diffusers fbgemm-gpu==0.2.0 pytest coverage==7.2.3 git+https://github.com/hpcaitech/pytest-testmon torchvision transformers==4.33.0 timm titans torchaudio torchx-nightly==2022.6.29 # torchrec 0.2.0 requires torchx-nightly. This package is updated every day. We fix the version to a specific date to avoid breaking changes. torchrec==0.2.0 contexttimer einops triton==2.1.0 requests==2.27.1 # downgrade to avoid huggingface error https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/17611 SentencePiece ninja flash_attn==2.0.5 datasets pydantic ray #auto-gptq now not support torch1.12