import operator from functools import reduce from typing import Dict from colossalai.tensor.d_tensor.comm_spec import CollectiveCommPattern, CommSpec from colossalai.tensor.d_tensor.layout import Layout def get_comm_cost(layout: Layout, comm_spec: CommSpec, forward_only: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: ''' This method is used to compute the communication cost for a given layout and comm_spec. For all_gather, all2all, and all_reduce operation, the formula provided in DeviceMesh with alpha-beta model is used to compute the communication cost. For shard operation, it is an on-chip operation, so the communication cost is a tiny cost. Args: layout: the layout of the tensor. comm_spec: the comm_spec to instruct the communication operation. forward_only: if it is True, we will just count the forward communication cost. If it is False, we will count both forward and backward communication cost. ''' comm_size = reduce(operator.mul, layout.get_sharded_shape_per_device(), 1) device_mesh = layout.device_mesh comm_pattern = comm_spec.comm_pattern logical_process_axis = comm_spec.logical_process_axis cost_dict = {} if comm_pattern == CollectiveCommPattern.GATHER_FWD_SPLIT_BWD: # the comm size for all gather is the size of the gathered tensor gather_dim = comm_spec.gather_dim all_gather_axis = layout.sharding_spec.dim_partition_dict[gather_dim][-1] all_gather_size = device_mesh.shape[all_gather_axis] comm_size_for_all_gather = comm_size * all_gather_size forward_communication_cost = device_mesh.all_gather_cost(comm_size_for_all_gather, logical_process_axis) # give a tiny cost to shard backward_communication_cost = 100 if comm_pattern == CollectiveCommPattern.ALL2ALL_FWD_ALL2ALL_BWD: forward_communication_cost = device_mesh.all_to_all_cost(comm_size, logical_process_axis) # grad should have same shape as input tensor # all to all operation has same logical process axis as forward. backward_communication_cost = device_mesh.all_to_all_cost(comm_size, logical_process_axis) if comm_pattern == CollectiveCommPattern.ALLREDUCE_FWD_IDENTITY_BWD: forward_communication_cost = device_mesh.all_reduce_cost(comm_size, logical_process_axis) backward_communication_cost = 0 if comm_pattern == CollectiveCommPattern.IDENTITY_FWD_ALLREDUCE_BWD: forward_communication_cost = 0 backward_communication_cost = device_mesh.all_reduce_cost(comm_size, logical_process_axis) if comm_pattern == CollectiveCommPattern.SPLIT_FWD_GATHER_BWD: # give a tiny cost to shard forward_communication_cost = 100 backward_communication_cost = device_mesh.all_gather_cost(comm_size, logical_process_axis) if forward_only: cost_dict["forward"] = forward_communication_cost cost_dict["backward"] = 0 cost_dict["total"] = cost_dict["forward"] + cost_dict["backward"] else: cost_dict["forward"] = forward_communication_cost cost_dict["backward"] = backward_communication_cost cost_dict["total"] = cost_dict["forward"] + cost_dict["backward"] return cost_dict