import torch from ..registry import meta_patched_function @meta_patched_function.register(torch.matmul) @meta_patched_function.register('matmul') # for built-in op @ def torch_matmul(input, other, *, out=None): # copied from huggingface.utils.fx d1 = input.dim() d2 = other.dim() shape = None if d1 == 1 and d2 == 1: shape = None elif d1 == 2 and d2 == 2: shape = (input.size(0), other.size(1)) elif d1 == 1 and d2 == 2: shape = (other.size(1),) elif d1 == 2 and d2 == 1: shape = (input.size(0),) else: max_length = max(input.dim(), other.dim()) shape1 = list(input.shape) shape2 = list(other.shape) if d1 == 1: shape1 = [1] + shape1 if d2 == 1: shape2.append(1) shape1 = [-1] * (max_length - d1) + list(input.shape) shape2 = [-1] * (max_length - d2) + list(other.shape) shape = [] for i in range(max_length): shape.append(max(shape1[i], shape2[i])) shape[-2] = shape1[-2] shape[-1] = shape2[-1] if d1 == 1: shape.pop(-2) if d2 == 1: shape.pop(-1) if shape is None: return torch.tensor(0.0, device="meta") return torch.empty(*shape, device="meta") @meta_patched_function.register(torch.abs) def torch_abs(input, *, out=None): assert out is None, 'out is not supported yet' return torch.empty(input.shape, device='meta') @meta_patched_function.register(torch.bmm) def torch_bmm(input, mat2, *, out=None): if out is not None: raise ValueError("Don't support in-place abs for MetaTensor analysis") batch_size, n, m = input.shape _, _, p = mat2.shape return torch.empty(batch_size, n, p, device="meta") @meta_patched_function.register(torch.addbmm) @meta_patched_function.register(torch.Tensor.addbmm) def torch_addbmm(input, mat1, mat2, *, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None): if out is not None: raise ValueError("Don't support in-place abs for MetaTensor analysis") batch_size, n, m = mat1.shape _, _, p = mat2.shape return torch.empty(n, p, device="meta") @meta_patched_function.register(torch.var_mean) def torch_var_mean(input, dim, unbiased=True, keepdim=False, *, out=None): assert out is None, 'saving to out is not supported yet' var = torch.empty(1).squeeze(0).to('meta') mean = torch.empty(1).squeeze(0).to('meta') return var, mean