cpu to make room to create the flat tensor # move_tensor(params, device='cpu') for param in group_params: param.data = param.data.cpu() # flatten the reordered tensors for rank in range(self._world_size): tensor_list = self._param_store.get_fp16_params_by_rank_group(rank, group_id) with torch.no_grad(): flat_tensor = flatten(tensor_list) flat_tensor = flat_tensor.data.cuda() self._param_store.add_flat_fp16_param_by_rank_group(rank, group_id, flat_tensor) # sync parameters for rank in range(self._world_size): flat_tensor = self._param_store.get_flat_fp16_param_by_rank_group(rank, group_id) tensor_list = self._param_store.get_fp16_params_by_rank_group(rank, group_id) sync_param(flat_tensor=flat_tensor, tensor_list=tensor_list) # create a copy of fp32 weights of the parameters for which this rank is responsible fp16_flat_current_rank = self._param_store.get_flat_fp16_param_by_rank_group(self._local_rank, group_id) fp32_flat_current_rank = fp16_flat_current_rank.float() device = 'cpu' if self._cpu_offload else get_current_device() fp32_flat_current_rank = fp32_flat_current_rank.to(device) fp32_flat_current_rank.requires_grad = True self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank[group_id] = fp32_flat_current_rank # need to replace the params in the `params` field in the optimizer # so that when the optimizer calls step(), it only updates the tensors # managed by this data parallel rank param_group['params'] = [fp32_flat_current_rank] # set reduction state for param in self._fp16_param_groups[group_id]: self._param_store.set_param_reduction_state(param, False) # intialize communication stream for # communication-compuation overlapping if self._overlap_communication: self._comm_stream = torch.cuda.Stream() # reduction hook is only used if overlapping communication # or stage 2 is used # if it is stage 1 without overlapping, no hook will be attached if self._overlap_communication or self._partition_grads: self._attach_reduction_hook() @property def dtype(self): return self._dtype @property def loss_scale(self): return self.grad_scaler.scale @property def num_param_groups(self): return len(self._fp16_param_groups) def _sanity_checks(self): assert torch.cuda.is_available(), 'CUDA is required' for param_group in self.optim.param_groups: group_params = param_group['params'] for param in group_params: assert param.dtype == self._dtype, \ f"Parameters are expected to have the same dtype `{self._dtype}`, but got `{param.dtype}`" def _search_colo_process_group(self): colo_flag = False colo_pg = None for param_group in self.optim.param_groups: group_params = param_group['params'] for param in group_params: if isinstance(param, ColoParameter): colo_flag = True if colo_pg is None: colo_pg = param.get_process_group() else: assert colo_pg == param.get_process_group(), "All parameters should be in a same process group" elif colo_flag: raise RuntimeError("All parameters should be ColoParameter if you use ColoParameter.") return colo_pg def _partition_param_list(self, param_list): params_per_rank = [[] for _ in range(self._world_size)] numel_per_rank = [0 for _ in range(self._world_size)] # partititon the parameters in a greedy fashion sorted_params = sorted(param_list, key=lambda x: x.numel(), reverse=True) for param in sorted_params: # allocate this parameter to the rank with # the smallest numel for load balancing purpose rank_to_go = numel_per_rank.index(min(numel_per_rank)) params_per_rank[rank_to_go].append(param) numel_per_rank[rank_to_go] += param.numel() if self._verbose: self._logger.info(f'Number of elements on ranks: {numel_per_rank}', ranks=[0]) return params_per_rank ########################### # Backward Reduction Hook # ########################### def _grad_handler(self, param, grad, reduce_rank): self._add_to_reduction_bucket(param, reduce_rank) return grad def _attach_reduction_hook(self): # we iterate over the fp16 params # on each param, we register a hook to its AccumulateGrad object for group_id in range(self.num_param_groups): param_group = self._fp16_param_groups[group_id] for param in param_group: if param.requires_grad: # determines the reduction destionation rank # this is only valid for stage 2 # dst_rank = None means using all-reduce # else using reduce if self._partition_grads: reduce_rank = self._param_store.get_param_rank(param) else: reduce_rank = None param.register_hook(partial(self._grad_handler, param, reduce_rank=reduce_rank)) def _reduce_tensor_bucket(self, bucket: TensorBucket, reduce_rank): if self._overlap_communication: torch.cuda.synchronize() self._param_store.clear_grads_of_previous_reduced_params() stream = self._comm_stream else: stream = torch.cuda.current_stream() with torch.cuda.stream(stream): flat = bucket.flatten() reduce_global_rank = None if reduce_rank is not None: reduce_global_rank = self._dp_global_ranks[reduce_rank] reduced_flat = reduce_tensor_dp_group(tensor=flat, dtype=self._communication_dtype, dst_local_rank=reduce_rank, dst_global_rank=reduce_global_rank, group=self._dp_torch_group) # update the reduced tensor if reduce_rank is None or reduce_rank == self._local_rank: bucket.unflatten_and_copy(reduced_flat) def _reduce_tensor_list_with_one_dtype(self, tensor_list, bucket_size, reduce_rank): param_bucket = TensorBucket(size=bucket_size) for tensor in tensor_list: param_bucket.add_to_bucket(tensor, allow_oversize=True) if param_bucket.is_full_or_oversized(): self._reduce_tensor_bucket(bucket=param_bucket, reduce_rank=reduce_rank) param_bucket.empty() if not param_bucket.is_empty(): self._reduce_tensor_bucket(bucket=param_bucket, reduce_rank=reduce_rank) def _reduce_grads(self, reduce_rank, grads, bucket_size): grad_buckets_by_dtype = split_half_float_double(grads) for tensor_list in grad_buckets_by_dtype: self._reduce_tensor_list_with_one_dtype(tensor_list=tensor_list, bucket_size=bucket_size, reduce_rank=reduce_rank) ####################### # Reduction Functions # ####################### def _run_reduction(self, reduce_rank=None): # reduce grads self._reduce_grads(reduce_rank=reduce_rank, grads=self._bucket_store.get_grad(reduce_rank=reduce_rank), bucket_size=self._bucket_store.num_elements_in_bucket(reduce_rank)) # use communication stream if overlapping # communication with computation if self._overlap_communication: stream = self._comm_stream else: stream = torch.cuda.current_stream() with torch.cuda.stream(stream): params_in_bucket = self._bucket_store.get_param(reduce_rank=reduce_rank) for param in params_in_bucket: # the is_param_reduced flag should be False showing that # this param is not reduced before calling self._reduce_grads_by_rank is_param_reduced = self._param_store.is_param_reduced(param) if is_param_reduced: msg = f'Parameter of size ({param.size()}) has been reduced, ' + \ 'duplicate reduction will lead to arithmetic incorrectness' raise RuntimeError(msg) # update the flag self._param_store.set_param_reduction_state(param, True) # if partition grads = True # we do not keep the gradient after reduction if self._partition_grads and not self._param_store.belongs_to_current_rank(param): if self._overlap_communication: # we need to keep this gradient for now as reduction may # be completed yet since it is using a different cuda stream self._param_store.add_previous_reduced_param(param) else: param.grad = None self._bucket_store.reset_by_rank(reduce_rank) def _add_to_reduction_bucket(self, param, reduce_rank=None): param_size = param.numel() # check if the bucket is full # if full, will reduce the grads already in the bucket # after reduction, the bucket will be empty if self._bucket_store.num_elements_in_bucket(reduce_rank) + param_size > self._reduce_bucket_size: self._run_reduction(reduce_rank) # the param must not be reduced to ensure correctness is_param_reduced = self._param_store.is_param_reduced(param) if is_param_reduced: msg = f'Parameter of size ({param.size()}) has already been reduced, ' \ + 'duplicate reduction will lead to arithmetic incorrectness' raise RuntimeError(msg) self._bucket_store.add_num_elements_in_bucket(param_size, reduce_rank) self._bucket_store.add_param(param, reduce_rank) ################################ # torch.optim.Optimizer methods ################################ def backward(self, loss, retain_graph=False, sync_grad=True): loss = self.loss_scale * loss loss.backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) # finish gradient reduction if not self._partition_grads: self._reduce_grad_stage1() else: # TODO: support async comm in reduce self._reduce_grad_stage2() # clear reduced grads if self._overlap_communication: torch.cuda.synchronize() self._param_store.clear_grads_of_previous_reduced_params() # gradient synchronization if sync_grad: self._sync_grad() def zero_grad(self, set_to_none=True): """ Set parameter gradients to zero. If set_to_none = True, gradient will be set to None to save memory. :param set_to_none: Whether set the gradient to None. Default value is True. :type set_to_none: bool """ for _, param_group in self._fp16_param_groups.items(): for param in param_group: if set_to_none: param.grad = None else: if param.grad is not None: param.grad.detach() param.grad.zero_() #################### # Update Parameter # #################### def step(self, closure=None): assert closure is None, 'closure is not supported by step()' # check for overflow found_inf = self._check_overflow() self.grad_scaler.update(found_inf) # update loss scale if overflow occurs if found_inf: self._grad_store.reset_all_average_gradients() if self._verbose: self._logger.info(f'Found overflow. Skip step') self.zero_grad() return # copy the grad of fp16 param to fp32 param single_grad_partition_groups = [] norm_groups = [] for group_id in range(self.num_param_groups): # compute norm norm_group = compute_norm(gradients=self._grad_store.get_averaged_gradients_by_group(group_id), params=self._param_store.get_fp16_params_by_rank_group(group_id=group_id, rank=self._local_rank), dp_group=self._dp_torch_group, mp_group=self._mp_torch_group) norm_groups.append(norm_group) # create flat gradient for the flat fp32 params fp16_avg_grads = self._grad_store.get_averaged_gradients_by_group(group_id) flat_fp16_avg_grads = flatten(fp16_avg_grads) dtype = self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank[group_id].dtype flat_fp32_avg_grads = flat_fp16_avg_grads.to(dtype) param_shape = self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank[group_id].shape assert param_shape == flat_fp32_avg_grads.shape, \ f'fp32 param and grad have different shape {param_shape} vs {flat_fp32_avg_grads.shape}' single_grad_partition_groups.append(flat_fp32_avg_grads) device = self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank[group_id].device self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank[group_id].grad = flat_fp32_avg_grads.to(device) self._grad_store.reset_average_gradients_by_group(group_id) # unscale and clip grads global_norm = calculate_global_norm_from_list(norm_list=norm_groups) self._unscale_and_clip_grads(single_grad_partition_groups, global_norm) # update the parameters self.optim.step() # release the fp32 grad release_param_grad(self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank.values()) # update fp16 partition updated by the current rank for group_id in range(len(self._fp16_param_groups)): fp16_param = self._param_store.get_flat_fp16_param_by_rank_group(rank=self._local_rank, group_id=group_id) fp32_param = self._fp32_flat_param_groups_of_current_rank[group_id] fp16_param.data.copy_(fp32_param) # broadcast the updated model weights handles = [] for group_id in range(self.num_param_groups): for index in range(self._world_size): rank = self._dp_global_ranks[index] fp16_param = self._param_store.get_flat_fp16_param_by_rank_group(rank=index, group_id=group_id) handle = dist.broadcast(fp16_param, src=rank, group=self._dp_torch_group, async_op=True) handles.append(handle) for handle in handles: handle.wait() ################## # FP16 Utilities # ################## def _check_overflow(self): # clear previous overflow record self._found_overflow.fill_(0.0) # check for overflow for group_id in range(len(self._fp16_param_groups)): for avg_grad in self._grad_store.get_averaged_gradients_by_group(group_id): if avg_grad is not None and has_inf_or_nan(avg_grad): self._found_overflow.fill_(1.0) break # all-reduce across dp group dist.all_reduce(self._found_overflow, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self._dp_torch_group) # all-reduce over model parallel group if self._mp_torch_group: dist.all_reduce(self._found_overflow, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self._mp_torch_group) if self._found_overflow.item() > 0: return True else: return False def _unscale_and_clip_grads(self, grad_groups_flat, total_norm): # compute combined scale factor for this group combined_scale = self.loss_scale if self._clip_grad_norm > 0.: # norm is in fact norm*scale clip = ((total_norm / self.loss_scale) + 1e-6) / self._clip_grad_norm if clip > 1: combined_scale = clip * self.loss_scale for grad in grad_groups_flat: grad.data.mul_(1. / combined_scale) ############################ # Gradient Synchronization # ############################ def _sync_grad(self): # update param already reduced flag reduction_states = self._param_store.get_param_reduction_states() for tensor, _ in reduction_states.items(): reduction_states[tensor] = False # accumulate gradient for group_id in range(self.num_param_groups): param_group = self._param_store.get_fp16_params_by_rank_group(self._local_rank, group_id) avg_gradients_group = self._grad_store.get_averaged_gradients_by_group(group_id) param_idx = 0 for param in param_group: if param.grad is not None: if len(avg_gradients_group) == param_idx: self._grad_store.append_average_gradient_by_group(group_id, param.grad) else: self._grad_store.add_average_gradient_by_group(group_id, param_idx, param.grad) param_idx += 1 # the gradients needed are stored in the avg_gradients buffer # thus, can clear this self.zero_grad() def _reduce_grad_stage1(self): # if not overlapping communication (no reduction hook is attached) # we need to manually reduce these gradients if not self._overlap_communication: for group_id in range(len(self._fp16_param_groups)): param_group = self._fp16_param_groups[group_id] for param in param_group: if param.grad is not None: self._add_to_reduction_bucket(param) # we need to reduce the gradients # left in the communication bucket self._run_reduction() def _reduce_grad_stage2(self): # when partition_grads is True, reduction hooks # are attached in the __init__ function, so we # only need to reduce the gradients # left in the communication bucket for reduce_rank in range(self._world_size): self._run_reduction(reduce_rank)